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Journal of ExDerimental Psychology: Copyright 1981 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

Animal Behavior Processes 0097-7403/81 /0703-0217S00.75

1981, Vol. 7, No. 3, 217-227

Intertrial Interference in Rat Short-Term Memory

Douglas S. Grant
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The delayed alternation behavior of rats was investigated in four experiments

with a T-maze. Each trial involved an initial forcing of the subject to one arm
of the T, followed either 0 or 40 sec later by a free-choice run on which a turn
•in either direction could be made. In order to obtain a reinforcer on the free-
choice run, the rat was required to turn in the direction opposite that of the
forcing. During experimental testing, delayed alternation target trials were pre-
ceded by an initial delayed alternation trial which was either the same as or
opposite to the target trial. Relative to a control in which an initial trial was not
presented, accuracy on the free-choice run of target trials was reduced by either
type of initial trial (interference effect). Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that
(a) interference was obtained when the target-trial retention interval was 40 sec
but not when it was 0 sec and (b) interference was reduced by repetition of the
initial trial and by increased temporal separation between the initial and the
target trials. Experiment 3 demonstrated that an initial trial that consisted en-
tirely of forced runs produced an interference effect at both the 0- and 40-sec
retention intervals. The findings are discussed in relation to previous studies of
interference effects in rats and pigeons.

Several recent investigations of rat short- permits the study of the effects of prior in-
term memory have employed a delayed al- formation on the retention of subsequent in-
ternation procedure (Feldman & Gordon formation. In this preparation, prior infor-
1979; Grant, 1980; Roberts, 1974). In the mation is introduced by initially forcing the
procedure employed, the rat is initially forced animal to the side opposite that of the target
to one side of a T-maze (called the target forcing (called the interfering forcing). Fol-
forcing) and, following a retention interval lowing administration of the target forcing
of several seconds, is released for a free- and passage of the retention interval, the rat
choice run. The animal is rewarded on the is released on a free-choice run. A reinforcer
free-choice run only if it turns in the direc- is present only in the goal box of the arm
tion opposite that of the target forcing. Suc- opposite that to which the animal was forced
cessful delayed alternation performance thus during the target forcing, and a turn in this
requires the rat to remember the direction direction is defined as a correct response. To
of the target forcing and to use this memory obtain a reinforcer, the rat must thus base
to control choice responding. the choice response on the memory of the
Roberts (Note 1) and Gordon, Brennan, more recent, target forcing.
and Schlesinger (1976) developed a variant Several studies have shown that such in-
of the delayed alternation procedure which terfering forcings represent a significant
source of proactive interference, leading to
a reduced level of free-choice accuracy (Gor-
don et al., 1976; Gordon & Feldman, 1978;
The research was supported by Grant A0443 from
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Grant, 1980; Roberts, Note 1). These studies
of Canada. The technical assistance of Linda Scharr is have shown further that the magnitude of
gratefully acknowledged. The data were reported at the proactive interference is independent of
meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, length of retention interval; that is, the pres-
Calgary, Alberta, June 1980.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Douglas S. ence of interfering information leads to an
Grant, Department of Psychology, University of Al- equivalent decrease in percentage of correct
berta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada. free-choice responses on immediate (i.e., 0-


