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Journal of Experimental Psychology: Copyright 199d by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

Animal Behavior Processes 0097-7403/96/S3.00

1996. Vol. 22, No. 1. 3-18

Dimensions of Stimulus Complexity

J. Gregor Fetterman
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Animal learning research has increasingly used complex stimuli that approximate natural
objects, events, and locations, a trend that has accompanied a resurgence of interest in the role
of cognitive factors in learning. Accounts of complex stimulus control have focused mainly
on cognitive mechanisms and largely ignored the contribution of stimulus information to
perception and memory for complex events. It is argued here that research on animal learning
stands to benefit from a more detailed consideration of the stimulus and that James Gibson's
stimulus-centered theory of perception serves as a useful framework for analyses of complex
stimuli. Several issues in the field of animal learning and cognition are considered from the
Gibsonian perspective on stimuli, including the fundamental problem of defining the effective

In 1989, I participated in a conference at Dalhousie Uni- publication of edited books on animal cognition (Honig &
versity organized by W. K. Honig. The participants were Fetterman, 1992; Hulse et al., 1978; Roitblat, Bever, &
experts in the field of learning and memory in nonhuman Terrace, 1984; Zentall, 1993); from special issues of jour-
animals, with interests in stimulus control, broadly defined, nals (e.g., Cognition in 1990, Journal of the Experimental
involving complex stimulus events. The working title of the Analysis of Behavior in 1989, Learning & Motivation in
symposium, the Dalhousie Conference on Complex/Ex- 1987) and specialized conferences (e.g., Conference on
tended Stimuli, was inspired by the recognition that stimu- Comparative Cognition) and symposia and paper sessions
lus control research had increasingly incorporated complex, devoted to research on cognitive processes in animals;
naturalistic events in place of the simpler stimuli that had through review papers (Roitblat & Von Fersen, 1992; Was-
been used in the past. But the working title gave way to one serman, 1993); and, of course, from the empirical and
that more accurately reflected dominant trends that empha- theoretical content of published research. These examples
size the role of cognitive processes in animal behavior are very familiar to the specialist, but the recent resurgence
(Hulse, Fowler, & Honig, 1978). The conference was re- of work on animal cognition has also contacted a broader
named the Dalhousie Conference on Cognitive Aspects of audience, and exemplars of this line of research are now
Stimulus Control, which became the title of the edited book frequently included in introductory psychology textbooks
based on the proceedings (Honig & Fetterman, 1992). (e.g., Baron, 1995).
As the preceding paragraph indicates, in the last 15-20 A detailed discussion of events that have contributed to
years psychologists have witnessed the rapid development the resurgence of research on animal cognition is beyond
(some might say, a reemergence) of a subdiscipline of our the scope of this article, however, to set the stage for what
field devoted to the study of cognitive processes in nonhu- follows, several contributing factors are noted. First, re-
man animals (see Hulse, 1993, for a recent commentary). search on animal learning and memory has been influenced
This growth is represented in many ways—through the by theories, concepts, and methodologies from human cog-
nitive psychology. Numerous studies of animal cognition
have been predicated on prior research with humans (e.g.,
Editor's Note. This article is another in a series on various Blough, 1992; Cook, 1992b; Fountain & Rowan, 1995), and
topics to be invited by the Editor. these investigations have formed the basis of a modern
Preparation of this article was assisted by National Institute of
psychology of comparative cognition, resulting in both em-
Mental Health Grant MH 48359 and National Science Foundation pirical and theoretical advances. Second, a good deal of
Grant BNS 9407527. Some of these ideas appeared in earlier the recent research on animal learning and memory has
publications including Stubbs, Dreyfus, and Fetterman (1984), used complex stimulus arrangements—arrays of elements
Fetterman, Stubbs, and MacEwen (1992), and Fetterman (1993). (Blough, 1979), textured patterns (Cook, 1992a), color pho-
I am most grateful to Alan Stubbs for many discussions over the tographs (Herrnstein, 1979), musical selections (Porter &
years on the issues raised in this article and for his helpful sug- Neuringer, 1985), moving stimuli (Dittrich & Lea, 1993),
gestions on various drafts. I also extend thanks to Leon Dreyfus, spatial locations (Olton & Samuelson, 1976), and the like—
Peter Hanford, Vern Honig, Kathy Johnson, Peter Killeen, and stimulus events now easier to arrange and study because of
Geoff White for their comments on the article.
Correspondence concerning this article should be sent to J. Gre- computers and related advances in technology such as touch
gor Fetterman, Department of Psychology, Indiana University- screen devices (Blough, 1986; Pisacreta & Rilling, 1987).
Purdue University, 402 North Blackford Street, Indianapolis, In- These stimuli seem more ecologically valid than the simple
diana 46202. Electronic mail may be sent to gfetter@IndyVax. unidimensional stimuli that traditionally have been used in
IUPUI.EDU. research on animal learning (e.g., lights of different wave-

