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In this part you will learn to:

Express certainty
Express probably with likely that, probable that……
Express possibility and remote possibility with may/
can , might/could
use the gerund
form nouns with suffixes –ment,-tion
use verbs with dependent prepositions: supply with ,
blame for , etc.
Let’s think about
recognize shiftit
of syllable stress

and you will:
make aAnswer
speech the questions below.

1. Have you, or any of your friends, ever been victim of food poisoning? If yes, what has it been caused by? Tick
one of the following answers.
a. a sandwich you had at a fast food restaurant
b. a cream-filled dessert
c. an ice-cream
d. untreated drinking water
2. Look at the picture and read the caption under it. What organization to these people
belong to?

Greenpeace protesters attempting to destroy genetically modified crops

3. Do you approve or disapprove of what the Greenpeace protestors in the picture are doing?
Listen and do
1. Listen to the interview and order the following main ideas according to the order in which they are mentioned in the
a. The debate around GMFs
b. The type of food people prefer buying
c. Advertising promotes the idea that organic foods are healthier
d. The types of food available in the market today
Listen to the interview again and circle the letter corresponding to the right completion.
A. ………… types of food are available in the market today.
a. Two b. Several c. Three
B. People prefer buying………….
a. GMFs b. organic food c. conventional food
C. Organic food is ……………..
a. modified b. unhealthy c. natural
2. Listen to the interview again and write true (T),false (F) or not mentioned (NM) in the space provided at the end of
each statement.
A. As a result of the impact of advertising, consumers prefer buying organic food to purchasing conventional or
genetically modified food. …………….
B. Because of bad publicity, GMFs will certainly disappear. …………….
C. GMFs might be harmful to human health and the environment as they might not. ……..
D. The debate about farming of GMFs will possibly continue. ………….


A/ Grammar
Expressing :
Expressing : certainty,
certainty, probability,
probability, possibility,
possibility, remote
remote possibility

Consider the modals in bold type in sentences A-E in the first column and match each sentence with the notion
expressed by the modal used.
A. They may or may not disappear.
B. The eating of organic food will certainly 1 - certainty
keep increasing.
C. GMFs might have harmful effects just as 2 - probability
they might not (have harmful effects ).
D. The debate could / might continue for 3 – possibility
some time yet.
E. Those who are against GMFs will 4- remote possibility
probably win the debate.
F. They can have a come back.
 Refer to the previous activity to fill in the blanks to complete the rule.

To express certainty we use:

- Subject +………….. + certainly + infinitive without to
- I’m sure/ certain that + subject + ………..+ infinitive without to
To express probability we use :
- Subject +………….. + probably + infinitive without to
- It is probable that + subject + ……………… + infinitive without to
To express possibility we use:
- Subject +…………../ …………….. + infinitive without to
To express remote possibility we use:
- Subject + ……………../……………. + infinitive without to

See grammar reference p.26

Task : Rewrite the sentences in column B in the table below to express the notions in column A. Use appropriate
modals or expressions. There are many possibilities.

Certainty 1. Food safety will be one of the major problems in the next decade.
2. In the future people will not eat as much processed food as they do
Probability - Most Algerian consumers will boycott products which are not
environmentally safe soon
Possibility 1. The Algerian government will impose an eco-tax on polluting
industries next year.
2. Flavourings and colourings cause irritability and skin irritations

Remote -In the near future , advertisements for fast foods will be banned, and
possibility health warnings will be written on the packages of processed food

The Gerund 
Gerund  (-(- ing
ing form
form ))
Consider sentences A-E below. Then answer questions 1-2 that follow.
A. They prefer buying organic food.
B. The eating of organic food will certainly keep increasing.
C. Organic foods are healthier and less damaging to the environment.
D. Greenpeace protesters are blamed for destroying genetically modified crops.
E. We can’t camp here because it’s written “NO CAMPING”.

1.Complete the following table with the appropriate words ending in – ing from the sentences above.

Words ending in – ing Words ending in – ing Word ending in – ing

functioning as a verb functioning as a noun functioning as an adjective

2. When do we use the – ing form? Tick the answers which are correct.
 We use the gerund ( -ing form) after:
- frequency adverbs
- most verbs of liking and disliking : love , enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate etc.
- modals
- the following verbs: stop, avoid , keep , admit, come, go etc.
- verbs or adjectives followed by prepositions such as: for, in ,at ,to, with etc.
 We use the gerund ( -ing form) as :
- subjects
- adverbs
- adjectives
 We use the gerund ( -ing form) with:
- “No” in prohibition (Example: NO PARKING)
- degree adverbs

See grammar reference p26/27

Task : Read the text below and decide whether it is the gerund or the present simple that must be used with the
verb between brackets.

