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2 Chapter 14 :: Skin Barrier

:: Akiharu Kubo & Masayuki Amagai

The skin is the integument of vertebrates (Table 14-1).
■ One of the most important functions of the skin One of the key functions of the skin is to form a protec-
is to form a barrier between the organism and the tive physical barrier between the body and the external
external environment. environment. The limitation of molecular movement
■ The skin protects our bodies from physical damage across the skin is largely dependent on the epider-
Part 2

caused by desiccation, physical stress, infection, mis and especially the stratum corneum in mammals.
overheating or heat loss, and ultraviolet (UV) The epidermis prevents the inward and outward pas-
irradiation. sage of water, electrolytes, lipids, and proteins, as


The skin is covered by the epidermis, a cornified, well as insults from chemicals, bacteria, fungi, virus,
stratified epithelial cellular sheet that is equipped toxins, and allergens. Defects in the formation of the
Structure and Function of Skin

with a barrier formed by the stratum corneum and epidermal barrier cause various congenital diseases
tight junctions. (Table 14-2).
■ The stratum corneum is an air–liquid interface The skin protects the body from various external
barrier on the body surface that prevents excessive stresses. In protecting from heat and cold stresses, the
water loss (inside–outside barrier) and the entry skin maintains the internal organs at a certain constant
of harmful substances from the environment temperature by regulating blood flow, sweat produc-
(outside–inside barrier). tion, thermal storage in the fat layer, and thermogen-
■ The stratum corneum barrier is composed
esis in brown fat cells. The skin protects the body from
of corneocytes and intercorneocyte water-
physical stresses through coordination of the rigid
impermeable lipid lamellae. Corneocytes are
surface armor of the stratum corneum; keratin cyto-
wrapped with cornified cell envelope and
skeleton; and cell adhesions between keratinocytes, epi-
corneocyte lipid envelope and contain keratin
dermal–dermal junctions, and dermal collagen fibers;
filaments associated with filaggrin, which is
these are discussed in Chaps. 15 and 60. Furthermore,
degraded to natural moisturizing factors.
the epidermis reflects and absorbs ultraviolet (UV)
radiation from the sun to protect the genomic DNA of
■ The tight junctions seal the intercellular space
cells; this is particularly important in preventing car-
between neighboring cells at the second layer in
cinogenesis, which is discussed in Chaps. 19 and 20.
the stratum granulosum and form a liquid–liquid
Skin appendages, such as sweat and sebaceous glands,
interface barrier that limits molecular movement
hairs, and nails, also have physical and chemical bar-
through the paracellular pathway.
rier functions; these are discussed in Chaps. 6, 7, and 8,
■ Langerhans cells are located in the epidermis respectively.
under the tight junction barrier in steady state but The skin is also equipped with immunologic barri-
extend their dendrites to the outside tight junction ers to the innate and acquired immune systems. Anti-
barrier upon activation to capture external antigens microbial proteins are a diverse group of proteins that
at the tips of the dendrites. form a chemical barrier against microorganisms on the
■ Antimicrobial peptides, lipids, the acidic pH surface of the epidermis. Toll-like receptors on kera-
of the stratum corneum, and continuous daily tinocytes detect pathogen-associated molecular pat-
desquamation (daily detachment of dead skin cells) terns such as lipoprotein and peptidoglycans that are
control the skin microbiota and protect us from broadly shared by bacteria but distinguishable from
infection by bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and viruses host molecules and control the immune responses
■ UV light is reflected from the stratum corneum and against the microorganisms. Dendritic cells within
absorbed by urocanic acid and melanin molecules, the skin govern the acquired immunologic and aller-
which protect genomic DNA from UV irradiation gic responses to external insults. The mechanisms of
damage. acquired immunity that protect our skin are discussed
■ Sweating, blood flow control, and heat storage in in Chaps. 10 and 11.
subcutaneous adipose tissue protect us from cold
and overheating.

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TABLE 14-1
sea water, or dry air, the surface of the epidermis of
higher organisms is covered by various external bar-
Short Commentary on Jargons riers. Examples of these barriers include the cuticles
of arthropods, tunics of tunicates, mucous of fish and
Integument amphibians, and cornified cell layer (stratum cor-
The tough outer protective layer of an animal or plant that demarcates
neum) of adult amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mam-
the body from the external environment
mals (see Fig. 14-1).1
Occlusive junction
Cell–cell adhesive junction that seals the intercellular space and
controls paracellular molecular movement. Invertebrates and ver-
tebrates have different occlusive junction structures. The occlusive
junction of invertebrates is called a septate junction, and that of
vertebrates is called a tight junction.
Comparative Biology
Comparative biology exploits natural variation and disparities The human epidermis is a stratified epithelial cellu-

Chapter 14 :: Skin Barrier

among species or taxa to understand the patterns of life by inves- lar sheet, the uppermost part of which is cornified to
tigating phylogenies, evolution, development, physiology, and form the stratum corneum. The viable (enucleated)
genomics cell layers of the epidermis consist of the stratum
Kelvin’s Tetrakaidecahedron basale (basal cell layer), stratum spinosum (spinous
Fourteen-sided polyhedron composed of eight hexagons and six cell layer), and stratum granulosum (granular cell
squares, proposed in 1887 by William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) as the layer) (Fig. 14-2). The stratum granulosum consists of
best shape for packing equal-sized cells together to fill the space at least three layers of flattened granular cells.2-5 From
using the minimal surface area of each cell142 outside to inside, the layers are named SG1, SG2, and
Transepidermal Water Loss SG3, and tight junctions seal the intercellular spaces
The loss of water that passes from inside to outside a body through in the SG2 layer.3,5 The stratum corneum consists of
the epidermis. Measurement of transepidermal water loss is useful dead cornified cells (corneocytes) and functions as an
to evaluate the stratum corneum barrier as the elevation rates of
air–liquid interface barrier. The intercellular spaces of
transepidermal water loss are basically in proportion to the level of
the stratum corneum are filled with water-imperme-
barrier damage or formation.
able lipid lamellae. Under the stratum corneum, cells
are immersed in a water environment. The extracel-
lular water environment of the epidermis is divided
COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY into two parts by the tight junction barrier, which
is a liquid–liquid interface barrier (see Fig. 14-2). To
OF THE EPIDERMAL form the stratum corneum, the SG1 cells terminally
differentiate into corneocytes by filling their intercel-
BARRIER lular spaces with lipid lamellae. The multilayered
structure of the epidermis is maintained, and the
The lipid bilayer cell membrane provides a fundamen- epidermal cells are continuously turned over. Epider-
tal barrier in unicellular organisms. The cell membrane mal cells proliferate only in the basal layer, differenti-
compartmentalizes the cell from the external environ- ate with detachment from the basement membrane,
ment. Homeostasis of the cell is maintained within the move upward, become flattened at the stratum gran-
compartment demarcated by the cell membrane in an ulosum, form a tight junction at the SG2 layer, lose
energy-dependent manner. Because the lipid bilayer the tight junction at the SG1 layer, terminally differ-
membrane is highly fragile, most unicellular organ- entiate into corneocytes, and detach from the top of
isms have an additional barrier structure outside of the cornified layer as squamous scales. Continuous
the cell membrane (ie, the cell wall) that functions as a turnover of the epidermis enables foreign substances
type of armor (Fig. 14-1). attached to the skin to be discarded with the daily
The body’s barrier to multicellular organisms is detachment of scales.
analogous to its barrier to unicellular organisms. The
cell membrane of unicellular organisms corresponds
to the epidermis, which is the epithelial cellular sheet
that delineates the surface of multicellular organisms
(see Fig. 14-1). To form a barrier with a sheet of cells,
prevention of the leakage of water and solutes through The stratum corneum of human skin is the outer-
intercellular spaces is crucial. Thus, the intercellular most barrier of the body’s surface. The stratum
spaces are sealed by occlusive junctions, such as sep- corneum in humans is approximately 10 to 20 µm
tate junctions in arthropods and tight junctions in ver- thick and contains about 10 to 25 layers of cornified
tebrates (see Table 14-1). The epidermis is composed of cells.6 The stratum corneum is directly exposed to
a single layer of cells in cephalochordates and urochor- air and protects the inner cells from damage by des-
dates, but multilayered (stratified) cells in vertebrates iccation. It acts as a two-way barrier to prevent not
(see Fig. 14-1). Because the epidermal cells are fragile only inward penetration of external molecules and
when directly exposed to harsh external environmen- microorganisms but also outward leakage of water 207
tal factors, such as hypotonic fresh water, hypertonic and solutes.

