The Principal Components of Response Strength

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As Skinner (1938) described it, response strength is the ‘‘state of the reflex with respect to all its
static properties’’ (p. 15), which include response rate, latency, probability, and persistence. The
relations of those measures to one another was analyzed by probabilistically reinforcing, satiating,
and extinguishing pigeons’ key pecking in a trials paradigm. Reinforcement was scheduled according
to variable-interval, variable-ratio, and fixed-interval contingencies. Principal components analysis
permitted description in terms of a single latent variable, strength, and this was validated with confir-
matory factor analyses. Overall response rate was an excellent predictor of this state variable.
Key words: factor analysis, latency, persistence, response probability, response rate, strength, pigeons

What is the proper dependent variable in are by-products. The choice of response rate
the experimental analysis of behavior, and (Point 4) follows from the adoption of the
how should it be measured? We start at the free-operant procedure: Absent an eliciting
beginning, with Skinner (1938): stimulus, the static properties of Pavlovian re-
flexes—threshold, latency, and magnitude—
The following aspects of the system bear upon
are unavailable. Response strength was Skin-
the problem of the measure to be taken: (1)
the definition of behavior as that part of the ner’s chief inter vening variable: ‘‘The
activity of the organism which affects the ex- conditioning here is again a matter of a
ternal world; (2) the practical isolation of a change in strength’’ (p. 21) and ‘‘the
unit of behavior; (3) the definition of a re- strength of a reflex is proportional to its re-
sponse as a class of events; and (4) the dem- serve’’ (p. 27).
onstration that the rate of responding is the
principal measure of the strength of an oper- Hypothetical Constructs
ant. It follows that the main datum to be mea- What is the nature of Skinner’s construct,
sured in the study of the dynamic laws of an strength? It is the measure of the operant; both
operant is the length of time elapsing between
are hypothetical constructs. A distinction is
a response and the response immediately pre-
ceding it or, in other words, the rate of re- often made between intervening variables
sponding. (p. 58) (InV) and hypothetical constructs (HC). In-
tervening variables are placeholders in mod-
At this point in Skinner’s theoretical devel- els. Physical momentum is an example: It is
opment, rate was important not in itself, but the product of mass and velocity, nothing
as the principal component of ‘‘strength.’’ more. Hypothetical constructs correspond to
The construct of strength ‘‘describes the state physical entities or processes. Mass and oxi-
of the reflex with respect to all its static prop- dation are examples. With sufficient converg-
erties at once’’ (1938, p. 15). There are many ing evidence, HCs graduate to ‘‘facts.’’ Grav-
properties of a response that are affected by ity started life contentiously as an HC, but is
conditioning (e.g., force, rate, persistence, now considered a fact. Gravity waves remain
probability, topography, etc.), and if these an HC. Biological evolution is a fact, with
covary, it is reasonable to assume that a com- much of the evidence for it gathered by Vic-
mon ‘‘thing’’ is conditioned, of which these torian naturalists. Theories are organized sys-
tems of facts, hypotheses, and rules of infer-
This research was supported by NSF Grant IBN ence. Laymen often confuse theories such as
9408022 and NIMH Grant K05 MH01293. Tony Nevin’s Darwin’s or the new synthesis with mere hy-
comments greatly improved prior drafts. Scott Hall is potheses. Hypotheses, which often involve
now at the School of Psychology, University of Birming- HCs, are elements of theories.
ham, England.
Address correspondence to Peter Killeen, Department Both InVs and HCs are useful tools, and
of Psychology, Box 1104, Arizona State University, Tempe, are often difficult to discriminate from one
Arizona 85287-1104 (E-mail: another. Both are HCs in the literal sense,


with HCs having claims for existential status changes in the red-key operant make them
and InVs not. InVs are often incorrectly re- members of the same class. But covariation of
ified: A fast train is said to have ‘‘a lot of mo- what aspect of the response? Strength.
mentum,’’ when all it has is significant mass One way of gauging strength is by measur-
moving at appreciable velocity. Zuriff (1985) ing response rate. But that is not always pos-
devotes a chapter to a thoughtful explication sible. Turning off the keylight does not re-
of these concepts, their philosophical justifi- duce strength to zero. The rates of marrying,
cation, and strategic utility. The operant and receiving the doctorate, and paying taxes re-
its measure, strength, are InVs. Throughout veal nothing about the motivation for those
this paper, however, the more general sense responses. This does not mean that they have
of HC is used, because the presence or ab- no strength, nor does it rule out measure-
sence of existential claims for such constructs ment in terms of latency or other properties.
adds nothing useful to the analyses. The gen- Without a construct such as strength, how-
eral category is thus the HC, with InVs a ever, there would be no justification for as-
proper subset. suming that latency or probability or rate
The operant response is a member of a might all be indicators of the same underly-
class (Point 3). Any particular response is a ing state variable. But the construct of
fait accompli. To talk of a change in the rate strength itself has not received adequate jus-
of a response requires a multiplicity of re- tification. That is the goal of this paper.
sponses that are sufficiently ‘‘alike’’ to be For every successful construct such as grav-
counted as instances of the same class. How ity, there is a mistake such as caloric. To min-
do they get into the class? How alike must two imize such false alarms, Skinner (1938) re-
responses be to be members, and alike along quired that descriptions be kept at the same
what dimensions? ‘‘An operant regarded as a epistemological level as the things described.
functional part of behavior [is] defined at lev- This ultraconservative strategy is problematic
els of specification marked by the orderliness for his theory of behavior. Covariation among
of dynamic changes’’ (Skinner, 1938, p. 40). responses or properties cannot then be taken
This is pragmatic: Good definitions are those as evidence of an underlying state, strength,
that provide good data. Dynamic changes re- which identifies them as members of the
sult from motivational operations such as same class. It is as though Lavoisier noted the
deprivation and extinction. If responses to a cooccurrence of smoke, heat, light, and
red key are extinguished and responses to a changes in weight, but refrained from hy-
green key also decrease in frequency, then pothesizing an underlying process such as ox-
they are members of the same class (Killeen, idation, because that was at a different level
1988). Skinner also defined alike in terms of than the things described.
having the same effect on the environment The parsimony of the HC of strength. Skinner
(Point 1)—typically the moving of the same (1938) observed that invoking hidden states
switch a minimal distance (Point 2). This def- could make a theory more parsimonious.
inition is also pragmatic—good definitions This occurs when many independent manip-
permit convenient measurement—although ulations effect similar changes in those states,
some important activities ‘‘which affect the and many dependent variables—say, rate, la-
external world’’ (p. 58) may be difficult to tency, probability, and preference—are
measure, and thus may be neglected. For bet- changed in predictable ways by changes in
ter or worse, easy measures may drive difficult that state. The argument was clearly devel-
measures out of circulation. oped by N. E. Miller (1959). If there are five
The necessity of the HC of strength. Skinner’s independent variables and five dependent
(1938) measure of the operant, strength, variables, rather than identify 25 linkages
played the same theoretical role as Hull’s re- from each, we may only need 10: five from
action potential (Amsel & Rashotte, 1984; Hull, each independent variable to the state vari-
1943); it is a provisional identification of a able and five from it to the dependent vari-
thing that different instances of a class (an ables. Constructs such as strength or drive or
operant) have in common that make them reinforcement are antiparsimonious if one
members of the class. The covariation of red- confines attention to variations in one inde-
and green-key responding over dynamic pendent variable and measurement of one