The art of ( cook) (require) the use of garlic. Of course, the (eat) or consumption of garlic (be)generally not approved
of. (Work) beside someone who has eaten garlic is as bad as (sit) beside someone who (smoke).But while (smoke)
(be) definitely bad for you, there is no doubt that (eat) garlic (be) good for your health and particularly your blood
pressure. We are likely to see more “No (smoke)signs than we have so far;yet we won’t see any ‘No (breathe) signs
for garlic eaters.
(Cultivate) and (export) garlic has become big business now that so many people use it for (flavour) meat and for
(make) medicines that reduces cholesterol. People often (buy) it when they do their (shop).


1. Add appropriate suffixes –er , - tion, - ing, or – ment to the verbs in the first column to form as many nouns as
you can. Do as shown in the example. You can use a dictionary.

VERBS - er - tion - ing -ment

Consume consumer consumption consuming /

2. Fill in the blanks in the text below using the nouns you have formed in task 1 above.
…….(1) still hesitate to buy genetically modified food because the ….(2) of this type of food might be harmful to
their health. Many agri-business companies have tried to promote their …(3) by placing…(4) in newspapers and
on TV. However, their …….(5) campaigns have not worked well so far because GMFs have a bad publicity. This
public…(6) of GMFs is largely a ….(7) to the appearance of the mad cow disease in the early 2000s.

3. Read the tips below. Then do the task that follow.

Some verbs in English are always followed by one, sometimes two, specific
prepositions called dependent prepositions. E.g.

Food industries are often blamed for poor hygienic conditions.

People should stand up for their rights and set up consumers ‘associations.

There are no specific rules as to which prepositions go with particular verbs. So you
will have to learn from the dictionary which dependent prepositions go with which
verbs. See grammar reference p28/29

Task: Fill in the blanks in the blanks below with the prepositions of, with, for, to ,
about, or from. Then check your answers with the dictionary

There are many associations which provide consumer …(1) information about
marketed products in Britain today. The main purpose of these associations is to
protect consumers …(2) abuse by dishonest businessmen. When a consumer
suffers …(3) the bad quality of a given product, s/he can complain…(4) it …(5) these
associations. The latter will look…(6) ways to get redress …(7) the companies whose
products have caused harm to the consumer. Consumers’ associations often
accuse companies, especially food industries …(8) carelessness in connection with
safety standards.

C/ Pronunciation

1. Listen carefully to the way the pairs of words below are pronounced. Circle the syllable which carries the
main stress in each of them.

Verbs Nouns Verbs Nouns

advertise advertisement associate association
publicize publicity regulate regulation

2. Refer to task 1 and tick the right answer.

 Verbs and nouns are stressed on:
a. the same syllable
b. different syllables


Write a speech about the possible changes that are likely to happen in our life styles in
terms of shopping habits; eating habits, and entertainment and leisure .

1. Expand the following ideas using the gerund and modals where appropriate.
A. Shopping habits.
- the number of shopaholics ( people addicted to shopping) / increase
- online shopping / become a norm
- Robots shop assistant/deliver goods/ customers’ homes
B. Eating habits.
- pills /replace meals
- companies / make foodstuffs out of petrol
- soft drink companies/place conduit systems in people’s kitchens
C. Entertainment and leisure
- Homes /become the centre of leisure activities thanks to cable television and
other electronic devices
1. Write your first draft using the plan below . Pay attention to punctuation, spelling mistakes , subject-verb
agreement, tenses and sentence construction.
The next decades are likely to bring about radical changes in our life styles
First paragraph: Shopping habits
Second paragraph: Eating habits
Third paragraph : Entertainment and leisure
2. Read your speech and correct your mistakes before writing the final version.


In this part you will learn to

Use the present simple to describe a present state

express hypothesis / condition using if-conditional type

express quantity with enough, too much , too many
etc. 6
express cause and effect with because, as, etc.
form adjectives by adding the suffix –y to nouns.
pronounce the final ‘s’
write an expository article

Let’s think about it

 Answer the questions below

1. Do you think that our eating habits have changed over the last years? If yes in what ways?
2. Do you think that advertising has contributed in any way to changing these habits?
3. Look at the following picture and guess what the reading passage is about? Tick the answer you think is right .

The text is about:

a.Food safety b. energy balance c. GMFs

Read and do
1. Read the text below and check your answer to question 3.

How is Your Energy Balance ?