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Structure and Function of Skin :: Part 2

TABLE 14-2
Diseases and Their Animal Models Showing Aberrant Stratum Corneum

Cornified envelope LOR Loricrin Major component of cornified envelope Vohwinkel syndrome with ichthyosis 604117 24 Mouse153
formation TGM1 Transglutaminase 1 Protein crosslinking to form cornified envelope ARCI 1 242300 20 Mouse16
Cholesterol biosynthesis NSDHL NAD(P)H steroid dehydrogenase-like protein C4 demethylase CHILD syndrome 308050 34 Mouse154
MSMO1 Methylsterol monooxygenase 1 Methylsterol monooxygenase MCCPD 616834 33 —
Acylceramide biosynthesis ELOVL4 Elongation of very-long-chain fatty acid–like 4 Elongation of very-long-chain fatty acids ISQMR 614457 155 Mouse156
CYP4F22 Cytochrome P450 4F22 γ-Hydroxylation of ultra-long-chain fatty acids ARCI5 604777 157 —
CERS3 Ceramide synthase 3 Catalyzing the linkage between a fatty acyl-CoA and ARCI9 615023 158,159 Mouse160
a sphingoid base to produce ceramide
ABHD5 ABHD5/CGI58 ω-O-esterification of ceramide with linoleic acid Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome 275630 161 —
PNPLA1 Patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 1 ARCI10 615024 62 Dog162
ALOX12B Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase type12R Oxidation of linoleic acid in ceramide ARCI2 242100 163 Mouse164
ALOXE3 Arachidonate lipoxygenase 3 ARCI3 606545 163 Mouse164
Lipid transport ABCA12 ATP-binding cassette A12 Lipid trafficking on the lamellar granule membrane ARCI4A 242500 26,27 Mouse165
ARCI4B (Harlequin ichthyosis)
Desquamation ST14 Matriptase Extracellular serine protease ARCI11 602400 54 Mouse166
SPINK5 LEKTI Inhibitor of kallikrein proteases Netherton syndrome 256500 55 Mouse167,168
Desmosomes and CDSN Corneodesmosin Constituent of the corneodesmosome Peeling skin syndrome 1 270300 56,57 Mouse169
corneodesmosomes DSG1 Desmoglein1 Cell–cell adhesion molecule of the desmosome SAM syndrome 615508 58 —
Filaggrin metabolism FLG Filaggrin Bundling keratin filaments in the stratum corneum, Ichthyosis vulgaris (predisposed to 146700 72,74 Mouse75,170
source of natural moisturizing factors atopic dermatitis)
CASP14 Caspase 14 Profilaggrin processing ARCI12 617320 71 Mouse67
Tight junctions CLDN1 Claudin-1 Cell–cell adhesion molecule of the tight junction NISCH syndrome 607626 104 Mouse102,103

ABHD5, abhydrolase domain-containing 5; ARCI, autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CGI58, comparative gene identification 58; CHILD syndrome, congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform eryth-
roderma and limb defects syndrome; CoA, coenzyme A; ISQMR, ichthyosis, spastic quadriplegia, and mental retardation; LEKTI, lymphoepithelial Kazal-type-related inhibitor; MCCPD, microcephaly, congenital cataract, and psoriasiform
dermatitis; MIM, Mendelian Inheritance in Man; NISCH syndrome, neonatal ichthyosis-sclerosing cholangitis syndrome; SAM syndrome, severe dermatitis, multiple allergies and metabolic wasting syndrome.
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Basic structure of the surface barrier of unicellular and multicellular organisms

Basement tissue

Lipid bilayer
cell membrane
Monocellular organism Multicellular organism

Chapter 14 :: Skin Barrier


Simple epithelia Stratified epithelia

KEY Stratum corneum

Tight junction Mucus

Mucus, tunic, etc.

Urochordate Fish Amphibian adult,

cephalochordate amphibian tadpole aves, reptiles,


B Chordate

Figure 14-1 Basic structure of the surface barrier of unicellular and multicellular organisms. A, The lipid bilayer cell
membrane is a basic diffusion barrier on the body surface of both monocellular organisms and multicellular organisms.
In multicellular organisms, the intercellular spaces are sealed with occlusive junctions to limit leakage of the barrier
through the paracellular pathway (see Fig. 14-9). In essence, both monocellular organisms and multicellular organisms
are equipped with additional outer barriers (ie, a cell wall for monocellular organisms and mucus, cuticles, tunic matrix,
or stratum corneum for multicellular organisms). B, Development of a stratified epithelium and stratum corneum were
the two major evolutional events in vertebrate skin. Under the outer barrier, tight junctions seal the intercellular spaces
in vertebrates.

may cause the stratum corneum to be mistaken for a

BASIC STRUCTURE OF THE porous structure that does not have a barrier function;
STRATUM CORNEUM the basket-weave structure is, in fact, an artifact of
the processing of specimens. During paraffin removal
using xylene, intercorneocyte lipid is extracted, and
The stratum corneum consists of stratified corneocytes the intercellular lipid-dependent adhesion between
and an intercorneocyte lipid-rich matrix (Fig. 14-3). corneocytes becomes weakened. Because the cor-
The barrier function of the stratum corneum depends neodesmosomes make the lateral adhesions between
on both the protein-rich materials of the corneocytes corneocytes more stable than the apicobasal adhe-
and the intercellular lipid-rich matrix. Corneocytes sions, the corneocyte layers detach from one another
are terminally differentiated dead keratinocytes that while maintaining their lateral adhesions, resulting in
adhere to one another via proteinaceous cell–cell the formation of a basket-weave structure in paraffin-
adhesion complexes called corneodesmosomes and embedded sections7,8 (Fig. 14-5). Proper fixation and
the adhesive force of intercellular lipid lamellae staining procedures reveal the tightly packed, well-
(Fig. 14-4). On routine hematoxylin and eosin stain- organized structure of the stratum corneum in verti-
ing of paraffin-embedded skin sections, the stratum cal sections of the skin2,9 (see Fig. 14-5). 209
corneum shows a basket-weave structure, which

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2 Basic structure of the epidermis and major epidermal barriers

Physical assaults
(dessication, irritation, UV irradiation, heat and cold shock)

Microbial assaults Chemical assaults

(bacteria, fungus, virus) (irritants, allergens)

Scale desquamation

Cell differentiation and continuous cell turnover

Part 2


Stratum SG2 Tight junction

Structure and Function of Skin

Prevention of loss
of water, solutes,
Stratum and nutrients

Melanin cap


Heat control vasculature

Tight junction LEKTI KLKs
Composition of the
acidic extracellular space

Cell Intercellular lipid lamellae

pH gradient

Stratum turnover (Lipid-based air–liquid

corneum interface barrier)

Cornification and
intercellular lipid
neutral barrier formation Extracellular aqueous
SG1 environment outside
TJ barrier tight junction
Stratum (Liquid–liquid
SG2 interface barrier)
granulosum Extracellular aqueous
SG3 inside tight junction

Lamellar body

Figure 14-2 Basic structure of the epidermis and major epidermal barriers. A, Epidermal barriers protect the body against
various outside-in physical, chemical, and microbial assaults in addition to inside-out leakage of water and solutes. Mela-
nin caps protect the genomic DNA of basal cells from ultraviolet (UV) damage. Cells are continuously turned over to renew
the epidermis and its barriers. At least three cell layers (SG1, SG2, and SG3 from outside to inside, respectively) exist in the
stratum granulosum under the stratum corneum, where tight junctions (TJs) seal the intercellular spaces between the SG2
cells. B, Intercellular spaces are filled with lipids in, and with water under, the stratum corneum. The extracellular water
environment is considered to be divided into two by the TJ barrier (extracellular space outside TJ barrier, light blue; extra-
cellular space inside TJ barrier, purple). SG1 cells are ready to cornify at the outside TJ barrier. Contents of lamellar bodies
(lipids, antimicrobial proteins, proteases, and protease inhibitors) are basically exocytosed from the apical surface of the
SG2 cells to the outside TJ barrier. Kallikrein proteases (KLKs) are activated via the lower-pH-induced detachment of lym-
phoepithelial Kazal-type-related inhibitor (LEKTI) in the upper layers of the stratum corneum for desquamation. (Modified
from Proksch E, Jensen J-M. Skin as an organ of protection. In: Goldsmith LA, Katz SI, Gilchrest BA, et al, eds. Fitzpatrick’s
210 Dermatology in General Medicine, 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2012.)

