UEMK1113 Assignment02

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Faculty : Faculty of Engineering & Science Unit Code : UEMK1113

Course : BEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering Unit Title : Introduction to Chemical
Year : Year 1 Engineering
Session : Jan 2011 Lecturer : Ms. Teoh Hui Chieh

Group Assignment 2
(10% of total assessment)

Toluene can be used as a feedstock for the manufacture of benzene and xylenes. Toluene can be
catalytically disproportionate to benzene and mixed xylenes in an adiabatic reactor with the pure feed
entering at 950 °F and a pressure of 550 psia. To suppress the formation of coke, which fouls the
catalyst, the reactor feed must contain a substantial fraction of hydrogen. The fresh hydrogen feed is
usually not pure, but contains perhaps 15 mol% methane and 5 mol% ethane. Unfortunately, the
hydrogen takes part in a side reaction for the hydrodealkylation of toluene to benzene and methane.

The feed ratio of fresh toluene to fresh hydrogen is 1:1. In the reactor, 70% of the toluene feed
disproportionate to benzene and p-xylene while 25% takes part in the side reaction to form benzene
and methane. The reactor effluent is cooled and partially condensed to 100 °F at a pressure of 465
psia. A separator is used to separate the light components (components lighter than ethane) from the
heavy components (components heavier than benzene).

(a) Write down the stoichiometric equations for the main reaction and side reaction of the above

(b) Draw a flowchart for the process based on the above description. Label all feeds, products and
connecting streams between process units.

(c) Using manual calculations, determine the molar composition of the reactor effluent.

(d) Simulate the above process using Aspen HYSYS (with Peng-Robinson equation of state).
(use Conversion Reactor for the reaction and Separator to separate the products)

(i) This is an endothermic or exothermic reaction? Explain your answer.

(ii) Verify the manual calculations in Part (c) above with the simulation results.

(iii) What are the main components in the separator vapour stream? Is the objective of the
separator achieved? How many percent of H2 is recovered in the separator?
Because of the large amount of hydrogen in the separator vapour stream, it is important to
recycle this stream. The recycle stream is combined with the fresh hydrogen feed before
entering the reactor.

(iv) Compare the flow rates of methane and ethane fed into the reactor with and without
recycle stream. Is purge stream required?

(v) Discuss your results if 10% of the separator vapour stream is purge and the rest is

Discuss any other findings from your simulations.

Your work would be marked zero if you are found to have copied or plagiarised from
other sources.
Marks would be deducted for late submission

Use a “mixer” to combine streams.

Use a “tee” to split stream. mixer tee

Use “R” for recycle.

Press F1 for help.

Present all your calculations, simulations and results in the form of a technical report. Besides the
basic specifications and formatting requirements as outlined below, the rest is totally up to your group
on how you want to present your findings (you should at least have an introduction and conclusion).
The report should be clear, concise, and accurate.

You will be evaluated based on your calculations, simulations, analyses and discussion, conclusion,
and the overall presentation of the report.

The cover page of your report MUST include the following information and table (marks will be
deducted if the following information is incomplete or wrong):
unit code and title
assignment group
names of members
student ID
year and trimester
tutorial group (sort the names by tutorial group)
contribution to the report and signature

Name Student ID Year / Trimester Tutorial Group Contribution Signature
Tan AB 08UEB11111 Y1 T1 3 100%
Tan EF 08UEB11112 Y1 T2 5 100%
Tan GH 08UEB11113 Y1 T1 5 75%

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The following printout from HYSYS simulations are required to attach together with your report:

PFD complete with tables for each stream and unit operation (it is your decision to determine
what information is necessary to show in the table).

For the summary of stream in the Workbook, print only:

All Pages > Material Stream
All Pages > Composition
For the Conversion Reactor, print only:
Design > Parameters
Reaction > Details
Worksheet > Conditions & Properties

For the Separator, print only:

Design > Parameters
Worksheet > Conditions & Properties

Specification Description
Language The report should be written in British (UK) English.

Paper White simile A4 size paper (210 × 297 mm)

Printing Report must be computer typewritten using word processor and

printed preferably double sided.
Printing must be of high quality. Text and figures must be clear
and legible.

Binding 3 staples on left-hand side of report (plastic cover, masking tape and
comb-binding are NOT required)

Maximum 10 pages exclude cover page, table of content and references.

Number of Pages Students are encouraged to minimise the total number of pages – a
thick report does not mean a good report!

Formatting Description
Page Margin Left margin : 4.0 cm
Right, Top, Bottom margins : 2.5 cm
Header and Footer margins : 1.5 cm

Typesetting and Font Type : Times New Roman

Spacing Font Size : 12 pt
General Spacing : 1.5 lines
Symbol for variable : Italic (e.g. m, P, T, v, α, δ, τ )
General alignment for texts in paragraph should be “justified”.

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One hardcopy report submits to pigeon hole.
Zipped up the softcopy report + HYSYS simulation files and email to teohhc@utar.edu.my with
email subject “UEMK1113 Assignment 2 Group XX”

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