It is important for people to eat as much food as they need to make sure they have the right amount of energy. If they
eat too little food or the wrong kind of food , they won’t have enough energy. If they eat too much (food), they will put on
weight. When we eat enough food for the exercise we take, we call this energy balance. (§1)
In many parts of the modern world today, people eat a lot of fast food and don’t take enough exercise. They also eat a
lot of sweets between meals. Although most people know that fatty and sugary foods can cause a loss of their energy
balance, they find it difficult to refrain from eating them.(§2)
A recent study shows that a great number of people who cannot manage to keep their energy balance are those who
spend to much time in front of their TV sets. If people eat too many products which contain a large amount of fat and sugar –
also called junk food- and too few products which provide them with enough quantities of fibre, it is because of the many
advertisements to which they are exposed while watching TV. This study also shows that though parents advise their
children to eat sensibly, a great many of these children don’t pay much attention to the amount of fast food they eat.
Parental advice is no help at all if the children continue to be exposed to such advertisements. (§3)
Unfortunately the loss of energy balance is not without health and social consequences. Owing to this loss , a lot of
people today suffer from obesity. According to the World Health Organization, for the first time in history, the world
population counts more obese people than slim ones. As a result of overweight, many of them have developed diseases that
cost the social security systems of their countries billions and billions of dollars every year. The financial problem of these
security systems is likely to worsen as no concrete measures are taken to treat the real causes of overweight at world level.
Since obesity in our modern times is caused mostly by a loss of energy balance, which is due mainly to the impact of junk
food adverts, it is high time our governments passed laws to limit this influence. Advertisements of unhealthy foods are as
harmful as advertisements for cigarettes. Therefore, they should be banned from the media, and wealth warnings should be
added on the labels of fast food packages. (§5)
Text written by the authors of New Prospects (S.A Arab, B. Riche and M. Bensemane)

2. Read the text and mark the statements as true (T) or false (F) . Correct the false ones.

A. An insufficient amount of food can cause a loss of energy balance. …….

B. Today people don’t take the amount of exercise necessary for their energy balance. ……..
C. There are too many advertisements for unhealthy food. As a consequence, people don’t pay enough attention to
their energy balance. …….
D. Obesity causes a lot of diseases. Unless something is done about it, social security systems will probably
encounter a financial problem soon. ……..
E. The advertising of food has a positive influence on our eating habits. So our governments should encourage it.

3. Tick the appropriate answer.

A. Energy balance is achieved when:
a. we eat the right kind of food
b. we pay attention to the amount of junk food we eat
c. when the amount of food eaten is equal to the energy used to do physical activity.
B. “Enough” means:
a. sufficient b. excess of c. insufficient
C. “Junk food” means food that contains:
a. enough fibres b. enough vitamins c. much fat and sugar

4. What do the words written in bold in the text refer to?

- Paragraph 1: -Paragraph 2 :
* They ………… * They …………..
* this ………… * their …………..
* them ……….

- Paragraph 3: -Paragraph 4:
* their ……….. * ones ………….
* those ………. * their …………
* This ………..
* their ………..
* they …………

- Paragraph 5:
* which ……………….. * they ……………..


A/ Grammar
Present simple
simple tense
Consider the tenses used in the text and answer questions A-B below.
A. The tense which is mostly used in the text is the Present Simple because the text is :
a. expository b. narrative c. argumentative
B. We use the Present Simple tense in other situations/cases. Match each of the following sentences containing a
verb in the present simple with the case/situation it corresponds to.
SENTENCES Cases/situations
1- Too much junk food causes obesity . a. habitual action
2- If they eat too much, they will put on weight. b. description
3- I go jogging every evening . c. permanent truth
4- John is obese. d. description of a situation based on
fact ( conditional type 1)

See grammar reference p.30

Task: This is a conversation between a doctor and a patient. Put the verbs in brackets in the
present simple.
Obesity and weight problems (be) among the top five enemies of good health. Obesity (increase)the risk of disease
and death due to stroke, diabetes, and some cancers. Weight loss and regular exercise (help) alleviate the harmful effects of
being overweight. Studies (show) that if you (be) overweight or obese, losing 5% to 10% of your body weight can improve
your health.

If-conditional type
type 11

Consider sentences A and B . Then answer questions 1-4 that follow.

A. If they eat too little food or the wrong kind of food , they will not get enough energy.
B. If they eat too much food, they will put on weight.

1. What do the clauses in bold type express? Tick the right answer
a. cause b. condition c. consequence
2. Do the clauses in bold type express reality or supposition?
3. What 2 tenses are used in sentences A and B? Complete the following rule of form
If + subject + ………………………….. , subject + ……………………….

4. When do we use conditional type 1 ? Tick the right answer.

 We use conditional type1 when we talk about:
a. possible situations and their probable results
b. impossible situations
c. something true at any time
See grammar reference p 31
Task: Join each pair of sentences to write an if-conditional sentence. Do as shown in the example.

Example: You eat rotten food. You have a serious indigestion.

If you eat rotten food, you will have a serious indigestion.
A. You have a serious indigestion. You go and see a doctor
B. You go and see a doctor. He hospitalizes you for two to three weeks.
C. Doctor hospitalizes you for two or three weeks. You lose your job.
D. You lose your job. You no longer ear enough money to buy good food.

