4 6 January2Oo8: Coach Nirpttor

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C OACH: How did your

interest in football and
athletics develop grow-
ing up in Ytiba City, CA?
PETERSEN: My (lad, Ron. was a
junior college football aiach al Yiiba
College in Maiysville, CA, so as young
;i.s I wa.s, I remember my dad watcbing
10 mm films willi the football slalV.
•0 Tbat's probably whete it all started. I
wenl to Yiiba (^ity High School, where
I played basketball and football.
But 1 have to tell you, as 1 got older,
the one thing in life I knew 1 u"asn'l
going to lie was a football coach. Il's


PERSON TO PERS Chris Petersen
funny, because when I got older I was to go and about two days before I was Then that opportunity opened up at
so competitive and so itito the games supposed to leave, the organization Pittsburgh. Paul Hackt'tt had been a
and watching the struggles that coach- folded. So I was kind of stuck with UC-Davis guy. So I felt that was the
es go through, thai I said to myself, nothing to do and decided to go back righi thing to do. I did lhat for a year
"rrii not going to let these 18-year-olds to graduate school. In Llic rneaniime, and then I went to Portland Stale for
control my happiness." It wasn't until I we had a freshman team and I knew two seasons.
went to college and hooked up with that was kind ofa hard gig to get.
some awesome coaches at the Usually you had to coach with the staff COACH: When did you begin to
University of California-Davis that it at UC-Davis for a few years - be sort of develop yotir offensive-minded acu-
really opened my eyes to what coach- an assistant/GA type of guy so they men?
ing was all about. could see that you could coach. PETERSEN: It started at UC-
Well, as it just so happened, they Davis because Jim Sochor, who was my
COACH: At UC-Davis you domi- didn't have a guy in the rotation that offensive coordinator and quarter-
nated Division II football as a quarter- they wanted. So they asked tne to do backs coach, also coached Paul
back, named the Northern California it. I knew, having just finished playing, Hackett. He had been at Davis forever
Athletic Conference (NCAC) Player of that that was a good opportunity until and is one ofthe winningest coaches
the Year as a senior and rated the top I figured out what I really wanted to in Division II histojy That really got
D-II passer in the nation. Are there do. And it was a very mtich an eye me started. And then getting with Paul
any qualities in your athletic career opening experience for me in so many Hackett was a tremendous experience.
that helped translate that success to ways, I had just got done playing, The gtiy is as good a teacher as I have
your coaching career? thought I had all of the answers, and ever been around. You listen to him
PETERSEN: I think the one within two weeks of coaching I real- talk abotit football and you know he
thing is that I have just always been ized 1 had no answers. could be a world-class biology teacher.
very, very competitive. As a kid I Without question, 1 think thai being That was beneficial lo me - to be
played tennis a lot. I played competi- that I was yotinger helped me relate to around a teacher and a football coach
tive tennis, played in a iot of totiriia- them. Bnt in terms of how to coach of that caliher for a year.
ments, and as 1 look back at some of guys, what coaching was all abotit. and
those days my behavior was very poor. how to teach, I had no idea. And you COACH: What does it take to
! could almost not control myself out don't know until you start doing it maintain longevity as a coach?
on the tenni.s court. Through my par- yout"se!f. A.s a player you know how it's PETERSEN: A coaching gig is so
ents and some good coaches I kind of supposed to be done. But to actually hard, and I've said this all along, that
got my.se!f harnessed and channeled teach the game to somebody and how in Older lo stay in this field and cer-
lo how a guy is suppo.sed to compete you are supposed to conduct yourself lainty in college coaching, it has to be
and act. You can be a serious competi- and all those types of tilings, it's a com- something you can't not do. It has to
tor but there's still a correct way to act pletely different experience. be such a passion that you say to your-
and behave. I was the freshman coach for one self. "I can't do anything else." There
It seems like there are a loi of year and was then going to coach the are so many tiint' commitments. It's so
toaches who are ex-quarlcrbacks. But varsity receivers at UC-Davis. Bui I felt hard on your family. It's so hard on
I certainly don't think it's limited to 1 had to coach the treshman team you and your life. So at each stop I
just that position. There are a lot of again becatise I had learned so many would figure it oul, learn from each
former linemen who ai e head coaches things that I felt I needed to do it and eveiy experience, to the point
- those guys who are aiways thinking. again. So I woiuid up coaching the where I reali/.ed lhat this is something
freshman team for two seasons. Then 1 1 can't do without.
COACH: You graduated with a BA coached the varsity for three seast»ns.
in Psychology and immediately started From there I went to the U. of COACH: After serving as an assis-
your coaching career as UC-Davis' Pittsburgh and worked under Paul tant under Tim Walsh at Portland
freshman head coach. What made you Hacketi. Technically I was the GA, but State, you worked for Mike Bellotti at
decide that coaching was going to be I was also the quai terbacks coach. Oregon where you helped turn the
your future vocation? 1 was in grad school at UC-Davis Ducks into an annual Pac-10 con-
PETERSEN: The only reason I and got my Master's in Educational tender as well as a major force on the
did that was because I was going to go PsychoUtg). I was going to be a scbool national level. How did learning under
to C^anada and play in the Canadian psychologist. But then I slowly began both Walsh and Bellotti influence your
Football League. I signed a contract to feel that my pa.ssiori was more into own coaching philosophies?
with Montreal. I th<}Ught I was all set coaching than the psychology Held. Pc. rLR:=.trv: The rea.son that I've


