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Combat Veteran's Complex Microsurgical Facial Reconstructive Surgery

Assalamualaikum. Well, good morning mrs, good morning guys. It’s great to see you all. In
this opportunity, i would like to present about a combat’s veteran, who named is scott. And
finally, he did the microsurgical to reconstructive his face. Please look at the video, can you
see my video played? Great, let’s watching!

1. What his condition requiring the surgery

Well, we just watched our video. As you can see, in the video showed us the
testimonial for the micro surgical. So, What happened to scott’s life? Here you go!.
In 1992, he deployed to Somalia. He was with some Marines in a convoy. And
there was some type of explosion. Then, he was thrown, and landed and hit his face.
When he went to the dentist, they said “well, you got some broken bones up
in your mouth”. And then, they did a surgery to try to fix them.
And everything just kinda not going well to him. And the explosion made him
can’t eat well. He just only eat the liquid food.

2. His description of before / after

Before he did the surgical, he can’t eat well. And when he met dr.Desai and
he gave scott the option for do the microsurgical facial reconstructive surgery or
fibula free flap surgery.
The doctor said, scott had no bony structure or cheekbones to speak of. The
upper part of the jaw was completly destroyed. He had no teeth on the upper part of
his mouth. And the whole mid-face or central portion of his face, was essentially
The procedure was gonna take his fibula bone and make new jaw and then it
was healed. Actually they cutted the ficula bone and, They would put screw in, and
then they would mount teeth in. After heard about the doctor’s explained, he was
Actually, The doctor did something called virtual surgical planning. That is one
of the newest techniques in rebuilding tissues of the face. They cutted the fubula
bone from scott’s leg to rebuild the middle part of the face. It’s gonna using a
computer programe to tell them esactly where to make the cuts and at what angle
to make the cuts.
After the transpalanted the bone up there, they brought the blood vessels
from the bone and tunneled it under the skin into the neck. And hooked up the
artery and the vein for suplies to give the fibula bone a blood supply. That was one
of the things that scott didn’t have in previous surgeries.
After he did the surgical, scott can survived his life. Now, he has teeth and
can eat the solid food. He can go to the parties, meet some friends.

3. How the surgary has impacted his life

Because he can’t eat well, he felt like depressed for anything. He felt bad for
his condition. He always having to rest a lot. His son said when their dad slept a lot
and he was in a lot of pain.
According to him, how big eating to our social life. Everything is geared
around eating. If he go to church functions, there’s food out, if he go to parties,
there’s food out, and he felt like when he can’t eat well, it’s a big part in his life taken
As soon as he had the surgary. He started walking around the hospital.
People told him he will never run again, because his leg bone already transferred in
his mouth, but he did it. After the surgical, he got his life back.

4. My general opinion about the story

I’m speaking as a nursing student who feel like to take care of someone like
scott who is veteran and a hero is probably one of the most rewarding parts of my
job for the future. I know the feel when your patient said thank to you, it paid all of
your tired.
I can imagine that how depressed him, i guess i can’t feel alive when i can’t
eat my favorite food. I’m fairly confident that the nurse always give the mental
support and teach the patient how to manage their stressed out.
Okay, I will try to answer any question you may have, so, anybody would like
to ask me?
Thank you very much for your great attention. Assalamualaikum.
1. How to find out the good fibula bone for transfered?
2. What make the current surgery successful more than the previous one?

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