Enough, too
too much/many,
much/many, too
too little
Go back to the text on the previous pages and answer the following questions.
A. Which quantifier in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ‘sufficient’ or ‘appropriate’ ?
B. Pick out the 4 sentences that contain quantifiers preceded by the degree adverb too.
Which one means ‘an excessive amount of’ and which one means ‘not enough/an insufficient amount of’?
C. What do too many , too little , too much and too few mean? Write the appropriate quantifier next to the explanation
………………………………… = an excessive number of
……………………………….. = an excessive amount of
……………………………….. = not enough/ an insufficient amount of
……………………………….. = an insufficient number of
D. The quantifiers and quantity expressions in the first column are in the text. Read it again then say which type of nouns
they can be used with. Put a cross in the appropriate column.

Quantifier/ Quantity expression Countable noun Uncountable noun Both

1. Much/ too much
2. Little / too little
3. Many /too many
4. Few / too few
5. A lot of
6. enough
7. A large number of
8. A large amount of
9. A great many of
See grammar reference p 31
Task: Fill in the blanks with too much , too little , too many and too few so that the sentences in the health warnings
below make sense. An example is provided for you.

A. Too little calcium may be harmful to your health.

B. Eating ……………sugar may cause diabetes.
C. …………………. vitamin A may result in poor eyesight.
D. Eating ……………. fat can make one overweight.
E. Exposure to ………………. UV rays may give rise to skin cancer.
F. The beriberi disease is due to …………….B 12 vitamin.
G. The kidney disease may result from ……………….. calcium.
H. Weaknesses in our immunity system may be the result of ……………….. white blood cells.
I. Anaemia is caused by ………….. red blood cells.

Because (of)
(of) ,, as
as ,, since
since ,, owing
owing to
to ,, due
due to

Consider sentences A-E . Then answer questions 1-3.

A. Because of the many advertisements , people eat too many products which contain a large amount of fat
and sugar.
B. Loss of energy balance is due to junk food advertisements.
C. Owing to this loss, a lot of people today suffer from obesity.
D. Since obesity is the result of the impact of junk food adverts, it is high time our government passed laws to limit this
E. The financial problem of these security systems is likely to worsen as no concrete measures are taken.

1. What type of relationship do the link words in bold indicate? Tick the right answer.
a. result b. cause c. purpose
2. Read the sentences again and circle the punctuation.
3. Consider sentences A-E. Then complete the following rule with the appropriate link word.

 Because of

……………….. + noun phrase + , + rest of the sentence
 Subject + verb + Since
Subject + verb + ………………… + subject + verb + rest of the sentence
Subject + verb + because

Task: Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the link words in the box . There are several possibilities.
A. Advertising is necessary for new businesses ……… it informs consumers about the services and products they offer
B. ……. the advertisement of fast foods, many people have developed unhealthy eating habits.
C. ………. Consumers are aware of the importance of the environment, most food industries now put eco-labels on the
packages of their products.

B/ Vocabulary

 Read the tips below carefully. Then do task 1 that follows.

We can the suffix –y to many nouns to form adjectives .
E.g. sugar sugary ; health healthy
When a noun ends with a consonant+ vowel + consonant ( CVC) , we double
the last consonant.
Task E.g. Fat the nouns
1: Turn fatty in
. bold in texts A and B into adjectives ending in –y.

A. ‘Salt ,Spice, and pepper foods are both savour and taste. Be careful , eating too much of these foods may cause
you trick health problems in the long term. So don’t be greed.’
B. People are well aware that it is not ease to have a speed recovery from food poisoning. And yet , they continue
to eat in dirt , dust and stuff fast food restaurants with slime floors and counters.

Task 2: Choose the most appropriate word in brackets to make the text below meaningful.

Life is becoming increasingly (cheap- expensive) . So when ( shoppers- sellers) do their shopping they are more likely
to look at the (price tags-quality labels) of the products than anything else. (Saving- Spending) even a little money by
buying ( high- poor) quality goods helps people with a (high- low) budget to pay utility (bills- charges) and the (rent-
lease) for the flat at the end of the month. These ( savings- spending) also help (purchase-sell) mobile phones for
the loved ones.

C/ Pronunciation
 Go back to the text and pick out words ending in “s” and classify them in the table below according to the
pronunciation of their final “s”.

/ S/ /Z/ /IZ/


 Write an expository article developing the statement in italics below. Follow the procedure indicated.
Food safety has become one of the major worries for mankind. This worry has three major sources: industries, food
additives and fast foods.

1. Read he causes and effects listed below.

Reasons/ causes Results/ effects

- industries polluting the soil with - poisoning of water sources/too little water
chemicals/too much toxic waste thrown to drink/ fruits and vegetables containing
into rivers/ farmers using too many insecticide and chemical residues….(§1)
insecticide sprays ….(§1)
- too many additives (preservatives, - people developing allergies/suffering from
flavourings, colourings) using too much food poisoning…. (§2)
salt/sugar ….(§2)
- too few people preparing their own - putting on weight/ developing diseases ….
meals/too many people eating in fast (§3)
food restaurants/ fast food containing
too much fat ….(§3)

2. Link the causes and effects using the following connectors:because,owing to, since, as , due to, as a result , so,
3. Write a first draft of your newspaper article. Organize it according to the diagram below. In your conclusion, try to
suggest a solution to the problem.

introduction conclusion
§1 §2 §3

4. Review your newspaper article paying attention to punctuation, spelling mistakes , subject-verb
agreement, tenses and sentence construction. Then write your final version.