dependent variable. This recognition was The Properties of a Response

manifest in the debates over the circularity of
The construct of strength ‘‘describes the
the law of effect. Constructs are neutral with
state of the reflex with respect to all its static
two independent variables and two depen-
properties at once’’ (Skinner, 1938, p. 15).
dent variables, and beyond that, they are par-
Which properties? Our tactic, in the empiri-
simonious. It is therefore intellectually con-
cal spirit of Skinner’s generic definition of
servative to identify such unifying constructs
the stimulus and response, is to include all
wherever possible. This assumes the indepen-
properties that can be shown to covary. The
dent variables, or simple transformations of analysis presented in this paper is limited to
them, effect proportional changes in the de- correlated properties of a single class of op-
pendent variables, or in simple transforma- erant responses, with the analysis of choice
tions to them. As more complicated transfor- deferred to a subsequent paper.
mations are introduced, degrees of freedom Response magnitude. A candidate static prop-
again become compromised. erty of the reflex is the magnitude of the re-
Most work in the experimental analysis of sponse (R) relative to that of the stimulus (S)
behavior studies the effects of various inde- (the R–S ratio). Operant responses show less
pendent variables on one or another depen- covariation of response and reinforcer mag-
dent variable. The purpose of the present ar- nitudes: Rats do pull harder away from a
ticle is to define the transformations that large shock than a small one (Brown, 1948;
relate popular dependent variables to the N. E. Miller, 1959; Townsend & Busemeyer,
central construct, strength. 1989). But response magnitude is easily af-
Objections to general processes. Emphasis on fected by the topography of the uncondi-
idiosyncrasies of particular responses—the tioned response (Allan, 1992; Ploog & Zeig-
‘‘constraints on learning’’ literature (e.g., ler, 1996). There are instances in which, even
Domjan & Galef, 1983; Timberlake & Lucas, when contingencies are held constant, re-
1990), may be seen as raising impediments to sponse force may covary negatively with other
the concept of strength, but this is not the measures of strength (Amsel, 1962; Logan,
case. Garcia, McGowan, and Green (1972) 1956; Notterman & Block, 1960; Svartdal,
correctly objected to the ubiquitous use of a 1993).
lever or key, and to the assumption that all Counterintuitively perhaps, response am-
responses and all responders behave alike. plitude (Herrick, 1963; Kellicutt, 1967) and
But that assumption is not a bad place to duration are larger and longer for respond-
start. If no responses are alike, nomothetic ing during extinction, and when under the
science is impossible; if it is assumed that all control of a negative discriminative stimulus
are alike and some types of responses are (S2) than under control of a positive discrim-
found to function differently than others, a inative stimulus (S1) (Margulies, 1961). This
new class of responses becomes necessary. is also true of response force, which increases
Prepared, neutral, and contraprepared re- in extinction (Levine & Loesch, 1967) and is
sponses (Seligman, 1970) are, de facto, mem- negatively correlated with the probability
bers of different types of operant classes. (Mattes, Ulrich, & Miller, 1997) and rate (Fi-
Their equations of motion are different. No lion, Fowler, & Notterman, 1969) of respond-
problem: This is a feature, not a bug. It is the ing. Furthermore, response duration may
way science progresses. Hypothetical con- show faster differentiation under discrimina-
structs provide the basis for a unified theory tion training than does response rate (Her-
of behavior despite different operating char- rick, 1963). Significant negative covariation
acteristics for different responses. Rats learn would be just as useful and important as pos-
to flee signals of shock more quickly than itive covariation. Kimble (1961), however,
they learn to lever press to avoid those presented a table of intercorrelations for var-
shocks. Here the motivational operations are ious measures of respondent conditioning,
the same; what is necessary is a way of mea- and found them ‘‘too low to support a com-
suring the differential effect of those opera- mon-process view’’ (p. 111; also see Mackin-
tions on the different response classes. This tosh, 1974, pp. 65, 144). With the possible
is our task. exception of extinction bursts (Amsel, 1962),

the evidence for a consistent relation be- erages offer no advantage over the traditional
tween magnitude and duration of responses measure of rates (viz. the reciprocal of the
on the one hand and motivational and con- average IRT).
ditioning operations on the other is equivo- Latency. This is the time between one event
cal. Magnitude will not be included in this and another. If the first event is the onset of
analysis. an opportunity to respond and the second is
Rate. Rates of responding and rates of re- a response, the epoch is called a latency or
inforcement are molar variables (Baum, 1973; response time. These are the chief dependent
Rachlin, 1994), and as such require specifi- variables of cognitive psychologists (see Mey-
cation of time (or response) windows within er, Osman, Irwin, & Yantis, 1988, for a syn-
which they are to be measured, decisions opsis and ‘‘family tree of mental chronome-
about weighting of events within those win- try’’). If the first event is a response, then the
dows (all equally, or weighting the most re- epoch is called an interresponse time. If it is
cent most heavily, and so on), and decisions a reinforcer, it is often called a postreinforce-
about the nature of the average: average in- ment pause.
terresponse times (IRTs) or average rates As is the case with IRTs, which may be
(the reciprocals of IRTs). In the excerpt cited thought of as response-response latencies,
above, Skinner conflated rate with IRTs; but there are various ways to average latencies.
rates (1/IRTs) are not ‘‘other words’’ for the The average of the times is most common.
time between responses. The distinction is Also possible is a ‘‘speed’’ analogue, calculat-
important when considering how to average ed as the average of the reciprocals of the
the constituent events. Rate is typically mea- times between trial onset and the response.
sured as the reciprocal of the average (arith- Finally, there is the geometric mean of the
metic mean) of the IRTs [1/(SIRTi/n)]. This latencies, whose weighting is equal for all
is equivalent to the number of responses in events. Luce (1986) provided a comprehen-
the interval divided by the sum of IRTs in the sive analysis of response times and their treat-
interval. The estimate of rate from a single ment.
IRT is its reciprocal; and the average of the Probability. Interpreted as a relative fre-
reciprocals of a set of IRTs is their harmonic quency, probability is the number of times at
mean: least one event occurred within a context, di-
vided by the number of opportunities for it

