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1- Objectives

- To examine and study the differences between the ductile and brittle fracture
- To identify types of the materials (crystal structures BCC, FCC etc.) based on the
impact test
- To learn and identify DBTT for steel alloys
2- Introduction
One of the most important methods to evaluate the toughness of engineering
materials is the impact test. Charpy test where the sample is penned horizontally
and the strike will strike the notch. In the Izod test the sample is clamped vertically
facing the hammer with the notch. Ductile fracture is known by excessive
deformation of plastic and consumes high amount of energy. The fracture face
shows the evidence of plastic deformation. However, Brittle fracture is known as
rapid cracking for a material. Also, the surface is flat meaning that the surface has
no evidence of plastic deformation.
3- Experimental Procedure
We place the pendulum in the starting point then we put the object in terms of Izod
or Charpy tests, then the striker will strike them to calculate the absorbed energy
from the scale after the impact of the striker.
4- Results and discussion
    Impact Energy (J)  
Material Material Material Materia
No. Temp (°C)
1 2 3 l4
1 -200 7 6 5 40
2 -150 8 6 5 41
3 -100 15 6 5 43
4 -50 43 10 5 46
5 0 47 37 8 47
6 50 47 38 27 48
7 100 47 38 35 49
8 150 47 38 35 50
DBTT -75 -30 35  NA

Impact energy vs tempereture


50 Material
Impact energy

20 3
10 4

-250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200





As we can see at high temperature, we have a Ductile fracture while in the

room temperature we have both Ductile and Brittle fracture and at low
temperature we have a Brittle fracture.
M1: Brittle range -200 to -75 --- Ductile range -75 to 150
M2: Brittle range -200 to -30 --- Ductile range -30 to 150
M3: Brittle range -200 to 35 --- Ductile range 35 to 1

5- Conclusion
It was demonstrated in the results and discussion by the following, we
determined the DBTT for the three materials -75, -30,35, respectively. Then we
determined that the first three materials having BCC crystal structure, where the
last material has FCC structure. Finally, we determined where the ranges for the
ductile and brittle fraction.

6- References
- ME 217 Impact test 191, Mr. Hafiz Raza

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