In this part you will learn to:

Predict the content of a text

Listen for general ideas
Listen for details
Summarize, synthesize information
Debate ( argue by making concessions 12
and you will:
write an argumentative speech
Let’s think about it

 Look at the advertisement on the left and answer the questions.

1. What is the advertisement about?

2. What is the target audience?
3. Who is Zinedine Zidane?
4. Why do you think he has been selected for the endorsement of the product?
5. What is the slogan of the advert? Do you think it is a catchy one?
6. On the whole are you for or against advertising? Why?

Listen and do

1. You will hear two students, James and Jenny, talking about advertising. James is for advertising, whereas Jenny is
against it.
Listen to the conversation and write who says what. Write JE for Jenny and JA for James in the space provided.

A. It is immoral to sell people things they don’t want. …..

B. Advertisers essentially influence us about which product to buy . …..
C. Most people believe what advertisements say. …..
D. Advertising draws our attention to a particular product. …..
E. Advertising creates a need but doesn’t offer real satisfaction. …..
F. Buying a product doesn’t transform us into what we want to look like. …..
G. People spend their money only when they want to . …..
H. We’re manipulated by advertisers. …..

2. Go back to the task 1 and analyze Jenny’s and James’s ideas about advertising . Then synthesize their conversation
in 4 to 5 sentences using the gapped text below as a framework.

Jenny and James are talking about …………………………… . The problem is whether or not ……………………………… . Jenny is in
favour of …………………………….. whereas James is ……………………………….. . At first James denies that …………………………….. .
Then he admits that …………………………….. . In the end ……………………………………….. .

After listening

1. Read the following statements about advertising, then classify them in the appropriate column.
 Advertisements manipulate consumers.
 Commercial advertising is essential for both business and consumers.
 Advertising creates a need but doesn’t offer satisfaction.
 Advertising sponsors social events like sports competitions and car races.
 Advertising suggests new ways of satisfying our needs

Advertising is beneficial Advertising is harmful

2. The following sentences are arguments supporting the points of view stated in activity 1.
Write them in the table next to the point of view they support.

 Ads help pay the players ‘salaries and for the upkeep of the stadium.
 Buying a product doesn’t transform us into what we want to look like.
 Advertising stimulates innovation and competition.
 Advertising influences us about which product to buy/ influences our choice of a product.
 Advertising promotes goods but doesn’t sell them. What it does is catch your eyes.
 Advertising sells people what they don’t really want and what they don’t need.


1. Commercial advertising is essential for both …………………………………………..
business and consumers. ………………………………………….

2. Advertising sponsors social events like …………………………………………

sports competitions and car races. ………………………………………..

3. Advertisements manipulate consumers. ……………………………………………

4. Advertising creates a need but doesn’t offer ……………………………………………

satisfaction. ……………………………………………
5. Advertising suggests new ways of satisfying ……………………………………………
our needs


 Have alook at the coping box below. Then prepare an argumentative speech stating your opinion about advertising.
Use the guidelines that follow.

One of the best ways of organizing/structuring ideas in an argumentative

speech is :
to inform the audience about the main points of views on the issue.
Once you have done this, you take sides in or personalize the debate by
saying what you personally think about the issue.

1. Start with the following topic sentence.

People don’t agree as to whether advertising is beneficial or harmful.

2. State people points of view on the issue. Refer to task 2 in after listening.

Say what some people think ;

-some people are in favour of ……They think/ believe/ claim that

Say what other people think.

3. Take sides
- However….. They think/ believe/ claim that

I am one of those who believe/think assert that ……

Support your argument by giving your reasons. As you develop

your arguments, make concessions in order not to sound too


- Make the best use of the grammar and vocabulary you have learnt in this part.
- Use the following link words
To express opinion: from my point of view, in my opinion, I believe etc.
To express cause: because, since, for, as, as a consequence, therefore, etc.
To express concession: although, though, in spite of the fact that, while,
despite , etc.
4. Review your draft paying attention to punctuation, spelling mistakes, subject-verb agreement, tenses
and sentence construction. Then write your final version.


In this part you will :

analyze and synthesize
and you will:
write a letter of complaint

Let’s think about it

 Answer the following questions;
1. Which of the advertising media in the list below is the most influential in Algeria ?

Billboards- TV – the radio – magazines – the Internet - newspapers

2. To which item in the box below do you think businesses in our country appeal most to sell their goods and
services ?

environment – safety – price – tradition - modernity

3. Do you respond more positively to advertisements that appeal to your culture , to modernity – to price or to
safety? Why?
4. Do you think that advertisements always keep their promises?
5. Have you ever been influenced by an advert and then been disappointed when you bought the product? Give

Read and do

 Read the text on the next page. Then do the activities that follow .