Chris Petersen

gotten to this position and have some Boise State? There seems to he some football there with al! of those people
success as a coach is because I have interesting lineage between yourself that 1 had to kind of hone it dttwn to
been so fortunate. Every coach that and the two previous Broncos coaches. what 1 was going to be all about. That
has been placed in my path has PETERSEN: Dirk Koetter was a big challenge right away. But the
shaped me into the coach I am today. became the head coach here while I thing that was such a perfect fit for me
Tim Walsh was great to work for. And was at Oregon. And my wife and 1 to come over here was that we were
I learned .so many different things thought about coming here, too. But running the same style of offense we
from Mike as far as how to conduct we just really liked Oregon a lot and had run at Oregon. So I was very
yourself and how to organize. Plus decided to stay put for some time. U familiar with it. As we have gone
he's a good football mind. The other was three years later that Dan Hawkins through the years we have sort of
thing tbat I had at Oregon, that was got the job. Dirk took him with him added a different spin and added
so beneficial, was that I was with three from Oregon. And Dan Hawkins and I things here and there. Now it looks
ofthe best football guys in the coun- go back to our UC-DaNis days together. quite a bit different but that's because
try in my opinion. Dan probably just pushed me harder of all of the other great assistants that
I was the wide receivers coach and than Dirk did to get tne to come here. we have had here that have all had
tbe offensive coordinators were Al I already knew most of the staff that input into what we are doing.
Borges, who is now at Auburn; then was in place. I think I was one ofthe
Dirk Koetter, who is now with the last guys to get hired. It was a chance COACH: At Boise State you have
Jacksonville Jaguars; and then Jeff to be an offensive coordinator, had two excellent quarterbacks in
Tedford, who is at Cal, Those are my although that wasn't a huge motiva- which to huild your offense around, in
buddies and the guys from whom I tion to tell you the truth. Ryan Dinwiddie and Jared Zabransky.
learned how to do so many things. As both a former college QB and QB
They all had very different styles and COACH: As the new OC, what was coach, what are some of the funda-
methods of doing things, and all very your mindset? Were you beg, borrow- mentals that you preach for that posi-
successful in their own way. I was able ing, and stealing from the great offen- tion?
to glean a htUe from each of them. sive minds you had learned from or PETERSEN: That's the whole
did you develop your own philosophy? thing. In our style of offense, our
COACH: What brought you to PETERSEN: There is so much quarterback has to play at a high level.