lengths, tones of different frequencies), and coping with The benefits of simplification have a complement in the
these complex events seems to place increased demands on problems engendered by the use of more complex stimuli,
information-processing resources. The structure and func- stimuli that may be more representative of the natural en-
tion of these resources are, of course, at the core of current vironment but more difficult to analyze in terms of individ-
research on animal cognition. ual stimulus features that control responding (Cook, 1993).
Whereas analyses of animal behavior in terms of under- Such stimuli are not readily manipulable in a way that lends
lying cognitive mechanisms (expectancies, attentional con- itself to rigorous experimental analysis. As noted, however,
straints, memory representations, common codes, etc.) have the trend in recent years has been toward increasing use of
gained widespread (but not universal) acceptance, I argue in more complex stimulus events. In this article, I consider this
this article that our field stands to benefit by undertaking an trend from the standpoint of stimulus analysis in the field of
in-depth analysis of the complex stimuli that have become human perceptual psychology and argue that current con-
commonplace in modern research in animal learning. There cepts of the stimulus as an elemental unit of environmental
is no shortage of cognitive theory that purports to explain description are inadequate. Research on animal cognition
how animals encode, process, remember, and retrieve infor- stands to benefit by considering the role of the stimulus
mation, and how these internal processes are related to from the perspective of perceptual theory and, specifically,
behavior. However, there exists no corresponding theory of from theories that adopt a less simplistic use of the stimulus
the stimulus that concerns the information that is immedi- concept (cf. Schleidt, 1985).
ately available from stimuli. One might argue that the
veridicality of the coupling between distal (the stimulus
object) and proximal (the stimulus at the receptor) stimula- Stimuli and Cognition
tion dictates the contribution of cognitive mechanisms.
With Stevens (1951), I regard the definition of the effective A fundamental question in the field of perception con-
stimulus as a most important problem for psychology. How- cerns the relative contributions of the stimulus and the
ever, conceptual analyses of cognitive processes in animals organism to veridical perceptions. The prevailing view of
have advanced much more rapidly than analyses of the proximal stimulation, owing largely to the influence of
informational content of complex stimuli, as suggested by Helmholtz, is that the receptor surfaces do not afford suf-
the change in the title of the Dalhousie conference. ficient information to account for the perception of distal
Research and theory on human perception has a long- properties of objects and events, thereby requiring cognitive
standing concern with the interplay between distal and mechanisms (unconscious inferences) to piece the impov-
proximal stimuli (e.g., see Hochberg, 1988), but stimulus erished stimulus information together (see Hochberg, 1988,
analysis in the field of animal learning comes instead from for a review). By this account, elemental stimuli serve as the
a different tradition. Research on stimulus control in ani- basic units of perception, and the analysis of perception
mals is rooted in work on reflexology, in which stimuli were involves figuring out how perceptual systems synthesize
treated as physical goads for action (e.g., see Staddon, simple stimuli into complex patterns. The flavor of the
1983), in sensory psychology (Honig, 1993), and in the elementarist point of view, in which the explanatory burden
influence of the stimulus-response (S-R) tradition in the is carried by cognitive mechanisms, is nicely captured in a
field of animal learning (Balsam, 1988; Hulse, 1993). Bal- recent article by Graham (1992):
sam noted that the study of learning within the S-R frame-
work was viewed as a matter of finding out how stimuli that The visual system first breaks the information that is con-
tained in the visual stimulus into parts; then the visual system
previously did not evoke a response were later able to do so.
puts the information back together again. But why take it apart
The framework was rarely questioned, only the conditions in the first place? Because the proximal stimulus—the light
necessary for establishing S-R bonds were investigated. falling on the retina—bears little direct resemblance to the
In the past, the study of stimulus control in animals (e.g., important aspects of the world that must be perceived, that is.
Terrace, 1966), as in most scientific study, relied on a to the distal stimulus, (p. 55)
strategy of simplification and analysis of stimuli into ele-
mental units. Thus, simple, discrete, unidimensional stimuli Graham's (1992) position is representative of views that
were used, which permitted precise control over stimulus regard complex stimuli as composites of more elemental
events and provided the psychological equivalent of the features, but other views adopt a different perspective on the
atom, stimulus elements that could serve as the building nature of stimuli and on the role of cognitive mechanisms in
blocks of more complex objects that compose the natural perception. The Gestalt psychologists, for example, viewed
world. The modern prototype of this line of research was an entire melodic sequence of notes as a single stimulus, and
described by Guttman and Kalish (1956), who provided an such stimuli did not need to be elaborated by cognitive
elegant demonstration of stimulus control along the wave- structures. J. J. Gibson (e.g., 1966b) argued that the com-
length dimension. In the ensuing 40 years, the experimental plexities of distal events were directly revealed in proximal
analysis of stimulus control has proceeded mainly along the stimuli, with no need for further elaboration or interpreta-
lines of the Guttman and Kalish prototype (Honig & Ur- tion, or both, by cognitive processes (a view referred to as
cuioli, 1981), investigating many aspects of stimulus con- direct perception). Juxtapose Graham's remarks with a
trol, such as the role of attentional factors (Mackintosh, view offered by a distinguished proponent of J. J. Gibson's
1977) and inhibitory processes (Rilling, 1977). position:

I do not believe that it is essential to invent mechanisms for ties of the world were recovered through a reconstruction of
assembling what we know we actually do perceive: things, a sensory elements into a unified perceptual whole (e.g.,
spatial layout, events that take place in it. There is structure in associations between successive snapshot views of the
the array, relational information that does not have to be world). By contrast, Gibson argued that the stimulus infor-
pieced together because, like truth, it is already there. . . .
Living organisms search for information for invariant struc-
mation available as an organism moves about was much
ture (in fact, an objective one in which not only I but other richer than had been recognized previously and that this
animals too can locate things); of objects, with constant di- information exactly specified objects and events in the
mensions (not shrinking, expanding, or losing and gaining environment.
substance as we move around) and reliable affordances that One of Gibson's key insights was the observation that,
meet our requirements for survival; and of events, in which whereas many local changes in proximal stimulation occur
things happen with predictable relations (not randomly and at the receptor level, certain higher order patterns remain
chaotically).... If I look for mechanisms therefore, they are invariant and specify both permanent properties of the en-
going to have to be ones that deal with relations and ones that vironment and egocentric changes with respect to the world.
abstract information, rather than add on or integrate pieces. Gibson argued that perceptual systems have evolved to
(E. J. Gibson, 1977, pp. 157, 159).
extract this higher order information, which may be partic-
The basic difference between these two approaches is ular to one niche (e.g., perception of bird song) or may be
illustrated by the title of an article by Mace (1977), "James characteristic of any niche (e.g., space and time). According
Gibson's Strategy for Perceiving: Ask Not What's Inside to Gibson, these higher order stimuli—invariants—serve as
Your Head, but What Your Head's Inside of." Most readers the stimuli for the perception of the environment.
are familiar with findings on neural coding and feature The information about distance provided by a gradient of
detectors, and they are familiar with cognitive theories of deformation provides a good example of a stimulus invari-
various kinds, approaches that emphasize the role of internal ant (J. J. Gibson, 1950). Gibson pointed out that the rate of
processes. Gibson and others (e.g., Cutting, 1986) do not change of a given point on the retinal image is inversely
emphasize what goes on internally, but rather what happens proportional to the distance of its distal source. When we
out in the world. Everyone is familiar with technological move forward 1 m, for example, an object 2 m away
advances that have afforded ever more realistic depictions becomes 1 m away and is 50% closer (with greater relative
of the world. Renaissance painters created more realistic change), an object 10 m away becomes 9 m away (10%
works once they gained knowledge of perspective and prin- closer), and an object 100 m away becomes 99 m away (1%
ciples such as shading, haze, and relative size. The motion closer). Moving forward in the world produces continuous
picture industry has changed from black and white silent change in visual stimulation, but at the same time there is an
films, to technicolor, to wide-screen color films with sur- invariant pattern of change over time involving the dis-
round sound, making the movie experience more realistic. tances of objects, with objects 1 m, 10m, and 100 m away
We are in the early stages of movie rides, where the screen undergoing different relative amounts of change. This pat-
fills the visual field and the individual's chair moves in tern is invariant over different contexts; as we walk forward
relation to the visual changes. Audio recordings have on a tiled floor, a rug, or on the beach, the relative gradient
changed from Edison disks to hi-fi records to compact disks. changes at all distances as our pace speeds up or slows
These advances have come about from increased knowledge down.
of the relevant stimuli, not from internally generated
changes in perception.
In the next section I consider in greater detail different James Gibson and Animal Cognition
positions on the role of stimuli in perception and cognition.
The different views define a continuum that, at one extreme, Several aspects of Gibson's views bear on the research
holds that many of the complexities of environmental events agenda for the field of animal learning and cognition and,
are directly revealed in proximal stimulation (cf. E. J. Gib- particularly, for research on complex stimulus control. The
son, 1977); at the opposite end of this continuum processing first is a conceptual distinction between the energetic and
and elaboration of elemental stimuli are regarded as prereq- informational value of a stimulus (Garner, 1986). Research
uisites for perception (cf. Graham, 1992). on stimulus control in animals has typically used simple
stimuli whose energetic properties could be easily manipu-
lated (e.g., tone frequencies). Gibson pointed out, however,
Parsing the Contributions of the that energetic variables do not convey the information nec-
Stimulus and Organism essary for perception of complex events in the natural
world; such information is provided by invariants in the flux
James Gibson's theory of perception (e.g., 1950, 1966a, of stimulation that he referred to as the optic array in the
1966b, 1979) is an obvious point of departure for a detailed case of vision.
consideration of the stimulus, because he outlined a frame- Second, the assumption that perception normally involves
work for perceiving in which the stimulus played a central learning to abstract higher order invariants (cf. E. J. Gibson,
role. Traditional views held that the proximal stimulus for 1977) appears to be relevant to a substantial literature con-
visual perception consisted of a succession of mosaics of cerning the capacity of nonhuman animals for abstract
light intensities on the retina from which the distal proper- learning; it is common to find that animals have difficulty