Isn’t it time to take refreshing holidays with us at fair prices ?

A fortnight’s holiday with us will be an experience you’ll never forget. Every day you’ll be able to choose from a
wide range of thrilling activities.
We certainly won’t !
Only 2 activities offered each day
 Canoeing
 Rock-climbing
 Wind surfing on 8 days, neither wind surfing nor sailing was offered
 Sailing
 Hiking

And to introduce you to the joys of group-work, there will be:

 One three-day camping expedition - 3 days in the rain
 Two problem-solving activities – being shouted at by the rest of the group

‘ But this is my holiday! Aren’t I allowed to relax? ’

Whenever you like, you can choose to take a day off and enjoy some of the remarkable facilities at the residential
centre, Wildside Hall:
Only facilities : table tennis, a pack of cards
‘Full’ Instead they put us in a youth hostel 7 miles away.
 swimming pool
 sauna
 games room ( billiards, darts, table tennis)
 video
 library
‘ Won’t it be just like the army: dormitories and canteen food ? ’ Yes,it
Was !
4 people in a room
Accommodation consists of comfortable double rooms, and our talented kitchen staff prepare memorable and
delicious meals using the very best of the local produce.
Perhaps true of Wildside Hall , but not of
the hostel

All this for only£380 inclusive per person for 13 days

Windermere Widside Adventure Holidays

Wildside Hall, Ambleside, Cumbria

1. Circle the letter corresponding to the right answer.
The text is:
a. a letter of complaint
b. an advertisement leaflet with handwritten notes
c. a postcard

2. Which of the following statements are true or false ? Write true or false next to statements “a” and “b”.
- The person who wrote the notes:
a. has been on the adventure holiday advertised . ……..
b. has enjoyed the adventure holiday. ……..
-The notes are comments on:
a. what accommodation, facilities, leisure activities and food were really like. ……..
b. the prices which were not fair. ……..

3. Read the annotated advertisement carefully and complete the table below with the
appropriate information.

Promises made in the What it was really like

Accommodation Place: Wildside Hall Place:Youth Hostel
Type of acommodation:……………. Type of accommodation: 4 people
…………………………………………………. in a room

Leisure activities Number: 8 Number : ………………

Activities offered: canoeing, rock- Activities offered: ……………………
climbing, wind-surfing , sailing ………………………………………………….
and hiking.
Facilities at the - swimming pool - table tennis
residential -……………………. -…………………….
centre -……………………
Food - delicious meals using the very - meals served were tasteless
best of the local produce

4.The handwritten notes contain a number of exclamations. Thick what you think each one
a. “We certainly won’t ! ” expresses:
surprise joy anger
b. Ugh ! means that the meals served were:
delicious disgusting/unpleasant tasteless
After reading

Read the annotated advertisement again, then complete the letter of complaint below.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to ……………………………. Adventure holiday I have just had with your
th th
organization from the 12 to the 25 of this month.
My holiday with your company did not correspond to what I ……………………. .

Firstly, the advert states that ………………………………………. But in fact we were sent to
…………………………. . We never ………….. because ……………………………. .
Secondly, the advert promises …………………………………….. of activities. Unfortunately,
Thirdly, it says that accommodation …………………………….. and that………………………..
are prepared …………………………………………… Actually ………………………………………….. .
In general, our holiday ……………………………….. . As a result of all these non-kept
promises, I feel that a refund of at least £190 would be appropriate. If you consider this
refund unjustifiable, I shall be obliged to refer the matter to the British Tourist Board.

Yours faithfully,
Joan and Peter Smith


 Write a holiday advert for your local travel agency.

1. Use the advert on page 22 as a model. In order to sell your holiday include
the following:

 a catchy slogan
 emphasis on low cost
 a promise of enjoyment
 accommodation
 traditional dishes
 reference to the local culture

3. Review your draft paying attention to punctuation, spelling mistakes, subject-verb agreement, tenses
and sentence construction. Then write your final version.

Forms and functions

FORMS Functions

GMFs will certainly disappear. Certainty /Prediction (sure)

They may or may not disappear.

Future possibility ( not sure)
They can have a come back.

They might have harmful effects just as they might not.

Remote possibility (less sure)
The debate could continue.

- We can add well or possibly to may. We add well if we are more certain, and possibly if we are less sure.
“Can I fell in my exams?”
“I don’t know. You may possibly fail, but on the other hand you may well succeed.”

I - We use the Gerund or –ing form in three different ways. We use it as :

1. part of a verb called the participle.
E. g. I’m singing / He has been singing since 5 o’clock, etc.

2. an adjective.
E.g. We cook spaghetti in boiling water.

3. a noun or a gerund.
E.g. The smoking of cigarettes is harmful to our health.