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Basic structure of the stratum corneum
the entire inner surface of the plasma membrane.10,17-19
Defects in transglutaminase 1 are known to cause con-
Corneocyte Intercellular lipid Paracellular route genital ichthyosis (see Table 14-2).20
lamellae of permeation Before the scaffold covers the inner surface of the
plasma membrane, lamellar bodies are produced
from the Golgi complex and become fused to the
plasma membrane. The limiting membrane of the
lamellar bodies is rich in acylceramides composed
of omega-hydroxylated ultra-long-chain fatty acids.
The fusion of the limiting membrane with the plasma
membrane gradually increases the amount of acyl-
ceramides within the lipid bilayer of the plasma
membrane. The acylceramides become covalently
bound to the outer surface of the scaffold of the cor-

Chapter 14 :: Skin Barrier

nified envelope by the membrane-anchored form of
transglutaminase 1.21,22 The acylceramides eventually
replace the plasma membrane, which is called the
Lipid-enriched Ceramide coat of Protein-based
corneocyte lipid envelope11,12 (see Fig. 14-6).
extracellular matrix cornified envelope cornified cell The involucrin-envoplakin-periplakin–based scaf-
with lipid lamellae (corneocyte lipid envelope fold is further reinforced in the later stage of corni-
fication. On the inner surface of the scaffold, loricrin
molecules are translocated from the cytosol and cova-
Figure 14-3 Basic structure of the stratum corneum. lently cross-linked onto the scaffold to build the corni-
The stratum corneum comprises protein-based bricks fied cell envelope. Loricrin, an insoluble protein that
(corneocytes) and lipid-based mortar (intercellular may contribute to the water resistance of the cornified
lipid lamellae). The surface of the corneocytes is coated cell envelope, eventually becomes the major compo-
with a thin layer of ceramide (lipid envelope). Details of nent of the cornified cell envelope. Varying amounts
how this structure is produced are shown in Fig. 14-6. of small proline-rich proteins with minor amounts of
(Modified from Proksch E, Jensen J-M. Skin as an organ
other proteins (eg, repetin, trichohyalin, cystatin A,
of protection. In: Goldsmith LA, Katz SI, Gilchrest BA,
et al, eds. Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine, elafin, and late envelope proteins) are also cross-linked
8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2012.) to the inner surface of the cornified envelope.23 Defects
in loricrin are known to cause congenital ichthyosis
(see Table 14-2).24

Granular layer cells terminally differentiate into cor- Keratinocytes of the stratum granulosum develop a
neocytes to form the stratum corneum. During cor- specific system of lamellar bodies that allow secre-
nification, a cornified cell envelope consisting of a tion of intercorneocyte lipid lamellae.25 Lamellar bod-
10-nm-thick layer of highly cross-linked insoluble pro- ies are produced from the Golgi complex and stored
teins is formed beneath the plasma membrane,10 and within the cytoplasm in SG3 cells as intracellular
the lipid bilayer of plasma membrane is replaced by a vesicles. Lamellar bodies are enriched in polar lipids,
5-nm-thick layer of acylceramides, which is called cor- glycosphingolipids, free sterols, and phospholipids.
neocyte lipid envelope11-13 (Fig. 14-6). ABCA12 functions in cellular lipid trafficking on the
The formation of a cornified cell envelope and cor- limiting membrane of lamellar bodies, in which severe
neocyte lipid envelope is described as follows14,15 (see defects cause Harlequin ichthyosis (see Table 14-2).26,27
Fig. 14-6). Envoplakin, periplakin, and involucrin The lamellar bodies may also contain proteins, such
expressed in granular layer cells associate with the as hydrolytic enzymes to modify lipids, corneodes-
inner surface of the plasma membrane in a calcium- mosins to modify corneodesmosomes, antimicrobial
dependent manner and are cross-linked to one another peptides, and proteases and protease inhibitors to
by transglutaminase 1.16 Transglutaminase 1 also control desquamation. The contents of the lamel-
cross-links to other membrane-associated proteins lar bodies are delivered into the extracellular milieu
and desmosomal proteins, fixing the cell junctions and through exocytosis occurring via the apical cell mem-
associated cytoskeletons to the proteinaceous scaffold. brane, most probably in the SG2 cells and SG1 cells, to
The involucrin-envoplakin-periplakin–based scaf- fill the extracellular space surrounding the SG1 cells28 211
fold eventually forms a monomolecular layer along (see Fig. 14-2).

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2 E

Part 2

Structure and Function of Skin



200 nm 200 nm

Lipid lamellae

200 nm

Figure 14-4 Major structures related to cornification, as seen under electron microscopy. A, Desmosomes (De) adhering
to spinous layer cells. B, A lamellar body (LB) exocytosing its contents into the extracellular space at the apical surface of
the SG1 cell. C, Contents of the lamellar body (LB) showing stripes of lipids. D, Corneodesmosomes (CD), cell–cell adhesion
complexes between corneocytes. E, Intercellular lipid lamellae between corneocytes. (Images C and E, used with permis-
sion from Dr. Akemi Ishida-Yamamoto. Images A and D, used with permission from Dr. Toshihiro Nagai. Image B modified
from Proksch E, Jensen J-M. Skin as an organ of protection. In: Goldsmith LA, Katz SI, Gilchrest BA, et al, eds. Fitzpatrick’s
Dermatology in General Medicine, 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill;2012.)

The lipids exocytosed from the lamellar bodies are

subsequently organized into a characteristic lamel- LIPID COMPOSITION OF
lar structure that lies parallel to the cornified cell
envelope during cornification of the SG1 cells (see
Fig. 14-4). The covalently bound acylceramides of
the corneocyte lipid envelope act as a scaffold allow- Intercellular lipids are indispensable in the formation
ing regular lamellar formation of the intercellular of the permeability barrier of the stratum corneum.
lipids (see Figs. 14-4 and 14-6).22 After extrusion of The major classes of lipids in the stratum corneum are
the lamellar bodies into the extracellular spaces, the cholesterol, free fatty acids, and ceramides.29
polar lipids are enzymatically converted into non- Cholesterol forms part of the plasma membrane
polar products. Glycosphingolipids are hydrolyzed in viable cell layers in the epidermis and part of the
to generate ceramides, and phospholipids are con- intercellular lipid lamellae in the stratum corneum.
verted into free fatty acids. These lipids form the Whereas basal-layer keratinocytes are capable of
intercellular lamellar component of the stratified resorbing cholesterol from the circulation, epider-
lipid bilayer, a very dense structure packed into the mal keratinocytes actively biosynthesize choles-
interstices of corneocytes, thus forming a water- terol and free fatty acids (Fig. 14-7). The majority
212 of the cholesterol in the epidermis is synthesized
impermeable barrier.

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The metabolic intermediate of cholesterol biosyn-
thesis, 7-dehydrocholesterol, is converted to previ-
tamin D in a photolytic reaction by UVB radiation;
this is followed by thermal isomerization to form
vitamin D3. Deficiency in the enzymes of NSDHL and
MSMO1 corresponding to cholesterol biosynthesis
causes inflammatory ichthyotic skin lesions through
the accumulation of toxic intermediates in CHILD
(congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform eryth-
roderma and limb defects) syndrome and MSMO1
A deficiency, respectively33-35 (see Table 14-2).
The skin contains free fatty acids, as well as fatty
acids bound in triglycerides, phospholipids, glycosyl-
ceramides, and ceramides. Although biosynthesis of

