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EdW6 Learning Outcome 3 Skills 🏹

Activity 1. 21st Century Skills. You are required to post an entry in a Multinational Company HR Department blog to apply for a job.
You need to discuss your experiences with the “21st Century Character Skills” in a short bio. Read and complete the entries below.

HUMAN RESOURCES BLOG ENTRY 1. Your 21st Century Short Bio

 Choose one of the title options and write between 120 and 160 words.
 Underline and/or color your key ideas and vocabulary. (At least 3).
 Use expressions learned from the material or on your own (At least 3).
 Use connectors, capitalization, and punctuation properly.

Title option.

Intro: click here to introduce text.

Body: click here to introduce text.

Framework for 21st Century Learning Conclusion: click here to introduce text.
In today’s competitive and complex job market people require not only their
Additional Instructions: you can add more paragraphs to the body section of the article.
specialized knowledge, but general abilities and qualities. We are not defined
by a position in a company, anyone can be a worker, an employee, a manager
or a leader and we are also perpetual learners, teachers, and evaluators.
Therefore, we all need to be ready to assume every role anytime. Here is a
summary of literacies, competencies, and qualities.

Core Knowledge Subjects & Themes:

Select an option.

Life, Career and Character Qualities:

Select an option.

Information/Media/Technology Skills:

Select an option.

Learning & Problem-Solving Abilities:

EdW6 Learning Outcome 3 Skills 🏹
Select an option.

As an answer to this blog entry, write a short bio telling your life experiences
related to a chosen life, career, or character quality on the right.
Source: Wikimedia Commons. By Charles Fadel and Krishna Chaitanya Velaga
EdW6 Learning Outcome 3 Skills 🏹

Activity 2. My Life Plan. For this evidence you must think of your long-term plans and set short term goals to reach them. Write
between 120 and 180 words including the title and the three paragraphs. Use vocabulary, expressions and structures learned from unit

LIFE PLAN COMPOSITION MODEL 2. Your Life Plan Composition

 Use mixed simple tenses (past, present, and future).

 Include expressions learned in the unit’s material (at least 5).
 Use proper connectors, punctuation, and capitalization.

Title: click here to introduce text.

My Life Project
Thoughts: click here to introduce text.
What I think and feel: my life plan is ambitious; I am going to complete a
Actions: click here to introduce text.
university major one day in what promotes my creativity and inspires me . I will
love my family and I am going to expand it. I will travel abroad for a time, but I Necessities: click here to introduce text.
am going to buy a country house here in Colombia.
Additional Instructions: include a personalized representative image
What I will do and must do: to achieve my dreams, I must get up early and
study hard, I will be disciplined and autonomous. I must choose the right major
for me, and I also need to find the right partner. I must learn other languages
and get used to different people.

What I expect and need: I must save money, get a better job, know more about
other cultures, and keep a positive attitude every day. I expect to be fulfilled as
a person in all my dimensions of being and I need to be healthy and to develop
EdW6 Learning Outcome 3 Skills 🏹
all my skills, abilities, and intelligence.

Source: Wikimedia Commons. By Androidmarsexpress - Own work

EdW6 Learning Outcome 3 Skills 🏹

Activity 3. Making a Change. Read a short biography about Rodolfo Llinás and his productivity and how he holds accountable formal
education. Think about your life in relation to productivity and accountability, respond the answers and record an audio for them.


 Use simple tenses (past, present, and future).

 Include key words related to productivity (at least 2).
 Include expressions related to accountability (at least 2).
 Use proper connectors, punctuation, and capitalization.

Describe an authority or responsibility position you relate to:

Personal Productivity: Rodolfo Llinás select a Colombian neuroscientist. He

Answer: click here to introduce text.

select his MD from Universidad Javeriana in 1959 and his PhD in 1965.
How are you productive in your personal and occupational life?
While he was still studying medicine, he select the chance to travel to
Answer: click here to introduce text.
Europe where he select in some experiments about electricity and the

brain. After he select from medical school, he select to the United Who are you accountable to in your personal or occupational life?