acquiring discriminations based on abstract properties of reconstruct the positions of pieces on a board when the
stimuli such as the same-different concept (e.g., Carter & arrangement is a result of moves in an actual game; amateur
Werner, 1978; Premack, 1978). Such observations do not chess players are not nearly as accurate in reconstructing the
square with a view that everyday perception involves a array. When, however, the arrangement of the pieces is
process of abstraction unless, of course, perceptual systems random, chess masters fare no better than the amateur.
are attuned to the higher order regularities of natural envi-
ronments and, as a consequence, organisms readily learn to
extract only these regularities (Shepard, 1984). Alternative Positions
Third, Gibson (e.g., 1960, 1966a) proposed that a stimu-
Whereas Gibson argued that directly apprehended invari-
lus may endure over time and space, in contrast to tradi-
ant stimulation serves as the basis of perception, most
tional views in which temporally extended stimuli have
psychologists ascribe a much larger role to cognitive mech-
been construed as composites of localized elements (Honig,
anisms. For example, Julian Hochberg (1982, 1988) has
1993). When discrete stimuli are spread out over time,
strongly emphasized the role of mental structure in percep-
explanatory accounts seemingly must include memory
tion in the classic Helmholtzian sense. Hochberg has also
mechanisms (the problem of action across temporal distanc-
taken issue with Gibson's position on a number of grounds.
es). Gibson, however, did not subscribe to the sharp demar-
For instance, he pointed out that whereas there are numer-
cation between perception and memory (the razor's edge
ous invariances in distal stimulation, there is not a great deal
that separates the present from the past and the future) that
of evidence about whether organisms respond directly to
is characteristic of most of psychology. This issue is rele-
this higher order information (see Hochberg, 1982). If this
vant to recent research on animal cognition in which the
information, which is admittedly present in the distal stim-
stimulus consists of a temporal sequence of events. Many
ulus, has no psychological import, then Gibson's stimulus-
experiments on animal cognition have used stimuli that take
centered theory would be of little consequence for the
place over time, as with a sequence of tonal stimuli (e.g.,
psychology of perception; but this is an unresolved empir-
Hulse, Cynx, & Humpal, 1984) or a piece of music (e.g.,
ical issue.
Porter & Neuringer, 1985) or a small number of brief light
If Gibson and Hochberg represent the extremes, the views
flashes that must be discriminated from a larger number
of Wendall Garner (1974, 1986) and Roger Shepard (1981,
(e.g., W. A. Roberts & Mitchell, 1994). If such events are
1984, 1987) fall somewhere in between. Both acknowledge
perceived as holistic stimuli, traditional views of perception
that there are circumstances under which perception is
and memory may need to be reconsidered. Later in this
largely determined by proximal stimulation because the
article I consider the radical notion of direct memory.
invariant information is sufficient to specify the significant
Finally, Gibson's approach to perception is decidedly
environmental events. In other cases, however, perception
ecological, because he argued that perception should be
occurs under conditions in which proximal stimulation may
studied as it occurs in natural environments, where organ-
not resolve alternative interpretations of distal events (e.g.,
isms enjoy free mobility. Such environments, according to
a fleeting glance of an object at night). Perception in such
Gibson, afford the higher order stimuli that serve as the
cases, according to Garner and Shepard, depends a good
basis of everyday perception. Gibson regarded laboratory
deal on internal inferential processes that reflect the con-
experiments, in which an observer might be allowed a brief
straints of the external world (Shepard, 1984).
monocular view of a stimulus, as ecologically invalid.
In the remainder of this article, I consider various topics
These arguments resonate with recent trends in the field of
in the field of animal cognition, with special attention to the
animal learning emphasizing the role of ecological factors
issues raised by Gibson in regard to the concept of the
in learning and cognition (e.g., Johnston, 1981; Shettle-
stimulus in psychology. In particular, the overview consid-
worth, 1993).
ers whether analyses of complex stimulus control based on
It should be clear that Gibson was mainly concerned with
cognitive mechanisms give proper consideration to the role
analyzing the coupling between distal and proximal stimu-
of the stimulus.
lation. Accordingly, Gibson downplayed (some say, did not
address) the role of perceptual and cognitive mechanisms,
and he has been severely criticized for this position (Hoch- Stimulus Complexity
berg, 1982; Ullman, 1980). However, careful reading of
Gibson shows that organismic variables play an important if I begin with the distinction between simple and complex
underappreciated role in his approach. For example, Gibson stimuli, a distinction fundamental to recent research on
(1966b) regarded animals as information seekers and dis- animal cognition and to perceptual theory. In spite of the
tinguished between information obtained by a passive ob- differences among perceptual theorists, there is general
server versus that received by an active observer, noting that agreement that the stimulus information for perception is
stimulus information available to a locomoting animal is complex (see Garner, 1986), but complexity can be a diffi-
much richer than that available to its immobile counterpart. cult term to operationally define. In the case of recent work
Most important, Gibson emphasized that what is extracted on animal cognition, the term has been used in a somewhat
from the environment depends on learning (E. J. Gibson, informal way.
1991). Consider a well-known example from cognitive psy- Although stimulus complexity may be partly in the eye of
chology (Chase & Simon, 1973). Chess masters can readily the beholder, many psychologists would agree that complex