Chapter 14 :: Skin Barrier

cholesterol originates from HMG-CoA, free fatty acid
synthesis originates from malonyl-CoA produced from
acetyl-CoA via acetyl-CoA carboxylase (see Fig. 14-7).
Saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are syn-
thesized in the epidermis. However, not all fatty acids
can be synthesized by the epidermis or the human
body. Fatty acids unable to be produced by the human
B body are called essential fatty acids. Essential fatty
acid deficiency (EFAD), caused by unusual diets or
malabsorption in humans or experimentally induced
in rodents, leads to rough, scaly, and erythematous
skin with severe permeability barrier defects of the
Ceramides consist of long-chain amino alcohols,
called sphingoid bases, linked to a fatty acid via an
amide bond (see Fig. 14-7). Ceramides are synthe-
sized by serine palmitoyltransferase and hydroly-
sis of both glucosylceramide and sphingomyelin
in the epidermis. Whereas ceramides are a minor
lipid component in the mammalian body (<10%
C of cholesterol or phospholipids), they are a major
lipid component in the stratum corneum, account-
Figure 14-5 Morphology of the epidermis in cross-sec- ing for 30% to 40% of lipids by weight.29 Such a
tions. A, Hematoxylin and eosin staining of paraffin-
high ceramide content is only observed in the stra-
embedded section of human skin showing the basket
weave–like pattern of the stratum corneum. B, Frozen tum corneum and not in the stratum granulosum,
section of hamster ear skin stained with methylene blue, stratum spinosum, or stratum basale. This distribu-
expanded in an alkaline solution with a pH of 12 and show- tion indicates that ceramide biosynthesis is spatio-
ing a regular alignment of corneocytes. A remarkably temporally controlled and highly activated in the
ordered structure of flattened stratum granulosum cells uppermost keratinocytes under terminal differen-
and anucleate corneocytes can be seen. The corneocytes tiation to corneocytes.
show a regular zigzag interdigitation pattern between Among the epidermal ceramides with marked
cell columns. C, Frozen section of human abdominal skin molecular heterogeneity, acylceramide is essential not
stained with methylene blue and expanded in an alka- only for the formation of the corneocyte lipid enve-
line solution showing partially regular alignment of cor-
lope, as described earlier, but also for the proper orga-
neocytes. (Image B from Mackenzie IC. Ordered structure
of the epidermis. J Invest Dermatol. 1975;65:45-51, with nization of intercorneocyte lipid lamellae and thereby
permission; Image C from Mackenzie IC, Zimmerman K, the barrier function of the stratum corneum.38-42 Acyl-
Peterson L. The pattern of cellular organization of human ceramide is synthesized via esterification of omega-
epidermis. J Invest Dermatol. 1981;76:459-461, with hydroxyceramide with linoleic acid. Acylceramide
permission. Copyright © The Society for Investigative is an unusual ceramide, the N-acyl chain of which is
Dermatology.) composed of omega-hydroxylated ultra-long-chain
fatty acids (see Fig. 14-7). It has been suggested that
in situ from acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA).30 The the ultra-long-chain fatty acid of acylceramide spans
rate-limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis is cata- a bilayer of lipid lamellae to link the two membranes
lyzed by hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA (HMG CoA) together in the lipid lamellae and thus serves as a
reductase (see Fig. 14-7). Epidermal cholesterol bio- molecular rivet to form stratified lipid lamellae.43
synthesis is upregulated during barrier repair.31 The Deficiencies of the biosynthesis pathway of acylce-
cholesterol biosynthesis pathway in the epidermis ramide cause several types of congenital ichthyosis44 213
is also important for the production of vitamin D.32 (see Table 14-2).

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2 Formation of the cornified cell envelope, corneocyte lipid envelope, and intercorneocyte
lipid lamellae

Differentiation from stratum granulosum cells to corneocytes

3 4 5
Conversion from peripheral Lipid lamellar Conversion from desmosome
cell membrane to corneocyte formation to corneodesmosome
lipid envelope
Desmosome Corneodesmosome
Intercellular space
surrounding SG1 cell
Lipid bilayer
cell membrane Intercorneocyte
lipid lamellae
lipid envelope
Part 2

(~5 nm thickness)
Acylceramide TG1
Cornified cell
Loricrin envelope

and Small (~10 nm thickness)
2 Envoplakin
Structure and Function of Skin

Secretion of the Periplakvin

lamellar body
Lipids, proteases, Lattice structure
Keratin protease inhibitors, of keratin filaments
filaments Lamellar and antimicrobial linked with filaggrin
body molecules
Formation of cornified
1 envelope by cross-linking
Formation of scaffold proteins via
lamellar body transglutaminzese 1
from Golgi Limiting
rich in acylceramide


Figure 14-6 Formation of the cornified cell envelope, corneocyte lipid envelope, and intercorneocyte lipid lamellae. The
time-dependent change of cornification (from SG2 cells via SG1 cells to corneocytes) is shown from left to right. A cor-
nified cell envelope is formed beneath the lipid bilayer cell membrane via crosslinking of envoplakin, periplakin, and
involucrin by transglutaminase 1 (TG1), which is further reinforced by loricrin in the later stage of cornification. Lamellar
bodies exocytose their contents to the extracellular space outside tight junctions. The limiting membrane of the lamellar
bodies contains a large number of acylceramides that replace the lipid bilayer cell membrane to form a corneocyte lipid
envelope. As a result, the cornified cell envelope is coated by the corneocyte lipid envelope. The lipids exocytosed from
lamellar bodies form the intercorneocyte lipid lamellae on the corneocyte lipid envelope to fill the intercellular space and
form the water-resistant barrier of the stratum corneum. Corneodesmosin exocytosed from lamellar bodies is integrated
into the desmosome, which is converted to the corneodesmosome. The lamellar bodies also exocytose proteases and
protease inhibitors to control desquamation and antimicrobial proteins (see Fig. 14-12).

of the stratum corneum, and the outermost corneocytes

CORNEODESMOSOMES are detached, one by one, from the top layer of the stra-
tum corneum; this process is called desquamation.46
Desmosomes are the major cell–cell adhesion structure in The major proteases involved in the degradation of
the granular, spinous, and basal cell layers. Corneodes- corneodesmosomes are serine proteases belonging to
mosin is secreted by lamellar bodies into the extracellu- the kallikrein group. Kallikreins 5, 7, and 14 are known
lar spaces surrounding the SG1 cells (see Figs. 14-2 and to exist in the stratum corneum. These kallikreins are
14-6) and then integrated into the desmosomes, result- also secreted by lamellar bodies into the extracellu-
ing in the formation of corneodesmosomes (ie, specific lar spaces surrounding the SG1 cells (see Fig. 14-2).
cell adhesion structures between corneocytes)45 (see Kallikreins are produced as inactive precursors and
Fig. 14-4). Adhesion between corneocytes is dependent activated via proteolytic conversion by kallikreins
214 on both corneodesmosomes and intercellular lipid lamel- themselves (autoactivation) or by matriptase, a trans-
lae. Corneodesmosomes are degraded in the outer layers membrane serine protease.47,48 The protease activity

Kang_CH014_p0206-0231.indd 214 30/11/18 12:23 pm

Synthetic pathways and key enzymes for cholesterol, free fatty acids, ceramides, and acylceramides
HMG-CoA synthase

HMG-CoA Cholesterol synthesis

HMG-CoA reductase
Mevalonic acid

Squalene Deficiencies in
Acetyl-CoA Lanosterol Dihydrolanosterol
carboxylase NSDHL / NSDHL / CHILD syndrome

Chapter 14 :: Skin Barrier

Zymosterol Zymostenol

Dehydrodesmosterol 7-Dehydrocholesterol

reductase Ultraviolet B

Desmosterol Cholesterol Previtamin D

Ceramide synthesis
Fatty acid
synthase ISQMR
Malonyl-CoA Fatty acids ULC-fatty acids

Phospholipase A2

Serine + Palmitoyl-CoA

Ceramide synthase
Sphinganine Ceramides ARCI9
Food intake Linoleic acid syndrome
(Essential ARCI10
fatty acids) Acylceramides ARCI2

Figure 14-7 Synthetic pathways, key enzymes and deficiencies in the enzymes for cholesterol, free fatty acids, cerami-
des, and acylceramides. CoA, coenzyme A; HMG-CoA, hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA; CHILD syndrome, congenital hemi-
dysplasia with ichthyosiform erythroderma and limb defects syndrome; MCCPD, microcephaly, congenital cataract, and
psoriasiform dermatitis; ISQMR, ichthyosis, spastic quadriplegia, and mental retardation; ARCI, autosomal recessive con-
genital ichthyosis; NSDHL, NAD(P) dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like; MSMO1, methylsterol monooxygenase 1; ULC,

of the activated kallikreins is thought to be inhibited Congenital defects of matriptase induce congenital
by the direct binding of lymphoepithelial Kazal-type- ichthyosis showing hyperkeratosis and impaired deg-
related inhibitor (LEKTI), which is also secreted into radation of corneodesmosomes, probably caused by
the intercellular spaces via lamellar bodies.49 The insufficient activation of kallikrein proteases.54 In con-
production of kallikreins as inactive precursors, and trast, congenital defects of LEKTI induce Netherton
the inhibition of their protease activity by LEKTI, are syndrome, in which entire layers of the stratum cor-
considered to prohibit the degradation of corneodes- neum are prone to being peeled off, probably caused
mosomes in the lower layer of the stratum corneum by the enhanced degradation of corneodesmosomes
and thus prevent premature desquamation.50 LEKTI by kallikreins.55 Such detachment of whole layers of
binding to kallikreins has been shown to be pH depen- the stratum corneum is also observed in the congeni-
dent. The lower pH of the intercellular spaces in the tal defects of corneodesmosin or desmoglein 156-58 (see
outer layers of the stratum corneum is thought to facil- Table 14-2). Patients prone to total detachment of the
itate the dissociation of kallikreins from LEKTI and the stratum corneum are predisposed to various allergic
kallikrein-dependent degradation of corneodesmo- conditions, probably via increased allergen penetra-
somes (see Fig. 14-2).51-53 The outermost corneocytes tion through the defective skin barrier and facilitation 215
eventually detach from the skin. of percutaneous sensitization.5,59