States to work in the field of neurosurgery. He select disappointed Answer: click here to introduce text.

because that work was not about the brain. In 1962, he select for the Marine .

3B. Your Audio

Biological Laboratory in Massachusetts. Then he select to Australia to
 Save your audio online, you can use or drive for example.
do his PhD research. In 1966 he went to Minneapolis and select there as an  Get the file link and copy it below to share it with your tutor.
 Alternatively, attach the mp3 file to the assignment submission.
associate professor. Nowadays, he select in New York and he select a

chairman in a Physiology & Neuroscience Department. Audio Link: click here to introduce text.

Education Accountability: he thinks Colombian education is as low-quality as Additional Instructions: check this video tutorial for using Vocaroo on a computer.

anywhere in the world because it does not develop base concepts. It rather
focuses on short-term memory, not understanding, and that results in forgetting
quickly. He says that once people understand something, they do not forget
EdW6 Learning Outcome 3 Skills 🏹
about it, and that is achieved with context-based learning. He says that the
government should invest more in education because it improves people’s
lives. He says that teachers are not well-paid, society does not appreciate
teachers enough, and that schools do not have enough material to educate. He
says that if all these issues are considered, we can plan for an Educated

Source: YouTube channel:

EdW6 Learning Outcome 3 Skills 🏹

Assessment Rubric. This is what is evaluated from your learning evidence and how it is graded. Use this rubric for self-assessment
(auto-evaluation) to review your learning experience from your strengths and weak points.

Criterion and Weight Below Standards -69% Meets Standards 70-89% Exceed Standards 90-100% Numeric
Does not use and combine simple Uses and combines simple tenses Uses and combines simple and
Grammar and perfect tenses according to the and perfect tenses according to the perfect, expected structures and write a number.
expected structures and expressions. expected structures and expressions. expressions in an analytical way.
20 points
0-13 points ☐ 14-18 points ☐ 19-20 points ☐

Does not use idioms and related Uses idioms and related vocabulary Expresses idioms and vocabulary
Communication vocabulary to share past and current to share past and current experiences about past and current experiences in write a number.
experiences and plans. and plans. an attractive way.
20 points
0-13 points ☐ 14-18 points ☐ 19-20 points ☐

Does not present biographies and life Presents biographies and life plans Presents biographies and life plans
Topic plans according to productivity goals according to productivity goals and for productivity and accountability write a number.
and accountability scenarios. accountability scenarios. with a creative approach.
10 points
0-6 points ☐ 7-9 points ☐ 10 points ☐

Depends, or abuses automatic Does not depend on or abuse Refers to tools or sources used and
Process translation. Does not use the model automatic translation. Uses the model demonstrates learning from them, not write a number.
as guide and copies from it. as guide and does not copy from it. depending on them.
20 points
0-13 points ☐ 14-18 points ☐ 19-20 points ☐

Does not complete all the expected Completes all the expected activities Completes the file as expected using
Presentation activities in this file using proper from this file using proper English, proper English with a formal write a number.
punctuation and capitalization. punctuation, and capitalization. academic tone and resources.
10 points
0-6 points ☐ 7-9 points ☐ 10 points ☐

Does not demonstrate using own Demonstrates using own voice and Demonstrates an advanced-basic
Speaking voice and previously listening to what previously listening to what is going to pronunciation level (A2.3) with own write a number.
is going to be pronounced. be pronounced. voice and good pronunciation.
20 points
0-13 points ☐ 14-18 points ☐ 19-20 puntos ☐

Feedback You need to improve your learning You have done a good job, but there You did an excellent job and you write the total.
evidence. are opportunities to improve. probably learned a lot.

General Evidence Instructions. Your work on this file evidence is based on the course material for unit 3 and the use of simple tenses
learned up to this level in the context of biographies and life stories from an accountability and productivity perspective.
EdW6 Learning Outcome 3 Skills 🏹
To know more about how this evidence is properly completed, do not forget to attend the Live Online Session corresponding to unit 3.
You can also use the “FAQ Forum” to ask your questions or contact your tutor via email or chat as indicated in the platform.

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