Kamus Tombonuo Rungus English Protoype

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© GEORGE A MAJAMPAN Di DIHASILKAN DI KG.MONONOOD suGUT KAMUS TOLUTANGAR KAMUS TOLUTANGAR+ 2016 Minonurat: O GEORGE A MAJAMPAN 3/1/2016 Pokinaman nei. Dei kowasa nu ijuwal ko wolion, Hogot do poniiman ogi, Amu kavasa idagang ko dagangon. ijpage TRILINGUAL DICTIONARY PENDAHULUAN EDIS! 2016 KAMUS TOLUTANGAR + 2016 KAMUS TIGABAHASA + Kamus Peribadi Yang Bergandingan Dengan Kamus ‘ Roots Of Rungus Dialects.” Kamus ini dinamakan Tolutangar + kerana didapati lebih dari tiga bahasa digunakan (melayu, yunani, latin). Tapi bahasa selain dari tiga bahasa_utama hanyalah sebagai penyokong —kajian. ~——-s memandangan penguasaan ketiga-tiga bahasa penulis hanya amat lemah (statistic. OMBV 0.0000000000000000456, RGS 0.000008, ENG 0.000000000000009) — Kamus ini digunakan oleh penulis dalam usaha untuk mempelajari bahasa Tombonuo. Walau bagaimana pun syarat/ larangan / peraturan (kecuali tujuan) yang ada pada Edisi 2015 tetap diteruskan dan mandatori. Ingat setiap sumber rujukan yang ada dalam Kamus ini harus disertakan jika anda menambahbaik, mengubah kamus ini dalam versi anda sendiri! Hormati hakcipta orang lain. Nota: Sesiopa yong ingin mengubah- suai Kamus ini menjadi Kamus Tombonuvo, Rungus, Melayu dipersilakan! Sistem: Guided Uncopyrighted Novice Dual- purpose Asset Mini-library. G.U.N.D.A.M Requirements: Fully functional brain (human brain) Fully functional eyes (human eyes) 250 GB free brain memory Compatible to /must be use with “Pongumpugan do puun do Boros do Rungus’ Roots of Rungus Dialects’. @ TERIMAKASIH: Rujukan bahasa Tombonuo: (data 2016) Semua penduduk Kampung Mononood. Para pemimpin gereja PCS Mononood. Rujukan bahasa Rungus: (data 2015) BAHAN RUJUKAN LAIN: George N Appell and Laura Appell, Rungus Dictionary Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 3” Edition T.A. Forscner, Hoturan Di Boros Momogun (Rungus) Outline of A Momogun Grammar (Rungus Dialect), Kudat, 1994 T.A. Forsener, REGISTER OF ROOTS IN THE RUNGUS DIALECT, Pongumpugan = Dot Ongopuun Dit Pongoretan Do Rungus 3rd Editién Kudat, 1992 English-Rungus Dictionary, Web Edition 2009 based on 3rd Edition 1992. Kudat, Malaysia eee Sungur-Sungur rupmignop (Raw data version), 18 Julai 2015, WIKIPEDIA (Inilah sumber utama nama- nama saintifik yang ada dalam kamus ini). Sokonglah Wikipedia! Dan berbagai sumber Iain (majalah, risalah, risalah di estet, pusat pelancongan) SINGKATAN affix: prefixes, infix, suffix art.- arcticle n.—noun/Kata nama pro.- pronoun/kata ganti nama diri adj. — adjective/ kata sifat adv.- adverb/ kata penerang kata kerja dan kata sifat v.—verb/ kata kerja mv.—modal verb conj. - conjunction/kata penghubung imp. — imperative/kata mustahak, perlu diambil perhatian prepo.- preposition/kata sendi det.- determiner syn.- synonym/sinonim, kata _seerti, muinong oorati/idedo injaman dari bahasa Melayu injaman dari bahasa inggeris SANS.- pinjaman dari bahasa Sanskrit e.g.- exempli gratia- sebagai contoh ATURAN Akar kata. = Tombonuo: _tatabahasa. {dialek/pinjaman). akar —_—kata/penerangan bahasa Rungus, penerangan/padanan bahasa Inggeris eg. tangar: nv. boros, language, word, to speak Memperkenalkan penanda ‘Old term’ yang bermaksud ‘Tangar Silaid/tangar babana’ Ini bertujuan untuk menggiatkan usaha penulis menggunakan bahasa asli_bukan bahasa pinjaman. Jika benar-benar tidak ada dalam bahasa kita baru boleh pinjam. Contohnya Komputer, basikal, lori, maggi, mi sup. “Lobuw nu Tombonuo ko Rungus om kiawi bansa so Sabah tu, de milo-milo musisingilo nu tangar kondiri. Bang deth lumiong-o tangar toko. Kina montuduk lolaing nosiro tangar Kina, ong toko? Okon-a ko deih kowasa mutangar nu Molayu ko Inggiris intawa Yunani, ono ya nga adang lupaanan tangar kondiri. Bahagi so mai, tangar toko ado guna (su si Yesus Kristus-o puun/inungkiaton nu kiawi itu, lyo yo su minonaak so toko tangar toko itu) nga bang kakal po miau so wonuo tu ondomo yo, gumama so umo ko so gorija intawa so pejabat, estet, kiawi ono bahagi mongorayou ngaran_ ni ringan toko Yesus Kristus. Kinoringan deih monsiou osuang pongilaan toko so tangar toko ko osuang pongilaan umpak so teologi, nga Kinoringan monsiou inawo/kowiawan toko, mangasip/mongimaid/sumuut so lyo. Amin (oorati bana yo ono, potumano yo ono/itu).” O George.A Majampan, (Tema PCS 2016: Mokiuripon Om Sumilliu Do Barakat) PENDAHULUAN EDISI! 2015. KAMUS TOLUTANGAR 2015 TOMBONUO/RUNGUS/ENGLISH ii|Page Kamus ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada suku Momogun Tombonuo atau suku lain di PPT untuk mencari padanan istilah dalam bahasa Tombonuo, bahasa Rungus dan bahasa Inggeris. Kamus ini tidak boleh dijual/ dikomersialkan namun boleh dicetak, diperbanyakkan untuk kegunaan sendiri. Perhatian! Kamus ini tidak sempurna, lengkap mahupun seratus peratus tepat. Penulis amat mendorong warga PPT untuk menambah serta memperbaiki istilah dalam kamus ini. Maka jika_terdapat_— penambahan, pembaikan dilakukan hendaklah ditulis tarikh cetakan semula (edisi) dan nama si pengubahsuai. Penulis cuba mengumpul ‘puun’ atau akar kata bahasa = Tombonuo ~— dan memasukkannya dalam kamus ini. Semua ini dilakukan untuk =~ memudahkan penyimpanan istilah. Penulis banyak merujuk serta mengambil secara terus bahan Pdt. Forschner. Kenyataannya kamus ini digunakan bersama-sama Kamus ‘Roots of Rungus dialects’ yang dihasilkan oleh Rev. Forschner bersama rakan-rakannya. TERIMA KASIH Yesus Kristus, Uslin, Masran, Jaidi, Jesnailin, Jurainah, Dilger, Dady, Cikgu Quelen (Guru bahasa Ingggeris PPT 2015), semua sumber lain. Mempersembahkan sebahagian —_kajian 2015. Selamat = menggunakan dan memperbaikinyal 0 George A. XXII IOI AIX A III IIA, onus! : with MOLE grammatical errors. Please correct/modify/repair or Inform him any grammatical error you found. “When we lose our language, we no longer have any value, no longer have identity,” said Kuikuro, his forehead glistening with red paint. “Languages is the identity of indigineous peoples.” —_{Dailyexpress. Sunday. Nov 8] TOMBONUO/RUNGUS/ENGLISH A aagut: hongkob aagut: susa abar: n. habal, news; v. poo’abar, pahabal, to send news ada: v.ada, to throw away, to divorce adang: (syn. kodi) imp of negation. kada, do not, do not do that/this! adat: n. adat, law,customary ado: n. aso, do not have, nothing agai: v. agai, to commit adultery akal: oraai su akal akod: n. hakod, leg aku: pro. oku, me, 7 alob: n, otud, knee alai:n, v. traditional dance, to dance alap: ( syn. ongoi).v. anu, to take ali-ali: v. ali-ali, to be well, be healthy alod: n. sangod, enemy, adversary alud: nv. allud, boat, boating amar: n, dunsul, hammer ambai: v. apit, singgah, to fetch ambon: lampin. digunakan untuk kanak- kanal amo: n. ama (pet name: amang), father. Note: in daily life, conversation they use ‘apa’ to show respect to their father according to one informant. When somebody express his/her feeling to someone but the person reject/did not like the one who likes him/her, he/she will say ~amo kku ri? [n.m.i] ampangil: n. ampangil, top of foot amut: adj. llasu, hot; mangamut, magazau, mangallasu vaig, to cook water(mangamut sungoi.) anda’a: n. andaha, rooster (adult male chicken) angalas: mempelas, Tetracera Indica angkam: v. angkam, to hug women (not wife) without permission or by force with the purpose to commit adultery/ to sleep with ansau: v. gumasayun,2) sumangkad nga combo ya kosangkadan so kayu. antara: ? adang muantara antas: v. intana, to go to other places by feet/walking apa: (syn. amo), ama, apan: n. turoi, vagina apon: apon apui: n. apui, fire; v. mongapui, magazau, to cook asak: v. asak, asang: n. asang, pigeon asip: (syn. waid). v. asip, vozo, to follow to believe; n. kosipan, koimaidan, belief asu: n. asu, dog (general term) , literary ‘large dog’ it isa asu m’ayo: devil’s dog asuw: v. asuW, asuw: v. izon atag: v. atag, to keep, to store atag: (syn. ousai). v. to repair, to fix atap: v. atap, to winnow ati: dati, barangkali, maybe atod: n. hatod, sundu, spirit; Atod nu Kinoringan, Sundu dot Avanus/Kinoringan, Holy Spirit/ Spirit of God atoi: n. atoi, liver atol: katol; itchy awan: n. avan, heaven awas: v. avas, lumabus sungoi awat: excl. odoi, bogima, sinian, soi? make people feel sympathy, exclamation of being sorry, sympathy with people awi: adj. avi, finish, nothing left behind, end awi: n. sodop, night; tanganuawi, tanga sodop, middle of the night; awi-awi: n. minsosodop, evening wud: v.havud ayad: (syn.buut) ayak: v. irak, to laugh; muayak,mongirak, laughing ayam: pongayam: n. pangazam, pet, farm animal baanan: n. bahanan, herd of sheeps, buffaloes. e.g.baanan nu dumba baang-baang: n. kinullat, bread, cake, biscuit, cookie (general term). Old term. balat: colour bamban: n. plant? bambol: bambol, momambol bangkaan: tulang posogutan bansak: kobonsakan-puimpugan nu lobuw osuang bantil: n. kuron, type of cooking pot bana: adj. (MLY). banal, real, true bangau: n. chicken with white feather basa: v. (MLY). basa, to read basag: adj. kansang, strong bayag: n. pallavan, bayag kayu: (mangka’bung-used in Keiboton). n. runti; cassava, Manihot Esculenta Crantz. bayau: (syn. ipag). n. ipag, biabas: n. kolliabas, guava bilok: n. Hangap?, flying lizard or flying dragon. Draco. bingog: n. bingog; may refer to chrysalis/pupae or caterpillar of Banana Skipper butterfly (caterpillar that rolled banana leaves). Erionota Thrax. binsulung: n. name of village bintorung: n. bintorung; Salanum Torvum Swartz. bisig: otombirang, benci bo: prefix. e.g. bopolakan (syn. sompapalak) bokusan: n. kind of wild fruit bolou: adj. bollou, cannot see, blind boluot: n. bouvang, bear (sun bear, helarctos malayanus) bombolog: (syn. pumpulu). n. ombollog, bird (general term for birds) bongking: n. vongking, bedbug [note: monosop nu raa nu lobuw om owodung awau} bongkur: n. pagung, back of blade/bush knife bongol: adj. bongung, deaf bongut: nv. dollou, voice bonong: n. species of edible frog boog: adj. bohog, base voice boro: prefix. e.g. borosakit borungai: n. giant soft shelled turtle. note: type of Sayap. (see. Sayap) bosalag: n. basallag; tent bosi: n. dangol, bush knife? botu: n. bowang: n. bavan;, river bua: n. uva, fruit buangkut: n. species of edible frog. (Note: Firstly you need to remove the skin of the {frog before you cook it. The outer skin, the blister like surface of skin is poisonous] bubus: n. bubus, leak, hole, adj. leaky, broken bubus: nobubusan byayo: n. buhazo, crocodile bulit: (syn. dadan), sarok, always, frequent bulukun: n. bullukun, pangolin buluntung: n. bulluntung, rainbow bungkirow: n. ? ,eye hair bungkirow sungang: n. species of rambutant bungkok: n. species of freshwater river fish with painful sting (maybe catfish?) bungkong: n. giyuk so liyu soko obuk butol: fish buuk: n. (ENG). buuk, book, bible; Buuk nu Kinoringan, Kitab, Holy Bible buut: adj, v. tood, slow, to be slow c Cawan: (syn. subung). n. subung, the original word for ‘glass’ for drinks. Old term. D daawa: v. dahava, dumaawa to defend, deny accusation. argue; mudadaawa to argue, discuss controversely dai: adv. amu, do not [note: in Mononood the spell ‘dei’or ‘da‘] dai milo-milo: v. amu millo-millo, must, used to emphasize and strengthen your words/argument, dalai: n. dallai; corn. Zea Mays L. dei: adj. sillo, over there, but near than ‘di'rawu’ ipak: prepo. sid sibak, below, on the ground digon: (syn. so aku), dohon. Old term. dikau: (syn. so ikau), dikau. Old term. dikei: (syn. so kei, mai), dahai. Old term. diko: (syn. so ko), dikou. Old term. di'pau: prepo. sid tupak, di'talom: prepo, adj. sarallom, inside dila moinat: n. dila do rogon{hurufiah?), literary ‘tongue of devil or devil tongue’ . kind of ‘dila tana’ but fragile and smaller di nggau: prepo, adj. savat, high di'langgau: n. i sid savat, the One who reside in heaven (refer to God), the One in heaven dita tana: n. dilla tana, species of slug dampayak: (syn. ipak). adj. short in height di’rawu: prepo. sid soduy, sori sid, there far away, di’rayo: prepo. sid sarazo, (see. sarayo) dogo: ? dogo so pomikiran dolok: n. gombizau? dolokot: v. gavul, amung, ombollot, to mix e.g. kopudodolokot, kopusasampur doras: adj.llogod, strong. e.g. odoras uos. doriba: n. (ENG). doribo, driver doroi: adj. , tiny duat: v.duat, to quest, question duku: n. duku, puppy (young dog) dumporut: n. plant dungol: n. gullupu, freshwater edible bulky snail which is not native to Mononood’s river. Madwari is the one who seeded it here (Mononood). duo: adj. duvo, two. duul: v. dei masuw/sumingkag, ontobo so pintu duyomut: adj. duzomut, slow in action (of working) duyung: n. bollinggaung, rhinoceros beetle G gaan: adj. gaan, light, not heavy gabang: n. musical instrument. consist of ‘tititik’, and ‘longgungan’. gadung: adj. tomou, green, blue gagat: n. llipos, cockroach gagu: mugagu. n. ritual galak: (syn. tangar). n. boros, galak, language; to speak galak: (syn. gatak). adj,v. gangau, noisy, to make noise. gam: v. ka, are gam: naku? gama: v. gama, to work, to cut grass; gogomaon, gagamaon, work, everything that people is doing gana: n. napu, valley gangol: n. dangol, . Old term. note: tangar nu sonsogon koo. okonko tangar bana tuui. gansing: n. gansing, rag, torn clothes gasayon: v. sombol, to visit relatives or friends in neighborhood. gata: n. gata, frog, (general term) gatak: [n.m.i] gatak: (syn. galak — Kg. Mononood). adj. gangau, noisy; v. mongogatak, mongugangay, to make noise gatas: n. gatas, breast milk, milk of animal or human gi'is: adj, v. ginit, hang with rope gikol: gikol gilat: adj, v. gilat ginis: (syn. ragi). n. kind girang: n. girang, teeth of saw, also refer to thorny shell of certain native tortoise gitak: ? gogok: v. gogok, soko gumogok ulu sonit gogorot: adj. stripes, pattern or colour with stripes golu: n. goholu, wooden stick for pounding rice in mortar gonding: n. gonding, rattler used by priestess during Monubayon gonggamor things/objects . barang, all kind of gonggamon: n. koburuan, ponomburuan, all kind of tools, instruments, from cooking utensils to weapons [ maman Gonawou] gonggoungan: n. torogukan, adam’s apple gopu: gumopu gorunggang: n. plant with medicinal properties grinda: n. (ENG). pangasaan, grinder gulow: gulow, dei otenang gumbil: v. guna: v. guna, to respect, to honour guna: nv. guna, use gunggut: n. mamba-rambat, wild creeper with edible fruit. Passiflora Foetida. gayat: v. gazat, gayud: gumayud guyu: adj, v. guzu, to shake ! ian: v. panau, to go. [note: mian: sorid, sillod, sinod. e.g. mian aku po dii sono Moridy, sumillo oku po sid dioti Moridy ] idam: v. ollos, to borrow, to lend. e.g. “pedami aku po ono pensel mu no, poolloso po sid dohon ino pen nu, may you lend me your pen.” ido: adj. iso, one. proto. ikau: pro. ikau, you ikod: n. langou; ikodon-longohon ikod: ingkod, do not ikod po: imp. inudai po, wait me for a minute ilan: n. porilling, cheek imbarong: owarong imbas: v. agi other tori, anggan, to fight each Imbubuas: n. animal imbuhar: v. imbuhal, to say unclean words imparu: oparu impawai: opawai impong: v. llangad, long, condition where you long for somebody that is not present. {empong aku so ikau, | miss you) imumu’o: n. omumuho, snake that can spit it’s poison inawo: n. ginavo, heart or life indad: (syn. imat). v. inud, to wait indadi: adv. anjadi, indadi, furthermore, thus indakod: v. indakod, to climb, to go upstair indarapas: n. killau bouvang, the largest ant in Borneo. Camponotus gigas. Indorogung: n. species of plant ingangansad: n. inanansad, clouded leopard. neofelis nebulosa inganu: kuvo, inggarau: v. panau, to go (only for a short period/time after that you go back home) Inggarau: v. to eat inggaton: n. inggaton, betel tree. Areca Catechu. inggis: (syn. palanuk). n. palanuk, mousedeer (used in keiboton) ingin: v. ingin, want ingod: adj, v. ingod, show/have the likeness but not the same meaning or essence ingog: surupu? ingo! ingongosow: n. large ninipot ingkag: v. ladtak, ullok, to step on, step in ingkokoyok: n. pokilok, armpit ingkoyod: (syn. ingkod- used in Keiboton). v. ingkod, intoron, to stop, to rest : (syn. Obar nu Owarong). (YUNANI). n. Habal do Kovosihan; evangelion. euanggelion ino: n. idi, { pet name: indi, inding) mother inong: v, adj. abal, irad, to be the same; muinong, miabal, same in size, quality; songinong, songirad inosak: n. umau, oil (general term). [ note: Inosak may refer to cooking oil, fuel, Jubricant or grease] insosoput: n. bunga alap nu sayur inum: v. inum, drink inut: (syn.logot) flogot, minut-inut=mogot- llogot insan: adj. Insan, first time, insane po- do it again insok: adj. sollot, pusok, sempit ruang, lyob: gumuyu iyob: haba insu: v. suntu, susui, insu, to copy, to learn by copying the someone's (leader or teacher) teachings, way of thinking and behaviour insugut: (syn. insu). v. to learn by copying the someone's (leader or teacher) teachings ‘and behaviour intawa: conj. antawa, or intutumuu: n. tadtalan, lebah kelulut ipak: adj. nibak, short in height or length ips /. taud, to guard, to watch, to care; n. moomongipat nu owarong, i maanaud dot avantang, the good sheeperd [ note: yun: moongipat- poimen]} iran: v. vongo, to be surprised pro. isai, who itu: det. iti, this itu no: iti no, this is or maybe this is it? iwou: v. ivou, taste iwou: n. rolloi, saliva iya: n. hiza, time, to describe the time when action take place iyap: v. izap, to count. iyau: adjyv. pasi, izau, ive, not dead; kowiawan, koposizan, life iyo: pro. yallo, yosido, him, he J jam: (MLY). n. jam, jaham, watch, time jangkar: n. jangkar, anchor Jembangan Malu: n. rungkopi, creeping plant with thorn and nastic movement. Mimosa Pudica L. Jill: n, v. (ENG). torungku, jail, to jail juli: n. juli, bag K kaan: (syn. panou), to go; used in Keiboton kabai: v. kambai, to embrace, to lay arms on shoulder kadau: to give message kadat: v. sidang, to put into sunlight, for drying purpose kakad: v. kakod, sumingkakad, sumingkakod kakal: adv. kakal, still. e.g. “kakal po miyau so wonuo tu, kakal po mizau sid pomogunan, still live in this world.” kakama: n. ungkama, spider (general term) kakang: n. kakang, piglet, small domestic pig syn. ulod). n. vogok, Keibotonites and Kinadaanites term for domestic pig (both the piglet and the adult pig) kakung: adj, n. kakung, lame, a lame person kalasiu: n. kalasiu, wild cattle. Do not ever try to disturb kalasiu dung because if you do that the kalasiu will find you. kalu: v. kalu, mangkalu-kalu, magkalu-kalu to estimate, to guess kapayas: n. pazas, papaya. Carica Papaya. kapuk: n. kapuk, cotton plant. Ceiba Pentandra. karabau: n. karabau, water buffalo karau: adj. karau, kawad: n. potizukan. Apis dorsata kawad: n. kavad , bee’s honey-comb kawananan: n. name of place kawut: n. kavut, mist kayang: v. kayu: n. kazu, tree (general term) kebon: (syn. suab). n. suvab, tomorow keiboton: n. name of village. [ note: the Keibotonites and Kinadaanites have the same way of speaking and terms which differ from those in Mononood] kelopak: n. kuhakub (kuhakub do dalai), outer layer/wrapping shell of corn kiat: prepo. antad, from kikian: n. imadang, edible fruit, terap kil: (syn. santai). v. baring; masantai i, kumili-baring- kilong: adj, v. killong, curve, bend, to bend kinomulok: n. tapai. Old term. Kinoringan: n. Kinoringan, God, theos kinadaan: n. name of village Kinam: (syn. tarai).v. tiim, to test, to try. Old term. karakas: n. mollucs with shell smaller than lokan, only 10cm in breadth kirum: v. kingis, kirum (used in Bengkoka), to smile. kisas: v. kisas, to rub down, clean up, rub in kiyop: v. kizop, to fan; n. kikiyop, kikizop, fan kobol: kabalan: n. kabailan, people with magic power that make them immune to any physical harm, unharmable. Some say that there are no weapon that could penetrate their body except those imbued with magic power. kodi: (syn. adang) imp of negation. Kada, no. kodut: . kodut, to pinch, to nip kogiw: n. kogiw, orang utan. Pongo pygmaeus kokot: v. kokot, to gnaw (bones, things) kokotodon: n. name of place (Monsudin’s area). e.g. mundaik toko dii so Kokotodon! koliambang: n. kollibambang, butterfly, moth? kolomonggis: n. rambutant like fruit kombang: v. kambang, to expand kona: n. kana, meat portion to any meal kondis: n. edible wild fruit korok: n. species of bird koruk: n. koruk, species of freshwater fish koo: conj. ka, direct speech marker: >said someone., saying of Name of kondiw: n. koniu, eagle koridai: (syn. poruka). n. kijang in Keiboton. koriputok: ? adj? fast speaking with no clear rest between words korom: v. gobu, hug, embrace. kosapi: n. kusapi, type of traditional stringed musical instrument. { note: need more information. Informant do not recognize this. ] kosiono: adj. biano, this day, now kotop: v. kotop kotou: adj. kodow, hard kowii: v. kovili, to look back, to turn head round in order to see behind koyabau: kurubau, plant that can be used to cure skin fungal disease. There are two species: Cassia Alata L/ Cassia Obtusifolia L. koyu: v. kozu, ikoyu-ikozu, det ikoyuan, ikozuan koyuan: n. inan, guvas, (kazu: kozuvan), body, person. e.g.”tinu koyuwan, piro nenan/piro yoti/piro ginavo, how many people/lives?” kuab: kuakub: n. kuhakub, hard outer shell of animal or skin of book kuango: n. kuhango, skull kuasa: (MLY). n. kuasa, power kudap: v. kudap kudapas: mongkudapas- sound effect kudilop: n. lightning kudou: n. sambakon, eyebrow kuropit: sound effect kui hurt xclamation. akai, response when feel kuit: v. tudu, to touch with finger kulat: n. kullat; mushroom (general term) kulat: n. kulat nu tandan; also refer to Straw Mushroom (type of edible mushroom). Volvariella Volvacea. 10 kulintangan: n. kullintangan, type of traditional musical instrument kkulos: (syn. wakas). n. bakkas, wild boar kukulos: (syn. kulos-kulos, sotua) n. dupot, animal (general term) kukutou: n. species of bird kumakau: n. name of place/area kumut: n. timog, blanket kunam: v. kunam, to munch, to chew. kupos: n. kupos, kurab: v. kurab kuramau: adj. vullan tavang, full moon kombiwo: ? korimbituon: n. korimbutuon, star (general term) kuron: n. name of place/village [note: kuron: (syn. lanjang). n. lanjang, rice cooking pot (term applies to both small and bigger pot). kurong: okuro ong, mullong, minsan, even if, eventhough [.m.i.] kusoi: n. kusai, man kuwai: varo, have, there is kuyut: v. kavid, kiit, to grab, to held kawo: ( syn. singkawot, tirol- used in Keiboton). v. tivol, singkavot, kumoo; syn. mian, mumpanou L laa: n, adj. rosi; fear; afraid, to fear. laab: adj. laab, wide, broad Jabus: labus, solliu, ado: luhud, soft voice when speaking fais: n. fish, [n.m.i] laiw: v. idu, to remove things or person. e.g. “olewan kou, eduan kou, I’m sorry | have to leave you all.” talom: adj. rallom, deep lampa: n. name of plant landoi: . lanoi, tadpole landu: v. Jandy langa: n. langa, flying fox tanggau: adj. naru (for people), tall langkas: (syn. sikap). v. llangkas, to be fast, speed. adj. fast, quick langou: n. togonok, housefly, black coloured ty Tanjang: (syn. kuron). a. lanjang, rice cooking pot (both small or bigger rice cooking pot). Old term. lansang: n. pasok, nail, tool to fasten or join construction materials lanung: adj. vongi, sweet smell, sweet scent lapak: n. lapak-lapak? wild plant with edible fruit. Physalis Minima L. ce TaN latub: mongkulatub-sound effect lawis: adj. avis, layag: n. lazag, ship. Note: used in lagu, rinait? libu: n. rolibu, lingkasu: v. lingkasu liyab: v. llizab, to open liyu: n. botung, lake ligot: dei monaak lilang: n, v. momoi, to engage in sport, sport lilinggom: n. korijongkom, pill millipede. People feed this to their dogs so the dogs can find the pangolin easier. lilipan: n. angkallamaai, centipede limbata: n. limbata limbatok: n. limbatok limbukon: n. kind of bird firm 2 adj. limo, five limpadang: n. vozi-vozi, type of python (snake) but short in length. Edible limpugu: adjjv. urod, round, sphere. etc. “olimpugu ong jitu dungol tu; urod ong iti gullupu; this snail is round in shape.” lingga: lingga-lingga pulutan so puun nu borayung tolonon ko nu lopung! lingkid: ? fingkokom: n. llontugi, giant millipede Tiot: Hihot, liou: n. liou, neck lisun: n. llisun, smoke Jobong: n, v. llobong, grave, to bury dead people lobut: adj. lobow, water not clean or clear. e.g. olobut iitu sungoi tu, this water is not clean. lobut: ruhak lobuw: n. ullun, riniba, human, people; kolobuwan, ongoullun, peoples loga: v. rikot, come; lumoga, rumikot, to come logop: n. pomawan nu niyu otuo lokan: n. freshwater mollucs, edible loku: adj. soko gumikol, okilong lolaing: n. anak, child, child below 12 years old; kololaingan, angaanak, childrens lampas: n. payau lombika: n. lombika, edible freshwater river mollucs with dual shell lombow: adj,v. llogod (bahagi dollou), large voice, to make voice larger lomoi: n. species of tame lizard lompog: n. watu nu wutun, the round stone found in porcupine stomach. The Stone have medicinal properties, the People sold it to someone who know its use and its price is very high. lompog: n. ragi nu tapai lomu: adj. llomu, fat, v. to be fat lomu: n. lunok, the fatty layer of pig/boar longgung: n. tampak, rhinoceros. Asian two horned rhinoceros. Dicerorhinus Sumantresis longis: ? Jongo: n. llongo, sesame plant which produce sesame seed. Sesamum Indicum. longkabong: n. llangkabang? tree found in primary forest which the mononoodites say make people’s ear smelly longkop: v. tongkop, to fill up, to fill, to cover everything Toni: n. tlizud, flood lontong: n. lontong, fish [n.m.i.] Joo: (syn. ratu). n. ratu, but used only for fruit that fell to the ground. lolong: lolong lopot: (syn. solui). v. to wrap ; n. linopot, traditional cake made of boyag kayu. Old term lopug: mongkulopug losop: masuk kaki dibutak lotung: mongkulotung Juau: adj. luvau, tidak sempit baju. 2. malas luwas: tidak sempit, for inside building juwid: v. luvid, jundu: n. hondunow, middle finger lunggui: adj. lungui, sad Jungku: full cook, ansak bana, sobana ansak uoi: adj. luhoi, weak, thin (for paper) luom: adj. Hlomi, soft Jub: adj. lluhung, shady, underneath luluk: v. ruluk, to fold together, to fall down, collapse lulun: v. lundun, to roll, to wrap up; n. roll luud: v, adj. sian, love, to show affection; mongoluluud, monian, to love; oluluud, osisian, loving lusung: (syn.lusud). v. ruhuk, v. to come down, adj. olusung, steep, precipitous lumusung so bulud lutut: rolobow M maa: lonit, minatlumonit maal: v. huzan, penat ma di: mahi, might still be mai: dahai, our, us mamalis: masuw uran so waloi maman: n. amai, uncle, used when referring to older men, or married men 13 mamandai: (syn. mongulin). bidan. old term. mamang: imamangon , satu orang Kesunyian, dicakap supaya tiada hantu, palis-palis mamangun: aki mamangun: n. Minamangun, Supreme God, The Creator. Old term. (see wangun) mato: n. mato, eyes miang: adj. ragang, red colour or pattern milun: n. talli, rope minan: n. inai, kominan, aunty, used when referring to older women or married women mo’inat: n. rogon, evil spirit, ghost momos: v. momos momurisou: (syn. momotok) mondou: n. species of owl (hawk owl, dominant white-grayish to bluish feather pattern) [[type of puwok that eat people] monggis: n. inggirang-girang?, species of Jand dwelling tortoise with orange to yellowish colour of shell, head, legs, tail \. animal mongulau: monombodung: mongakan (keibotonites term) mononood: n. name of village and a river montis: n. montis, kingfisher monubayon: n. type of ritual motuk: (syn. katu) dei motuk, dei mogiotuk. soko tumogom dei ali-ali. muno: dikou, yours munsong: n. pomosuvon, honey producing bee. apis cerana muu: n. species of fish muyu: dikou, your N naga: n. naga, dragon, serpent that transformed into dragon [note: kuwai kilat maid nu korud, naga kolaai] nawau: adj,v. navau, light, to lighten ne’e: adj. sino, there ( short distance) nei: ogi ngangol: adj. ngarol, blunt, not sharp enough (cutting tool) nit art. die.g. “tangar ni Yesus, boros di Yesus, Jesus words” niting: adj. lliou, clean water hima: gima, ; bo nima, bo gima. e.g. elaan ~a bonima, elaan i bogima hipon: n. nipon, teeth niyo: pro. dau, him, her, his Nosiro: pro. yoti, they nu: art. do, dot, article. [ note: nu + itu= diti (do + iti ), nu + ono = dino (do + ino)] ‘Au ono: dino cry nu iri: dirt nu itu: diti nunuk: n. nunuk, fig tree ° obi: toning obu: to remove tinal obut: v. ‘it, to bite odog: adj. otos, quiet; v. modog-odog, motos-otos, shut up, be quiet oduk: oduk ‘ogol: v. intoron, to live at one permanent place or house, to make home of ogol: v. opung, to be left, to stay behind, ogol: v. tungkus, to left a legacy, give inheritance, ogom: v. ogom, to sit ogon: sikit lagi , hampir-hampir o'ilo: ny. illo, know, knowledge. e.g. “elaan ku ya tangar muyu no, illaan/ohorotizan ku- ii boros dikou, i know/understand your language.” okan: v. akan, eat; mokan, makan, to eat; n. okanon, ginazau, rice oki kona: okon, no olim: v. olim, to deny olimu: kiolimu: n. people with supernatural abilities olitang:? olu: nv. obi, left overs from meal, to remain, to be left over olungan: n. olungan ‘om: conj.om, and omas: n. amas, gold omis: adj. omis, sweet ondaa: v. andaha, to visit ondom: nv. hondom, memory,to remember, to recall, to recite ondu: (syn. woinoi). n. ondu, woman. (Perhaps an old term for woman).[n.m.i.] ondung: n. odung, nose onduyu: v. onduzu, to sing lullaby to child ‘ong: conj. ong, if ongkikis: n. angkakis, little finger ongkiuranow: n. ompurinazow, dragonfly. Odonata. ongkob: n. sullap, storing place for paddy rice ongkolodungan: n. omporollungan, small freshwater fish with snout [note: scientific name?] ongkopu: n. ungkopy, thumb ‘ongo: affix. ongo, prefi fx that show plurality ‘onid: v. ikid, to do in turn, one after another; n. onid-onidon, tikid-tikidon cycle-wise ‘ono: det. ino, that ‘no sono: { syn. soko iitu-tu) didino, now ‘onom: adj. onom, six onu: det, excla. nunu, what conu ko: adv. kuran, how (used when asking how to do something or how should it be done) onso: kayu-kayu, timbunan, halangan di sungai onsung: n. onsung, mortar for pounding rice made of wood ontam: v. intam, to guess wrongly, be mistaken in judgement. e.g. “ontaman ku ong kakal’a de nokosondiang iyo, intaman ku ong kakal-i dot amu po nakatanid yosido, i'm mistaken in my guessing that i think he is not married yet.” ontolu: n. ontollu, egg, general term for egg o’ong: v. usig, to bark (used for dog). €-8. “mongo’ong ono asu, mongusig inot asu, the dog is barking” opat: adj. apat, four opulu: num, adj. hopod, ten, deca orati: n,v. harati, meaning, to understand oribu: num, adj. Fibu, thousand: oFibu om pul om ido, soribu om hoped om iso, one thousand and eleven 2 