Kang_CH014_p0206-0231.indd 215 30/11/18 12:23 pm

In humans, filaggrin is expressed only in cornified
stratified epithelia; therefore, it is expressed in skin
AND FILAGGRIN but not in the esophagus or airways.64 Profilaggrin
is expressed in the stratum granulosum and forms
intracellular aggregates known as keratohyalin gran-
Filaggrin is the major protein of the stratum cor- ules. Under cornification, profilaggrin is processed by
neum. Various mutations in the filaggrin gene predis- various proteases into mature filaggrin monomers63
pose patients to atopic eczema, allergic rhinitis, food (Fig. 14-8). Filaggrin monomers bundle keratin
allergies, and asthma complicated with eczema.60-63

Multi-domain structure of the stratum corneum and multi-step maturation/degradation of filaggrin

H2O Hg 2+, Cr 2+, K+ Allergens UV

Part 2


Water-soluble small molecules

Structure and Function of Skin

Corneocytes of permeate into the upper layers of

the upper SC the stratum corneum where protein
structure is proteolytically degraded.

Caspase 14 plus
additional peptidases Amino In the middle layers of the stratum
Corneocytes of hydrolase
corneum, filaggrin degraded into
the middle SC +UCA
+PCA natural moisturizing factors.

Intermediate species NMF

PAD1 and
In the lower layers of the stratum
Corneocytes of corneum, filaggrin monomers
the lower SC Formation of bundle keratin filaments.
keratin-based Nucleus
Nuclei and intracellular
organella are degraded.
Dephosphorylation Profilaggrin proteolytically
Proteolysis Multiple protease degraded into mature
filaggrin monomers.

Mature filaggrin A and B domain of profilaggrin

Nucleus monomers move into the nucleus.

Profilaggrin forms keratohyalin

Stratum Keratin IFs

A domain Filaggrin
Nucleus B domain Free
C-terminal domain acid

Figure 14-8 Multidomain structure of the stratum corneum and multistep maturation and degradation of filaggrin. The
stratum corneum is thought to consist of at least three types of corneocytes undergoing different differentiation steps
(corneocytes of the lower, middle, and upper stratum corneum). NMF, natural moisturizing factor; PAD, peptidylarginine
deiminase; PCA, 2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid; IF, intermediate filament; SC, stratum corneum; TGM, transglutaminase;
216 UCA, urocanic acid. (Modified from McAleer MA, Irvine AD. The multifunctional role of filaggrin in allergic skin disease.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013;131(2):280-291.)

Kang_CH014_p0206-0231.indd 216 30/11/18 12:23 pm

intermediate filaments and may form a lattice struc-
ture in the lower layer of the stratum corneum.65,66
skin microbiota,77-79 and environmental factors such as
low air humidity80 and air pollution.81
The lattice structure can be observed under electron
microscopy. In the later stage of cornification, keratin
filaments bundled with filaggrin become cross-linked
to the cornified cell envelope. The dead cornified cells MULTIDOMAIN STRUCTURE
lose most of their intracellular organelles and consist
mostly of bundled intermediate filaments covalently
attached to, and enclosed within, the cell envelope. CORNEUM
Conventional cell biological analyses of the stratum

FILAGGRIN DEGRADATION corneum have been hampered by the insolubility of

covalently cross-linked proteins. To overcome this dif-
AND NATURAL ficulty, the stratum corneum has been analyzed by vari-

Chapter 14 :: Skin Barrier

ous special methods, such as cryoelectron microscopy,
MOISTURIZING FACTORS immunoelectron microscopy, Raman spectromicros-
copy analysis, and time-of-flight secondary ion mass
Filaggrin monomers bundle keratin filaments in the spectroscopy.82-85 Based on the results of these analyses,
innermost layers of the stratum corneum. Because the stratum corneum is considered to be divisible into
new corneocytes are continuously supplied at the several different parts with different characteristics,
bottom and old corneocytes are desquamated from most likely into three parts (the upper, middle, and
the surface of the stratum corneum, each corneocyte lower layers). For example, water-soluble small mol-
gradually moves to the upper layers. During this ecules soak in and out at the upper part of the stratum
upward movement of the corneocyte, intracellular corneum, where the protein-based structure of the cor-
filaggrin molecules are degraded into free amino neocytes is proteolytically degraded, and the corneo-
acids and their derivatives by proteases, including cytes are thought to function as a sponge.83,85 Further
caspase 14 and bleomycin hydrolase. Representative permeation of water-soluble small molecules into the
examples of the derivatives are trans-urocanic acid middle part of the stratum corneum is rather limited,
catalyzed from histidine by histidase and pyrrol- indicating that permeation barriers exist within the
idone carboxylic acid catalyzed from glutamine.63,67-69 middle part of this structure.83 The middle part of the
The natural moisturizing factors of the stratum cor- stratum corneum also has a large potential to absorb
neum are composed primarily of these amino acids and hold water, likely corresponding to the enrichment
and their derivatives, together with lactic acid, of natural moisturizing factors, which are mostly pro-
urea, citrate, and sugars.61,70 Deficiency of caspase duced by the degradation of mature filaggrin.63,82 The
14 causes a defect in the proper degradation of corneocytes of the lower part of the stratum corneum
filaggrin and the resultant phenotype of ichthyosis71 show an intracellular lattice structure of keratin fila-
(see Table 14-2). ments, integrated by mature filaggrin monomers, which
Haploinsufficiency of filaggrin, because of various is believed to contribute to the physical strength of the
heterozygous mutations in the gene encoding filag- stratum corneum84 (Fig. 14-9). The stratum corneum
grin, causes ichthyosis vulgaris, a dry skin condition,72 is a pile of “dead” corneocytes that lack any energy-
and predisposes patients to atopic dermatitis and dependent activities, such as adenosine triphosphate–
various allergic diseases accompanied by eczema dependent active transport, translation of proteins, and
(eg, food allergy and asthma)73,74 (see Table 14-2). mRNA transcription. It is still largely unknown how
The decrease in filaggrin induces a decrease in natu- the stratum corneum maintains homeostasis using the
ral moisturizing factors, a disturbance of the lattice distinct features in its upper, middle, and lower layers.
structure of the keratin filaments in the innermost lay-
ers of the stratum corneum, and a probable increase
in the incidence of barrier breakage of the stratum
corneum.75 Such a weakness in the stratum corneum PERCUTANEOUS
barrier may increase the chance of external allergens
penetrating into the skin and the risk of percutaneous
sensitization against various allergens. Most patients THE STRATUM CORNEUM
with severe stratum barrier defects, such as those with
Netherton syndrome, have multiple allergies. In con- Knowledge of how external molecules penetrate the epi-
trast, most patients who have mutations in the filag- dermis is important not only for a better understanding
grin gene basically develop ichthyosis vulgaris, and of the pathogenesis of various skin diseases but also for
only some of these patients develop allergic diseases. the development of drug delivery for topical treatments.
This suggests that the barrier deficiency induced by The paracellular route is a major pathway by which
filaggrin mutations is moderate and that the develop- external molecules can penetrate the stratum corneum
ment of allergic diseases in these patients is modu- (see Fig. 14-3). Other routes of penetration into the skin
lated by various additional factors, such as genetic are by the sebaceous glands or hair follicles, but the exact 217
differences in immune reactions,76 differences in the mechanisms of these pathways remain to be elucidated.86

Kang_CH014_p0206-0231.indd 217 30/11/18 12:23 pm

2 Tight junction barrier and cell polarity in simple and stratified epithelial cellular sheets

Outside TJ Simple epithelium Outside TJ Cornified epidermis

membrane TJ SG1

Stratum granulosum

Part 2

Paracellular Transcellular
Inside TJ pathway pathway Inside TJ
Structure and Function of Skin

Cell membrane Claudins

TJ strands



100 nm

Intercellular space

Figure 14-9 Tight junction (TJ) barrier in simple and stratified epithelial cellular sheets. The extracellular environment
and plasma membrane are divided into two parts at the TJ barrier in simple epithelia. Solutes move between the two
compartments via paracellular and transcellular pathways. In the epidermis, increasing evidence suggests that both the
extracellular environment and plasma membrane are also divided into two parts at the TJ barrier formed between the
SG2 cells, the extracellular environment outside and inside the TJ barrier, and the apical and basolateral cell membrane. In
the electron micrograph (left panel), a TJ appears as a “kissing point” (arrows) where two plasma cell membranes face each
other. The schematic shows the structure of TJ strands on the cell membrane and major transmembrane proteins of TJs. C,
C-terminus; N, N-terminus. (Image used with permission from Dr. Hiroyuki Sasaki.)