sec retention interval) and delayed (e.g., 40- correct response was recorded, and the animal was re-
sec retention interval) tests. turned to the holding cage following consumption of the
reinforcer. If the nonrewarded side was entered, an in-
The present experiments investigated fur- correct response was recorded, and the rat was returned
ther the effect of prior information on the to the start box and allowed an opportunity to enter the
retention of subsequent information in rat rewarded side. Correction runs were continued until the
short-term memory. A delayed alternation correct arm was chosen. Alternation training continued
for 10 days, at which point all animals alternated with
procedure was employed in which an entire a high degree of accuracy (90% or better).
delayed alternation trial (i.e., forcing plus Following alternation training, the correction proce-
free-choice run), rather than only an initial dure was discontinued, and testing on the first experi-
forcing, was administered as the interfering ment began. Animals were tested at retention intervals
event. The present preparation may be re- of 0 and 40 sec in each of five conditions in a within-
subjects design (see Table 1). In the Control condition,
ferred to as an intertrial interference pro- animals received a delayed alternation target trial in the
cedure, whereas that developed by Roberts absence of an immediately preceding trial. In the In-
(Note 1) and Gordon et al. (1976) may be terference conditions, the target trial was preceded im-
referred to as an /nfnztrial interference pro- mediately by the administration of an initial trial. The
initial trial was either identical to the target trial (In-
cedure. terference-Same, IS) or opposite to the target trial (In-
terference-Different, ID). In each of the Interference
Experiment 1 conditions, the initial trial was given only a single ad-
ministration (IS1 and ID1) or was repeated four times
In the first experiment, retention on target prior to the target trial (IS4 and ID4). The retention
trials was tested at intervals of 0 and 40 sec interval on all initial trials was 0 sec, and the interval
in both the presence (interference trials) and between successive repetitions of the initial trial in the
IS4 and ID4 conditions was 0 sec.
absence (control trials) of an immediately Combining the factors of conditions (Control, IS1,
prior delayed alternation trial. On interfer- IS4, ID1, and ID4), retention interval (0 and 40 sec)
ence-same trials, the interfering and target and correct position on the free-choice run of the target
trials were identical, whereas on interfer- trial (left and right) yields 20 unique trial configura-
tions. Animals were tested on five trial configurations
ence-different trials, the interfering trial was each session, one from each of the five conditions. The
opposite to the target trial (see Table 1). In daily sequence in which each condition was tested was
each of the interference conditions, the ini- determined randomly for each subject. Once every four
tial trial was administered either one or four sessions, animals were tested on each of the 20 trial
times prior to the target trial. configurations; over a block of eight sessions, they were
tested on each configuration twice. Animals were run
in rotation in squads of six, and the interval between
Method successive trial configurations for any particular rat was
approximately 7, plus or minus 2, min. Animals were
Subjects. Twelve naive male Sprague-Dawley rats, tested for four blocks of eight sessions, which produced
approximately 60 days old upon arrival in the labora- a total of 192 observations at each retention interval in
tory, were used. Subjects were reduced to and main- each of the five conditions.
tained at 80% of their ad lib weight.
Apparatus. A T-maze, measuring 10 cm wide with
sides 13 cm high, was used. The stem portion was 43 Table 1
cm long, and each arm was 56 cm long. Clear Plexiglas An Example Trial Configuration in Each of
guillotine doors were mounted at the entrance to each the Conditions Employed in Experiment 1
arm and were used to control the direction of the turning
response on forced runs. A 15-cm-long goal box was Interference- Interference-
attached at a right angle, extending back toward the Runs Control Same Different
start box, at the end of each arm. The T-maze was
located in a 4.5 X 4 m room. Initial
Procedure. During alternation training, each animal Forced none left right
received 10 spaced trials per session, 5 left-correct and Free none right? left?
S right-correct, in random order. Each trial involved a Target
reinforced (four 45-mg food pellets, the reinforcer used Forced left left left
throughout) forced run to either the right or the left. Free right? right? right?
After the reward had been consumed, the rat was re-
turned to the start box and immediately released (0-sec Note. On the other half of the occasions, the target trial
retention interval) on the free choice. On the free-choice consisted of a forced run to the right and a free-choice
run, neither arm was blocked, and reward was present run with left correct. On such trials, the direction of the
only in the goal box on the side opposite that entered forced and free-choice runs on the initial trial was op-
on the forced run. If the rewarded side was entered, a posite those shown.

Results ent) X Repetitions (1 and 4) X Retention

Interval X Blocks ANOVA was performed on
Mean percentage of correct free-choice the four Interference conditions. Significant
runs on the target trial as a function of con- main effects of type, F(l,l 1) = 11.85, p <
ditions and retention interval is shown in .01, and repetitions, F(l, 11)= 15.07, p<
Figure 1. In the left panel, accuracy on the .01, suggest that the IS conditions produced
target trial in IS1 and IS4 is shown in re- greater interference than the ID conditions
lation to Control accuracy, and in the right and that a single repetition of the initial trial
panel, accuracy on the target trial in ID1 produced greater interference than four rep-
and ID4 is shown in relation to Control ac- etitions. The significant Repetitions X Re-
curacy. The Control curve is identical in tention Interval interaction, F( 1,11) = 24.33,
both panels and was included in each to fa- p < .001, suggests that rate of forgetting was
cilitate comparison. faster given a single repetition of the initial
A Conditions X Retention Interval X trial than given four repetitions. The failure
Blocks analysis of variance (ANOVA) re- of the Type X Retention Interval interaction
vealed significant main effects of conditions, to approach significance (F< 1) suggests
/r(4, 44) == 8.98, p < .001, and retention in- that rate of forgetting on the target trial was
terval, F(l,11)= 105.37, p<.001, and a independent of whether the initial trial was
significant interaction between the two, F(4, the same as or different from the target trial.
44) = 8.02, p < .001. The interaction reflects These statements were supported further
the fact that rate of forgetting on the target by the results of two additional analyses.
trial was affected markedly by conditions. First, each of the four Interference condi-
Relative to the Control, IS1 and ID1 ap- tions was compared individually with the
peared to demonstrate more rapid forget- Control. Both of the analyses involving a
ting, whereas IS4 and ID4 appeared to dem- single repetition of the initial trial (Con-
onstrate somewhat less rapid forgetting. trol X IS1 and Control X ID1) revealed a
In order to pursue these effects further, significant Conditions X Retention Interval
a Type of Initial Trial (Same and Differ- interaction, Fs(l, 11) =15.10 and 26.10,