stimuli are not easily described in terms of one single simple regarding stimulus complexity are rooted in anthropocentric
dimension; often such stimuli can only be specified with a biases; these examples further suggest that analyses of stim-
great deal of description (e.g., color photographs) or at a uli along the lines suggested by Gibson may yield a better
fairly high level of abstraction (e.g., relational concepts such understanding of the information that mediates such com-
as same-different). A photograph is said to be worth a plex discriminations. For instance, most radial maze tasks
thousand words, and the effective stimuli in discriminations provide complex arrays of extramaze cues that clearly fa-
involving sets of photographs are harder to describe than cilitate spatial navigation and orientation (Olton, 1978), but
those involving red and green hues. Although this distinc- surprisingly little research has been directed at the role of
tion between simple and complex stimuli has a good deal of extramaze stimuli (cf. Cook, 1993). Such research may
face validity, some evidence indicates that such intuitive suggest an important role for invariants that afford ready
distinctions do not always accord with experimental out- navigation about the maze environment.
comes. For example, studies of picture perception involving Many tasks involving seemingly complex stimuli may be
naive human observers (people without prior experience readily acquired because there is higher order information—
viewing pictures) have shown that participants looking at in variances—directly available for perception, not requir-
simple line drawings may be confused by the depictions, ing further elaboration (Pick, 1983). This point of view
whereas these same people are able to report accurately suggests a taxonomy of stimuli based not on stimulus en-
about the content of color photographs (Hagen, 1980). Such ergetics, as in the past, but on the relation between stimuli
stimuli may be more complex in their specification but more and distal events. Such a taxomony provides an ecological
easily discriminated because of their similarity to the natural foundation for analyses of stimulus control along the lines
scenes they represent. suggested by both J. J. Gibson (e.g., 1966b) and Brunswik
Research with nonhuman animals also demonstrates that (1956), and this foundation is consistent with recent trends
stimuli that may appear complex from the experimenter's in the field of animal learning and memory toward an
point of view may not be perceived as such by the subject. increasing concern with ecological factors.
Research on concept attainment in pigeons, involving many
different color photographs, demonstrates that animals can
acquire the discrimination quite rapidly (after several ex- Stimulus Invariances
perimental sessions and sometimes within the very first
J. J. Gibson referred to unchanging aspects of the stimu-
training session; e.g., Herrnstein, 1985; Mallot & Siddall,
lus array as invariants, and he held that invariants served as
1972), at least as quickly as seemingly simpler discrimina-
the basic stimulus unit. He described many examples of
tions such as red versus green. Discriminations based on
invariances in stimulus patterns (e.g., texture gradients, mo-
nominally simpler projective line drawings do, however,
tion gradients), but an exact determination of the number of
appear difficult for animals to learn (Cerella, 1977). Simi-
stimulus invariants is impossible. It is fair to say, however,
larly, spatial memory tasks involving complex arrays of
that the notion of stimulus invariance applies to a variety of
distal cues are also learned very quickly (Olton, 1979).
situations. For example, Bassili (1978) attached tiny lights
Consider another surprising example involving temporal
to people's faces and instructed them to portray different
discrimination. We (Fetterman, Dreyfus, & Stubbs, 1989)
emotions. The portrayals occurred in a darkened room so
trained pigeons on two versions of a task in which subjects
that only the lights were visible, and the pattern of light
discriminated the relation between a red light of one dura-
movements was filmed. Participants watching the films
tion and a green light of a different duration. In one condi-
easily recognized the emotions depicted even though the
tion, the discrimination involved a judgment of which color
actor's face was not visible (see Cutting, Profitt, & Koz-
was longer; one choice was reinforced when red was longer,
lowski, 1977, for similar results). In this section, I consider
and the alternate choice was reinforced when green was
the applicability of the invariance concept to research on
longer. In other conditions, choices were reinforced accord-
animal cognition.
ing to whether the ratio of the red to the green duration was
less or greater than a criterion ratio, such as 2:1; that is, one
choice was reinforced if the ratio was less than 2:1 and the Invariances in Pictures
other was reinforced when that ratio was greater than 2:1.
Although the ratio-based discrimination seems more com- Color photographs arguably constitute the prototype of
plex (and it may be for humans; Fetterman, Dreyfus, & complex stimulus arrangements in the field of animal cog-
Stubbs, 1993), the pigeons were equally accurate on the two nition. Beginning with the seminal work of Herrnstein and
variants of the temporal pair comparison; recent research, Loveland (1964), the use of photographic images as dis-
comparing acquisition in different groups of pigeons, dem- criminative stimuli has increased dramatically over the last
onstrated that the two discriminations were acquired at the 30 years. Photographs of natural locations and objects lend
same rate (Fetterman & Dreyfus, 1994). an aura of ecological validity to stimulus control research
Precise comparisons of simple and complex tasks is not under the presumption that such stimuli are representative
without complication, because both the stimulus dimensions of natural environments, possessing "configural or emer-
and the task requirements typically vary. Learning any gent attributes of the more complicated object stimuli and
discrimination involves a mixture of instructional and per- categories that compose the natural world" (Cook, 1993, p.
ceptual learning. But many examples suggest that ideas 175). The widespread popularity of pictorial stimuli is

largely due to the rapid increase in research on concept prised of either color photographs or kaleidoscopic images
attainment in animals, but photographs have also been used with equal ease; humans, on the other hand, have greater
as stimuli in experiments on serial list learning (e.g., Ter- difficulty learning lists comprised of meaningless kaleido-
race, 1993), in serial memory tasks (e.g., Wright, Santiago, scopic images (Wright, Cook, et al., 1990; Wright et al.,
Sands, Kendrick, & Cook, 1985), and as discriminative 1985). Familiarity with real objects and locations likewise
stimuli under concurrent schedule procedures (Vaughan & does not produce robust effects on pictorial discriminations.
Herrnstein, 1987). Studies of pigeons' conceptual discriminations based on
J. J. Gibson (e.g., 1971) suggested that pictures provide different locations have shown that familiarity with the
some of the invariant cues present in the natural environ- pictured locations may facilitate acquisition of the discrim-
ment (e.g., pictorial cues to depth, shading, relative size); it ination compared with subjects without the familiarization
follows from this position that the ability to perceive infor- experience (Kendrick, 1992; Wilkie, Wilson, & Kardal,
mation in the natural environment is the only prerequisite 1989); but the benefits of such real-world experiences are
for recognizing object-picture correspondences. Gibson rather small.
also noted that, for humans at least, pictures have a dual Transfer tests from pictures to real objects (or vice versa)
reality. We know a picture is not the real thing (the per- provide the most direct evidence about picture-object rela-
spective attitude), but people would hate to lose photos of tions, but the results of such tests are somewhat ambiguous,
loved ones in a fire because photographs are often said to contrary to predictions based on Gibson's analysis. Cole and
capture the essence of someone (the naive attitude). Clearly Honig (1994) trained pigeons to discriminate between color
we are concerned with pictorial perception in animals in the slides of different locations within a large room; subjects
naive sense. were then trained to find food in the actual room. Different
Although animals readily learn to discriminate between subjects were given congruent transfer training (location of
pictorial stimuli based on various natural categories, little is food in the actual room was the same as the positive slide
known about the basis of such discriminations. Some ques- locations) or incongruent training (positive slide locations
tion whether nonhuman animals acquire anything like a
and the location of food in the room differed). The congru-
human concept (e.g., Lea, 1984; Lea & Ryan, 1990), argu-
ent transfer subjects learned to find food more quickly than
ing rather that the discriminations are based on collections
the incongruent group, supporting the picture-object corre-
of meaningless (to the subject) features (e.g., Von Fersen &
spondence thesis. Unfortunately, this positive transfer effect
Lea, 1990) such as decomposed line patterns and blobs of
turned out to be asymmetrical. When subjects were first
colors. But the more common if tacitly held assumption is
trained in the actual room and then transferred to the pic-
that animals perceive some correspondence between photo-
torial discrimination, the congruent versus incongruent reg-
graphs of objects and the objects themselves. This assump-
tion is supported by the finding that conceptual discrimina- imens did not result in differential transfer to the pictured
tions show good transfer between familiar and novel locations. Similar asymmetries have been observed in other
instances of the concept. For example, a pigeon trained to studies of object-picture transfer (see reviews of this liter-
discriminate between 40 pictures containing trees and 40 ature by Cabe, 1980, and Wilkie, Wilson, & MacDonald,
not containing trees will show nearly perfect transfer of the 1992).
discrimination to new photographs, similarly instantiating Although it is common to describe complex discrimina-
the tree versus no-tree concept (e.g., Herrnstein, 1979). tions involving photographs in terms of the conceptual
Further support for the correspondence notion is based on language game of the human species, such descriptions are
comparisons between concept discrimination training and probably premature, and potentially misleading. There is
pseudoconcept training, in which the same photographs are not a great deal of evidence that nonhuman animals, espe-
arbitrarily assigned to positive and negative categories. cially pigeons, perceive pictorial stimuli in the same way
Thus one pigeon might be trained with 80 photographs, one humans do. It seems more likely that subjects base concep-
half with trees and one half without trees, receiving rein- tual discriminations on polymorphous rules involving col-
forcement for pecking at slides containing the tree feature lections of individual features (Lea & Ryan, 1990).
but not for pecking at slides without trees; another pigeon There may be good reasons for using photographs as
would receive training with the same 80 photographs but discriminative stimuli (see Wright, 1992) in experiments on
with tree and non-tree slides equally divided between pos- cognitive processes in animals, but the notion that photo-
itive and negative categories. The pseudoconcept discrimi- graphs are somehow more naturalistic because they repre-
nation is much more difficult for animals to learn (Edwards sent real objects and locations is, I believe, misguided. A
& Honig, 1987; Herrnstein & De Villiers, 1980; Wasser- more productive comparative psychology of concept attain-
man, Kiedinger, & Bhatt, 1988). ment would stand to benefit by using artificial stimuli that
Other evidence, however, suggests that animals may not are equally devoid of meaning for humans and other ani-
extract the same information from photographs as do hu- mals (Homa, Sterling, & Trepel, 1981; Pearce, 1989). Al-
mans. Pigeons are relatively insensitive to distortions of though such stimuli do not possess the apparent ecological
pictorial stimuli (e.g., inversions, mirror reversals) that dis- validity of naturalistic color photographs, they may afford
rupt discriminations in monkeys and humans (Phelps & the possibility of more meaningful cross-species compari-
Roberts, 1994). Similarly, pigeons learn serial lists com- sons.