Occlusive patches used in patch testing affect the intercor- through the stratum corneum barrier but are also prohib-
neocyte lipid lamellae and increase the permeation of sol- ited from further permeation into the skin by the tight
utes and solvents through the stratum corneum.87 After junction barrier. Recent studies revealed that a defective
passing through the stratum corneum, small molecules stratum corneum barrier in early childhood is associated
such as haptens can easily permeate the dermis, probably with the development of various allergic diseases, such
through the transcellular pathway (see Fig. 14-9). In con- as atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and food allergies,
218 trast, large peptide antigens, such as the antigens of house probably via enhanced antigen penetration through the
dust mites or egg albumin, not only find it difficult to pass stratum corneum and percutaneous sensitization.74,88-91

Kang_CH014_p0206-0231.indd 218 30/11/18 12:23 pm

TIGHT JUNCTIONS consist of tight junction strands, which are mainly com-
posed of four-transmembrane proteins of claudins on
Multicellular organisms use epithelial cellular sheets to the plasma membrane that probably function as a zip
separate their body from the external environment or lock to seal the adjacent plasma membrane, thereby
their organs from one another. Epithelia serve as selec- forming a barrier against molecular movement through
tive permeability barriers to fluids that differ in chemi- the paracellular pathway (see Fig. 14-9).94,95 Other major
cal composition (Fig. 14-10). The occluding junctions components of tight junctions are the transmembrane
are specialized intercellular adhesion complexes that proteins of occludin, junctional adhesion molecule A
are crucial for limiting molecular movement through (JAM-A), tricellulin, and angulins, and the intracellu-
the paracellular pathway (see Fig. 14-10) because they lar scaffold proteins of ZO-1, 2, and 3.96,97 Tight junc-
seal the intercellular spaces of the epithelial cellular tions do not simply form an impermeable barrier but
sheets.92 Tight junctions facilitate this barrier in verte- also serve as ion- and size-selective barriers that vary in
brates. In the gut of humans, for example, gut epithelia tightness depending on the cell type and the composi-
equipped with tight junction barriers separate body tion of their structural adhesive molecules.97-99

Chapter 14 :: Skin Barrier

fluids from the fluid of the gut lumen.

Observations of normal human trunk skin and mouse
In simple epithelia, the tight junctions are located at ear, abdominal, and back skin revealed that only the
the apical-most part of the apical junctional complex93 single-layer cells of the SG2 layer are equipped with
(see Fig. 14-9). The apical junctional complex consists of tight junctions and show apical and basolateral cell
tight junctions, beltlike adherens junctions, and desmo- membrane polarity in the epidermis (see Figs. 14-2 and
somes. The cell membrane is divided into two parts at 14-9).100,101 The extracellular spaces of the epidermis are
the tight junctions—the apical cell membrane and baso- divided into two parts by the tight junction barrier.5
lateral cell membrane—both of which has a different The SG2 and SG1 cells secret various molecules (ie, lip-
composition of membranous proteins. Tight junctions ids and proteases) via lamellar body secretions from

Spatial location of the stratum corneum, tight junctions, and Langerhans cells

TJ barrier

Ag uptake

SG1 Outside of
TJ barrier
Stratum SG2

spinosum Inside of
TJ barrier

Steady- Actiated
state LC LC


Figure 14-10 Spatial location of the stratum corneum, tight junctions (TJs), and Langerhans cells. SG2 cells form TJs (closed
circle in dark green). SG1 cells are located outside the TJ barrier (light blue). In contrast, SG3 cells, spinous layer cells, and Lang-
erhans cells are located inside the TJ barrier (purple). Dendrites of Langerhans cells in a steady state (left yellow cell) are located
beneath the TJ but penetrate through the TJ barrier in their activated state (right yellow cell) to access to the outside TJ barrier. 219
Antigen (Ag) uptake occurs from the tip of the dendrites (indicated by Ag uptake) at the outside TJ barrier.

Kang_CH014_p0206-0231.indd 219 30/11/18 12:23 pm

2 their apical cell membrane into the extracellular spaces
surrounding the SG1 cells, which are outside the tight
between adjacent cell columns (see Fig. 14-5B). This
regularly interdigitated stacking structure is most
junction barrier and are probably segregated from apparent in the skin of rodent ears but is also observed
the environment inside the tight junction barrier (see in the skin of other body regions in rodents, as well as
Fig. 14-2). in human skin.112 Classic scanning electron microscopic
A lack of claudin-1, a major claudin of the epidermis, studies of the skin surface corneocytes of the murine
causes leakage of the epidermal tight junction barrier ear and a recent immunofluorescent microscopic
and deficient formation of the stratum corneum bar- study of the tight junction-bearing granular layer cells
rier in mice, resulting in early neonatal death (prob- of the murine ear revealed that the basic shape of the
ably caused by water loss from the body surface).102 cell is a flattened variation of Kelvin’s tetrakaideca-
Decreased claudin-1 expression in mice induces an hedron (see Table 14-1) in the stratum corneum and
ichthyosis phenotype and skin inflammation.103 A lack stratum granulosum4,113,114 (Fig. 14-11). The regular
of claudin-1 in humans results in a very rare congenital interdigitation pattern of the corneocytes is believed
disease called neonatal ichthyosis sclerosing cholangi- result from the regular interdigitated stacking of the
Part 2

tis syndrome104 (see Table 14-2). These observations flattened tetrakaidecahedron cells (see Figs. 14-5B
indicate that a functional tight junction barrier is cru- and 14-11C). Computational simulation and in vivo
cial for proper formation of the stratum corneum bar- imaging studies suggested that this regular structure
rier and maintenance of epidermal homeostasis. is formed at the granular layer by transformation of

the three-dimensional shape of cells supplied from

Structure and Function of Skin

the spinous layer, although the precise molecular

mechanisms underlying the cell shape change are
INTERACTION BETWEEN still unknown.4,115-117 Only a single layer of cells (SG2
TIGHT JUNCTION BARRIERS layer cells) form tight junctions at the apical edges of
lateral cell–cell contacts. Therefore, tight junctions are
AND INTRAEPIDERMAL formed at the edges of tetrakaidecahedron cells (see
Fig. 14-11). When a tight junction-forming cell (an old
IMMUNE-MEDIATED CELLS cell) is replaced by a new cell located just beneath the
old cell, the new cell first forms a new tight junction
Langerhans cells are antigen-presenting cells that are polygon beneath the old cell. Thus, each tight junc-
found in the epidermis and have multiple dendrites. tion polygon becomes temporally double-edged dur-
They stay below the tight junction and project their ing cell replacement (see Fig. 14-11). After that, the
dendrites upward in their steady state in both human tight junction polygon of the old cells disappears,
and mice epidermis.101,105 After activation, Langerhans and eventually, the old cell is extruded to the outside
cells extend their dendrites beyond the tight junction of the tight junction barrier (the outside of the SG2
barrier and capture external antigens that penetrate cell layer that forms the tight junction barrier). The
through the stratum corneum (see Fig. 14-10). During temporal formation of the double-edged tight junc-
this process, new tight junctions are formed between tion polygon at each cell turnover site maintains the
Langerhans cell dendrites and keratinocytes of the SG2 homeostasis of the tight junction barrier.4 The regular
layer, enabling the uptake of external antigens without interdigitated stacking of the flattened tetrakaideca-
disturbing the barrier function of the tight junctions. hedron cells enables not only the temporal formation
The Langerhans cells migrate out from the epidermis, of the double-edged tight junction polygon but also
present the captured antigens to T cells in draining to maintain the spatial relationship between cells and
lymph nodes, and are considered to induce humoral desmosomal cell–cell adhesions during cell turnover
immunity to the captured antigens.101,106 that may be responsible the physical strength of the
γ-δ T cells are a minor subpopulation of T cells that epidermis.4 The molecular mechanisms that restrict
express T-cell receptor γ and δ. In the human epider- tight junction-forming activity to the SG2 cell layer
mis, γ-δ T cells are rare; however, a large proportion in the epidermis, the spatiotemporal regulation of
of T cells are γ-δ T cells in mice epidermis.107-110 The cell turnover while maintaining tight junction bar-
dendrites of γ-δ T cells have been shown to dock with rier homeostasis, and the manner in which the tet-
the basal side of the tight junction-bearing cells in mice rakaidecahedron cell shape is produced are currently
epidermis, forming immunologic synapses that polar- unknown.
ize and anchor T cell projections at keratinocytes.111