II- The Gerund is used after:

a. most verbs of liking and disliking. E.g. Enjoy, like, love, dislike, detest, dread, hate, mind,
can’t stand, etc.
E.g. - I enjoy dancing.
- Would you mind answering a few questions?
b. some other common verbs. E.g. admit, avoid, come, consider, deny, go, involve, miss,
postpone, risk, stop. etc.
E.g. - Stop talking.
- Let’s go swimming.

c. prepositions, including adjectives + preposition phrase. E.g. keen on, fond of, tired of, etc.
E.g. - I’m fond of cooking.
d.phrasal verbs. E.g. go, keep on, give up, etc.
E.g. - Go on talking.

After a certain number of verbs and verbal phrases either the gerund or the infinitive may
Occur. E.g. begin, like, cease, continue, dislike, fear, hate, intend, love, prefer, propose,
Remember, start, try. For example, after remember, the infinitive refers to the future while
the gerund refers to the past.
- I must remember (= not forget) to ask him.
- I remember seeing her when she was a little girl.
III- The Gerund may be:

- an uncountable noun in general statements as in: Swimming is fun.

- an uncountable noun with a quantity word as in: He does a lot of reading.
- an uncountable noun after a preposition as in: I’m fond of cooking.
- an uncountable noun after adjectives and possessives as in: Her quick thinking saved
- an uncountable noun with ‘no’ in prohibitions such as No parking.
- a countable noun in the singular and plural as in:
I own a painting by Baya! and:
I like colourful drawings.
- a noun preceded by the definite article, a possessive or demonstrative pronoun as in:
I detest all this questioning
Her singing is beautiful.


Here are some


a. In order to have their meaning complete some verbs are followed by prepositions.The most
common prepositions are : at, about, after, for, from, in, into, of, to, with

Accuse someone of something- apologize (to someone) for something- apply for a job-
approve/ disapprove of something- Believe in something- belong to someone- care about
someone- care for someone/something- Collide with someone/ something- complain to
someone about something- dream about Someone/ something- dream of being someone /
doing something – concentrate on something- consist of – crash into someone -deal with
something-depend on someone/something- die of an illness-happen to someone/something-
hear about something- hear from someone-hear of someone/something- laugh at
someone/something- listen to someone/something - Look after someone/something- look at
someone/something- meet with someone – pay someone for something – profit from
something –protect someone from something- provide someone with something- rely on
someone/something- refer to someone /something- Search for someone/something- shout at
someone- smile at someone- suffer from an illness – Think about someone/something- think
of someone/something- wait for someone/something- Write to someone -

b. The verb and the preposition together sometimes express a single idea.
Example: She takes after (resembles) her grandmother.

c. Other verbs may be followed by one or another preposition depending on the meaning the
want to convey.

A. Our problems result from our negligence. (Cause)

B. The change of policy has resulted in failure. (Consequence)

A. Our success consists in our ability to respond quickly to new problems.

B. The team consists of experienced players.

A. We’ve agreed on a date for the marriage.

B. We’ve agreed to see her this afternoon.
C. I agree with you entirely.

d. We do not use prepositions with these verbs:

- Phone someone. E.g. Did you phone your sister yesterday?
- Enter (= go into a place) E.g. The candidate felt nervous as she entered the examination hall.
- Resist someone/ something. E.g. They have resisted occupation for half a century.
- Emphasize/ stress something. E.g. She emphasized/ stressed the importance of careful driving.


Study this list and remember the structure:
- Accuse someone of (doing something)
E.g. Said accused Rachid of being selfish.
- Ask someone for something.
E.g. He wrote to the travel agency asking them for a refund.
- Borrow something from someone.
E.g. I had no money left. I had to borrow £ 20 from a colleague of mine.

- Prefer someone / something to someone / something.

E.g. I prefer oranges to apples.
- Protect someone/ something from someone / something.
E.g. She wears sunglasses to protect her eyes from the sun.
- Provide someone with something.
E.g. The school provides poor students with books.
- Remind someone of something.
E.g. She reminds me of my mother.
- Warn someone about someone/ something.
E.g. Meteorologists have warned all the citizens about climate change.

I- Form:

Affirmative Interrogative Negative

You Work Do You work ? You do not / don’t
We We We Work
They They They

He He He
She works Does She work ? She does not/ doesn’t
It It It work

II- Meaning and uses:

We use the simple present when we:
- talk about habitual actions .
e.g. I generally wake up at 7 on weekdays and at 8 at weekends
- talk about permanent truths.
e.g. The sun rises in the east.
I live near Algiers.
- say how often we do things.
e.g. I regularly go for a check up.
- give instructions.
e.g. You go straight ahead
- make future references to timetables.
e.g. The conference begins at 8.30 next Saturday.

