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Past Present Future

S + was/were + ANA S + am/is/are + ANA S + will be + ANA

Non Verbal Simple He was serious He is handsome I will be more serious
(Kemarin) Dia serius Dia ganteng Saya akan lebih serius


S + had been + ANA S + have/has been + ANA S + will have been + ANA
Perfect This town had been crowded She has been beautiful Tom will have been successful
Kota ini (pernah) ramai Dia (dari dulu - skrng) cantik Tom akan sukses (dimasa depan)

S + V2 + X S + V1(s/es) + X S + will + V1 + X
Active Verbal Simple My mother went to the market A lion sleep under the tree My boyfriend will go

me- / ber - Ibuku (kemarin) pergi ke pasar Seekor singa tidur (skrng) di bawah pohon Cowok gue bakal pergi

S + was/were + V-ing + X S + am/is/are + V-ing + X S + will be + V-ing + X

Continous My Tutor was giving me motivation They are waiting in the park My uncle will be talking with me
Tutorku (kemarin-sdng) memberikan motivasi Mereka (skrng-sdng) menunggu di taman Pamanku (besok-sdng) akan ngobrol denganku

S + had + V3 + X S + have/has + V3 + X S + will have + V3 + X

Perfect This morning, I had done my homework He has eaten the breakfast. Bambang will have washed his car.
Pagi tadi, saya (sudah-slsai) mengerjakan PR-ku dari jam...sampai... Dia (barusaja-slesai) memakan sarapannya. Bambang akan (selesai) mencuci mobilnya
S + have/has been + V-ing + X
Pfct. C – LATER – Pak Tatang has been leading this company from 2018 to 2024 – LATER –
Pak Tatang akan memimpin perusahaan in dari 2018 sampai 2024

S + was/were + V3 + (by) X S + am/is/are + V3 + (by) X S + will be + V3 + (by) X

Passive Verbal Simple The cake was eaten by mouse A letter is written by Maria A fish will be cooked in the party

di- / ter - Kuenya (kemarin) dimakan tikus Sebuah surat ditulis (skrng) oleh Maria Seekor ikan akan dibakar di pesta

S + was/were being + V3 + (by) X S + am/is/are being + V3 + (by) X

Continous Some examples was being given They are being waited in the park
Beberapa contoh (tadi-sdng) diberikan Mereka (skrng-sdng) ditunggu di taman

S + had been + V3 + (by) X S + have/has been + V3 + (by) X S + will have been + V3 + (by) X
Perfect This morning, my homework had been done The bulding has been fire. My homework will have been done.
Pagi tadi, PR-ku (sudah-slsai) dikerjakan dari jam...sampai jam... Gedung itu (barusaja-slesai) terbakar. PR-ku akan (selesai) diselesaikan.
Past Present Future
S + was/were + ANA S + am/is/are + ANA S + will be + ANA
Non Verbal Simple He was serious He is handsome I will be more serious
(Kemarin) Dia serius Dia ganteng Saya akan lebih serius

S + V2 + X S + V1(s/es) + X S + will + V1 + X
Simple My mother went to the market A lion sleep under the tree My boyfriend will go
Ibuku (kemarin) pergi ke pasar Seekor singa tidur (skrng) di bawah pohon Cowok gue bakal pergi

S + was/were + V-ing + X S + am/is/are + V-ing + X S + will be + V-ing + X

Active Verbal Continous My Tutor was giving me motivation They are waiting in the park My uncle will be talking with me
Tutorku (kemarin-sdng) memberikan motivasi Mereka (skrng-sdng) menunggu di taman Pamanku (besok-sdng) akan ngobrol denganku
me- / ber -
S + had + V3 + X S + have/has + V3 + X S + will have + V3 + X
Perfect This morning, I had done my homework He has eaten the breakfast. Bambang will have washed his car.
Pagi tadi, saya (sudah-slsai) mengerjakan PR-ku dari jam...sampai... Dia (barusaja-slesai) memakan sarapannya. Bambang akan (selesai) mencuci mobilnya
S + have/has been + V-ing + X
Pfct. C – LATER – Pak Tatang has been leading this company from 2018 to 2024 – LATER –
Pak Tatang akan memimpin perusahaan in dari 2018 sampai 2024

Passive Verbal S + was/were + V3 + (by) X S + am/is/are + V3 + (by) X S + will be + V3 + (by) X

Simple The cake was eaten by mouse A letter is written by Maria A fish will be cooked in the party
di- / ter - Kuenya (kemarin) dimakan tikus Sebuah surat ditulis (skrng) oleh Maria Seekor ikan akan dibakar di pesta
Base form Past tense Past participle Base form Past tense Past participle
be was/were been hear heard heard
begin began begun hold held held
break broke broken keep kept kept
bring brought brought know knew known
buy bought bought leave left left
build built built lead led led
choose chose chosen let let let
come came come lie lay lain
cost cost cost lose lost lost
cut cut cut make made made
do did done mean meant meant
draw drew drawn meet met met
drive drove driven pay paid paid
eat ate eaten put put put
feel felt felt run ran run
find found found say said said
get got got see saw seen
give gave given sell sold sold
go went gone send sent sent
have had had set set set
sit sat sat
spe ak spoke spoke n
spe n d spe n t spe n t
stan d stood stood
take took take n
te ach tau gh t tau gh t
te ll told told
th in k th ou gh t th ou gh t
u n de rstan d u n de rstood u n de rstood
w e ar w ore w orn
w in w on w on
w rite w rote w ritte n

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