100 Control + Interference • Same

Control -I- Interference • Different




60 60
Control Control
lnterrerence-1 Rep lnterference-1 Rep
Interference--) Reps lnterference-4 Reps

40 0 40
Retention Interval (sec)
Figure 1. Mean percentage of correct free-choice runs on the target trial as a function of conditions and
retention interval in Experiment 1.

respectively, both ps<.01. On the other tablished a separate memory, one of the two
hand, this interaction failed to reach signif- memories would necessarily be in conflict
icance in either analysis involving four rep- with the memory of the forcing on the target
etitions of the initial trial (Control X IS4 trial regardless of whether the initial trial
and Control XID4). Second, two-tailed was designated as "same" or "different."
Dunnett's tests were performed at each re- Similarly, one of the two memories would
tention interval to compare Interference and necessarily be congruent with the memory
Control performance. At the 0-sec interval, of the target-trial forcing. If it is assumed
none of the Interference conditions differed further that the interference resulting from
significantly from the Control, whereas at a conflicting memory is greater than the fa-
the 40-sec interval both IS1 and ID1 were cilitation resulting from a congruent mem-
significantly less accurate than the Control, ory, resolution of the fact that both IS and
ts (5, 44) = 4.22 and 3.48, respectively, both ID resulted in interference may be accom-
ps < .01. plished by viewing the initial trial as com-
posed of two at least partially separable ele-
Consistent with this interpretation is the
The results obtained in the present exper- finding that IS produced somewhat greater
iment employing the intertrial interference interference than ID. In the IS condition it
procedure differ from those obtained in stud- is the more recent free-choice run that con-
ies employing the intratrial interference pro- flicts with the target forcing, whereas in the
cedure in two major respects. First, the in- ID condition it is the more temporally re-
tratrial procedure results in robust and mote forced run that conflicts with the target
comparable levels of interference on both forcing. To the extent that less recent mem-
immediate and delayed tests of retention ories compete less successfully with current
(Gordon et al., 1976; Gordon & Feldman, memories, greater interference in the IS
1978; Grant, 1980; Roberts, Note 1). In con- than in the ID condition would be antici-
trast, the intertrial procedure results in in- pated.
terference only on a delayed test of retention. Experiment 2
A second point of contrast between intratrial The purpose of the second experiment was
and intertrial studies of proactive interfer- two-fold. First, the effect of number of rep-
ence in the rat concerns the effect of repe- etitions of the initial trial on proactive in-
tition of interfering information. Both Gor- terference in the intertrial procedure was
don et al. and Roberts (Note 1) found that explored further by presenting the initial
increasing the number of repetitions of the trial once, three times, or six times prior to
interfering information increased proactive the target trial. On the basis of the outcome
interference on both immediate and delayed of the first experiment, it was predicted that
tests. On the other hand, increased repetition proactive interference would be less appar-
of the initial trial led to a marked reduction ent as repetition of the initial trial increased.
in proactive interference in the present ex- Second, the effect of the degree of temporal
periment. spacing between the final repetition of the
One anomalous aspect of the present data initial trial was assessed. The three levels of
concerns the finding that both IS and ID spacing employed were 0, 30, and 60 sec.
conditions produced interference on the de- Studies of proactive interference in the in-
layed retention test. This anomaly may be tratrial procedure have demonstrated that
more apparent than real, however, when the interference decreases as the degree of spac-
nature of the initial trial is considered. Initial ing between interfering and target infor-
trials consisted of two components, the forced mation increases (Gordon & Feldman, 1978;
run and the free-choice run. Since animals Roberts, Note 1).
alternated with a high probability at the 0-
sec retention interval (see Figure 1), most Method
initial trials involved a run to each arm of Procedure. The subjects and apparatus of the first
the maze. To the extent that each run es- experiment were again used. Approximately 1 wk after