1O RT 2@n.
1 to occur. If the context is temporal, probabil-
i 51 i ities are closely related to rates and latencies:
The phrase ‘‘at least one’’ stops the count af-
These are not the same: The harmonic mean
ter one, so probability is a kind of rate with a
weights short IRTs more heavily than long
ceiling of 1.0. The number of first responses
ones, whereas the arithmetic mean weights
divided by the number of epochs yields a
long IRTs more heavily than short ones. Only
probability; the number of first responses di-
the geometric mean, antilog[Slog(IRTi)/n],
vided by the time available to make them
weights all IRTs equally.1 To anticipate our
yields a reciprocal latency; the total number
results, we find that these later alternative av-
of responses divided by the time available to
1 To see this requires placing such measures in the con-
make them yields a rate. The maps among
text of the general mean theorem (Hardy, Littlewood, & these variables are drawn in a companion ar-
Polya, 1959). Then the arithmetic mean M1 5 [Sf(x)x1]1, ticle (Killeen, Hall, Reilly, & Kettle, 20012).
where f(x) is the frequency of a particular IRT (x). Thus Persistence. The number of responses emit-
the frequency is weighted by the value of the IRT. If the ted in extinction is a classic measure of
IRTs are not binned, this reduces to M1 5 Sx/n. The strength. It was used by Skinner to measure
harmonic mean, M-1 5 [Sf(x)x-1]-1, thus weighting the
frequencies by their reciprocals. The geometric mean is the reflex reserve (despite its conflict with
the limit as r approaches 0, Mr→0 5 [Sf(x)xr]r. It is clear the rate measure of the reserve). The relation
that for any x, the limiting value of xr as r approaches 0 between rate and number of responses in ex-
is 1. Thus the frequency of each IRT is weighted by 1.
What is less obvious is that the resulting average ap-
proaches the geometric mean as r approaches 0. That, 2 Killeen, P. R., Hall, S. S., Reilly, M. P., & Kettle, L. C.
however, is easily verified by anyone with a pocket cal- (2001). Models of response rate, probability, and latency. Man-
culator. uscript submitted for publication.

tinction is nonlinear: Reinforcements beyond EXPERIMENT 1:

the first have a greater effect on the number VARIABLE-INTERVAL SCHEDULES
of responses in extinction than they do on IN BRIEF TRIALS
response rate (Skinner, 1938). Persistence Method
therefore tells us something different than
rate (Eisenberger, 1992). Unfortunately, its Subjects. Four adult homing pigeons (Co-
measurement is usually confounded with lumba livia) with prior experience under sim-
rate: An easily made response such as key ilar experimental conditions were used. They
pecking may occur thousands of times in ex- were housed in individual cages with a 12:12
tinction; yet more laborious responses, emit- hr light/dark cycle (lights on at 8:00 a.m.).
ted at a lower rate, may persist much longer. All were maintained at 80% of their free-feed-
Therefore, the rate of decay in response rate ing weights and had free access to grit and
water. Supplementary food, consisting of for-
is a reasonable alternative measure of persis-
tified mixed grain, was given at the end of
tence, as is the inverse measure half-life,
each day to maintain prescribed body
which is the time required for response rate
to decrease by half (Nevin, 1988).
Apparatus. A single LVEt operant condition-
Most important, the extinction operation ing chamber with the front wall (30 cm by 35
permits assessment of how all properties and cm) containing three circular keys arranged
their measures covary as they change. Persis- horizontally, 21 cm from the chamber floor
tence forms the heart of Nevin’s general and spaced 6.5 cm apart, was used. The cen-
treatment of strength as momentum (Nevin, ter key was a Gerbrands response key (2 cm
1992; Nevin & Grace, 2000; Nevin, Mandell, in diameter) that could be transilluminated
& Atak, 1983) to which we return in the gen- with white light. The side keys were standard
eral discussion. We do not here attempt to 2.5-cm plastic keys located 11 cm from the
describe how behavior changes in time; but side walls. Responses to the side keys had no
rather use the extinction (and satiation) op- scheduled consequences and were not re-
erations to describe how one property chang- corded. Background illumination was provid-
es with changes in the other properties. ed by a houselight located in the top right
corner of the front wall. A grain hopper (6
Research Plan cm by 5 cm) was centrally located below the
Our strategy is to conduct experiments that center key, 6 cm from the chamber floor.
permit measurement of the temporal prop- When activated, a light mounted in the ceil-
erties and their covariation under various mo- ing of the hopper opening illuminated the
hopper. Programs written in Microsoft t
tivational operations, and to use these char-
Quick-Basic 4.5 controlled and recorded all
acterizations to construct a measure of
experimental events on an IBM-compatible
strength. The analyses will be based on data 386 DX2 computer that was located atop the
collected from pigeons whose key pecking sound-attenuating chamber. White noise was
was reinforced during trials with various low delivered into the chamber through a small
probabilities and then was weakened by sati- speaker, and additional masking noise was
ation or extinction. The experimental manip- provided by a ventilation fan mounted on the
ulations include varied trial durations (Ex- wall opposite the interface panel, for a com-
periments 1 and 3), varied rates of bined ambient noise level of approximately
reinforcement (Experiment 1), satiation (Ex- 72 dB.
periments 2 and 3), and variable-interval (VI;
Experiment 1), variable-ratio (VR; Experi- Procedure
ment 2), and fixed-interval (FI; Experiment Trials. Experimental sessions were conduct-
3) schedules of reinforcement. Other sub- ed 6 days per week. Prior to each trial, the
jects and responses are reported in Killeen et chamber was dark for 9 s. These periods were
al. (2001). Most of the analyses were based followed by a 1-s warning stimulus, during
on the results from Experiment 1 and were which the side keys were illuminated red. Tri-
subsequently applied to the data from all ex- als began with the illumination of the center
periments. response key and the houselight. Trials were

Table 1
Sequence of schedules in Phase 2 of Experiment 1. VI values are in seconds.

Bird 50 Bird 93 Bird 94 Bird 95 Sessions

VI 480 VI 960 VI 240 VI 120 8

Extinction Extinction Extinction Extinction 4
VI 120 VI 240 VI 960 VI 480 6
Extinction Extinction Extinction Extinction 6
VI 240 VI 480 VI 120 VI 960 12
Extinction Extinction Extinction Extinction 6
VI 960 VI 120 VI 480 VI 240 14
Extinction Extinction Extinction Extinction 6

scheduled to last for an epoch, often 10 s, minated after 200 trials. Blocks of VI sessions
during which responses were reinforced ac- alternated with blocks of sessions containing
cording to a 10-interval constant-probability no reinforcers. These latter extinction ses-
VI schedule. Trials were terminated after re- sions were identical to the conditioning ses-
inforcement. Reinforcers that were scheduled sions except for the omission of reinforce-
but not delivered by the end of a trial re- ment, and trials therefore always lasted the
mained available for delivery at the begin- full 10 s. Table 1 shows the order of condi-
ning of the next trial, contingent on respond- tions for each bird.
ing. During delivery of a reinforcer, the Data analysis. All analyses were conducted
center response key was darkened and the using the last five sessions of data from each
hopper was activated to provide access to reinforcement condition—five sessions con-
milo grain. taining fixed-duration trials and five sessions
Pretraining. Reinforcers were available for containing variable-duration trials—and all of
effective responses according to a constant- the data from the extinction trials.
probability VI 20-s schedule. This condition The probability of responding on a trial is
lasted for 15 sessions. On even-numbered ses- the ratio of the number of trials during which
sions, trials were scheduled to last 10 s. On at least one response occurred over the total
odd-numbered sessions, trials were scheduled number of trials in a session (200). The laten-
to last 2, 4, 8, 13, or 23 s, with the different cy of the first response is the total time that
trial lengths presented in randomized order. elapsed before the first response (on trials
Hopper duration was 2.9 s, and sessions ter- during which responding occurred), divided
minated after 60 reinforcers had been deliv- by the number of such trials. Trials without a
ered. response were omitted from the latency anal-
Phase 1. Each subject experienced a pro- ysis. Latencies were then converted into the
gression of VI schedules: VI 60 s (15 ses- proportion of a trial spent responding by di-
sions), VI 120 s (27 sessions), VI 240 s (15 viding by the trial length (10 s) and subtract-
sessions), VI 480 s (15 sessions), VI 960 s (18 ing from 1: 1 2 L/T, where L is the average
sessions), and VI 2,000 s (28 sessions). Within latency and T is trial length. This linear trans-
each condition, sessions containing fixed-du- formation provides a normalized measure
ration trials were alternated with sessions con- that varies in the same direction as probabil-
taining variable-duration trials scheduled to ity and rate under manipulation of indepen-
last 2, 4, 8, 13, or 23 s. For the last condition dent variables. It is more directly conceptu-
(VI 2,000 s), a single reinforcer was randomly alized as a component of response rate than
presented during a session. Hopper duration latency per se (see Equation 1 below). Run-
was 3.2 s, and sessions terminated after 200 ning rate is the reciprocal of the average IRT
trials. after the first response: (n 2 1)/(T 2 L),
Phase 2. Each pigeon was reexposed to con- where n is the number of responses. Trials
ditions VI 120 s, VI 240 s, VI 480 s, and VI without at least two responses were omitted
960 s, with trial duration constant at 10 s. from the running-rate analysis. The overall
Hopper duration was 3.2 s, and sessions ter- rate is the total number of responses during