Invariances in Relational Patterns erally incapable of extracting invariances from stimulus

patterns, at least under relatively artificial laboratory con-
Many stimulus invariances involve relationships between ditions. However, recent research indicates that pigeons and
features of complex stimuli. It is well-known, for instance, other species can learn to respond to invariances in stimulus
that the relationship between the illumination of an object patterns. Such learning appears to demand that subjects
and that of its surround (the luminance ratio) remains receive exposure to a large number of stimuli before transfer
roughly constant under changing conditions of illumination tests are given and that hierarchical and lower order features
(Hochberg, 1982), as does the perception of relative bright- of the stimuli not be completely confounded. In the work of
ness (brightness constancy). The debate over the mecha- Fetterman and Dreyfus (1986), for instance, pigeons were
nisms of brightness constancy echoes one of the major trained with 12 pairs of durations, receiving a substantial
themes of this article—the relative contributions of invari- number of trials that contained duration pairs in which a
ant stimulus information and cognition to perception. In one single interval by itself was predictive of the higher order
view the invariance of the luminance ratio serves to explain relation. Dreyfus, Fetterman, Stubbs, and Montello (1992)
brightness constancy, whereas in another the constancy used 74 unique pairs of stimuli constructed in order to
results from internal computational mechanisms (e.g., Dem- minimize the confounding between absolute and invariant
ber & Warm, 1979). stimulus properties. Under these circumstances pigeons
Relational learning tasks provide an excellent illustration showed good transfer to novel pairs of stimuli (see also
of the potential role of stimulus invariance in learning, Stubbs et al., 1994).
because, by definition, such tasks require subjects to ab- Page, Hulse, and Cynx (1989) used a similar strategy to
stract a higher order rule from varying instances of individ- train starlings to discriminate between ascending and de-
ual stimuli. Same-different tasks involving matching-to- scending pitch sequences. One stimulus set contained 64
sample and related procedures constitute the modern patterns in which relative and absolute pitch information
prototype of relational learning tasks, but many other pro- were completely uncorrelated; in a second set, which con-
cedures have been used. For instance, Fetterman and Drey- tained 8 patterns, both relative and absolute pitch were
fus (1986) trained pigeons on a relational timing task in predictive. Starlings were initially unable to learn the dis-
which two colors were presented in succession, with the crimination involving 64 patterns; however, birds that re-
colors lasting different durations. At the end of the se- ceived training on the smaller set of confounded patterns
quence, different choices were reinforced depending on subsequently showed good transfer to the larger stimulus
which color lasted longer. The pigeons readily learned to set. Similar results have been obtained in investigations
discriminate the temporal relation between the two colors. involving the same-different concept (Wright, Cook,
Another line of research on relational learning has in- Rivera, Sands, & Delius, 1988; Wright, Shyan, & Jitsumori,
volved the perception of auditory patterns. Hulse and col- 1990).
leagues (e.g., Hulse et al., 1984), for example, trained star- Many discussions of relational learning in nonhuman
lings to discriminate between sequences of tones according animals concern capacities for abstract learning among dif-
to whether the sequences rose or fell in pitch. The birds ferent species, with suggestions that some species prefer to
acquired this discrimination nominally based on relative process stimuli in an absolute fashion (e.g., D'Amato,
pitch information. On the face of it, these examples suggest Salmon, & Colombo, 1985; Wright et al., 1988). However,
that nonhuman animals learn to discriminate invariances in the recent findings indicate an important role for stimulus
relational stimulus patterns, consistent with Gibson's thesis. information in the sense described by Gainer (1974, 1986),
In contrast with the results from the learning of relational wherein the information conveyed by an individual pattern
tasks, the results of transfer tests with novel stimulus values can only be understood by reference to the possible alter-
suggest that nonhuman animals are generally incapable of natives. A pair of stimuli (e.g., one ascending and one
extracting invariances in relational patterns. If an animal has descending pitch sequence) might be perceived one way
learned the invariant pattern structure, changes in the pattern when the stimuli are presented in isolation and another way
constituents should have little or no effect on performance, when the stimuli are part of a larger pool of items.
but animals often show little evidence of transfer. For ex- It is common to describe the results of relational learning
ample, Hulse et al. (1984) found that the discrimination experiments in an either-or fashion; subjects may appear
between ascending and descending pitch sequences was lost bound to the specifics of the training stimuli, or perhaps as
when the tone frequencies were changed from those used in a result of elaborate training regimens a subject may behave
the original training (for similar findings see D'Amato, in ways that lead us to conclude that a higher order rule has
1988; D'Amato & Colombo, 1988; D'Amato & Salmon, been learned. But this dichotomy may be overly simplistic
1984). Similarly, Fetterman and Dreyfus (1986) reported on at least two counts. First, although certain conditions
that the discrimination of relative time did not transfer to may afford the perception of higher order relationships,
novel pairs of intervals outside the range of values used perception of invariant structure does not preclude an ability
during training. And, a substantial literature on the same- to respond to concrete levels of stimulation (e.g., J. J. Gib-
different rule suggests that subjects normally learn the par- son, 1966a). For example, faces may be perceived as holis-
ticulars of individual stimuli, not a more general rule in- tic patterns, but differences in facial expression may also be
volving stimulus relations (e.g., Premack, 1978). noticed and reacted to. In the case of relational learning
These findings suggest that nonhuman animals are gen- tasks, subjects may learn to perceive both the invariant