completion of the previous experiment, animals were 11) = 169.39, p< .001. The ITI X Retention
given four sessions of delayed alternation training. Per- Interval interaction, F(2, 22) = 14.93, p <
formance was consistently high across sessions, ranging
from 92% to 97% correct. .001, suggests that manipulation of ITI had
Testing on Experiment 2 began on the day following little effect on accuracy on the immediate
the final session of alternation training. Animals were test and a marked effect on accuracy on the
divided into two groups of six rats each. Animals in delayed test. The Repetitions X Retention
Group Same-Different experienced Control, IS1, IS3,
and IS6 conditions, whereas animals in Group Different-
Interval interaction, F(2, 22) = 3.89, p <
Same experienced Control, ID1, ID3, and ID6 condi- .05, similarly suggests that repetitions influ-
tions. After 24 sessions of testing, the groups were enced performance primarily on the delayed
switched such that Same-Different animals were tested test. Finally, the ITI X Repetitions X Re-
on Control, ID1, ID3, and ID6, and Different-Same tention Interval interaction, F(4, 44) = 2.94,
animals were tested on Control, IS1, IS3, and IS6. Test-
ing continued for an additional 24 sessions following the p < .05, suggests that all three factors jointly
switch. determine the amount of interference ob-
In each of the Interference conditions, the interval tained.
separating the end of the final initial trial repetition and Two-tailed Dunnett's tests were per-
the onset of the forcing on the target trial (ITI) was 0,
30, or 60 sec. In each block of 24 sessions, each rat was formed to compare the three Interference
tested on the 2 control trial configurations and 18 in- conditions with the Control at each ITI and
terference trial configurations (3 Repetitions X 3 retention interval in both IS and ID condi-
ITIs X 2 Retention Intervals) appropriate to its group tions. At the 40-sec retention interval and
and phase, receiving either 6 or 7 trial configurations a 0-sec ITI, IS1, IS3, and ID1 were each
per session. The daily sequence in which trial configu-
rations were presented was determined randomly for significantly less accurate than the Control,
each subject. Subjects were run in rotation in squads ts (4, 33) = 3.57, 2.14, and 4.27, respec-
of six, and the interval between successive trial config- tively, all ps < .05; no other comparisons
urations for any particular rat was approximately 9, plus were significant.
or minus 3, min. All other aspects of the procedure were
the same as in the first experiment. Discussion
Results The present findings both replicate and
extend those of the first experiment. As in
Mean percentage of correct free-choice the previous experiment, accuracy of free-
runs on the target trial as a function of treat- choice responding was reduced at a 40-sec
ments is shown in Figure 2. The left panels retention interval when the target trial was
present Control and IS performance, and the immediately preceded by a single repetition
rights panels present Control and ID per- of an initial trial which was either the same
formance. Control accuracy was assessed as or opposite to the target trial. Although
separately, depending upon whether the an- different values of number of repetitions of
imals experienced IS or ID conditions in that the initial trial were employed in the prior
block. The Control curve is plotted at each and present experiment (1 and 4 vs. 1,3, and
of the three ITIs to facilitate comparison 6), repetition markedly attenuated proactive
among conditions. Since the main effect of interference in both experiments.
the order in which animals received IS and Finally, manipulation of the interval sep-
ID testing was not significant and the order arating the terminal initial trial repetition
factor did not interact with any other factor and onset of the target trial produced sub-
or combination of factors, the data were col- stantial effects. Specifically, no evidence of
lapsed across order. proactive interference was obtained when
A Type of Initial Trial X ITI X Repe- the ITI was either 30 or 60 sec. This finding
titions X Retention Interval ANOVA per- is consistent with those of studies that have
formed on the Interference conditions re- employed the intratrial procedure to study
vealed greater interference in IS than in ID, proactive interference in the rat (Gordon
F(l, 11) = 6.17, p < .05, decreasing inter- & Feldman, 1978; Roberts, Note 1).
ference as ITI increased, F(2,22) = 12.27,
p < .001, decreasing interference as repeti- Experiment 3
tions increased, F(2,22) = 4.71, p < .05, and As noted earlier, prior work on proactive
forgetting across the retention interval, F( 1, interference in the delayed alternation task

Control + Interference • Same Control + Interference - Different

100 100 ._
ITI = 0 sec ITI = 0 sec
90 90

80 80

70 70

60 60

• i |
GC " 40 0 40
100 100
O ITI = 30 sec ITI — 30 sec
0) 90 90

? 70 70


S> so
2 SO

40 40
100 100
ITI = 60 sec ITI = 60 sec
90 90

80 80

70 70
•_—• Control • •Control
60 o——o lnterference-1 Rep 60 ) lnterference-1 Rep
* a Interference 3 Reps v Interference-3 Reps
50 o——o lnterference-6 Reps 50 3 lnterference-6 Reps
i i I
> 40 40

Retention Interval (sec)

Figure 2. Mean percentage of correct free-choice runs on the target trial as a function of treatments
in Experiment 2.