Fig. 1. Changes in the dependent variables for the 4 pigeons (and for the mean) in Phase 1 of Experiment 1 as
a function of the VI schedules operative during the trials, and whether the trial durations lasted for exactly 10 s
(open symbols) or varied with a mean duration of 10 s (filled symbols). The probability of responding on any trial
(p) remained near its ceiling except for the longest VI schedules. The proportion of a trial in the response state (1
2 L/T) is the complement of the latency relative to the average trial duration; it showed a small but systematic
decrease as a function of the schedule. Running rate (rate after the first response, b) and overall rate (total number
of responses divided by the number of seconds available for responding, B) decreased more substantially as a function
of schedule value.

a session divided by the total time available in Phase 1, for the 10-s trials and averaged
for responding. over all trial lengths for the variable-duration
trials. Performances of the variables are sim-
Results and Discussion ilar across trial type and vary systematically in
Figure 1 shows the dynamic changes in the the predicted directions with changes in the
key variables under the different VI schedules rate of reinforcement. Data sorted by trial

Table 2
Pearson product-moment intercorrelations of measures
from Experiments 1 and 2.

p 1 2 L/T b

Experiment 1, reinforcer rate (n 5 12)

1 2 L/T .948
b .924 .952
B .982 .968 .970
Experiment 1, extinction (n 5 28)
1 2 L/T .871
b .852 .907
B .967 .904 .918
Experiment 2, satiation (n 5 36)
1 2 L/T .935
b .850 .892
B .973 .912 .915
Experiment 2, extinction (n 5 28)
1 2 L/T .567
b .282 .387
B .960 .630 .391

length were unfortunately lost before analy-

There are many models of relations be-
tween independent and dependent variables
(e.g., Killeen, 1998); here, the focus is on the
relations among the dependent variables.
The correlations among the static properties
were high, as shown in Table 2. These vari-
ables are clearly measuring the same thing,
which we call strength. They are assimilated to
that construct in a factor analysis.
Figure 2 shows cumulative records across
sessions of extinction from Phase 2, with the
various baseline schedules represented para-
metrically. After the first condition only four
sessions of extinction were conducted, and
six thereafter. A smooth and prolonged ex-
tinction process over sessions is visible, with
ripples, especially noticeable during the last
two sessions, indicating some spontaneous
recovery. The slope near the origin provides
an estimate of the response rate on the base-

Fig. 2. The cumulative number of responses in ex-
tinction after each of the Phase 2 baseline conditions for
each of the subjects, with VI value as a parameter. The
vertical lines mark the terminations of each session. Un-
der the first condition for each subject, only four sessions
of extinction were conducted. The total number of re-
sponses in extinction tends to be greatest after schedules 240) than after schedules with lower probabilities of re-
with higher probabilities of reinforcement on a trial (120, inforcement (480, 960).

Fig. 3. Changes in the dependent variables as a function of baseline condition (signified by b on the x axis) and
subsequent number of sessions in extinction for each subject in Phase 2 of Experiment 1. The probability of respond-
ing on any trial decreased throughout the extinction process, as did run rate, b, and overall rate, B. Latency (time
to the first response given that one occurred) increased with extinction, whereas its complement decreased.

line schedule. Typically a greater number of bilities, latencies, run rates, and overall
responses were emitted in extinction follow- rates of key pecking calculated in each con-
ing a richer schedule of reinforcement. Al- dition for each bird at baseline and across
though these cumulative records provide a sessions in extinction following baseline
good synopsis of the effects of withholding conditions from Phase 2. The baseline
reinforcement, it is difficult to draw more schedules provided reinforcers with proba-
precise inferences from them (Killeen, bilities ranging from 8% to 1%. Over this
1985b). range the independent variable had consis-
Figure 3 gives the corresponding proba- tent effects on the dependent variables

(first points in each panel), which are best (1961) reported similar dependencies. Be-
discerned in the rightmost column, aver- cause of the way they were measured, prob-
aged across subjects. The probability of re- ability, latency, and run rate are theoretically
sponding at all baseline schedules except independent of one another. Latency might
the leanest is close to 1 (average .97), with be a more sensitive measure if trials without
the average probability for the VI 960-s a response were counted as long latencies.
schedule being lowest at .91. These high Overall response rate is a composite of the
probabilities are impressive, given that the individual measures, so its high correlation
probability of reinforcement on any partic- with them is foreordained.
ular trial of the VI 960-s condition was only
about 1% (two reinforcements per session).
Latencies varied as a function of both base- EXPERIMENT 2:
line probability of reinforcement and extinc- VARIABLE-RATIO SCHEDULES
tion session. As noted above, these are laten- To determine whether these results are id-
cies given that a response occurred. They iosyncratic to VI schedules, 4 new pigeons
therefore underestimate the effects of both were exposed to VR schedules in which only
baseline conditions and extinction sessions: 1 of every 20 responses would, on the aver-
As the probability of responding decreased age, be reinforced. The variables were manip-
across conditions and sessions, there was an ulated by letting the animals become satiated
increasing probability that very long latencies through the course of the session, and by ex-
were terminated by the end of the trial, and perimental extinction.
thus were lost to the sample. These could be
appropriately captured by assigning an arbi- Method
trarily large latency to trials with no response Subjects. Four adult homing pigeons (Co-
and then calculating median latencies. That lumba livia) with prior experience under sim-
was not done here. ilar experimental conditions were used. They
On average, run rates were highest for were housed in individual cages with a 12:12
the VI 120-s condition and lowest for the VI hr light/dark cycle (lights on at 7:00 a.m.).
960-s condition, and decreased with ses- All were maintained at approximately 84% of
sions of extinction. The bottom row of Fig- their free-feeding weights and had free access
ure 3 combines the information in the first to grit and water. Fortified mixed grain was
three rows, plotting the overall response given at the end of the day to maintain pre-
rate, calculated as number of responses dur- scribed body weights.
ing a session divided by the time available Apparatus. An LVEt operant conditioning
for responding; that is, as response rate giv- chamber contained a front wall (30 cm by 35
en trial stimulus. cm) with two keys (2.5 cm diameter) ar-
The rightmost columns of Figures 1 and 3 ranged horizontally on the panel, 21 cm from
portray the averages across subjects. The the chamber floor and spaced 12 cm apart.
baseline schedules had an effect on all the Responses to the second key had no sched-
variables, and the changes in those variables uled consequences and were not recorded. A
were congruent, given those different starting houselight, located in the top center of the
points determined by the baseline schedules. front wall, provided general illumination. A
The harmony of measures under Phases 1 grain hopper (6 cm by 5 cm) was centrally
and 2 is shown even more clearly by the in- located, 6 cm from the chamber floor. When
tercorrelations in Table 2. This table gives the activated, a light mounted in the top of the
Pearson product-moment correlations of the hopper opening illuminated the hopper. Pro-
three fundamental measures and their com- grams written in Microsoftt Quick-Basic 4.5
posite, overall response rate. These are uni- controlled and recorded all experimental
formly high, with the strongest relation being events from a computer located atop the
between overall response rate and the prob- sound-attenuating chamber. A speaker deliv-
ability of responding on a trial. The constel- ered white noise into the chamber, with ad-
lation of measures is strongly correlated with ditional masking from a ventilation fan, yield-
the baseline reinforcement schedules and the ing an ambient noise level of approximately
number of sessions of extinction. Hearst 72 dB.