structure and the details of the events that compose rela- inations (e.g., Alsop & Honig, 1991; Fernandes & Church.
tional stimulus patterns. Page et al. (1989), for instance, 1982; Fetterman, 1993). It is customary to distinguish be-
found that starlings used both relative and absolute pitch tween the apprehension of simultaneous and successive
information in discriminating between ascending and de- stimulus patterns in terms of perceiving versus remember-
scending pitch sequences. Likewise, Dreyfus et al. (1992) ing, but this dichotomy may be based on preconceptions
found pigeons' discriminations of the relative durations of about stimuli as discrete, momentary events, as noted by
temporal intervals to be based on both the temporal rela- Gibson.
tionship between the intervals and the absolute durations of Consider an example involving numerosity discrimina-
individual stimuli (see also Dreyfus, 1992; Wright, Cook, & tion. Honig and Stewart (1989) presented pigeons with
Kendrick, 1989, for similar findings). simultaneous arrays composed of red and blue dots. The
Second, complex events may consist of different levels of pigeons were initially trained to discriminate between two
higher order relations, from the concrete to the abstract, homogeneous arrays (i.e., all red vs. all blue) and then were
constituting a hierarchy of stimulus structure; that is, some given generalization tests with arrays containing different
events have embedded superordinate structures (cf. E. J. proportions of the red and blue elements. Honig and Stewart
Gibson & Levin, 1975). Animals may learn to respond to obtained orderly generalization gradients based on the pro-
some or all of these levels, depending on the predictive portion of each element in the arrays, and they found that
relations between the various levels and significant out- the discrimination transferred to new arrays that contained
comes (cf. Herrnstein, 1990). For instance, living organisms different total numbers of elements. One might say that the
may be classified at different taxonomic levels (e.g., animal, effective stimulus consisted of the emergent dimension of
mammal, carnivore, dog, cocker spaniel), and the observed relative numerosity based on the entire pattern of elements
level(s) of classification may be determined both by the in the array (Honig, 1992).
physical variation in individual stimuli and by the conse- Alsop and Honig (1991) used a similar task, but one in
quences associated with varying levels of categorization which the elements (red and blue light flashes) were pre-
(e.g., W. A. Roberts & Mazmanian, 1988). sented in succession; under their procedure, different
choices were reinforced depending on whether the sequence
was comprised of more red or more blue flashes. As under
How Big Is a Stimulus? the simultaneous procedure, discriminative performance
was a function of the proportion of the different elements in
"The fact is that the general shape and emphases of any the sequence. However, there were clear effects of the
theory of perception and of information processing depends location of an element in the sequence, with light flashes
strongly on this matter of the size of the effective stimulus" appearing later in the sequence exerting more control over
(Hochberg, 1982, p. 192). choice. In addition, increases in the temporal gap between
"I argue that there are limits on the intervals of space and successive flashes (from 0.33 s to 0.66 s to 1.0 s) resulted in
time over which we can integrate information available in decreases in accuracy. The differential weighting of pattern
the sensory arrays and these limits are themselves lawful in elements as a function of serial position is consistent with an
ways that cry out for explanation" (Shepard, 1984, p. 419). explanation of sequential numerosity discrimination based
"When does a sequence constitute a single and when a on memory processes, but not with Gibson's suggestion that
number of separate stimuli; also, can a single enduring such extended patterns may be directly apprehended with-
stimulus exist throughout a changing sequence?" (J. J. Gib- out the aid of memory.
son, 1960, p. 696). Some results appear to favor the idea that animals can
These passages speak to a controversial aspect of James integrate a series of events over substantial periods of time,
Gibson's views—that a temporal sequence of events may be however. Stubbs, Dreyfus, and Fetterman (1984) developed
perceived as a single stimulus without the aid of memory. a temporal integration task in which pigeons viewed a
Gibson (e.g., 1966a) placed successive and simultaneous sequence of four colored lights that lasted for different
stimulation on equal footing and set no boundaries on the
temporal extent of an effective stimulus. 1 In this section I 1
Consider an example involving a primitive life form, the
take up the issue of whether extended temporal sequences bacterium. This organism swims about in a medium in two distinct
may function as unitary stimulus events, an issue of some patterns, runs and tumbles; runs are movements in a straight line,
significance for perceptual and cognitive theory. and tumbles are movements involving random changes in direc-
Many experiments on animal cognition involve simulta- tion. The occurrence of the different patterns is related to gradients
neous arrays of stimulus elements, as in the relative numer- of chemical attractants in which the frequency of tumbling de-
osity discriminations reported by Honig (e.g., Honig & creases as the bacterium moves up the gradient and increases as it
Stewart, 1989), the texture gradients used by Cook (e.g., moves down the gradient. Note that the chemical gradient is a
complex stimulus and that control of behavior by the stimulation is
Cook, 1992b), or the simultaneous list learning procedures distributed over time and space. One could assume that this uni-
studied by Terrace (e.g., Terrace, 1993). In other experi- cellular organism stores discrete representations of its environment
ments the stimulus elements are presented in a temporal for comparison with current inputs, but it seems more parsimoni-
sequence, as in the work of Hulse and colleagues (e.g., ous to assume that the chemical gradient provides a complex
Hulse et al., 1984), in serial list learning tasks (e.g., Wright stimulus that directly controls the observed pattern of behavior (cf.
et al., 1985), or in studies of sequential numerosity discrim- Staddon, 1983; Turvey & Shaw, 1979).