employed an intratrial procedure and ob- results. First, the initial runs are all forced
tained robust interference on both immedi- in the intratrial procedure, whereas in the
ate and delayed tests of retention (Gordon intertrial procedure half are forced and half
et al., 1976; Gordon & Feldman, 1978; are free. Second, the initial runs are all to
Grant, 1980; Roberts, Note 1). In contrast, the same arm of the maze in the intratrial
the present work, employing an intertrial procedure, whereas in the intertrial proce-
procedure, has demonstrated robust inter- dure they are divided equally between the
ference only on a delayed test of retention. two arms, provided the animal alternates on
Two essential differences between these pro- the free-choice run.
cedures may be identified, either or both of The primary purpose of the final experi-
which may be responsible for the contrasting ment was to determine which of these pro-

cedural differences is responsible for pro- that retention on an immediate test should
ducing different levels of interference on an be less accurate in 1ST than in IS1 and less
immediate test. In order to accomplish this, accurate in ID1' than in ID1.
animals were tested in an initial phase on
three conditions; Control, IS1, and ID1 at
each of four retention intervals (0, 20, 40, Method
and 50 sec). The initial phase represented Subjects, Twelve naive male Sprague-Dawley rats,
a partial replication of the first two experi- approximately 60 days old upon arrival in the labora-
ments, with a different sample of subjects tory, were used. Subjects were reduced to and main-
and more extensive sampling of the length- tained at 80% of their ad lib weight.
Apparatus. The apparatus was the same as in Ex-
of-retention-interval variable. In addition, periment 1.
this phase provided a baseline on which to Procedure. Animals were given eight sessions of al-
assess the influence of treatments employed ternation training initially, by the procedure used in the
in the second phase. first experiment. Animals were then given six additional
In the second phase, which immediately sessions of alternation training with retention intervals
of 0, 20, 40, and 60 sec. Each retention interval was
followed completion of the first phase, the tested twice each session. The percentages of correct
animals were tested on four conditions; Con- free-choice runs over the six sessions were 96, 90, 85,
trol, IS!', ID1', and 2PF (seeTable 2). Con- and 75 at the 0-, 20-, 40-, and 60-sec retention intervals,
trol trials were identical to those employed respectively.
Testing on Phase 1 began immediately following the
in the previous experiments. Conditions 1ST final session of training. Animals were tested on three
and IDT corresponded to IS1 and ID1, re- conditions, Control, IS1, and ID1. In each condition,
spectively, of the first phase with one notable four retention intervals were tested, 0, 20, 40, and 60
exception, the second run was also forced in sec. Each animal received each of the 12 combinations
1ST and IDT, that is, following the initial of condition and retention interval once per session. The
daily sequence in which each combination of condition
forcing, animals were forced to the opposite and retention interval was tested was determined ran-
arm rather than receiving a free-choice run. domly for each subject. Animals were run in rotation
Finally, the 2 PF condition corresponded to in squads of six, and the interval between successive trial
the intratrial procedure, and, therefore, an- configurations for any particular rat was approximately
5, plus or minus 1, min. The first phase was run for 18
imals received two initial forcings to the sessions, which yielded 216 observations at each reten-
same arm of the maze prior to the target tion interval in each condition.
forcing. In each of the four conditions of the Immediately following completion of the first phase,
second phase, animals were tested at reten- animals began testing on Phase 2. The four conditions
tion intervals of 0 and 40 sec. employed are illustrated in Table 2. Control trials were
To the extent that robust interference on
an immediate test is critically dependent
Table 2
upon the initial runs occurring in only one An Example Trial Configuration in Each of
direction, Condition 2PF should produce the Four Conditions Employed in the Second
substantial interference on both immediate Phase of Experiment 3
and delayed tests, while Conditions 1ST and
IDT should produce interference only on a Runs Control isr ior 2PF
delayed test. In addition, this hypothesis pre-
Initial trial
dicts that a between-phase comparison be- Forced none left right right
tween 1ST and IS1 conditions and between Forced none right left right
IDT and ID1 conditions should fail to reveal Target trial
differences in retention on an immediate Forced left left left left
test, Free right? right? right? right?
On the other hand, to the extent that ro- Note. On the other half of the occasions, the target trial
bust interference on an immediate test is consisted of a forced run to the right and a free-choice
critically dependent upon all initial runs run with left correct. On such trials, the direction of the
being forced, different interference effects initial forcings was opposite those shown. 1ST = Inter-
ference-Same, one repetition; IDT = Interference-Dif-
across the retention interval in Conditions ferent, one repetition. The primes indicate that both
1ST, ID1', and 2PF would not necessarily initial runs were forced. 2PF = two prior forcings, both
be anticipated. This hypothesis also predicts to the side opposite that of the target forcing.