Fig. 4. Changes in the dependent variables as a function of satiation through the course of a session for pigeons
whose key pecking was reinforced according to VR schedules in Experiment 2. The various phases are replications
of the same procedure.

Trials. Experimental sessions were conduct- sponse key with red light (B19 and B63). Tri-
ed on alternate days, 3 days per week. Session als were scheduled to last for 10 s, during
lasted for 2 hr, giving the subjects exposure which responses were reinforced with a prob-
to 360 trials. Prior to each trial the chamber ability of 1/20. Trials were terminated after
was dark for 9 s, followed by a 1-s warning reinforcement. During delivery of a reinforc-
stimulus during which the houselight flick- er, the response key was darkened and the
ered. Trials began with the illumination of hopper was activated to provide 3.5-s access
the houselight and the left response key with to milo grain. This condition lasted for 10 ses-
green light (B18 and B62) or the right re- sions, followed by one session of extinction.

Fig. 5. Changes in the dependent variables as a function of extinction for pigeons whose pecking was reinforced
according to VR schedules. The various phases are replications of the same procedure.

This cycle of 11 sessions (a phase) was repli- differences attributable to repeated episodes
cated three additional times. Data from the of conditioning and extinction. Similar data
last five sessions of each phase are reported. for extinction are shown in Figure 5. Not so
obvious in this figure is the dependence of
Results and Discussion total responses in extinction on the number
Figure 4 shows that the key temporal prop- of prior extinctions: Three of the 4 pigeons
erties of responding decreased with satiation emitted more responses in the first extinction
in a manner similar to that shown in Figures phase than in any of the others, and for 2
1 and 3 for VI schedules supporting different pigeons the number decreased monotonical-
rates of reinforcement and undergoing ex- ly with extinction phase.
perimental extinction. There are no notable The intercorrelations among the static

properties during satiation were similar to sponding stayed near 1.0 because all but the
those found in Experiment 1, and are shown very last trial had to contain a response; the
in Table 2. The probability of such high cor- LH condition showed the expected decrease
relations occurring by chance in both exper- in probability of responding as a function of
iments is remote. Three different operations time through the session. The proportion of
(varied rate of reinforcement, satiation, and the trial spent responding (1 2 L/T) was cal-
extinction on interval and ratio schedules) culated using the data for L and T on a trial-
are affecting some thing in a similar manner, by-trial basis and averaged. This measure de-
and each of these three dependent variables creased in a parallel manner in both
is measuring aspects of it. conditions, with the LH condition generally
higher. This is because latencies could not ex-
ceed 30 s in the LH condition but could be
EXPERIMENT 3: as long as 2 hr in the condition without the
FIXED-INTERVAL SCHEDULES LH. There were individual differences in per-
In an attempt to extend the generality of formance, but average run rates and average
these relations, FI schedules were used in overall rates were similar across conditions.
place of VR schedules. If the opportunity to All measures except response probabilities in
collect a reinforcer ceases soon after the end the standard FI condition were highly inter-
of the trial, it is called a limited hold (LH) correlated (see Table 3).
technique, and it preserves the trials struc- In FI extinction (Figure 7), the probability
ture of the experiment. If the hold is unlim- of a response on a trial remained close to 1.0,
ited, then the procedure is more akin to a because no trial except the last terminated
traditional FI schedule. Both variants were before a response occurred. Latencies in-
tested in this experiment. creased (and thus the proportion of a trial
spent responding decreased) in extinction.
Method Given the fixed session duration and the ab-
The subjects, apparatus, and basic proce- sence of a limited hold, there were few trial
dure were the same as in Experiment 2. Ses- onsets toward the end of the session, and
sions lasted for 2 hr, and were conducted on therefore the data points after 60 min of ex-
alternate days, allowing birds to become sa- tinction are unreliable.
tiated during the course of the session and In the LH condition, given that a bird re-
return to a running weight of approximately sponded on a trial, the latency did not
84% ad libitum by the beginning of the next change very much over the course of extinc-
session. tion: If there was enough strength to respond
Fixed-interval limited hold. The subjects were at all, the response tended to occur about
trained on an FI 20-s LH 10-s schedule for 15 one third of the way into the trial (although
sessions: The first response to the left key af- B88 showed a regular trend in this measure).
ter 20 s had elapsed from trial onset was re- These measures are by their nature com-
inforced; if no response had occurred by 30 plementary; in the LH condition latencies
s from trial onset, the trial was ended and the greater than 30 s did not affect the latency
intertrial interval of 10 s was initiated. On the measure, but decreased the number of trials
16th session the hopper was empty. with a response; in the condition without the
Fixed interval. The pigeons were retrained LH they did not affect the probability of re-
on FI 20 s for 10 sessions. In this condition, sponding on a trial, but increased the latency.
trials continued until a reinforcer was col- In all cases, run rate and overall rate de-
lected, or the session terminated after 120 creased with time through the extinction ses-
min. On the 11th session the hopper was sion.
Results and Discussion GENERAL DISCUSSION
Figure 6 shows the changes in the temporal The measurement of rate. Blough (1963) dis-
properties as the pigeons became satiated un- played the first complete pictures of IRT dis-
der both conditions. For the condition with- tributions derived from pigeons’ pecking. He
out the limited hold, the probability of re- noted a band of high-probability responses

Fig. 6. Changes in the dependent variables as a function of satiation through the course of a session for pigeons
whose pecking was reinforced according to FI schedules in Experiment 3. Open symbols are for data collected with
an LH contingency; filled circles are for data collected without the LH.

occurring at around 3 Hz whose location did quantitative relationships’’ (Blough, 1963, p.