durations. The series consisted of red (R) and green (G) (e.g., Anderson & Schooler, 1991; Harnett, McCarthy, &
lights presented in alternation, R,-G1-R2-G2; many differ- Davison, 1984; Loftus, 1985; White, 1985, 1991; Wixted,
ent individual durations were used, with each color lasting 1989; Wixted & Ebbesen, 1991) have produced results
5 s on average and a mean sequence duration of 20 s. At the consistent with Gibson's position in the sense that some of
end of the color sequence, different choices were reinforced the candidate functions posit a constant rate of forgetting
depending on which color pair (R, + R2 or G! + G2) had (e.g., the exponential), making it impossible to identify a
lasted longer. The birds' choices were related to the relative discrete point in time at which perceiving leaves off and
durations of the two color pairs in a very orderly way, and remembering takes over.
mean accuracy for three pigeons was about 75% correct. The development of quantitative models of memory has
One pigeon was exposed to a second condition in which the also highlighted possible parallels between perceptual and
average durations of the individual components of the se- memorial processes. For example, power functions of the
quence were increased fourfold, from 5 s to 20 s, providing form
a mean sequence length of 80 s. Performance under this
extended sequence condition was identical to that observed M = AT (1)
with the shorter sequence. These results are somewhat sur-
provide an excellent account of forgetting curves across a
prising but consistent with Gibson's thesis that a single
range of conditions involving different species, stimulus
stimulus may endure over substantial periods of time.
materials, and memory paradigms (Anderson & Schooler,
Discrimination of complex stimuli often involves inte-
1991; Wixted & Ebbesen, 1991). In Equation 1, M stands
grating a series of discrete events, such as individual notes
for the measure of memory performance, T for the retention
in bird song (Weisman & Ratcliffe, 1987), elements of a
interval, and A and b are the parameters of the model. The
numerical series (Alsop & Honig, 1991), sequences of
exponent, b, can be taken as an estimate of the rate of
choices in a radial maze (Olton & Samuelson, 1976), or
forgetting. The perceptual counterpart to the power function
individual components of complex patterns of reward
model is, of course, Stevens' Power Law,
(Hulse & O'Leary, 1982). It is important to know the extent
to which animals can perceive a temporally extended series S = klb, (2)
of events as a unitary stimulus because the limits of per-
ceptual integration set the boundary conditions for theories which describes the relation between physical (I) and sub-
of information processing (Hochberg, 1982; Shepard, jective (S) magnitudes for judgments of many perceptual
1984). Experimental analyses of perceptual time horizons dimensions such as loudness, brightness, time, and weight,
may serve to constrain admissable theories of the percep- with each of these dimensions having its own characteristic
tion, processing, and retention of stimulus structure. exponent (Stevens, 1975).
The similarity of the mathematical form of psychophys-
ical and forgetting functions could be purely coincidental,
Role of Memory
but there may be underlying correspondences between per-
It is conventional to treat perception of extended patterns ceiving and remembering, as White (1991), Staddon (1983,
in terms of associative and memory mechanisms that link 1984), and Wixted and Ebbesen (1991) have suggested.
together and store individual pattern elements, as in the case White (1991), for example, proposed a theory of direct
of Alsop and Honig (1991). By this convention, identifying remembering based on the idea that remembering involves
a span of integration depends on establishing a sharp de- a discrimination between events across temporal distances
marcation between perceiving and remembering so that and that such discriminations are analogous to making dis-
events inside and outside the perceptual window engage tinctions between objects at different spatial distances (cf.
distinctly different mechanisms. However, J. J. Gibson Staddon, 1984). In this view, increasing the temporal dis-
(1966a) pointed out, as did others before him, that it is tance between the stimuli to be discriminated attenuates
difficult to say exactly where perception leaves off and their discriminability just as increasing spatial distances
memory begins. make objects more difficult to tell apart. Thus, the salience
of memories may decline over time according to the same
The stream of experience does not consist of an instantaneous function that describes changes in the perceived intensity of
present and a linear past receding into the distance; it is not a a stimulus (e.g., a light or sound) as its distance varies
"traveling razor's edge" dividing the past from the future. (Staddon, 1984; Wixted & Ebbesen, 1991).
Perhaps the present has a certain duration. If so, it should be This approach places the analysis of memory in the con-
possible to find out when perceiving stops and remembering
begins. But it has not been possible. (J. J. Gibson, 1979, p.
text of psychophysics and draws attention to the role of
253). stimuli in remembering (see Fetterman, 1995, for a recent
example of a psychophysical analysis of remembering).
Gibson's position might seem naive in light of a volumi- Many psychophysical experiments have shown that the
nous literature on short-term remembering in both human exponent of the psychophysical function depends on the
and nonhuman animals, a literature that seemingly has es- underlying physical continuum; for example, the dimen-
tablished the bounds of working memory (Honig & Thomp- sions of brightness, length, loudness, and shock intensity
son, 1982; W. A. Roberts & Grant, 1976; Roitblat, 1984). yield representative exponent values of 0.33, 1.0, 0.67, and
However, efforts to quantify the time course of forgetting 3.5, respectively (Stevens, 1975). Similarly, the exponent of

the forgetting curve embodied in Equation 1 may be a Brunswik (1956; Tolman & Brunswik, 1935) long ago
function of the to-be-remembered events. Not much is pointed out the advantages of studying behavior in situa-
known about the role of stimuli in remembering, however, tions in which the natural covariation between variables was
because primary emphasis has been given to intervening preserved because such situations were more representative
cognitive variables (rehearsal; common coding; response- of naturalistic conditions. In particular, the cue competition
outcome expectancies, etc.). The limited evidence suggests framework may not be a useful model of situations in which
that stimulus characteristics are relevant variables. For ex- multiple sources of stimulus information are not completely
ample, pigeons forget discriminations based on hue samples redundant predictors of some target event; under such cir-
more rapidly than those based on line orientations (Farthing, cumstances there is much to be gained by using more than
Wagner, Gilmour, & Waxman, 1977; Urcuioli & Zentall, one predictor (cf. Fetterman, 1993; Fetterman, Stubbs, &
1986). Pigeons also forget visual discriminations more rap- Dreyfus, 1986; Fetterman, Stubbs, & MacEwen, 1992).
idly than auditory discriminations (Kraemer & Roberts, Consider an example involving foraging behavior. Opti-
1984), whereas monkeys forget auditory discriminations mal foraging models assume that animals search and obtain
more rapidly (Colombo & D'Amato, 1986). At the very food so as to maximize energy intake for the time spent
least, psychophysical analyses of delayed stimulus control foraging (e.g., Stephens & Krebs, 1986), an assumption that
(i.e., memory) along the lines of Fetterman (1995) can seemingly requires sophisticated computational mecha-
provide a comprehensive portrait of delayed dimensional nisms. Many believe, however, that the mechanisms of
control and may illuminate parallels between perceiving and foraging involve heuristic decision rules that greatly sim-
remembering. plify the maximization problem. For example, a forager
might use a rule based on the time since the last prey
encounter as the basis for deciding when to leave one patch
Multidimensional Stimuli for another (e.g., Brunner, Kacelnik, & Gibbon, 1992;
Kacelnik, Brunner, & Gibbon, 1990), and such simple tem-
Complex stimuli normally involve multiple and related poral decision rules may afford a reasonable approximation
sources of stimulus information, and questions naturally to strategies based on complex algorithms embodied in
arise about the relative contributions of different stimulus optimal foraging models. But other sources of information
features to the perception of the whole. It has become
about prey densities might also be predictive (e.g., total
conventional in analyses of conditioning and learning to
number of prey captured), and this information could be
treat complex stimuli as compounds of elemental features
combined with temporal cues to more accurately anticipate
(e.g., Kamin, 1969) and to assume an associative competi-
the optimal patch departure time.
tion between individual elements that predict a common
Several findings are consistent with this idea. Kamil,
outcome (e.g., presentation of an unconditioned stimulus).
Yoerg, and Clements (1988) trained blue jays on a simu-
Many experiments have demonstrated that increments in the
associative value of a target cue depend on the predictive lated foraging task involving two food patches that provided
values of other cues that compose the entire associative reinforcements according to different scheduled probabili-
context (see Bouton, 1994, for a recent review). ties. The higher probability schedule provided a fixed num-
The assumption of stimulus competition is further abetted ber of prey items so that food was no longer available once
by studies of the role of attentional factors in learning that the allotted reinforcers were obtained (the "sudden death"
suggest that paying attention to one dimension reduces patch). The alternative ("nondepleting") patch provided re-
control exerted by other, correlated dimensions. In a widely inforcement at a lower, constant probability that was inde-
cited illustration of this result, Reynolds (1961) trained pendent of the number of reinforcements earned. Under
pigeons to peck at a stimulus compound comprised of a these conditions an optimal forager should first obtain all of
white triangle superimposed on a red background; once the the food available under the richer schedule and then switch
pecking response was established stimulus control was as- immediately to the leaner, constant probability alternative.
sessed through generalization tests with the individual ele- The blue jays' behavior approximated the optimal strategy.
ments. The results of the generalization test indicated that More important, analyses indicated that patch departure
the instrumental response was conditioned to a single aspect decisions were based on more than one source of informa-
of the compound, in spite of the fact that both elements were tion, including the number of prey obtained in the richer
equally predictive of reinforcement. Reynolds interpreted patch, the number of successive trials without a prey item
these results in terms of a process of selective attention. (the run of bad luck), and the birds' history of receiving a
Similar results and conclusions have emerged from research certain number of reinforcers in the richer patch. No single
with compound matching-to-sample procedures (e.g., Riley simple cue was involved.
& Brown, 1991; Riley & Leith, 1976; Santi, Grossi, & Fetterman (1993) trained pigeons to discriminate between
Gibson, 1982). different fixed-ratio (FR) samples by reinforcing one choice
Whereas manipulations of the predictive validities of after the smaller sample (e.g., FR 10) and another after the
elemental cues support the idea that learning involves the larger one (e.g., FR 20). This number-based discrimination
detection of correlations between stimuli or between stimuli was readily learned and multiple regression analyses using
and responses, simple correlational models may not fully both the number of responses emitted and the time taken to
represent the causal texture of complex environments. emit the responses as predictors of choice demonstrated that