identical to those of the first phase. Conditions 1ST and lOOr

IDT corresponded to IS1 and ID1, respectively, except
that the animals were forced to alternate on the second
initial run rather than receiving a free choice. Finally,
in the 2PF condition, the intratrial procedure was fol- 90
lowed in that animals received two initial forcings to the
arm of the maze opposite that of the target forcing. In
each of the four conditions, half of the target trials in-
volved a 0-sec retention interval and half a 40-sec in-
Animals were tested on 12 trial configurations per
session. The daily sequence in which trial configurations
were tested was determined randomly for each subject.
Animals were run in rotation in squads of six, and the
interval between successive trial configurations for any
particular rat was approximately 5, plus or minus 1, 60-
min. The second phase was run for 18 sessions, which Control
yielded 324 observations at each retention interval in Interference - Same
Interference • Different
each condition.
50 T

20 40 60
Results Retention Interval (sec)

Mean percentages of correct free-choice Figure 3. Mean percentage of correct free-choice runs
runs on the target trial as a function of con- on the target trial as a function of conditions and re-
tention interval in the first phase of Experiment 3.
ditions and retention interval during Phase
1 are shown in Figure 3. All three conditions
demonstrated forgetting across the retention Mean percentage of correct free-choice
interval, with rate of forgetting more marked runs on the target trial as a function of con-
in the Interference conditions. A Condi- ditions and retention interval during Phase
tions X Retention Interval ANOVA revealed 2 is shown in Figure 4. Performance was
significant main effects of conditions, F(2, influenced markedly by conditions, F(3,
22) = 23.66, p < .001, and retention inter- 33) = 36.28, p < .001, and retention inter-
val, F(3, 33) = 63.59, p < .001. The signif- val, F(l, 11) = 46.21, p < .001. All three
icant interaction, F(6, 66) = 3.49, p < .01, Interference conditions demonstrated lower
suggests that the more rapid rate of forget- accuracy than the Control on the immediate
ting in the Interference conditions was re- test, Dunnett's test, <s(4, 33) = 2.84, 4.17,
liable. In order to further ensure the reli- and 8.78 in ID1', IS1', and 2PF, respectively,
ability of this effect, separate Condi- allps < .05, two-tailed. Although rate of for-
tions X Retention Interval ANOVAS were getting was somewhat slower in the Inter-
performed to compare the Control with IS1 ference conditions than in the Control, this
and the Control with ID1. In both cases, the effect did not reach significance, F(3, 33) =
Conditions X Retention Interval interaction 1.74. Newman-Keuls tests were performed
was significant, Fs(3, 33) = 3.03 and 4.92, on the data, collapsed across retention in-
respectively, both ps < .05. terval, and revealed that each condition dif-
Two-tailed Dunnett's tests were per- fered significantly (ps < .05 in all cases)
formed to compare accuracy in each of the from each of the remaining three in the fol-
Interference conditions with that in the Con- lowing arrangement, Control > I D l ' >
trol condition at each retention interval. At IS1' > 2PF.
the 0-sec interval, neither condition differed Comparison of Figures 3 and 4 reveals
from the Control; at the 20-sec interval, only that free-choice performance on an imme-
ID1 differed reliably from the Control, t(3, diate test was less accurate when both initial
22) = 3.05, p < .01. At both the 40- and 60- runs were forced (1ST and ID1') than when
sec intervals, both IS1 and ID1 differed re- one was forced and the other free (IS1 and
liably from the Control, fs(3, 22) = 4.89 and ID1). Two-tailed Student's t tests revealed
4.01 at 40 sec, respectively, and 4.23 and both of these effects to be significant; 1ST
5.37 at 60 sec, respectively, all ps < .05. was less accurate than IS1, t ( l l ) = 2.26,