orumat: V. guna, horumat, to honour, to respect otok: hotok ountun: v. savo, ontong, to wed, to marry ousai: (syn. atag). v. to become good, to fix owud: n. ovud, spring p paau: v. kodim, call padang: v. pudung, to cut padang: (syn. tipu). v. tipu, to break (of wood, bone) padu: v. umba, to plan, to make plan, to scetch, to propose aga: v. paga, to squeeze wet cloth pagka: v. pagka, to pronounce judgement aku: n. paku, species of fern paku: v. paku; maku-paku Pakurudai: n. pakugandang, borneon lizard with colour-changing ability (can shift between greenish and dark brownish Colour). { note: other than our ‘pakurudai’, there are few species of lizard (in this World) which share the same camouflage ability; the ‘anole and chameleon’) Palad: n. pallad, palm 16 Palui: adj. guvail, naughty Panou: (syn. kaan-Keibotonites term). v. Panau, to walk ; mumpanou, mamanau, to go. Pangkat: (syn. sawat). adj. savat, high, used when referring to high mountain or places Pangkot: n. pangkot?, type of moinat Pantai: n. pantai, sand Papag: adj. papag Papak: v. momaal nu tukad so ponopuan Papau: n. popou pait: n. sada, fish (general term). [ note: tawi, bungkok, butol, sopong] paramanis: n. tingaran, ring finger paramanis: n. paramanis, karamanis, love charm (dei owarong su gogomaon nu moinat itu no)make you believe that the old woman so beautiful. paras: . tabas, forehead paroi: n. parai, rice plant, paddy plant pasu:n. sondullu, finger nail pasui: n. musang patoi: adj. patai, dead; v. momatoi, to kill patong: (syn. osiou), see clearly, osiou babana patung: gingis nu toring nga otulid, musondiang toring pawai: (syn. paru). adj. vasi, beautiful payangat: n.? species of fly that suck blood indog’s ear pias: n. pizas, starfruit (general term). ‘Averrhoa Carambola L Family Oxalidaceace. pidok: (syn, wiros). adj. podok, small piit: piit pikot: n. pikot, species of fly which bites and suck blood of animal and human. pilai: v. pillai, to stone, to throw pinsan: n. pinsan, cousin; kopipinsanan, ongopinsan, all cousins pintal: n. buru, momintal-momuru, mas. ‘kahwin pintos: v. tibas, to slash, cut with sword or cutting tool pintu: (MLY). n. rongobon, navaon, door piot: adj. pihot, piras: (syn. gana),used in Keiboton pisak: v. pisak, to squeeze pisang: adj. rangab, for sword isi: kinis Pisit: n. pitik, lighter biyak: n. pizak, chick Plyu: n. manuk, chicken Podil: paping, ? etc. sompodii, sampaping? aw Podiu: v. podsu, bath; n. Yuanis Moongodiu, Yahya i Moomodsu, John The Baptist Podos: adj. podos, taste of chilli Pogi: adj. siou, brave Pogong: n. fiancée; v. momogong, mihukum, sit for engagement pokakas: n. sulung, banat asazad pokik: adj. tongik, high pitch of voice. the voice of women and children. pokilok: n. pokillok, armpit poli: v. ingos polod: n. pollod, species of palm pompod: n. pompod, end (such as: end of fingernail, life, land and manymore) pona: pun [n.m.i] pondikos: hodjimat nga ikogos so longon pongayam: n. pangazam; domestic animal (chicken, pig, cattle) pontung: n. podtung, species of frog posis: n. animal that eat the heart of other animal by entering anus of their prey and will leave it’s prey without the prey even knowing about it’s action. It’s prey will collapse after a brief time. [note: beware of this dangerous animal must wear underpant] popotung: n. wild fruit porompon: noporompon-nokemas posi: adj. post posik: n.gipa, lobster, freshwater river lobster potikuan:n. potikuvan?, water jug potitong: n. species of small bird potok: tits , tumiis, tumniri pua: n. ongkuzu, river crab. Larger than the ‘ongkuzu’ in Matunggung. Colour, brownish, blackish. [confirmed: not angkahis] pudung: n. small and short bosi, pongindikut and pongukad nu bayag pudi: mullongko, minsan ko [n.m.i] pudi: juga pudik: macam tarik tali dari atas pugi: n. kind of edible fruit pulutan: n. pulutan pumpulu: (syn. bombolog). 0. ombollog, bird (generalterm for bird) pundut: v. purut, punggol: v. punggol, to cut pungolan: n. piuhallan, joints of bones Pungu: n. pinunguan, Sav0, refer to partner (husband or wife). The Tombonuo’s do not use ‘musawo’ because it is harsh language. Punsu: tolis n. animal 18 + putut: (syn. pukat). v. putut, punso: v. punso, to die out, to extinguish; to remove/eliminate any plant by cutting, burning punti: n, punti, banana (general term). Musa Paradisiaka ? puntod: n. gomutan, freshwater cat fish. Ini] pupud: kayu api nokosusul laid purimon: tunggu lama purog: n. purog, sand stone. Used in place of watu when cannot speak in-laws name. Puru Batu: n. name of village purusun: n. traktor, tractor pus: excla. pus, used when monusub cat pusud: n, tokuvan, the hard shell (layer) of coconut pusung: n. tirapus, glass bottle, bottle. Old term. puta: n. puta, foam (small bubble), bubble puti: adj. purak, white to break, to tear un: n, puun, tree trunk, source, start Pp tumimpuun, to start point; v. tumimpuun, /. puzai, piid muka puyal: R- ra: n. roo, chin a’ain. aha, blood ag: adj. rungoi, dama, ma eres ge NV. to damage, to raat: adj, v. raat, bad, evil, to be bad aan: n. faan, tree branch raat: n. rahat, sea ragam: v. tugirak, funny, to make funny things rait:v. rit, to name by name rakit: (syn. sikit) ramat: v. kopuramat-kopuobi rami-rami: v. rami-rami ramok: n. ramok, arrow or bullet of gun. Old term rampam: n. rampam, top of foot rangalau: n. wild rambutant rangas: kolasu, fecur kulit rangkanap: n. : adj. somok, near, not far rantal: adj, v. rantai, flat, to level, to flatten rantang: v. antas, to take short cut ‘rad: v. rarad "asa: v. rasa, purimon, thought, feeling, to Jeel, to taste fatu: n, ratu, durian "atu n, name of village 19 atu nu sonit: n. ratu yang buahnya tumbuh dekat tanah,pangkal pokok rawu: adj. sodu, far distance Fayout v. indazou, razou, praise; mongorayou, mongindazou, to praise vii: . Fugi, thorn, prickle (of plant or animal) rikut: n. sakot, grass rinding: n. rinding, wall tios: v. posik, to wake up ririk: v. rilik, tebas romut: v. romut? to close hole rompok: v. rompok, ron: n. roun, leaf rondom: adj. rondom, very dark night because there is no moonlight rongon: n. bongol, otter rongow: v. rongou, ining, to hear ropuan: n. ropuhan, kitchen. old term rora’a: n. sumuni, virgin girl or woman rowuk: det itom, dei oputi (kelabu) ruang: v. amung, to add rukung: adj, v. rukung rumpos: (syn. rusod). adj. rusod, rudson. runat: n. adau, day; tangarunat, tangaadau, noon; runat pongintoronan, ada pongintaranan, Sobbath rungin: n. rungin, pedocarpus polystachyus. qu’oi: adj. ruhai, easy rupa: (syn. buwatan). n. vuros, face usod: adj.v. rusod, rudson, note: rompui? rutok: v. to cut into smaller pieces rutus: hancur-hancur ruyut: lebih had, osuang, oponu s saad: v. saad sadu: v. sadu sabali: sabali-tabi-tabi,sabali ya tuui sabat: (syn. wako, pagow- not used in Mononood?). adj. kudik, less, small in ‘amount. sabung: n. banat, shirt (general term). Old term. sagut: n. sagut, wild banana sakat: v.sakat sakoi: v. sako, to ride, to be astride sakup: ( syn. taiw). v- kosup, t0 catch up with, to overtake salau: sallau, to smoke meat, fish sambat: (syn. samung). v. samung, £0 meet samit: ramit, gamit Sangai: n. sangai, people with the same ‘fame or pronounciation of name 20 sangai-sangai: n. ondig-ondig, shadow, reflection in the mirror sanggan: (syn. mundam). n. mimpun, mundam, water basin sangkat: keluarga, musangkat- opompon/kovozo/korikot Kavi suvang sirang sangop: n. sangup, cucumber sansara: n,v. (SANS). sansara, suffering, pain, trouble, endurance santak: kosantak-koumpok santik: (syn. pisit). n. pitiky lighter, flint. Old term. santut: n, santut, underwear sapoi: v. sapai, to put on top of, throw away onto sapu: (MLY). v. vuhau, to broom, sweep floor sapu: v. sapu, to harvest the honey of bee sapul: v. sapul, to catch, to save sarakang: to expand hand,pincher, like crab sarapung: n. ?, species of native tree with edible leaves (young leaves) sarayo: adj, v. sarazo , up river, to go up river sarung: v. sarung, to posses; adj. sinorungan, sinorungan, become possessed by evil spirit sasad: sasad saujar: (ENG). n. sujal, soldier awa: adj, adv. Sava, down river, downwards . Nabi, flat freshwater river turtle. pogania Subplana sera: (syn. sombiya). used in Keiboton sizpro. |, refer to person si:excla. si, used when monusub using siawit ikosodop, yesterday night sibarak: sumibarak apui, humakang apui sidat: monidat-sidat sigup: n. sigup; tobacco. Nicotina Tabacum L siit: sit, sangkut sikits adj. sikit, dry, inflammable n. flame siku:n. siku, elbow silald: (syn. gulu). gullu, i kodori po, during the ancestor, during the ancient times, before this day, before this year, years ago siliu: v. silly, to transform, to change, changing silou: adj. sillou, yellow entionally simaid: v. simozo, to overlook int (pretend not to notice somebody Something). e.g. “Posimaidan iyo ano, do not care a i. t him, Posimozoon i yallo, abot ‘et him alone/by himself.” aa simbaal: v. simbaal, to lie, to be double- faced simbut-simbut: kad sopuhun simpad: nosimpad buayo simpad: nosimpad-food poisoning simpor: v. maid mutangar sindata: n. rapo, weapon (general term) singkudu: v. singkudou, knee! singud: v. dungu, to kiss (on cheek or lips?). e.g. mengin aku moningud nu itu asu, engin ‘oku mongodungu diti asu, / want to kiss this dog singud: v. singud, to smell si'niab: konihab, yesterday. eg. “siniab nokolap aku nu limpadang, konihab nakanu ‘oku do vozi-vozi, yesterday i got a python.” sinoroyog: bubur nu boyag kayu, kinohut boyag kayu sintak: monintak-monakat siombo: (syn. pokuro). siombo, where? sisilongwayo: pait opidok sisuna: didino, dino no, just now tibang, iat, suitable as concerning time,v. to make things fitting into timetable. &.0- “dei kosiwat aku amu kotibang oku biano, i cannot 1e today/busy.” siwat: adj. kosiono, because ido not have tim siwat: sondiang pikiran siwoi: - sizam, nine siou: v. imot, to see, to look ; monsiou, mongimot, looking at so: prepo. sid, at sobana: adv. banal ko, very, used to give information that the characteristic of object or subject ore beyond ordinary, or to emphasize ones action or feeling Sodom: (syn. wowaa). n. kilau, ant (general term) sodun: n. bonging, tropical carpenter bees. The largest solitary bee in Borneo. Xylocopa latipes. sogina: v. sumogina-minta izin sogindai: sogindai [n.m.i] [note: what is Rungus term for boiling human heads? Tombonuo’s version of kollizan?} sogod: n,v. singot, sting sogut: sogutan, wiliton nga momilit nu taap. To sew taap. sokid: (syn. tidong, tarakad), used in Keiboton soko: yad, like, such as soko fitu-tu: (syn. ono sono). didino, now, nowadays solan: n. fish, [n.m.i.] Solibaba: v. solibaba, sleepwalk Solimod: adj, v. doromoi, slowly, slow ot Steady (soko lingkokom) 22 solimpuun: from the start (see. puun) solinatad: n. solinatad, rumput sambau solinggaung: n. poguson, sago weevil solod: v. sollod, to take for oneself, be greedy, to take by force solungkapit: (syn. rokot). n. rokot, Borneon freshwater sucker fish. gastromyzon sp. sombiya: adv. songira, sira, when, used when asking about time to do something. time marker sombol: (syn. gasayon). v. sombol, to visit neighbourhood (used in Keiboton) sompoton: n. type of traditional song, v. musompoton, to sing the sompoton sondiang: adj.v. tanid, suvai, different, not the same type; pusondiangan, pitonidan, differences sondiang: v. tongkizad, to separate to separate; v. musondiang, mitongkizad, part, leave each other sonit: n. sonit, tortoise (general term). Species of tortoise including Lantop, suyan, monggis and manymore. sono: ? sonsoniaban: songkonihab, two days age sonsuaban: , lusa sontagal: sekejap, duruk sopot: adj. sopune, ear ¥-f0c08 early sopong: . sada kolluu bollukang, freshwater fish sopuan: n. modsopuan, black squire! soput: v. sopuk, to blew the blowpipe, to shoot dart ; n. sosoput, sosopuk, blowpipe, type of weapon that consist of tube or pipe (dart launcher that we blew) and darts. e.g.” mengin aku nu monoput nu kondiw, engin oku monopuk do koniw, i want to dart an eagle.” sorimbutu: n. rambutant like fruit sorinut: ? soroi: n. ?; Jemon grass. Andropogon Citratus DC Stapf. soromo: tama, dei kosoromo, amu katama sorong: n. sorong-sorong: anggai-anggai, koginavaan, love interest; musorong- sorong, mianggai-anggai, befriend love interest soropit: n. wild fruit sorosob: n. species of tree, edible young leaves sorou: adj, v. sorou, perceptive, to guess, to imagine .. musical instrument sorumpi sosog: (syn.tigi). adj. diligent sosok: (syn. singkag). sosoo: kogono-gono, kini-noon, nanti su: tu suo su: i, tu, 0, because,? [note: need more information] suab: (syn. kebon). suvab, tomorrow suang: adj. gumu, many Suat: v. suat, to suit, fit, to be accordingly [ note: ensuatan-kosuatan] suat: conj. kanangan ko, concerning, about suat: v. onong, hit, aim suat: adj. onong, ontok, correct, accurate su’u: v. suhu, to order, to command, to send; susu'uon nu Kinoringan, malaikat, angel subai + conj. kurod ko, suvai ko, only if suda: adj. guna, use sudai: n. sallampad, hair comb sudu: adj. higak, happy sudu: v. sudu; monsudu, modsudu sudu: n. (MLY). sonduk, sikang, spoon sulang: v. volli, to exchange suli: v. suli, to pay back, repay debts, to revenge sulindang: n. ? suling: n. musical instrument sulod: n. obpinai, sibling suloi: suloi, beri sulak: v- sulak, to meet, to exchange. note: kopusulak kito ambala] sulut: v, adj. andus, peace, peaceful. e.g. kopusulutan, kopiondusan, harmony sumad: v. sumad, to feed animals in trough sumbalik: v, adj. sumbol: v. sumbol sumosorou: n. mushroom that can glow during night/ in the dark sundait: nv. sundait. sundu: n. sundu, supranatural power, spirit; n. Sundu nu Osusi, Holy Spirit (Kitab Tombonuo used Atod nu Osusi) sungai: (MLY). n. palluw, bavang?, why they call sungai is not it bowang- Mononood’s river. [n.m.i] sungkang: sungkod? X menahan- penahan rumah supaya tidak roboh sungoi: n. vaig, water. Aqua sungot: n. vutod, sago weevil larvae. sunguw: n. sangau, horn (general term) sunsud: n.2, mole cricket. Gryllotalpidae sunsur: v. tizuk, monunsur uang sunsurut: n. gonsuri, antlion larvae supiar pat: (ENG). n. spare part suput: v. suput surga: n. (SANS). surga, paradise, heaven 24 surun: n. surun, tebuan susub: v. sunsub, to chase away susul: v. tutud, to burn; n, susulan, tutudan, things to be burn ‘ surukud: v. to bow, surupu: n. people that live for a long time eventhough their age surpassed 100 years old because they practiced black magic. 