We're all about making the qtiarter- son in his First season as OC Then I
back successful around here. Anything was able to get Justin Wilcox. our
we can do to get that done is what our defensive coordinator, who played at
focus is on offense. That starts with Oregon when I was there. He wa.s the
ninning the ball. 1 know when 1 came linebackeiii coach at Cal before I
here, one of my first couple of games I hired him. Both of those guys were 29-
think we threw 13 passes in a game. years-old at the time. I didn'l think
We've always believed in the ninning twice ab(ini it unli! everybody started
game to make our offense successful. to make a big deal about how these
But our quarterback has to be a great were the two yoimgest coordinators in
decision-maker, an accurate pa.sser,
the cotintry. But they are fabulous
and a guy that doesn't put us in bad
people and excellent coaches and I
situations. That's the thing we contin-
knew ihose were the guys that we had
ually harp on.
to have and we were able to get them.
We put a lot on that guy's shoul-
ders. And we want him to really simpli- COACH: A head coach is only as
fy the game for us. He needs to be a good as his staff. What do you look
smart guy because we game plan a lot. for in assistant coaches?
We tweak our game plans. We change PETERSEN; It starLs with the
them from week to week depending type of person that tliey are. It really
<3n his experience and intelligence does. We need to have a person of
level. Everything is based on whai he high character, low ego. and high out-
can do. put. Then, I look for a guy who is on a
When we are recruiting a kid there continual quest for improvement; a
are some tangible things we look for person who is always tiying to find a
on tape; His throwing mechanics and better way to do things. I want some-
his accuracy. But really what is going one who has a passion for this game
to make him successful is all of the and wants to do better each and every
intangibles: How are his instincts for flay. And then someone who is a
the game? How sharp he is, his leader- knowledgeable football coach/teacher.
ship skills, and his drive to be the best. Those are the things that we are always
,\ll ol' those things are truly hard to looking for around here.
know until you get him into yottr pro-
gram for a year or two. We try to do a-s COACH; TTiroughout your entire
mtich homework as we can on those career, you have had tremendous suc-
issues and see if he fits our mold, then cess coaching offense. What offensive
we go from there. keys do you stress to yotir players?
PETERSEN: First and tort-mosi
COACH: After five years working are turnovers. You can make stats
as an a.ss).stant to Dan Hawkins, who is work for you anyway you want. But if
now at Colorado, you were elevated to you look at ttirnovers every year, the
the top job. How did you handle the teams that have winning records, for
transition from overseeing the offense the most part, are always good in the
to directing the entire team? turnover department. The second
PETERSEN: First of all. 1 was thing is, in our philosophy, running
able to keep and then recruit some ihc bail. It's first being abie to run
awesome assistant coaches, guys I had ilie ball and then stop the run. So
tremendous confidence in. Otu" offen- our keys to success don't ustially
sive coordinator, Bryan Harsin, had change from game to game. We also
been with us for a long time and is m\ like to shift in motion. We get into
right hand man. I was still going to be multiple, multiple formations. We
involved in the offense but as the heafi feel our offense is balanced enough
coach you certainly can't do it all. that we can acclimale ourselves to
Brvan did a tremendous joh last sea- any situation.