100r IS1 and IS1' and of ID1 and ID1' provided

direct support for the hypothesis that the
occurrence of a free-choice run as the ter-
minal event of a sequence of initial runs re-
sults in a significant improvement in target-
trial free-choice accuracy on an immediate
test. Although such between-phase compar-
isons must be interpreted with caution, sev-
eral factors suggest that such a comparison
may be less suspect in the present case than
in many others. First, the same subjects,
apparatus, and experimenter were used in
each phase. Second, although the two phases
were conducted sequentially, they were tem-
porally contiguous, and no training inter-
vened between phases.
Finally, the fact that 2PF produced greater
interference than either 1ST or IDT in the
second phase is interpretable readily in that
Condition 2PF involved two repetitions of
a forcing incompatible with the subsequent
target forcing. On the other hand, in both
1ST and IDT, animals received one com-
40 patible and one incompatible initial forcing.
Retention Interval (sec) The greater interference in 1ST than in IDT
replicates the finding from the first two ex-
Figure 4. Mean percentage of correct free-choice runs periments that IS1 results in greater inter-
on the target trial as a function of a conditions and
retention interval in the second phase of Experiment 3. ference than ID1. The latter finding supports
(1ST = Interference-Same, one repetition; IDT = In- further the notion that the initial runs es-
terference-Different, one repetition. The primes indicate tablish independent memories and that the
that both initial runs were forced. 2PF = two prior forc- degree to which a conflicting memory com-
ings, both to the side opposite that of the target forcing.) petes successfully with the target memory
is dependent upon interfering memory re-
p < .05, and IDT was less accurate than cency.
ID1, t ( l l ) = 2.53, p< .05.
General Discussion
The present experiments have demon-
The results of the first phase replicated strated that presentation of an initial trial
the primary finding of the first two experi- immediately prior to the target trial reduces
ments, with a new sample of subjects. Spe- accuracy significantly on delayed retention
cifically, retention on delayed tests was re- tests but not on an immediate retention test.
duced when the target trial was immediately Moreover, this effect was obtained whether
preceded by an initial trial that was either the initial trial was identical or opposite to
the same as or opposite to the target trial. the target trial. Both the interval between
As in the previous experiments, retention on completion of the initial trial and initiation
an immediate test was unaffected by the of the target trial and the number of repe-
occurrence of an initial trial. titions of the initial trial markedly influ-
The results of the second phase suggest enced the interference effect. Specifically,
that requiring an initial run in each direction amount of interference decreased with in-
is not a sufficient condition to eliminate in- creases in either intertrial interval or number
terference on an immediate test of retention. of repetitions of the initial trial.
Moreover, the between-phase comparison of Two of these findings may be accounted

for readily. The finding that retention was to each arm of the maze is critical and
reduced by an initial trial that was either thereby provided indirect support for the im-
identical or opposite to the target trial sug- portance of the forced versus free nature of
gests that the initial trial was not remem- the terminal initial run. Some direct evi-
bered as a unitary event. Since both identical dence favoring the hypothesis that the oc-
and opposite initial trials contained as a currence of a free choice attenuates inter-
component a run that would be expected to ference on an immediate test was obtained
interfere with retention of the target run, the by comparing performance between phases.
view that the memory of the initial trial is The comparison revealed that retention was
composed of two at least partially separable more accurate on an immediate test when
elements leads to the expectation of reduced the second initial run was free rather than
target trial accuracy given either type of ini- forced.
tial trial. The finding that increasing the in- Perhaps the most reasonable interpreta-
terval between the initial and the target tion of the importance of the occurrence of
trials reduced interference may be inter- a free-choice run in determining level of in-
preted as an instance of forgetting. That is terference on an immediate test is afforded
to say, this finding follows directly from the by a theoretical viewpoint in which a dis-
widely held assumption that memories con- tinction between active and inactive mem-
trol performance less strongly as time since ories is maintained (see Grant, 1980, in
establishment (or activation) increases. press; Lewis, 1979; Spear, 1978, for further
The rather counterintuitive finding that discussions of the role of the active-inactive
repetition of the initial trial led to a decrease distinction in contemporary theoretical ac-
in interference may prove more theoretically counts of animal memory). According to this
intractable. One possible account might view view, the occurrence of a free-choice run as
the organism in a short-term memory ex- the terminal event of a sequence of initial
periment as discriminating among active runs increases the probability that the in-
memories at the time of testing (see D'- terfering memory will be inactive at the time
Amato, 1973; Grant, 1980, for such a view of an immediate test of retention on the tar-
of the monkey and rat, respectively). Ac- get trial. Since the contingencies of alter-
cording to this view, repetition of the initial nation specify the irrelevance of specific re-
trial may facilitate the rat's ability to dis- sponding on trial n for responding on trial
criminate between memories established by n + 1, it would be anticipated that the oc-
the initial runs and those established by the currence of the free-choice run would act as
target forcing. If repetition of the initial runs a signal to discontinue active processing of
are held to strengthen the memories estab- the prior forcing and free-choice memories.
lished by those runs, the rat may learn to Given a second, target trial and an imme-
base the free-choice response on the weakest diate test, the memory of the target-trial
memory in the system, a memory that should forcing should be active since the free-choice
correspond to the target forcing. This ac- run has not been completed, while the mem-
count encounters problems in the intratrial ories of the initial runs should be inactive.
preparation, however, in that repetition of Hence, the animal should base the choice
the initial forcing increases interference in response on the active memory of the target
that preparation (Gordon et al., 1976; Rob- forcing, and little interference on an im-
erts, Note 1). Additional research is required mediate test would be anticipated.
before a coherent account of the effects of In the intratrial procedure, on the other
initial run repetition on interference in the hand, the interfering event consists of an ini-
rat can be offered. tial forcing(s) that is incompatible with the
The final experiment addressed the issue target forcing. Since the animal has been
of which of the two procedural differences trained under contingencies that necessitate
between the intratrial and intertrial prepa- retention of the direction of forced runs, the
rations is responsible for producing differ- rat should continue to process, and hence
ential interference on an immediate test. The keep active, the memory of the interfering
data ruled out the notion that an initial run forcing. On a test of retention given imme-