the birds' numerosity discriminations were based on both illusion has been observed under a variety of conditions
dimensions (see Fetterman et al., 1986, for related findings). involving manipulations of the number of events that com-
Gallistel (1990) presented evidence that animals acquire pose the interval to be estimated (see Poynter & Homa,
representations of the duration and number of significant 1983); similar results have been obtained with stimulus
environmental events and suggested that these representa- complexity as the independent variable (i.e., intervals con-
tions provide the computational ingredients for more com- taining more complex stimuli are judged longer than inter-
plex representations of the rate of events in time (e.g., vals containing less complex stimuli; Block, 1978). Many
number of reinforcers per hour). His account presupposes other task and stimulus factors have been shown to affect
that animals monitor both the number and duration of events humans' temporal judgments, including the amount of work
in the foraging setting, a supposition consistent with the done (Burnside, 1971), task demands (Sawyer, Meyers, &
theme of control by multiple aspects of complex environ- Huser, 1994), signal modality (Goldstone & Lhamon,
ments. 1974), and stimulus movement (Brown, 1995).
Whereas modern views of learning emphasize the impor- The effects of stimulus structure have led to the develop-
tance of simple correlations between events, the present ment of models of human temporal perception based on
discussion favors an extension of this approach. It recog- cognitive activity (Block, 1990) in much the same way that
nizes that complex events may involve multiple sources of research involving complex stimuli with nonhuman animals
information that, taken as a whole more accurately predict has drawn attention to the role of cognitive factors in
significant outcomes than does a single source of stimulus learning. Memory storage models (e.g., Ornstein, 1969), for
information. Multiple regression may be the appropriate instance, propose that temporal estimates depend on the
statistical model in situations involving complex stimuli. amount of memory occupied by representations of stimulus
But, of course, multiple predictors give informational lever- events; events that take up more space in memory appear to
age only when the predictors are less than perfectly corre- last longer than those that take up less space. An alternative
lated (the problem of multicolinearity). Perfectly correlated cognitive model places primary emphasis on information-
predictors (e.g., a tone and light that both predict a shock) processing effort, hypothesizing that perceived duration is
often result in blocking or overshadowing of one predictor directly related to the amount of cognitive resources allo-
by the other, a result consistent with a framework empha- cated to temporal events (Burnside, 1971; Hicks, Miller, &
sizing cue competition. However, because complex envi- Kinsbourne, 1976). Once again, in the temporal domain as
ronments often do not involve complete redundancy among in other areas of perception, Gibson (e.g., 1975) argued for
predictive cues there is some advantage to be gained by the primacy of stimulus information in perceiving. Gibson's
relying on multiple sources of stimulus information. account of temporal perception focused on the role of stim-
ulus change in perceiving time, a view that regards stimulus
change as the index of the passage of time. From Gibson's
Role of the Stimulus in Timing standpoint, studies of timing in animals, in which the stimuli
typically are unchanging lights or tones, are profoundly
Although much of the recent research in animal cognition lacking in ecological validity because the stimuli lack the
has used complex multidimensional events, research on temporal structure that is characteristic of natural environ-
time perception in nonhuman animals historically has had ments.
very little concern with the role of stimuli. Most experi- Although there have been no systematic efforts to assess
ments have involved a single unchanging stimulus (e.g., a the role of stimuli in animal timing, bits and pieces of data
light or tone) lasting for some duration (e.g., Fetterman & suggest that stimuli can play an important role in animals'
Killeen, 1992; S. Roberts, 1981; Stubbs, 1968). Such ex- temporal judgments. For example, Duncan and Fantino
periments are equivalent to classic studies of depth percep- (1972) found that pigeons' estimates of a forthcoming delay
tion in which stimulus information about distance was re- to reinforcement depended on the stimuli that signaled the
duced to a minimum (e.g., Holway & Boring, 1941). In the delay; the psychological distance to a reward was judged to
absence of stimulus-based information about the duration of be longer when the delay signal was a segmented stimulus
events, explanations of timing in animals have quite natu- (e.g., a red light followed by a yellow light) than when the
rally focused on cognitive mechanisms such as an internal signal was a single stimulus (e.g., a blue light). Other
clock (Church, 1984) that may mediate temporal discrimi- stimulus manipulations affect the accuracy of temporal dis-
nations. Pulses from the internal clock provide the under- criminations; filled durations are discriminated more accu-
lying temporal structure for the homogeneous stimuli typi- rately than unfilled durations (Mantanus, 1981), durations
cally used in animal timing research. of access to food are discriminated more accurately than
By contrast, the role of stimulus events has been a major light durations (Spetch & Wilkie, 1981), and light durations
topic of empirical and theoretical analyses of human timing. are discriminated more accurately than tone durations
Research on time perception in humans provides abundant (W. A. Roberts, Cheng, & Cohen, 1989).
evidence that stimulus factors play an important role in Gibson's approach places temporal perception in the
temporal experience (e.g., Poynter, 1989). For example, same context as other complex perceptual phenomena such
intervals that contain more stimuli seem longer than inter- as space and motion perception, again suggesting an impor-
vals containing fewer stimuli (e.g., a flickering light vs. a tant role for stimulus information. According to his ap-
steady light; Thomas & Brown, 1974). This filled-duration proach, there are multiple sources of information about the

duration of naturally occurring events, just as there are for Brown, S. W. (1995). Time, change, and motion: The effects of
the distances of things. Standard experimental procedures stimulus movement on temporal perception. Perception and
for studying timing in animals might obscure the potential Psychophysics, 57, 105-116.
information if the stimuli to be discriminated are simple Brunner, D., Kacelnik, A., & Gibbon, J. (1992). Optimal foraging
and timing processes in the starling, Sturnus vulgaris: Effect of
unchanging lights or sounds that differ in duration only.
inter-capture interval. Animal Behaviour, 44, 597-613.
Natural environments are complex, however, and preserva-
Brunswik, E. (1956). Perception and the representative design of
tion of the inherent temporal structure (Brunswik, 1956) of psychological experiments. Berkeley: University of California
such environments will surely shed additional light on the Press.
functions and mechanisms of timing behavior. Burnside, W. (1971). Judgment of short time intervals while per-
forming mathematical tasks. Perception and Psychophysics. 9.
Conclusion Cabe, P. A. (1980). Picture perception in nonhuman subjects. In
M. Hagen (Ed.), The Perception of Pictures (pp. 305-343). New
The concept of the stimulus needs to be liberalized.
York: Academic Press.
Animals have evolved to pick up predictive invariants in Carter, D. E., & Werner, T. J. (1978). Complex learning and
patterns of stimuli (J. J. Gibson, 1979; Shepard, 1984); what information processing by pigeons: A critical analysis. Journal
may appear to be a highly complex pattern within a tradition of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 29, 565-601.
that holds that a stimulus is something discrete and momen- Cerella, J. (1977). Absence of perspective processing in the pi-
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