III- How to make HE/SHE/IT forms

 Most verbs: +s work works rain rains know knows
 -s , -sh , -ch , -x +es pass passes wash washes teach teaches
Mix mixes
 Vowels +y ( -ay,ey, oy, uy) +s say says buy buys
 Consonants + y -dy,-ly,-py,-ry : -y ies fly flies try tries
study studies

Type 1 conditional
If + ……… present simple ……. , ……….+ will( or ‘ll) / will not ( or won’t)…
If I see Abdelkader, I will invite him to the party.
We’ll go to the beach tomorrow If it’s sunny.

We use the first conditional to talk about things that are possible in the future.
( It’s possible that it will be sunny. So ( likely result) we’ll go to the beach tomorrow)

Note: We do not use will in the if-clause, even though it refers to the future.
If I will pass my Bac, I’ll celebrate.

a. When we want to say that we have a sufficient quantity of something, i.e. as much as needed
or as many as needed, we use enough.
E.g. There’s enough (= as much food as needed) food for everybody.
There are enough (as many as needed) books for everybody.
b. When we want to say that we have an excessive quantity of something, we use too much or
too many.
E.g. You put too much sugar in your tea.
You have made too many mistakes.
c. When we want to say that we don’t have enough or an insufficient amount of, we use too little
or too few.
E.g. If they eat too little food, they won’t have enough energy.
Too few people pay attention to the amount of fast food they eat.

Unit 4,Script 1: Listen and consider
Journalist : What types of food are available in the market today?
Market researcher: Well, there are three types of food: organic products, conventional food, and GMFs, I mean
genetically modified food.
Journalist: And which type of food do consumers prefer buying?
Market researcher: They prefer buying organic food, of course.
Journalist: I imagine this preference must be due to the fact that unlike conventional food and GMFs, organic food
contains no pesticide residues and no antibiotics.
Market researcher: That’s a good deduction. But that does not explain everything. advertising also plays a role in
this craze for eating organics.
Journalist: What do you mean?
Market researcher: How shall I put it? Advertising promotes the idea that organic foods are somewhat healthier
and less damaging to the environment. This idea has sold well since the detection of BSE (bovine spongiform
encephalopathy) commonly known as mad cow disease.
So the eating of organic food ill certainly keep increasing as long as people are worried about food safety. As a
matter of fact, more and more farmers are turning to organic farming these days.
Journalist: Let’s come back to the GMFs. I imagine they will certainly disappear partly because of the bad publicity
given to them in recent years, and partly because of the scandal of the mad cow disease.
Market researcher: Well, they may or may not disappear. That depends on the conclusions of the debate engaged
about them.

Journalist: I suppose that those who are against the farming of GMFs will probably win the debate now that Prime
Minister Tony Blair has said, I quote, “GMFs might be harmful to human health and the environment.” End of
Market researcher: That’s right. It won’t stop until one of the sides in the debate brings decisive evidence for or
against the farming of GMFs.

Unit 4,Script 2: Listening

James: It’s been six months since you completed your studies. But I see that you’re still unemployed, Jenny. Why is that?
Jenny: I haven’t made up my mind yet. As you know, with a degree in Communications Science I could’ve gone into
journalism. But I didn’t feel like working for a newspaper. Then I thought about advertising. It’s a booming business and I
might’ve made a lot of money in it …
James: Didn’t you apply for a job then ?
Jenny: No I didn’t; and I don’t think I will. Because I am not sure whether I won’t regret it later. You see, I don’t think it’s
right to sell people what they don’t want and what they don’t need.

James: I don’t quite agree with you. Advertising doesn’t force you to buy something you don’t want though it may
influence your choice of a product.
Jenny: You talk as if people were intelligent enough to decide whether they want something or not and whether to buy
this rather than that product. The reality is different.
The great majority of people are daily bombarded by advertisements: when they watch TV, when they listen to the radio,
or read a newspaper. Consequently, they don’t think for themselves. That’s why they’ll buy a new pair of jeans even if they
already have half a dozen of them.
James: What advertising does is to catch your eye. It makes you remember, say Levy’s Jeans, and forget all about other
Jenny: That’s it! Advertising relies on creating a need, satisfying this need and then destroying that satisfaction. Whatever
you buy makes you unsatisfied because advertising keeps on creating for you a need for something else of the same kind. In
fact you keep running after an image of yourself that isn’t there at all. And it is that frustration which induces you to buy
something you don’t really need but which, for some time at least, makes you appear courageous, adventurous…
James : I grant you this. Advertising does tempt you. Like those people who buy four-wheel drive cars to look like
adventurers and who find themselves driving to the local supermarket to do their weekly shopping. This being said,
advertisers do not persuade you to give your money away. You want to buy a car, you have the money to buy a car. The
advertisers will persuade you to buy their car and not the other manufacturer’s car. That’s all.
Jenny: Oh, come on , James. Let’s be serious. Don’t tell me that just because you have the choice of two cars, or two
perfumes, or two after-shave lotions, you can’t be manipulated!


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