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Week one Assignment-Raquel Sanchez

Week one Assignment

Raquel Sanchez

Florida National University

Business Modeling

Week one Assignment-Raquel Sanchez


Strategic decisions: Strategic decisions in a company are those that commit a substantial

amount of resources, generate and guide a cascade of subsequent decisions. They are complex, it

is difficult to structure them. They are not routine, in that they are taken very from time to time,

but they determine the future of the company in the medium and long term.

Operational decisions: Knowing the daily operations of your company is a symptom of

managerial quality. It allows a manager to know the difficulties that his people encounter on a

day-to-day basis. It transmits the security among its people that when the management makes

decisions it takes into account the possible difficulties in order to implement them. On the

contrary, the manager who does not know the day-to-day operations of his company, does not

find out what is happening. It does not convey confidence in his people. It is very ineffective.

Business Analytics: Business Analysis is the set of tasks and techniques used to work as a

link between stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies, and operations of an

organization to recommend solutions that allow it to achieve its goals.

A query is used to extract information from a database. Allows you to manipulate data:

add, delete and change. This is how we will use this word.

However, you don't just have to write a random “request”. You must write your query

based on a set of predefined codes, so that your database can understand the instruction. We refer

to this code as the query language.

Using a dashboard to monitor all the parameters of the company and have a real image of

what happens inside and outside it is the ideal tool for executives and managers. With the

scorecard you will know what the health of the company is and its evolution from a general point

of view.
Week one Assignment-Raquel Sanchez


a. The age can take any quantity from 1 to 100 or even more than that. Hence, it is a

quantitative data.

b. There are only two categories, male and female. Hence is a categorical data

c. Here, six categories have been provided for determining the starting point of reading WSJ.

Hence, it is a categorical data.

d. The time period of the present job can take different values. Hence, it is a quantitative data.

e. There are nine vehicle categories that can be chosen for the next purchase. Hence, it is a

categorical data.

 South Africa Africa 408,074

 Nigeria Africa 238,920

 Egypt Africa 235,719

 Algeria Africa 190,709

 Angola Africa 100,948

 Germany Europe 3,577,031

 France Europe 2,776,324

 United Kingdom Europe 2,417,570

 Italy Europe 2,198,730

 Spain Europe 1,493,513

Carrier Previous Year Current Year

Week one Assignment-Raquel Sanchez

On-time On-time
Percentage Percentage
Rapid Response 78.8% 70.9%

Previous Year Current Year

On-time On-time
Carrier Percentage Percentage
Rapid Response 78.8% 70.9% 7.9%
Honsin Limited 74.2% 80.1% -5.9%
Jones Brothers 68.9% 82.8% -13.9%
Company 91.0% 84.2% 6.8%
Super Freight 92.1% 86.8% 5.3%
Granite State
Carriers 81.8% 87.6% -5.8%
Smith Logistics 84.3% 88.7% -4.4%
Cheetah LLC 89.3% 91.8% -2.5%
Blue Box Shipping 88.4% 94.8% -6.4%

They must use Rapid response, Minuteman Company and Super Freight because they are the

most growing carriers and will provide more profits in the future

6- a.

Time per Week on Meetings

Week one Assignment-Raquel Sanchez


- A good financial advisor will teach you how to prioritize your business plans and needs

so that what is most important is addressed first.

- A financial advisor will give you the arguments from the figures and from the business to make

better decisions.

- The fact of having someone from outside to support you in analyzing results, defining action

plans, prioritizing and executing, will give new encouragement to the entrepreneur and his work

team to put into practice those ideas that they had in mind but had never been executed. .

- Financial issues are a mystery per se, especially if the manager lacks this financial knowledge. A

good financial advisor will help you understand the mystery behind finances, and you will
Week one Assignment-Raquel Sanchez

understand the principles that govern them, which will also be simple once you know and apply


- During financial counseling, he will understand the correct levers and buttons to tap in his

organization or environment in order to achieve the expected results.


Ross, S. A. (2017). Essentials of Corporate Finance. Mc Graw Hill.

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