2) people with age 100 ond up because they made pact with evil spirit suwir: n. tovil, cicada. Edible bug with posik like taste. Cicadoidea. suwit: n. suvit, kind of bird suyan: n. ?,, species of large tortoise which only found in Kinabatangan’s river, yellowish shell T taak: v. tahak, to give taba: v. sohuk, to spoon food. 9. mokitaba/taba-i aku po nu okanon, mokisohuk/sohukai oku po do ginazau, please i want some more rice. tabang: v. tabang, to help, to assist tadak: v. tadak, to explode (for blister) taga: v.? mongintaga tagad: v. tagad, to cut down tree tagas: n. tagas tahu: v. tahu, to put aside takabur: v. takabul, to boast? takang: ( syn. taap mato). n. species of frog make sounds kang...kang...kang! : v. hadjang, bambol, anu, samung, : . talai: v. talai, natalayan talang: adj,v. tallang, visible, to uncover, to explain syn. Lompat? lumpa?). v. tallib, to pass by someone or house, to surpass tamalang: n. tamalang, kind of cassava tamis: (syn. sogit). adj. zami, sogit, cool, cold tampo: v. tabpo, to catch by grabbing object/subject with our hands/patms (not by hugging), to take into custody tangar: ny. boros, language, t0 speak tangau: n. wild creeper (general term) tangit v. ihad, cry, weep; tumangi, mogihad, crying, weeping tangkub: v. tongkub-monangkub tanod: (syn. tawuk). adj. t2nod, 50 (such cooked tuber of yan) to make metal/iron monantan aku po tantan: v. supUy instruntment. €-9- = tapap: v. tapap, to clop. e. mutapap/manapap tapik: v. topik, to jump [note: always changing subject when talking} tarab: v. tarab tarai: (ENG). v. tim, to try, to test. Kinam is the original language. tarang: v. tallahas, tarang, to explain; atarang, atallahas, clear, easy to understood tarom: adjjv. tarom, sharp (cutting too!) tarung: n. soguntung; eggplant. Solanum Melongena tawal: n. taval, type of ritual tawi: n. ikan tapah, species of freshwater fish with enormous mouth (note: does not exist in Matunggung district] tawos: n. tavos, type of animal trap tawuk: syn.tanod but .. | note: what the differences?] tayang: v. tazang misan, species of palin ike tembakau: 1. £0' uit. Piper plant with edible juicy sweet fe Umbellatum. tetaba: n. sosohuk, big $000 e:n, susu, women breast [ami iw: n. species of plont tet tetee nu kalas! tibang: adj. tibang, riat, suitable as concerning time,v. to make things fitting into timetable tidas: bamboo yang runcing dihujung dipasang pada walatik tigi: (syn. owasa)}. adj. paru, diligent. e.g “ otigi aku nu gumuru, banalko aparu oku do misisingillo, i’m really working hard studying.” v. to try, to test food tiis: (syn. potok). v. titis, titik air tila: v. lla, to lick timbuung: n. kuzung, scarab beetle which ‘monungal te’te‘ei’. timbuung: v. kotimbuung, tidak dapat berak, koto tai timpak: v. timpak timpan: v. timpan, to fook, to see timpuu: v. tohugi, to blow into, to blow up tingan: dei tumingan tingkolos: n. timbagos, tingkuang: adj, v. toguvang, front, come to the front, facing someone or something tinuo: n. tinuo, adult/mature bee tiranggou: adj. naru (ullun), height tiroi: (syn. kawo, singkawot). v. tivol, to reach something with hand. Note: used in Keiboton. 26 tiwas: tiwas, notiwas ko dei ko minongkinongow so aku! Ono yo kaku adang monakou, minonakou ko ya. tiyas: v. tizas tobilang: n. sobilikan, creeper with edible sour leaves todos: v. todos, to touch with finger togom: ? demam, fever togor bosi: n. kind of buah togu: v. titiu, to give light, to torch togu: togu?, to be sharp, to penetrate (of cutting tool) togui: v. togui, to live long (long enough they even see/live with their: grandchildren’s children) togunggu: n, v. togunggu toko: pro. tokou, we toli: n. tolli, penis tolipupunsu: n. lillipudsu, termite’s hill tolu: adj. tolly, three, tri . sigal tolungas: tombol: n. tombol, cap (of kettle, cooking pot) [ note: do they have verb for this? Why monutup?] tomod: n. tomo, point, purpose e-8. on tomodon mu, nunu tomodon nu, what is your purpose tompirot: sikutan, traditional bag, (4 undii) tompoririyak: n. species of bird tondu: v. tutun; to recognize; monondu, mongintutun, recognizing. e.g. otonduan ts ya iyo, otutunan ku i yalo, i iz » 7 recogni him/her anne tondugu: inampasan nu bosi tongik: adj,v. pian, soft or low voice, to make voice softer tongkangit: peyanan nu sungoi, toring tontolonan: n. tatallanan, tontom: tontom? tonton: ? seed? tontuduk: n. tuduk, index finger tontuduk: n. unturu, finger (general term). consist of ‘ongkupu, tontuduk, lundu, paramanis and ongkikis.’ tonuk: n. legendary beast with enormous size (bigger than water tank or house) and can leap for a long distance. The beast will hibernate (will not wake up ) for a fong time until it’s back is covered with roots of fig tree or any tree/ until fig tree grow on it. Human can enter the the body of Tonuk by entering the bottom of the beast. The only thing that can woke the beast when human take all of his inner organ and ail that is left is only the heart ; pomoturuw nu tonuk, pongodop do tonuk, to sleep like tonuk, hard to wake. [n.m.i] toop: lukat, mionong, sesuai aw toring: n. poriny . poring, bamboo pla term) plant {general torudui: (syn. ballatung), long bean. Note: used in Keiboton. : togimaid: togimozo [ note: mangkalu-kalu aku kuwei ko ado, ong ado punsoon] togor bosi: n. kind of edible wild fruit tood: adj, v. tood, slow, to be slow topirik: n. topirik, cobra.[note: edible} topu: v. topu, to cover; adj notopuan, covered with toron: v. toron, stay at home totok: v. totok totol:? totom: sobana ko mengin gumuru ko makan toumpa: n. toumpa, shoe (including slippers). Old term tou: adj. tau unknown, exclamation of uncertainty toun: n. toun, year or anniversary touruk: tovuruk, fruit, omimiang om olimpugt towolus: toyog: v. tozog, to swim toyog: (syn. koong). v- vondoi, to crawl, to creep (of snakes, undergrowth). Used in Keiboton. [n.m.i] tuak: v. tuhak, to prod, to poke upwards with stick tuduk: v. tuduk, to show, to point, to teach); in. moomontuduk, moonuduk, teacher. e.g. “tuduki aku po mutangar nu tangar muyu, tudukai oku po momoros di boros dikou ‘teach me how to speak in your language.” ; tudul: v. todok, todsok, to press tudung: v. tudung, to look downwards tugarang: n. gantaralan, species of ground lizard ‘tuhun: v. tuhun, n. tuhunan tukad: n. tukad, stairs or ladder tukad manuk: n. tukad, stairs made up of single tree trunk. Old term. tukar: n. paranggi, sungkabai; pineapple. ‘Ananas Comos tukung: n. tukung, mosquito tulai: v. tulal, tulang: n. tullang, bone tuli: n. busul, bottom tulid: adj. tullid, straight tuman: v. tulluk, tuman, 10 fulfill, to complete tuman: v. sunu, to happen- e.g. kotuman ko ya gam mumpanou runat itu? Kosunu ko i ka mamanau biano? tumbaid: v. tumbozo, fo obey, to follow 28 tumpodus: arampus umungot tuna: tantu tundan: 1. mongkuyut longon 2. mawaid nu lobuw tungag-o mongakan linsou: tungag no om mangakan linsou (?), rise up and eat kikian’s seed. [note: sambatan kotutuaan. oorati omulok — momisak ete roraa_ nga musosorong beri. |. Old term. tungkang: (syn. kuron). n. lanjang, large cooking pot (the one used in church) tunguw: n. tunguw, soup, sauce of vegetables or meat tuntuad: adj. tuntuvad, tuntug: v. tuntug, to pour out, to water plants tunturudok: n. soko butu nga opidok dii so sungai turug: v. turug, to turn round tuo: adj. tuo, Hohing, ofd tuong: adj. tuvong, dark, night tuop: v. tuhop, to jump into water turu: adj. turu, seven turuw: v. odop, sleep tutul: n. tudtul, edible freshwater cone (pointed) shaped small snail. uu: v. sun, to grow (of plant) twuit v. siti, here, come here! e.g Masri!” “tuui ko tuuw: adj. tu’uw, di , dry, to dh woods, hair or anything) ny (ete, U uak: adj, v. babak, to break, to shatter uang: n. lluvang, hole; v. monguang, to dig hole udi: hodi udio: v. impuras ugad: mongugad, polaiw tinuo nu kawad ugas: v. voug, to wash; mongugas, momoug, washing ugui: (syn. asu), dog (used in Keiboton) ukad: v. ukad, to dig uke: n.uni, sound ; n. kekean, uu! nizon, musical instrument [note: the stem/root , uke or ke?) ulang: (syn. lopung, wulanut). n. vullanut, snake (general term). Old term. ulit: v. ulit ulod: n. vogok, pig dj, v. ullau, to be crazy ulou: uma: adv, det, adj. uma, enough, sufficient e.g. “mokimahap nowasug aku yo itty rauuma yo itu; mokimahap novizau ok n0 1am already miuma no iti, !am sorry but full, this is enough.” uma: adj. onong, suitable umbos: meal . taduk, vegetables portion of any umo: n. kabun umpit: (syn.umpak), ponong, umpululuhu: n. ompollulluhu, scorpion una: n. koruhang, anggai, friend; kounaan, kinoruhangan, friends undii: v. ingkakat, to stand up; mundii, mingkakat, stand up, rise up ungkalad: v. ungkalad, ungkud: v. ungkud ungou: n, v. monuntug okanon, boyag kayu ruangon gula unsod: n. kandang vogok, pigsty od: v. uhod, to turn away from; moginu’od, moginuhod, try to turn away desperately uuos: n. barat, wind pa: n. guol, yam (general term) uran: n. darun, rain; muran, dumarun, raining uripos: n. uripos, species of parrot urug: (syn. siliu). v- siliu; to become, to be usaa: v. samba, worship. [note:some of the informant said that ‘usa’ mean to ‘pat’ domestic animal] usit: v. imbullai, usit: adj,v. tullai, to come out, to rise: su runat, sumillau ot addau, ji raising musit the sun is uyad: v. huzad, to loosen uyog: n. uzog, calf w waal: (syn. wangun). v. vaal, gama,urug, to build, to shape, to form, to create. wagat: adj. vagat, heavy wahat: n. vahat, waid: v. vozo, to follow; koimaidan, kosipan, belief wakas: (syn. kulos). n. bakkas, wild boar wakat: . gamut, root wakat buluntung: n. gamut do bulluntung (this term does not exist in Rungus- perhaps), Literary Rainbow root's, magical charm which protect the user from any harm. walatik: n. valatik, type of animal trap waloi: n. vallai, house; winaloi, vinallai hive of bees, ant. walu: adj. vallu, eight creation, ‘wangun: (syn. waal). n,v. vangun, to create. Different from Momogun Rungus, in Tombonuo, ‘wangun’ can be used to a to building house. But i Rungus vel ‘vangun’ is to start everything (mi world, angel), Minamangun is the one (God) Who start everything, who is the source of everything. ‘Vangun’ in Rungus means fate and it’s verb means to make something present without using anything that is present or already been made. warang: adj. vantang, vasih, good, better; Koworongan, kovosihan, grace, goodness wasa: kowasa: mv. vasa, can, permission. e.g. Kowasa ko ya gam mutongar so aku. wasa: owasa: adj. paru, diligent. wasug: adj. vizau, full ‘watu: n. vatu, stone watu: n. inan, seekor; limbatu, songinan wawa’a: n. killau, ant (general term) wilit: v. tombil, fo sew: wires: (syn, pidok, doroi). adj. podok, small wodung: adj. vodung woinoi: n. ondu, woman, girl wonuo: ( syn. tontong). n. pomogunan, world, earth wuaw: v. vuhau, to guard paddy field from birds in watch tower wudut: v. vudut, not telling the truth, 10 cheat, to lie wulanut: (syn. lopung, lang). P- vullanut, snake (general term) wunos: adj. vunos 30 © untum: v. vuntun, to b 2 : MTN a 3 ‘cun tukung? yrus: vurUs wu Ss, MOMUTUS NU say '80- tarik dari atas wusaks n. vusak, flower wusung: n. vusung, wutong: adj. vutong, bad smell, smelt , . ¥ tun: n. vutun, porcupine cies of fh n 7 ipine, species of rodent with sharp and hard spine. 7 . Hystrix Byochyura. woras: a. garis di tapak tangan v ya:i(ilaan ku ya: illaan ku i), to support your ‘argument that you acknowledge something ‘iation, -a. : an: v. rubat, used to refer to action or s0 ething or somebody that is not treated sperly, refer to action throwing foods jout eating it. 1 v. rubat, £0 be in vain, being wasted Rungus words. ~ yo: no, acted as ‘no’ in kounaan ku; ikou jation , -0. €-9- “kou yo kinoruhangan ku, you all are my friends.” _ zaza, momol, toy, children’s toY ‘mal with small body ems to chuse of it’s thick furls NK 1, nokopuhus do Zaz ys christ (50" of Yopos: adj. zop0s, wet 31 — opale is ~ agalo- Bolos fe dawar 3 _ sen Cheles= epedos So rowung 2 rovers = mobaag | MAS Staai EOS Sra ai, mores _mocagarymuntar MO ade Worontvan 3 ne lobe pobaasi le Licodi me? \eausng 7 enemgedet am romain Saree — Beaquag Por qui Vol Soe awk 3 KY lun ~ alun 2 aluae alun® ~ landos * lanoly qpadpol® — jnawe* Poreko Leeopuinaw? * ye opomene®? quer: +. \uea% — Larr> » eae tas Zener puabZusuKw/ % yweuan oo toa #Q * “gees suput 2 suru eaning: o'dter™ annng gotens, Beleed sinsin Pondotons: , Qeat! Longieaues ve Linsek®” eotinsae® guns Tag” ae . , qia3g aS of pee! ie ene egret Sy aoned aso % shana oper a 3 Cr yo ower” aes)” Weert esast Lonoreosexes! gaset C3" inggi aii?’ * ond suage: & Fungi /ses 88" ” 1. Froregecan sheer, of nw i ‘Si oul Paragrer? Tn rcrung A fecaguav? ps Renseds. pears « vlabane] ~ Simbu ayes bambotajan oo Sinaimungs // ay ; 5 Wala vmlaki oneale on — L yg§ re fe ~M ‘ “Donsole alak Unf fags Av fleceh bist te copak - yaa yaar (o- | Ciyee- {2 2) =— incon dua talon, manda Felis, balateng, Pandalum an, efolu sey “purgg ug, baseng: : Ampotwaty © ; ~ Sain, cluain, dolueati NUm atin, : Keloukabu lum abai, Vobo ateur) beeen anyon, r Saaben. — ava tke fo mangqes, apat teu do wesing olve feows ‘tombolog 2 ~ “gs - Paling beser Wosion manga “s . — 3 — MontoK — Paling weet] p jar melauss our — Ontobunr — arend hydue4 Jalan i fanah Borger : bangual yauit + Yumaen - gure kay uate dalace aud > pe forearm | at > Tardesan 2 Pomeran febu

gizet, ener (omita co Lrochwak or wollies wnt Pinungua® = sSavo Ftv Plan gsan 7, a “D Csawo Gave) Se S ompiner io ye}ow sem gor worm lane) (len olva) She] gyan = Tombons & ao Mm — Bentut, Rulat Cured iH " ameak 25! aoe dalam! | ding & ei, @ bunk tings! __ sucar an Prataran Cis bore “. aX Chtontac) i iataan fe podus Huns te totov: Site, Hag Reece ae x 7 “ a - ‘cing en wee anergy Crmmtefed } + — en ont Lae ie ee : ge | oclore| Jouritos/ apiibeick Stinett (Asiz@ Yowbun he Vy eb? Seah prea 7 neyob | a, Packans ee, ests : ic Cage Ted nviepoding Zrockp 7 alia: Palio: = 2 (Segerk ais vi" = [bu Kaley miimme siete Popa : Heh Prop pei br oS ‘Kolom: PorergoP uctang —otnved de cen” dea b Lanter Sent, =f ewe i Kura ora got eile nti a | Soni Tumongqi ot | Cans Heist Tipsy jagarqansad = t ‘Vnanarsacy ager [powed: bavvang, Bear Goted Yogi * agin “OAC CT AN Conalagen de nes a beckon wi mate hs iPatke i gen uit an’ imeod lke RI : Powe: Pality0s sos ~cHRang Vite: Raney swe EE f: Ma “ta, le Bacgitane oe qu arat ceed § Aegon Lan, arrasee “Manda akan: “pep seneng Sh ae Rombuk- sheer Pg Smee pon artes ieee ons sa§, fearon S00? [cow ct Sono jloot - & kowar Sedo frge Ke cada vba Syn ole uo sone mutombens? ree get or a—potes sudaly babes? 7 moll a, wn belt av vd ale _ panctat ago Sone pandal svelah mame? ale ren ove a aU ker o SURO owe ole 2. Boa ves eos J ott _ oe i no manger (atk prongats Owere J ol ( Iesjeavar se . tole won's : vodts pespen wy ote of : prumalar out elokk ¢ woedtalr Pongolan: Jngicalcey oH * fo Forggorg ee torogure an Hontalonan : atte . uw er geben pero Pana Vol po bo: Seles Purell Pond . fuels pond L- Pua pond oraat (4d Al ong an" walaupyn Ava Ja hahe pis & L fock’en4 gwarong 1d? walarpen wa bags en manarg uns minam eng?) KL God leo or’: Orimbou: Wea, tet odalan, + . ; why Cicee feu) ~ | avant" (ob foes) YANG) + Oe bbe: sotoA! Slot Wn See “HE Olawe = caeai, ssanen — OFivol Cree) Eoticor- leq \eino daar) * | aan DB Kopuaagil Cagi I< »: Kopusasama Cm) ¥ (Ceoaga sya: moinorg) Meopuirn ong, . i ) 3 . Ting Coyp: ikea Yet divaliag : 4 San: Saal C fiver temp eadilole ) C- Grek at Eada Cereal dorm, Freq) Save Motivran x Hy * “Criaty/mualle. ollyhue 4 : Oluws : Nei amit - Det osvat-—e woOrT ontk Smell . Cg olor law av: aves — Cgeneel fom © A) - ows (nang: tanoa - 8 | lLinumad at Cig tadat) = anu Kemb ag * tb Skoda EAN — Ofagu ronat~ | cafes bay eco Biloba s g. Nook \ippenno® ‘Dw palicl (2 tah ye bara budlae (osuead = \2 Yearas/evan nak a oiskvaan= Orears tua —foa . ora an/ Pecempra . Tor aa: F. Siniabs: wonthab, yesterclay \ Staw' 2 t Kosodor, fostertag aight Svab = Suvak, tomorrow Soke etu-tu — Syn jcosvono C7? maybe) — a now,” Akckino . brand Potikvan ® og, - ‘pogonok, Fly Cit t's house g-— black Coloured). A } Angev - ea (lob ster Crreshwater ?_) Posie in gf

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