Read Aloud Planning Template Day 1 - Day 2

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Read Aloud Planning Template

Day 1 ___ Day 2 ____

Comprehension Focus (TEKS):

Planning for a Read-Aloud

Lesson Pre-Work Before Reading
• Select an appropriate level text/book. (Recommendation: Select a grade level • Launch of the book: Get the students excited about the text, create
text/book or above.) suspense, make a real-world connection, or perform a skit.
• Read the book and think about your own thinking. • Build background knowledge.
• Plan the launch of the book. • Plot blurb is part of the launch.
• Select vocabulary or the critical confusing part of the story to briefly explain • Identify the skill/theme.
during the launch or as it is encountered in the text. • Set the thinking job.
• Identify the big idea of the book and the comprehension focus question. • Set the comprehension focus question.
• Select stopping points for think-aloud and think-turn and talks that will help guide • Summarize what was read the day before when appropriate. This will
students to the thinking job question and the big idea. take place when you are reading one book over a two-day period.
• Plan higher order thinking questions to lead students in a discussion.

TIP: Teachers can use questions stems and students will respond using
accountable talk stems when responding to TTT or the discussion questions. TIP:
When using the same book for more than one day, be sure to plan the think
alouds, turn and talk questions and discussion questions for each day. Use
different colored sticky notes to represent each day of the read aloud plan in the
During Reading After Reading: Check for Understanding
• The think-aloud and think-turn-talk are flagged in the text to model your thinking • Guide students in a discussion using higher order questions in a
in order to develop deeper comprehension skills for your students and to guide discussion with students, (this may not happen every day).
their thinking in order to answer the comprehension focus question and • Review and reinforce targeted skill.
discussion questions. • Ensure that all students have the opportunity to respond.
• Explain vocabulary as you encounter it in the text, this is a brief explanation as • Optional addition: Allow students to respond to text through a written
not to interrupt comprehension. response.

© Houston ISD Curriculum
Page 1 of 2 Updated:
April 6, 2018

Read Aloud Planning Template

Day 1 ___ Day 2 ____

Comprehension Focus (TEKS):

Before Reading
Title: Author: Genre:
Things to Include in the launch.
Prior Knowledge:

Plot Blurb: This book is about …

2–4 Vocabulary, confusing elements, and/or features

Thinking Job: As I read to you today,and you listen I want you to

think about…

During Reading After Reading


Find 1-3 places to model thinking aloud, during Think Aloud (TA) and find -13 places for Think-Turn-Talk
(TTT), where you plan to stop andask thoughtful questions that build on the comprehension focus.


© Houston ISD Curriculum
Discussion Questions for after reading that are 2 of 2
Page6, 2018
Updated: April
connected to TEKS.

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