not change under experimental manipula- 246).
tions. The same band was reported by Palya We found that the geometric and harmon-
(1991), who also found it resistant to change ic averages of IRTs were almost completely
under schedule manipulation. Blough con- insensitive to changes in the probability of re-
cluded that responses in this band were pri- inforcement, even through the process of ex-
marily under control of proprioceptive feed- tinction. This is because those transforma-
back from the preceding response: This tions give too much weight to the minimal
insensitive ‘‘component may have to be given IRT, of duration d. Differences in d say more
its due, particularly where rate enters into about the operandum than about the oper-

Table 3 B 5 p(1 2 L/T)b, L , T. (1)

Pearson product-moment intercorrelations of measures
from Experiment 3. Overall response rate therefore provides a
summary statistic indicating the state of all
p 1 2 L/T b
these static variables at once, providing that
Unlimited hold, satiation (n 5 5) they are positively intercorrelated. Tables 2
1 2 L/T and 3 gave the correlation matrix for p, 1 2
b .876 L/T, and b, and also the correlation of these
B .993 .922
components with their overall composite, B.
Unlimited hold, extinction (n 5 5)
For individual subjects in Phase 2 of Experi-
1 2 L/T
b .860
ment 1, 23 of the 24 intercorrelations are pos-
B .776 .976 itive. The strongest correlation is between the
Limited hold, satiation (n 5 6)
probability of responding on a trial and the
1 2 L/T .946
overall response rate.
b .884 .949 Whereas correlational analyses report what
B .980 .965 .938 each constituent by itself contributes to over-
Limited hold, extinction (n 5 6) all rate, regression analyses report what each
1 2 L/T .690 contributes in the context of the others. To
b .959 .715 permit the use of linear regression, take the
B .954 .695 .983 logarithm of Equation 1:

log(B) 5 log(p) 1 log(1 2 L/T)

ant. Others have noted the ‘‘hard-wired’’ as-
pect of the fundamental frequency, 1/d (e.g., 1 log(b). (2)
Premack, 1965). Crites, Harris, Rosenquist, Next, multiply each factor in the right side by
and Thomas (1967) found good stimulus a weight, bi, specified by a regression. As must
generalization gradients for rats when the de-
be the case, the composite is predicted by its
pendent variable was mean IRT but found
elements: Equation 2 accounts for most of
flat gradients for the median or modal IRT—
the variance in the log rates from these ex-
measures that give more emphasis to the in-
periments. The b weights in Equation 2 tell
sensitive base frequency, 1/d (cf. White,
how much each element matters in the com-
1973). This characteristic frequency is thus
paradoxically both a fundamental factor in position. They show that, for data averaged
response rate and at the same time the least across all subjects in both conditions of Ex-
interesting aspect of rate. Averaging IRTs and periments 1 and 2, probability was the most
inverting them to a rate gives the largest important element in these experiments (av-
weight to the longest IRTs. These long IRTs erage standardized b1 5 0.85) followed by
will often correspond to breaks in respond- running rates (b3 5 0.22). The weight for la-
ing. Thus, the traditional measure of rate tency was close to 0.0. The weights will vary
gives information about the proportion of depending on experimental conditions: For
time on task. A response-state analysis of rate long trials, for instance, latency of the first
is provided by Killeen et al. (2001), in which response will often play a negligible role in
the relation between rate and probability is predicting overall rates, in which case its b
clarified. In the present paper, the standard weight will approach zero. Conversely, on
measure of rate is used as a molar dependent fixed-ratio schedules latency will be a domi-
variable. nant element, with run rates relatively high
Overall response rate. Skinner sought a mea- and constant. This distinction is shown most
sure of strength that ‘‘describes the state of graphically in the results from Experiment 3,
the reflex with respect to all its static prop- in which different experimental paradigms
erties at once’’ (1938, p. 15). Overall re- rendered some indexes so constant as to be
sponse rate (B) does this. It combines the mute. This context dependence in the sensi-
probability of responding on a trial, p, the tivity of the indicators does not, however, en-
proportion of the trial spent responding, 1 2 tail a difference in the state of the thing in-
L/T, and the average running rate, b: dicated, as shown by the following analyses.

Fig. 7. Changes in the dependent variables as a function of extinction through the course of a session for pigeons
whose pecking was reinforced according to FI schedules. Open symbols are for data collected with an LH contingency;
filled circles are for data collected without the LH.

Strength ination of others (e.g., amplitude, force).

Analysis is ‘‘The separation of an intellec- Equations 1 and 2 epitomize a quantitative
tual or substantial whole into its constituent analysis of response rate. The static proper-
parts for individual study . . . to determine ei- ties of probability, latency, and run rate are
ther their nature (qualitative analysis) or correlated with one another and with their
their proportions (quantitative analysis)’’ compendium, overall response rate.
(American Heritage Electronic Dictionary, 1992). Correlation, as is well known, does not en-
Qualitative analysis led to the inclusion of tail causation. It is unlikely that response
some properties of a response and the elim- probability changed because run rate changed.

Fig. 8. Results of confirmatory factor analyses, showing the correlations of the hypothetical construct of strength
with the dependent variables, based on the data reported in Table 2. The numbers at the left indicate error coeffi-

What is the common causal factor underlying differences among individual subjects, we
the correlations shown in Table 2? A picture can, in general, assert that changes in these
of the common factor may be drawn using temporal measures of responding are mani-
principal component factor analysis, which is festations of a common factor, strength.
a technique for reducing a correlation matrix Factor analyses can also be used as a con-
into fewer dimensions (Everitt, 1996; Gentry, firmatory technique, to establish whether or
Weiss, & Laties, 1983). not a specific model is compatible with the
Principal component analysis was conduct- observed correlations. Assuming a single un-
ed to determine whether the correlation ma- derlying factor of strength, we can use con-
trices of p, b, and 1 2 L/T could be usefully firmatory factor analysis to describe how well
reduced to fewer factors. In this procedure a the observed indicators of strength (i.e., p,
line is drawn through the data such that it 1 2 L/T, b, and B) actually measure the un-
accounts for the largest amount of variance. derlying construct. The factor analysis model
This line is called the first principal compo- can be represented as follows:
nent. The second principal component is the
second line perpendicular to the first that re- p 5 r1S 1 u1, 1 2 L/T 5 r 2 S 1 u2 ,
solves the next largest amount of variance re- b 5 r3 S 1 u3 , B 5 r4 S 1 u4 ,
maining in the data, and so on. For Birds
B93, B94, and B95, the first principal com- where S is the strength of the operant, ri is
ponent explained 84.4%, 85.5%, and 74.4% the correlation between strength and the ob-
of the variance in the data from Experiment ser ved variables, and u i represents the
1 (Phase 2). For these birds a single factor, amount of variance in the observed variables
which we call strength, could concisely ‘‘stand not accounted for by strength.
for’’ the three dependent variables. For Bird Figure 8 gives estimates of the parameters
B50 the first principal component accounted derived from fitting the model to the corre-
for only 47.6% of the data variance, with the lations shown in Table 2. The correlation co-
second resolving a further 41.5%. Two com- efficients, ri, are shown on the arrows leading
ponents of strength were necessary for this from the strength factor to each observed var-
subject due to its negative covariation of la- iable. The error coefficients, ui, are shown on
tency and run rate. The principal component the left of each variable. Figure 8 indicates
accounts for 93% of the variance in the av- that strength is best estimated by B and p,
erage data shown in Figure 3. Thus, despite with factor loadings of 1.00 and .989, respec-