The skin constantly encounters microbial patho-
220 Corneocytes form according to a regular stacking gens. Control of the skin microbiota is important to
structure, with regular zigzag interdigitation patterns prevent bacterial and fungal infections. Continuous

Kang_CH014_p0206-0231.indd 220 30/11/18 12:23 pm

Three-dimensional cell shape and a model for cell replacement in the epidermis
Tight junction–bearing cells Corneocytes at the surface
in the stratum granulosum of the stratum corneum
Schema of the epidermis based 2
on the tetrakaidekahedron cell shape 3

Stratum corneum

Stratum granulosum
SG1 S 5

Chapter 14 :: Skin Barrier


Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahedron Flattened Kelvin’s


Double-edged TJ polygon in the epidermis

Stack of flattened Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahedron KEY





2 2 2 SG 2

2 2 2 2 2
2 SG

Time-dependent TJ replacement and cell extrusion to the outside TJ barrier


Figure 14-11 Three-dimensional cell shape of corneocytes and tight junction (TJ)–forming cells. A, Three-dimensional
polyhedral shape of TJ-forming cells in immunofluorescent microscopic view (left panel) and the equivalent shape of cor-
neocytes at the surface of the stratum corneum in scanning electron microscopic view (right panel) suggest that the basic
shape of stratum granulosum cells and corneocytes is a flattened variation of Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahedron. B, Kelvin’s tet-
rakaidecahedron flattened variation of Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahedron, and regular interdigitated stacks of flattened Kelvin’s
tetrakaidecahedron cells. SG2 cells are displayed at the top of cell columns. Three different Z-axis positions of the SG2 cells
are displayed in yellow, pink, and blue on the apical surface of the cells. Tight junctions (green edges) located at the apical
edges of the cell-cell contact between SG2 cells. C, En face view of the TJs (green edges stained by anti-ZO-1 antibody)
in mouse ear skin. Essentially, tight junction polygons are single edged. The double-edged polygon (asterisk) is the site
where a new TJ polygon is formed to relocate a cell from inside to outside of the TJ barrier. D, Conceptual model for the
formation of the double-edged TJ polygon (asterisk) during cell turnover from inside to outside of the TJ barrier. A new
TJ polygon is formed beneath the center yellow-colored cell (asterisk, left panel), resulting in the formation of a double-
edged polygon (middle panel). Then, the outer old polygon is degraded (right panel). The center yellow-colored cell in the
left panel (asterisk) is relocated from inside the TJ barrier (left panel) to outside of the TJ barrier (right panel) after the tem-
poral formation of the double-edged polygon (middle panel). (The scanning electron microscopic picture on the right side
of Image A, is reproduced with permission of Springer Nature from Allen TD, Potten CS. Significance of cell shape in tissue
architecture. Nature. 1976;264:545-547.) The immunofluorescent pictures of parts A and C and schemas in B and D are from 221
Yokouchi M, Atsugi T, Logtestijn M, et al. Epidermal cell turnover across tight junctions based on Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahedron
cell shape. Elife. 2016;5:e19593.

Kang_CH014_p0206-0231.indd 221 30/11/18 12:23 pm

2 turnover of epidermal cells by desquamation pro-
hibits colonization of microorganisms on the skin. ANTIMICROBIAL PROTEINS
The physical properties of the skin surface itself
prevents bacterial growth, that is, a low carbohy-
drate and water content and a weakly acidic pH (a
pH of 5.6 to 6.4).118-120 The weak acidic pH is due to Antimicrobial proteins are evolutionarily ancient
various substances, such as free fatty acids secreted innate immune effectors produced by almost all plants
from sebaceous glands or derived from phospho- and animals.122,123 Antimicrobial proteins show a broad
lipid hydrolysis in the stratum corneum, lactic acid antibacterial activity against both gram-positive and
secreted from derived from the eccrine glands, uro- -negative bacteria; some even show antifungal or
canic acid mostly derived from the degradation antiviral activity. The antimicrobial activity of most
products of filaggrin, and metabolites produced by proteins occurs as a result of their unique structural
microorganisms.121 The epidermis is also equipped characteristics, which enable disruption of the micro-
with an active antimicrobial defense system com- bial membrane while leaving host cell membranes
intact. These proteins also act as “alarmins” to alert
Part 2

prising antimicrobial proteins (Table 14-3).

host cells to react to injuries and microbial invasions.124
Many proteins act as antimicrobial proteins/
alarmins in the skin, including short proteins, such as

β-defensins, cathelicidins, dermcidin, psoriasin, neu-

TABLE 14-3
Structure and Function of Skin

ropeptides, and chemokines, and larger proteins, such

Antimicrobial Proteins on the Skin Surface as lysozymes, elastase, complement, and the S100 pro-
teins. The variety of these antimicrobial proteins may
ANTIMICROBIAL reflect the complexity and long history of the microbial
challenges at the skin surface.
Human Epidermis Antimicrobial activity against The epithelial cells lining the surface of the intestine,
β-defensin 1 gram-negative bacteria respiratory tract, reproductive tract, and skin are the
Role in keratinocyte major source of antimicrobial proteins. Each epithe-
lium has many characteristic antimicrobial proteins
Human Epidermis Inducible by microbial compo- that are necessary for each microenvironment. Catheli-
β-defensin 2 nents (Pseudomonas aerugi- cidins and β-defensins are the two major antimicrobial
nosa, Staphylococcus aureus, proteins of the skin and show a broad spectrum of anti-
Candida albicans)
microbial activity in vivo.125
Inducible by TNF-α IL-1
Antimicrobial activity
against Escherichia coli and
P. aeruginosa
Weakly bacteriostatic against
gram-positive bacteria
Human Epidermis Induced by TNF-α and bacteria ANTIMICROBIAL PROTEINS
β-defensin 3 Bactericidal activity against
Gram positive bacteria Keratinocytes produce various antimicrobial proteins
(S. aureus and vancomycin-
to defend the skin (Fig. 14-12). In particular, kerati-
resistant Enterococcus faecium)
nocytes in the hair follicle constitutively produce cat-
Cathelicidin Keratinocytes Vitamin D is a major inducer helicidins and β-defensins at a higher level than the
(LL-37) Mast cells Antibacterial, antifungal, and
keratinocytes of the interfollicular epidermis, prob-
Neutrophils antiviral activities
ably because the microenvironment of hair follicles
Eccrine gland Attracts mast cells and
ductal cells neutrophils
facilitates bacterial colonization much more readily
than that of the interfollicular epidermis. Secretory
Psoriasin Keratinocytes Bacterial membrane
cells of the skin, such as those in the eccrine, apocrine,
(S100A7) permeability
and sebaceous glands, secrete their own antimicrobial
Bactericidal against E. coli
Chemoattractant for CD4 cells
proteins and lipids and contribute to the antimicrobial
and neutrophils activity of the skin surface. In the dermis, mast cells
produce large amount of cathelicidins and store them
RNase 7 Stratum Broad spectrum antimicrobial
corneum activity (S. aureus,
within intracellular granules. After skin injuries, mast
Propionibacterium acnes, cells secrete cathelicidins to resist bacterial and viral
P. aeruginosa, E. coli, infections.126 Additionally, commensal bacteria pro-
C. albicans) duce their own antimicrobial proteins. For example,
Induced by IL-1β, IFN-γ, γ
γ, Staphylococcus epidermidis, the dominant commensal
bacterial challenge bacterium of the skin microbiota, produces several
IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-α. antimicrobial proteins.127,128 These various antimicro-
From Modlin RL, Miller LS, Bangert C, et al. Innate and adaptive immunity bial proteins derived from host cells and microorgan-
222 in the skin. In: Goldsmith LA, Katz SI, Gilchrest BA, et al, eds. Fitzpatrick’s isms can modulate or regulate the composition of the
Dermatology in General Medicine, 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2012. skin microbiota.