diately following the target forcing, the rat interference in rats and pigeons, it is possible
has two active memories, one representing at present to do little more than note that
the interfering forcing and the other the tar- any complete theory of animal short-term
get forcing. The rat must then discriminate memory must be capable of accounting for
between the memories, presumably on the the influence of task and/or species vari-
basis of temporal attributes, that which is ables.
the most recent. To the extent that such tem-
poral discrimination is an imperfect process, Reference Note
the interfering memory should decrease ac- 1. Roberts, W. A. Proactive interference and short-
curacy on an immediate test. term memory in the rat. Unpublished manuscript,
Finally, it may be noted that both intra- 1971.
trial and intertrial procedures have been em-
ployed to study proactive interference in the
pigeon. The paradigm employed has been D'Amato, M. R. Delayed matching and short-term
delayed matching to sample in which the memory in monkeys. In G. H. Bower (Ed.), The psy-
chology of learning and motivation: Advances in re-
pigeon is required to choose between two search and theory (Vol. 7). New York: Academic
comparison stimuli the one that corresponds Press, 1973.
to a previously presented sample stimulus. Feldman, D. T. & Gordon, W. C. The alleviation of
Studies of intratrial interference involve the short-term retention decrements with reactivation.
Learning and Motivation, 1979, 10, 198-210.
successive presentation of two samples, one Gordon, W. C., Brennan, M. J., & Schlesinger, J. L.
corresponding to each comparison stimulus, The interaction of memories in the rat: Effects on
whereas studies of intertrial interference in- short-term retention performance. Learning and Mo-
volve the successive presentation of two com- tivation, 1976, 7, 406-417.
plete trials on which the role of correct and Gordon, W. C., & Feldman, D. T. Reactivation-induced
interference in a short-term retention paradigm.
incorrect comparison stimulus is reversed Learning and Motivation, 1978, 9, 164-178.
between trials. Grant, D. S. Proactive interference in pigeon short-term
The data obtained with delayed matching memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: An-
to sample in the pigeon contrast with those imal Behavior Processes, 1975, /, 207-220.
Grant, D. S. Delayed alternation in the rat: Effect of
presently obtained with the rat in two fun- contextual stimuli on proactive interference. Learning
damental respects. First, repetition of the and Motivation, 1980, / / , 339-354.
interfering information increases interfer- Grant, D. S. Short-term memory in the pigeon. In
ence in both intertrial and intratrial prepa- N. E. Spear & R. R. Miller (Eds.), Information pro-
rations in the pigeon (Grant, 1975; Grant cessing in animals: Memory mechanisms. Hillsdale,
N.J.: Erlbaum, in press.
& Roberts, 1973). On the other hand, the Grant, D. S., & Roberts, W. A. Trace interaction in
present experiments have shown that repe- pigeon short-term memory. Journal of Experimental
tition decreases interference in delayed al- Psychology, 1973, 101, 21-29.
ternation with the rat when the intertrial Lewis, D. J. Psychobiology of active and inactive mem-
ory. Psychological Bulletin, 1979, 86, 1054-1083.
procedure is used. Second, research with the Roberts W. A. Spaced repetition facilitates short-term
pigeon suggests that whether robust inter- retention in the rat. Journal of Comparative and
ference is obtained on an immediate test is Physiological Psychology, 1974, 86, 164-171.
dependent upon the interval separating pre- Roberts, W. A., & Grant, D. S. Studies in short-term
sentation of interfering and target infor- memory in the pigeon using the delayed matching-to-
sample procedure. In D. L. Medin, W. A. Roberts,
mation (Roberts & Grant, 1976; Zentall & R. T. Davis (Eds.), Processes of animal memory.
& Hogan, 1977). The present experiments Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1976.
suggest that the critical factor is the occur- Spear, N. E. The processing of memories: Forgetting
rence or nonoccurrence of a free-choice run. and retention. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1978.
Zentall, T. R., & Hogan, D. E. Short-term proactive
Additional research is required before it can inhibition in the pigeon. Learning and Motivation,
be determined whether these discrepant em- 1977,5, 367-386.
pirical phenomena are a product of task or
species differences. Given rather limited un- Received June 30, 1980
derstanding of the mechanisms of proactive Revision received December 17,1980 •

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