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An STEM Students research presented to:

Mariel Terrenal Diaz

Saint Ferdinand College

City of Ilagan, Isabela

We further refine by studying the effects and innate intuition of managing with stress in
a STEM student just like us. We are taking the intellectual abilities and academic
performance to be a dependent variable whereas stress is regarded to be an independent


Mhelmar Alluad

LIligen Balicao

Peterson Peredo

Paula Jane Bayucan

Wish Domeni

Micheal Operaña

S.Y 2018-2019

Chapter 1


Problem and Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem

Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Definition of terms
A. Background of the Study

Academic Performance is one of the most vital considerations among the students in
higher education level. The academic achievement or academic performance is the extent
to which a student achieved their short or long term educational goals. Academic Stress is
one of the factors that have effects on the mastery of academic curriculum.

Stress is the body’s nonspecific response mechanism toward demands or strains made
on it. Academic stress is common phenomenon faced by students. Academic stress is
often seen in the daily activities of the students. A student can be stressed due to different
reason of stressor such as; lecture overload, heavy workload, difficulty understanding,
contents, or maybe is about the teacher attitude.

Academic stress is poses a great deal of challenges to the society as it hinders the
students from acquiring complete intellectual knowledge which is needed to have
development and growth in the society, hence academic stress is a worst problem to the
students. Based on the forgoing study, this study wants to determine the Imapact of
Academic Stress among STEM Students in Saint Ferdinand College and to determine if
the inconsideration of teachers can be the cause of academic stress of students.

B. Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine if the requirements and workload of teachers can be
the cause of academic stress and if it can affect the academic performance of STEM
students. Specially, it will seek to answer the following question:

1. What are the profile of the students in terms of:

a. Name
b. Age
c. Sex
d. Section
2. Do the teachers being inconsiderate can be the cause of the students unwillingness
to do their work or study?
3. What is the impact of teachers attitude on STEM student . Academic
4. What is the relationship between students’ academic stress and teachers attitude?

C. Significance of the Study

Academic Stress is one of the most important factors which effect students
learning process in educational institution. The result of the study will be of great benefit
to the following;

a. Teacher ‘s. The result of this study will enable the teachers to understand the
students conditions and situations on how they do their work and study. The
teachers would be able to understand why the students have academic stress, and
it can also help the teachers on how they supervise their students
b. School Administrator. The result of this study will give insight to school
administrators in designing a flexible teaching style for STEM students
c. Parent . The result of this study will be helpful in informing the parents of the
insights and thoughts of their children. The finding would also help them to learn
actions of their children.
d. Policy Maker. The study will be helpful for policy maker in terms of establishing
or creating stress free to promote excellence in students’ academic.
D. Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is focused and limited only in a student that have academic stress. We
look for a total of twenty respondents from Grade 11 STEM students at Saint Ferdinand
College during the scholl year 2018-2019. It focuses itself to the discussion of the
academic stress of the students.

The result of the study is based on the idea of the respondents about the impact of
academic performances. It also discussed something about the attitude of teachers can
affect or not of the academic achievement of the studdents.

The findings of the researcher are based on the perception of the students,

teachers, and parents regarding the aforementioned topic.

E. Definition of Terms:
1. Academic performance- Academic performance is the extent to which a student,
teacher or institution has achieved their short or long term educational goals.
2. Academic Stress- Academic stress is a mental distress with respect to some
anticipated frustration associated with academic failure or eve an awareness to the
possibility of such failure.
3. Attitude- the way you think and feel about someone or something
4. STEM- Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

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