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Antimicrobial proteins produced by host cells and commensal bacteria
Host-derived AMP Commensal-derived
BD1, BD2, Lysozyme AMP (eg, PSMγ
Staphylococcus BD3 and BD4 SLPI
epidermidis or PSMδ)
Cathelicidin Elafin
RNase7 αMSH
Psoriasin Catestatin
Lactoferrin Calprotectin

Viable cell
layers of the

Chapter 14 :: Skin Barrier


Mast cell


BD1 and BD2 Cathelicidin

Histone H4 Dermcidin
Psoriasin BD1 and BD2
Eccrine epithelial cells

Figure 14-12 Antimicrobial proteins produced by host cells and commensal bacteria. AMP, antimicrobial proteins; BD,
beta defencins; PSM, phenol soluble modulin; MSH, melanocyte-stimulating hormone; SLPI, secretory leukocyte protease
inhibitor. (Adapted with permission from Springer Nature from Gallo RL, Hooper LV. Epithelial antimicrobial defence of the
skin and intestine. Nat Rev Immunol. 2012;12:503.)

cell. For example, LL-37, the human member of the

FUNCTIONS OF cathelicidin family of antimicrobial peptides, recruits
ANTIMICROBIAL PROTEINS neutrophils, T cells, monocytes, and mast cells. LL-37
also induces keratinocytes through the mitochondrial
antiviral signaling pathway to promote the production
Antimicrobial proteins have various mechanisms and secretion of interferon-β, which activates antiviral
of action122,129,130; many target the cell wall or cell responses.134 Toll-like receptors are transmembrane
membrane structure of microorganisms. For exam- receptors for pattern recognition and are activated
ple, defensins and cathelicidins are usually cationic by the conserved structural pattern of microbial mol-
and interact with the bacterial membrane surface ecules, such as lipopolysaccharides, flagella, endotox-
through electrostatic interactions. Some defensins ins, RNA, and DNA.135 Toll-like receptor signaling is
form pores in the bacterial membrane to disrupt not restricted to such microbial molecules but can also
membrane integrity and promote bacterial lysis. be initiated by some antimicrobial proteins, allowing
Cathelicidins bind to bacterial membranes and the immune cell responses to be modified.136
promote membrane insertion and disruption. The
mechanisms of action of several antimicrobial pro-
teins remain unclear.
Increasing evidence indicates that some antimicro-
bial proteins modulate immune signaling through
chemokine receptors and Toll-like receptors. Antimi-
crobial proteins not only stimulate chemokine and Full-term newborn babies have a well-developed and
cytokine secretion from a variety of cell types but functional skin barrier at birth.137 Although infant skin
also use chemotactic activity to recruit leukocytes by has a thinner stratum corneum with low levels of natu-
direct or indirect mechanisms to modify the inflam- ral moisturizing factors and greater transepidermal
matory response.122,131-133 The chemotactic activities of water loss compared with adult skin, transepidermal
different types of antimicrobial proteins are distinct water loss in healthy full-term newborns at birth is 223
from one another, and each recruits different types of equal to or lower than that of adult skin (Table 14-4).138-140

Kang_CH014_p0206-0231.indd 223 30/11/18 12:23 pm

2 TABLE 14-4
Similarities and Differences among Newborn, Infant, and Adult Skin

Epidermal surface Lacking the stratum corneum Coated by the Thin stratum Thick stratum 137,140,171
(<24 wk of gestation) vernix caseosa corneum corneum
Lacking the vernix caseosa
(<28 wk of gestation)
Natural moisturizing factors None or only in a few layers High in the vernix Low in the stratum High in the stra- 139,172
of the stratum corneum caseosa corneum tum corneum
(<26 wk of gestation)
Surface pH — High Low Low 173-175
Part 2

Sebum — — Low (7-12 mo old) High 176

Stratum corneum water content — — High Low 139
Dermal collagen fiber density — — Low High 140

Functional Differences
Structure and Function of Skin

Rate of water absorption — — High Low 139

Transepidermal water loss Very high to high (depending Low High Low 139
on gestation period)

The stratum corneum is developed in utero under

exposure to amniotic fluid, while extensive water expo- BARRIER AGAINST
sure disrupts the stratum corneum barrier in adult skin.
One putative mechanism for stratum corneum barrier
development in utero is the formation of the fetal bio-
film vernix caseosa, which coats the entire skin during PHYSICAL STRUCTURE
the third (last) trimester.141 The vernix caseosa is a com-
plex mixture of water, proteins, and lipids; fetal corneo-
cytes swollen with water are distributed throughout an MECHANICAL STRESSES
amorphous mixture of lipids. The vernix protects the
epidermis from amniotic fluid and facilitates formation The skin, which protects our body from various
of the stratum corneum beneath it. Vernix retention mechanical physical stimuli, consists of stripes of rigid
after birth, compared with vernix removal immedi- and soft tissues, that is, the rigid stratum corneum, soft
ately after birth, has been reported to result in greater layers of keratinocytes, rigid collagenous tissue of the
skin hydration and a lower skin surface pH at 24 hours dermis, and soft cushion of the hypodermis (which is
after birth.141 Moreover, vernix contains antimicrobial rich in adipocytes). Deficits in the physical strength,
agents, including lysozyme and lactoferrin and exhib- and defects in the border, of each stripe cause various
its antifungal and antibacterial activities.142-144 This evi- diseases that lead to physical weakness, such as epider-
dence implies value in retaining the vernix rather than molytic ichthyosis; simple, junctional, and dystrophic
removing it immediately after birth, as recommended epidermolysis bullosa; and Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
by the World Health Organization.145 (see Chaps. 15, 47, 60, and 72).
Unlike a full-term infant, a premature infant has a
weak epidermal barrier and mechanically fragile der-
mis at birth. Babies born before 28 weeks of gestation
lack the covering of the vernix. Newborns with very BARRIERS AGAINST
low birth weight have a greater risk of skin damage as
a result of their insufficient skin barrier. Babies deliv- ULTRAVIOLET STRESSES
ered at 25 weeks of gestation have only a few layers of
the stratum corneum at birth and show transepidermal Reflection at the air–skin interface, absorption by
water loss of about 70 g/m2/hr.146 The transepider- trans-urocanic acid, and diffraction via keratin fila-
mal water loss at birth in preterm newborns gradually ments aligned parallel to the skin surface limit the
decreases to about 7 g/m2/hr until 35 weeks’ gestation, penetration of UV radiation into the stratum corneum.
around which time the epidermal barrier becomes well In the viable cell layer of the epidermis, melanin is the
developed in utero. The epidermal barrier continues to major factor that absorbs UV irradiation and protects
develop after birth, but the transepidermal water loss genomic DNA from UV-induced damage. Although
224 of extremely preterm infants is significantly higher than the upper layer cells of the epidermis may undergo
that of full-term infants even at 1 month after delivery.146 greater DNA damage by UV irradiation than basal

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layer cells because of their location in the epidermis,
the cells are tightly controlled in a nonproliferative
readily evaporate under fur, it is reasonable that hairy
mammals do not use sweat to cool their body. In con-
state and are continuously eliminated from the epider- trast, the furless skin of humans has a high density
mis via cell turnover, which prohibits tumorigenesis. of eccrine sweat glands and enables effective cooling
In the proliferative basal layer cells, the damage to via water evaporation from the body surface. Interest-
genomic DNA induced by UV irradiation is immedi- ingly, the density of eccrine glands and hair follicles
ately repaired by DNA repair enzymes (see Chap. 130). are conversely determined by one transcription factor,
En1, in the mouse footpad.148

The skin is a protective organ against heat and cold

Chapter 14 :: Skin Barrier

stress and plays an important role in controlling body
temperature. In humans, cooling is mainly achieved
by the evaporation of water secreted from eccrine Cooling and maintaining heat are, in part, dependent on
sweat glands. Thermoplegia tends to occur in patients the control of blood flow at the skin surface and counter-
with congenital and acquired anhidrosis or hypohi- current heat exchange between arteries and veins.149,150
drosis. Human skin has the highest reported density When the body temperature rises, skin surface blood
of eccrine sweat glands among all mammals.147 Most vessels are dilated, and the skin appears red. The blood
mammals have few sweat glands but have dense hairs is cooled down via sweat evaporation and radiation-
covering their body. Because secreted sweat does not induced cooling on the skin surface (Fig. 14-13). In cold

Blood flow control in the skin for cooling and heat maintenance

Overheated Cooling

Superficial vein
Deep vein
Sweat evaporation

Radiation cooling


Cold environment Minimizing the

heat loss
Superficial vein
Deep vein

Artery Countercurrent heat exchange

Precooling of arterial blood by

countercurrent heat exchange

Figure 14-13 Blood flow control in the skin for cooling and heat maintenance. In a hot environment (upper panel), the
superficial veins become dilated, and the blood in the superficial veins is mainly cooled via evaporation of eccrine sweat
from the skin surface. In a cold environment (lower panel), the superficial veins contract, preventing heat loss from the
blood. Countercurrent heat exchange between afferent arteries and dilated efferent deep veins precools the blood in the 225
arteries before it reaches the superficial blood vessels, which also prevents heat loss from the skin surface.

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