PERSON TO PERS Chris Petersen
Your dramatic win over Oklahoma. Our philosophy is kind of here has been a little bit of that
Oklahoma in the 2007 Fiesta Bowl fea- the reverse of our offense. On defense underdog mentality. It kind of feels
tured some trick plays in high-pressure we first and foremost need to stop the like people overlooked him. We really
situations, partictilarly the hook and ntn. We want to make the opposing like that edge and that mentality. One
ladder (hook and lateral) to de the offense one dimensional. We want to of the first things we did after we won
game and send it to overtime and the confuse the quarterback. And we want the Fiesta Bowl is we didn't allow any
Statue of Liberty play on the two-point to eliminate explosive plays as much as Fiesta Bowl champion gear in our
conversion. How much practice time possible and be very good tacklers. weight room. Our strength coach said,
do you devote to these special plays? Those are the things we have done "We're not going to wear any Fiesta
How often do you incorporate them here very well. I think it's just the old Bowl shirts here. That's over and done
into your game plan? cliche that tlie offense sells tickets and with. We're back to square one and it's
PETERSEN: That's a litde bit ofa gets people excited and the defense time to get our blue collar focus
rub, the situation at the Fiesta Bowl, for wins championships. I think that's been going. We have to earn everything we
people who don't know about Boise pretty applicable to the situation here. get. Nothing is going to be given to
State. We really view ourselves as a tis." That has to come from the coach-
hard-nosed, blue collar outfit. There's COACH: A lot has been said about es and we preach that a lot.
probably one percent, if chat, of our whether the NCAA should organize a
game plan that's, quote, trick plays. We Division I playoff system. Now there is COACH: How much of a home-
are very much a wide open style of talk of a PIus-1 format. With Boise field advantage is Boise State's one-of-
ofiense that will take chances and do State being the only team that went a-kind blue synthetic turf field, which
whatever we need to do to win a game. undefeated dtuing the 2006 season some have duhbed "Smurf Turf," that
If that means throwing a halfback pass {11-0), do you feel that your team was installed in 1986? As a follow-up,
on fourth down, atid we think that is deserved a playoff and a shot at a is it true that you saw a dead duck
our best odds, we'll do it. We won't national championship? lying in the middle of the field, appar-
blink an eye. Very little of what we do is PETERSEN; It's funny becatise I ently mistaking it for a lake or pond as
trick plays. We run the ball very well. don't have a strong opinion on that. I it dove from the sky?
Otir quarterback is always among the grew up with the Bowl System, I like PETERSEN; Wlien I first came
leaders in quarterback efficiency rat- the Bowl System. They keep changing here there was a poll taken in the local
ing. We iike to think that we play and tweaking the system to try to paper asking if we should go back to
sound, fundamental football. We also make it as good as they can. For us it green turf or keep the blue ttirf. My
like to be exciting and wide open. It worked out. It worked for Utah a cou- thinking was, having only spent one
just so happened that we needed all ple of years before. We just always year in the system, maybe we'll go back
three of those plays at the end of the believed that if we take care of our to green. Well, the poll was like 98 per-
game. business and do what we're supposed cent in favor of keeping the blue
That Statue of Liberty play and the to do, we will be playing .someone turf— don't even consider changing it.
halfback pass, we were trying to get to that's a great program and we will be And that's really how I feel and our
those earlier in the game, we were just very happy about that bowl game. players feel now. We love the blue turf.
in the wrong situation, down and dis- Whether they change it to a playoff It may or may not be an advantage to
tance, field position, whatever. So it system, that's really out of my control us playing at home but it's certainly
didn't get called. So then we had them and our control. We have great people part of our identity and we love it.
at the end of the game and we used in college football that are making As far as the dticks landing on it
them when we needed to. those decision and they are trying to and stufF, that's kind of myth that's
do right. It will be interesting to see been going on for many years. But I
COACH While offense is your this thing evolve. do have to say, when we were showing
forte, Miiat kind of defensive philoso- some people the turf— and we were
phies do you employ at Boise State? COACH; As your program contin- all kind of chuckling saying we had
PETERSEN; I've said this even ues to grow more sticcessful, height- never seen a dead duck— sure
when I was the offensive coordinator: ened media coverage can help inflate enough as we turned aroimd, if there
Our defense has been tremendously, players' egos. What steps have you and isn't a dead duck lying on the turf. It
tremendously underrated. You don't your staff taken to maintain emphasis looked like it possibly could have been
winfiveWAC Championships in a row on the team instead of the individual? attacked by an animal or something,
without playing big time defense. And PETERSEN: One ofthe things but there was one. So they could be
there's no doubt that our defense was that has been the profile ofthe kind landing on it. I don't know
unbelievable in the Fiesta Bowl against of student-athlete we have recruited {lmighler).m


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