Fig. 9. Results of confirmatory factor analyses showing the correlations of the hypothetical construct of strength
with the dependent variables based on the data from Experiment 3 reported in Table 3. The numbers at the left
indicate error coefficients.

tively. The error variances corresponding to tential’’ (1974, p. 494). But Roberts’s ‘‘mul-
B and p are not significantly different from tiplicative factors method’’ showed that
zero, suggesting that either variable is a sat- ‘‘somewhat the opposite is true: A common
isfactory measure strength of responding. response scale—response rate—reveals struc-
The square of the estimated loading of a ture not predicted by the usual theories’’
variable on the factor can be considered to (1987, p. 158). Our analyses have been con-
be an estimate of its reliability (see Everitt, cerned with the internal validity of response
1996). The reliabilities of p, 1 2 L/T, b, and rate, and Roberts’s is concerned with its ex-
B are therefore .978, .741, .797, and 1.0, re- ternal validity; however, our conclusions are
spectively. These statistics are for the data av- the same.
eraged over subjects, and are lower for indi- Reification. The behavioral community has
vidual birds. been justifiably chary of hidden causes in the-
A similar analysis was conducted on the oretical accounts of behavior. How many
data from Experiment 3, for the LH condi- things must covary before it is proper to reify
tions involving both satiation and extinction a common factor as a mediating cause? Cer-
(see Table 3). The results are shown in Figure tainly more than two. Attributing the status of
9. With the exception of a higher relation be- ‘‘reinforcer’’ to an event that increases re-
tween run rate and strength, the results for sponse rate in only one context is fatally cir-
the two analyses (Figures 8 and 9) are virtu- cular for a causal account. Historically, it was
ally identical. the transituational validity of reinforcers that
The common factor of strength thus ac- increased the degrees of freedom in their
counts for most of the variance in run rate, predictive ability beyond that which was ab-
latency, and probability of responding. Over- sorbed by their nomination. But reinforcer is
all response rate, a traditional measure of only a binary attribute: An event can only re-
strength (Rachlin, 1994), loads heavily on inforce or fail to, with no gradations. A sci-
that dimension. S. Roberts (1987) cited ence of behavior analysis can do better; it can
Mackintosh: ‘‘We do not, in general, have any determine the functions of which behavior is
independently validated way of transforming a variable. Some events are stronger reinforc-
our arbitrary records of speed, amplitude, ers than others are, and their aspects may be
probability or rate of responding into more rescaled and recombined to predict their re-
meaningful measures of underlying associa- inforcement strength as a continuous func-
tive value, response strength, or reaction po- tion of such relevant variables (e.g., Killeen,

1985a; Killeen, Cate, & Tran, 1993). A similar iorists to abandon a positivistic stance to go
situation holds for the strength of the oper- along with the results of the present analysis.
ant, of which the reinforcer is but one com- Global response rate is a good measure of the
ponent. principal component of strength. Rates can
There are dangers in reification. Gould be used with assurance that they are correlat-
(1981/1996, chap. 6) astutely criticizes Spear- ed with a fundamental underlying factor,
man’s reification of the principal component without having to acknowledge that factor.
of human intellectual abilities, g, as general Reflex strength. Skinner cited the ‘‘demon-
intelligence. Many behavior analysts question stration’’ that the rate of response was the
the utility of constructs such as memory (e.g., principal measure of the strength of an op-
Branch, 1977; Lattal & Abreu-Rodrigues, erant (Point 4 in the quotation cited in the
1994) and internal clocks (Higa, 1999; Zeiler, introduction). There was no such demonstra-
1998). But there are benefits to such theo- tion. Selection of rate was a Hobson’s choice,
retical commitments (Staddon, 1993). Hypo- forced by the loss of other properties that re-
thetical constructs serve as a bridge between quired a predefined epoch (e.g., a trial from
related areas of research (Wilkie & Saksida, whose onset a latency could be measured,
1994). They focus intellectual energy, and and one of sufficiently limited duration to
even imperfect focus can lead to more effec- make the probability of the response a useful
tive procedures than diffuse manipulation of measure); or that required an alternative re-
variables. There is some risk: Resources may sponse to measure choice; or that required
be wasted in research that rejects incorrect difficult measurements (e.g., of force). Skin-
hypotheses. But even more may be wasted in ner called behavior in trials experiments
research that answers no one’s questions. ‘‘pseudo-reflexes.’’ Discriminative stimuli of-
Successes in this constructive approach to ten exert strong control over behavior. Wen-
science redeem its failures. The gene existed rich (1963) noted that discriminated oper-
in theory before DNA was discovered, and re- ants are much more resistant to satiation than
mains a useful construct. Maxwell’s field
are free operants. In Experiment 1 pigeons
equations were developed on the foundation
responded on over 90% of the trials when the
of the luminiferous ether, and remain useful.
probability of reinforcement was only 1%. We
Newton reified the principal component of
have seen pigeons respond on over 90% of
the movements of pendula and tides and
the trials for many weeks in Pavlovian para-
moons as gravity, after first transforming
those variables according to a theory, and digms in which responses eliminate reinforce-
then ‘‘mending’’ his estimates of its force to ment (‘‘negative automaintenance’’).
bring its diverse measures into coincidence To free behavior from the excessive control
with their principal component (Westfall, of eliciting stimuli, Skinner downplayed the
1973). Whereas Newton was cautious to role of the discriminative stimulus and em-
frame no hypotheses concerning mecha- phasized the free operant (Lindsley, 1996),
nism—no plausible ones were apparent to which relegates the stimulus to the experi-
him—he was bold enough to overcome his mental context or to the passage of time. This
mechanistic training and posit a universal, in- tactic unfortunately discouraged analyses of
visible, ‘‘true’’ cause, gravity. the continuum between free and discriminat-
ed operants and the phrasing of questions
His critics, however, proceeded in just the op- such as: What is the relation between Pavlov’s
posite manner, starting out with the vexing
problem of how such a force as the proposed
(1927) inhibition of delay and Skinner’s post-
Newtonian gravitation can possibly exist and reinforcement pause? What is the operant an-
act according to Newtonian laws, and not ac- alogue of pseudoconditioning? How does an
cepting the formal results of the Principia so autoshaped response (Locurto, Terrace, &
long as they did not find its conceptual basis Gibbon, 1981; Peden, Browne, & Hearst,
to be satisfactory. These critics, in other words, 1977; Rescorla, 1987) become an operant
were not willing to go along with the proce- (Moore, 1973)? How does an operant be-
dural mode of the Newtonian style. (Cohen, come a respondent (Breland & Breland,
1995, p. 143)
1961)? The analyses of operant strength can
Fortunately, it is not necessary for behav- provide common ground for a rapproche-

