1 - My Self and My Hobbies

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Day 2,

Personal Identity
A. Greetings

Greetings Responses

Good morning/Good afternoon/ Good morning/Good afternoon/

Good night/Good evening... Good night/Good evening...
morning/afternoon/night/evening... morning/afternoon/night/evening...

Greetings Formal Responses

Hello Hello
Hi Hi
How are you doing? I’m doing well/I’m doing great!
How are you? I’m great
I’m fine
How’s it going? Great

Hey Hey
Fantastic Can’t complain
Pretty good
How are you? Couldn’t be better Things are good

Hangin’ in there
Not bad
Been better Terrible
I’m alright
Not so great

What’s new? Not much

What’s going on? Nothing much
What’s up? Nothing


B. Leave-takings
1. Bye /Good-Bye
2. See you
3. See You later / Later
4. See you tomorrow
5. See you in a few (In a few means in a few minutes or hours)
6. See you around
7. See you next time
8. See you when I see you
9. Take care
C. Introducing Myself
asking responses
What’s your name? My name is _______ / I’m _______
Where are you from? I’m from ________ (city)
Where is your address? My address is at ___________ (no,nama jalan,kota)
How old are you? I’m _____ years old.

What do you do? I’m a/an ________.*

What do you do during the day? I work as a/an __________.
What is your job? I’m a/an __________.
What is your occupation? I’m a/an ________.

What is your last education? My last education is _____ **

What is your major? My major is _____***
What school do (did) you go to? I go (went) to _______ (nama sekolah/kampus)
Where do (did) you study? I study (studied) at _________ (nama sekolah/kampus)
Where do (did) you work? I work (worked) at ________ ****

Where did you come to pare? I come here on _______

How long have you been staying in pare? I’v been being here since ________

Why do you study english? I study english because _____ / To ________

What is your purpose in studying english? To _______

*pROFESSION technician mechanic fireman police etc.

chief lecture hairstylist politician
computer specialist artist barber
office worker soldier reporter
teacher architect pilot fisherman
banker sales doctor scientist engineer
lawyer lawyer sailor editor

**Education vocational high school (SMA) associate degree (S2)

junior high school (SMP) bachelor degree (S1) Islamic boarding school (pesantren)
senior high school (SMA) master degree (S2)

***Major humanities ***subject

accounting science english
journalism etc. physics etc.
economics arts biology chemistry
philoshophy music
history marketing sosiology math geography

****PLACE OF work agency company corporation business firm enterprise plant factory
office firm bank hospital hotel school university library theater museum art gallery
agency company corporation business firm enterprise plant factory restaurant department store
restaurant department store film company insurance company advertising agency travel agency

asah praktekkan expression dan vocabularies di atas

skills dengan permainan face to face dan talking stick......
Interest (Hobby/Job)

A. Expression
asking responses

Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I like/love/enjoy ...

What is (are) your hobby (hobbies)? My hobbies are _____, _______, and _______ .

I like ...
What do you like to do in your spare time? have look at
In my free time, + I love ... the table of hobbies above
What kind of free time activities do you prefer? I enjoy ...
I hate

I like ...
I love ... have look at
What else do you like to do? I enjoy ... the table of hobbies above
I hate

every ... (Saturday/Sunday/Thursday evening/night/morning)

How often you do your free time actifity? once or twice ... (a week, a month, a year)
I don’t get the chance to do it often

Where you do your hobby at the park near my house

or free time activity? a cafe in the city center

I started ______ when I was ______.

When you starting doing it? I’v been learning to _____ for ____ months now.

My friends got me into _____

Why you starting doing it?
I decide to ____ because I wanted to be _____

I like
climbing because it’s really exiting
I love
I enjoy
+ doing yoga because it’s so relaxing
writing stories because it’s creative, and I like using my imagination
Why do you like/enjoy (don’t like/don’t enjoy) I hate
your hobbies?
I don’t like ____ because it’s tiring,
I hate ____ because I find it boring
I’v been trying to learn to ____, but it’s too hard

things people can do at home something more creative
watching TV, reading, cooking taking foto, painting, writing story,
writing a blog, vlogging

sports social activities

- playing football, playing basketball, playing tennis hanging out with friends, relaxing with my family,
- going swimming, going jogging, going climbing going shopping, having coffe with my friends
- doing boxing, doing judo, doing yoga

asah Please make a conversation with your friend.

Discussing your and his/her hobbies!

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