ment of operant and respondent research on minate a concert performance, and may do
such issues. so more readily when the pianist has doubts
Rate is an indicator, not an essence. It is pos- about the quality of the piece or of his exe-
sible to reinforce low response rates (e.g., ac- cution—that is, when strength is weak.
cording to a differential-reinforcement-of- Most important behavior consists of ex-
low-rate [DRL] schedule) with high rates of tended and heterogeneous responses (Rach-
reinforcement. Animals prefer such sched- lin, 1994). Particular reinforcement contin-
ules to others that sustain higher response gencies can change some of the static
rates with lower reinforcement rates. This properties of component responses, leaving
seems to pose a difficulty for a simple map naive interpretations of the dependent vari-
between response rate and strength. But DRL ables at their mercy. Whereas the latent vari-
contingencies greatly increase the minimal able strength is inferred from those variables,
duration of the reinforced response, so that manipulation of the variables does not nec-
observed rates of completion of these extend- essarily change strength. The static properties
ed responses may be close to their ceiling. An are indicators, symptoms if you would, of op-
animal not pressing a switch in such situa- erant strength. Bending the needle of a volt-
tions actually is responding, engaging in the meter does not change the strength of an
first part of the heterogeneous chain that electric field, nor does stifling a shout reduce
leads to reinforcement. An animal that does alarm. It is the coherence of various indica-
other things for 4 s and then lever presses on tors that lets us recalibrate the voltmeter or
a schedule under which only IRTs of 5 s are interpret the muffled shout. Factor analysis is
reinforced has not failed to make the correct one method of bringing these indicators into
response; it was making the stipulated re- coherence—for defining the scales on the
sponse for the first 4 s, and only made the separate measures necessary to achieve una-
wrong response during the fraction of the nimity. In the end, it is understanding of the
second it pressed the switch. A true measure thing they indicate, the hypothetical con-
of rate must include in the numerator those struct of strength, that is our ultimate theo-
kinds of hypothetical behavior that constitute retical goal, as it was Skinner’s.
the first part of such chains. Momentum. Nevin’s theory of behavioral
Consider a pianist about to play a concerto; momentum (e.g., Nevin & Grace, 2000) iden-
it would seem that probability of playing, la- tifies resistance to disruption as a key mea-
tency to start, and rate of key pressing are sure of behavior, one analogous to our con-
strictly governed by contingencies and tell us struct of strength. The measure of resistance,
little about strength, or about one another. a unit of what might be called behavioral mass,
Rudolph Serkin appears in the concert hall is defined as the amount of a disrupter nec-
with probability very close to 1.0, his dramatic essary to reduce baseline rate by the factor
pause before playing is not an indication of 1/e ø 0.368 (Killeen, 2000, Equation 1). If
low strength, and the tempi of key pressing is the disrupter is experimental extinction, the
governed by score and interpretation, not mass of an operant is the time necessary for
variations in strength. But what of the tyro? its rate to fall to 37% of baseline rate. This
More than one novice’s stage fright has can- formulation factors response rates out of the
celed a show. Orchestras seamlessly extend definition of mass, and does so intentionally,
the prelude for artists whose latency to take because response rates may be manipulated
the stage is extended, whether by traffic or by by contingencies that have little effect on per-
trepidation. The pause before starting or be- sistence. This appears to be a completely dif-
tween notes is no less a part of the perfor- ferent path to understanding strength: Ab-
mance than key pressing is, but is easily over- solute response rates, our best predictor of
looked because it is not measured as switch strength, are factored out of the measure of
closure. The concert is a trial, and maintains mass. Rates are reintroduced, however, in the
higher probabilities of performance than the measure of behavioral momentum, which is the
free operant of piano practice, whose rate product of baseline rate (velocity) and mass,
and latency are good indicators of its and which predicts the total number of re-
strength. Just as television programs can dis- sponses emitted as an animal becomes sati-
rupt practice of low strength, catcalls may ter- ated, undergoes extinction, and so on. In the

multiple extinction phases of Experiment 3, servational epoch is a trial in a signal-detec-

most birds emitted fewer responses in the lat- tion task, and a response indicates the
er phases of extinction, indicating a differ- animal’s prediction that a reinforcer will be
ence in momentum that was more noticeable available. In the experimental chamber, how-
than were successive changes in rate or laten- ever, almost all of the payoff is for saying
cy. ‘‘yes’’; high probabilities of responding, and
As response rates decrease during extinc- corresponding high response rates in real
tion or satiation, they indicate a decrease in time, are more a matter of bias in the rate
operant strength. It is to be expected that be- measure rather than sensitivity to the under-
havior will also be more easily disrupted at lying dimension of strength. Introduction of
this point, thus indicating a decrease in mass a second operant reduces the bias, making
and its correlate, momentum. Both behavior- relative rates a more sensitive measure of
al mass and strength may thus actually be tell- strength. This sensitivity, and the resulting or-
ing the same story. derliness of the data, made analyses of the
Relative strength. The notion of absolute relative rates of two operants a central occu-
strength is something of a fiction, as behavior pation of experimental analysts in the 1970s
is always conditional on the total context of and 1980s (e.g., Davison & McCarthy, 1988;
operants that are available to the organism. Williams, 1988).
Even though response probability remained More than one operant is usually available
high in the VI 960-s condition of Experiment to most organisms. It follows that relative
1, had the chamber door been left open the strength, not absolute strength, will control
pigeons might have left for richer patches. most of the variance in behavior, both in the
Our data are absolute only in the sense of laboratory and on the street. By providing a
being derived from an environment in which relatively thorough analysis of absolute
the alternative operants were of a constant strength, we have attempted to ground en-
low strength. Control by context is manifest suing discussion of choice between operants
in the important role played by the intertrial of different strength.
interval in autoshaping (Gamzu & Williams, Analyses. Collecting data is often more fun
1973; Locurto et al., 1981) and in delayed dis- than analyzing them. But that which reinforc-
criminations (W. A. Roberts & Kraemer, es the experimenter does not necessarily
1982); context plays a leading role in several strengthen the field:
theories of conditioning (e.g., R. R. Miller & Postexperimental transformation of the data
Matzel, 1988; Wagner, 1981). It is an essential to reveal order seems to be a very different
part of the measurement of behavioral mass. enterprise from laboratory manipulation of a
In subsequent analyses of these data, Kil- variable to demonstrate control; a parameter
leen et al. (2001) introduce the construct of of an equation . . . seems very remote from
a nonresponse state, a fugue from measured actual, ongoing behavior. . . . This is nothing
behavior that is a major source of the vari- new in the analysis of behavior: . . . the very
ability in rates. The prevalence of nonre- act of counting lever presses or key pecks puts
sponse states is correlated with distractibility, the experimenter at a distance from the mo-
and thus mass (or, more precisely, its in- ment-to-moment actions of the organism.
Moreover, the calculation of response rate or
verse). They may indicate a transition to dif- probability over any sample of time or trials
ferent behavioral modes (Timberlake, 1994). also obscures variations in the pattern of re-
The introduction of competing operants am- sponding. (Nevin, 1984, p. 431)
plifies the role of such fugues, as choice be-
havior is sensitive to differential amounts of Nevin emphasized the importance of in-
reinforcement that have little effect on abso- variances that may be invisible in the raw data
lute response rates (Neuringer, 1967). This but are manifest in the structure of models
insensitivity occurs because ceilings on re- and their parametric changes (as did Stevens,
sponse rates limit their dynamic range, mak- 1986, pp. 46 ff.). Loftus (1978) takes the ar-
ing them insensitive at high strengths; and gument one step further:
because, absent other diversions, responses of A dependent variable such as response prob-
even low strength will be emitted, thus satu- ability is not intrinsically interesting. Rather, it
rating the measure. It is as though each ob- is only interesting because of what it reflects

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