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Kyla Villavicencio Grade 11 Uranium Week 9



Try This!

Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness

As we grow older, we have forgotten the most important thing that we must do, and
that is to be happy. We are battered from those daily battles and we tend to be more
anxious about things that made us feel unsatisfied. We are all overthinking about
things that made us a pessimists one. We are becoming a prisoner of thyself.

As what Dalai Lama defines the word hapiness, it is not a pleasure experience but
neutral sort of experience, that can bring deep satisfaction. He also added that peace
of mind is what makes us truly happy and it comes first from warm-heartedness. It
reduces ill feeling towards others and it was true. When I don’t have that peace of
mind, I tend to say some things that usually I get more loatheful about myself. I
didn’t mean to say those words but because I don’t have tha piece of mind, I tend to
break some things even the closest ties. Words are truly powerful, it can sometimes
empower others but sometimes it also breaks people apart. When you don’t have that
peace of mind, you can’t trust yourself thus you can’t also trust other people.

From my own experiences, people are seeking happiness differently, but for me
contentment is the key to happiness. Why? Because if you are unsatisfied, you may
become more greedy that you can’t even realize it within yourself. Your brain is
telling you that what you have achieved isn’t enough yet. You wanted more and you
keep on hurting yourself. Your making self inflictions. We are living temporarily here
on Earth and why won’t we enjoy things as we walk along into our destinations.
Happiness? It depends on us.. It’s up to you whether you would choose it or not.

Task 2. Life’s Guide

When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct…….

Among those life’s instruction coming from Dalai Lama, that line catches my
attention. As humans, mistakes are really inevitable. We tend to jump into
conclusions without even thinking. We sometimes make our own decisions without
precision. We do some sort of stuffs that are out of hand without realizing it and in
the end we are having regrets about it. Even though the damage has been done, it it’s
never too late to reconcile and do the next right thing. But first, we have to admit that
we have made a mistake. Then we have to communicate to them openly and
wholeheartedly. Even though you both feel hurt and disappointed, it is possible to
heal the wounds of a broken connections and stay involved in each other's lives. We
should not let those egos eat us and be the hindrance. We should take an immediate
action or it might lead to the the remorseful part.

Reinforcement and Enrichment


*1. What is the importance of the Lotus Sutra in the Mahayana sect of Buddhism?

The Lotus Sutra is one of the most important and most influential Buddhist

sutras in Mahayana Sutras. The Lotus Sutra is highly valued in many Asian countries
where Mahayana Buddhism is widely practiced and worshiped. 

According to Mahayana Sutras , the lotus sutra contains the words

and teachings preached by Shakyamuni Buddha himself. The Lotus Sutra is one of
the unique sutras that contained the teachings of Buddha since it states that there is
a possibility for all people regardless of their differences, to attain Enlightenment .

*2. What aspect of Mahayana Buddhism could make it more appealing that
Theravada Buddhism?

Mahayana Buddhism appealing to vast majority of followers most especially to

people of lower castes because it emphasized individuals' path to enlightenment and
salvation which could be attained in this life.

*3. How did Mahayana Buddhism shape Asian history in terms of activism?

Mahayana Buddhism was identified as one of major movements in Asia during

the time it started to emerge. This was a form of activism in a way that they are
imposing changes such as emphasis on their teachings, including their
reinterpretations of basic human principles, values and ideals: which later lead to
more branches of schools that refine the teachings of Buddhism. The emergence of
the Mahayana Buddhism movement caused a lot of changes but it remained true to
the doctrines or teachings of compassion in its core.

4. How do you think Mahayana Buddhism’s concept of bodhisattva contributed to it

being one of the most successful missionary religions in the world?

Mahayana Buddhism’s concept of bodhisattva was one of the most successful

missionary religions in the world because it emphasizes compassion towards the
people. This bodhisattvas helps in facilitating assistance to people to be able to
achieve nirvana.

100 million worldwide 535.2 million
Number of Followers
Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, China, Korea, Japan,
Countries Cambodia Taiwan, Mongolia, ,
Vietnam, Nepal, Malaysia,
and Bhutan


Instruction. Write the word TRUE if the sentence is true, If not, write the word
FALSE and replace the underlined word to make the sentence correct.
2. FALSE, China, Korea, Japan
3. FALSE, different principal structures based on Pali Canon
6. FALSE, T’ien-t’a
10. TRUE

Instruction. Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer only.
1. E
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. I
6. J
7. F
8. G
9. H
10. D

Instruction. Make a comparison of Mahayana Buddhism from Theravada
Buddhism by completing the table below.
Mahayana Theravada
View on Siddhartha
Concept of Bodhisattva
Sacred Scriptures Tripitaka [Sutra Pitaka Tripitaka [Sutra Pitaka
(Discourse), Vinaya Pitaka (Discourse), Vinaya Pitaka
(Discipline), and Abhidharma (Discipline), and Abhidharma
(Ultimate Doctrine)], Lotus (Ultimate Doctrine)]
Worship and Observances  they pray and chant to  simple temple layout
pay their respect to the with an image of
Buddhas and Siddhartha Gautama
bodhisattvas, such as  practice of meditation
Manjushri, and
 offer vegetarian food
and light incense to
pay homage to these
important divine
 Their important
symbols are the lotus
that symbolizes
purity,the eight-spoke
wheels that represents
the dharma, and the
different hand
gestures (mudras).
Subdivisions/Sects  Madhyamika,
 Yogachara,
 Sukhavati,
 Jodo-shu,
 Jodo-Shin-shu,
 Ch’an,
 T’ien-t’ai,
 Nichiren: Soka Gakkai,
Nichiren Shoshu, and
Nichiren Shu, Tibetan

D. WHO IS THE DALAI LAMA? Instruction. Do a research about the Dalai Lama, his
Buddhist way of life, how he uses his wisdom to inspire others, and life’s works.
Make a symbol, a short poem, a letter in a short size bond paper. See the rubric below
as a guide.
The 14th Dalai Lama also known as Gyalwa Rinpoche to the Tibetan
people,by his spiritual name Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin
Gyatso, birth name Lhamo Dhondup , and also as Tenzin Gyatso (born 6 July 1935),
is the current Dalai Lama, the highest spiritual leader of Tibet, and considered a
living Bodhisattva, an emanation of Avalokiteśvara. He is also the leader of
the Gelug school, the newest school of Tibetan Buddhism and is formally headed
by the Ganden Tripa. The central government of Tibet, the Ganden Phodrang,
invested the Dalai Lama with temporal duties until his exile in 1959. Over the
years the Dalai Lama has influenced many people with his teachings. He has written
many books on world peace and has given many speeches about happiness,
compassion, justice, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment and self-discipline.


 This symbol represents the Dalai Lama because the unalome symbol represents the
path to enlightenment in the Buddhist culture. The spirals are meant to symbolize the
twists and turns in life, and the straight lines the moment one reaches enlightenment
or peace and harmony. The dots at the end of the symbol represent death, or the
moment we fade to nothing . It represents their teachings about life and the belief of
reincarnation which is really important among Buddhist.

Dear Dalai Lama,

I was once taught that I could not have that piece of mind. Everything seems
difficult to handle. Everything seems so annoying. I actually told myself that if I got a
choice, I would never choose to exist in this cruel world. I hate how the past affects
the future. Whenever I would try to close my eyes, the past bothers me a lot. I keep
on reminiscing those stupid things I made especially those decisions that crucially
damaged my mental stability. It seems like things doesn’t go on your way. Maybe
that’s how life works.We may not get the things we want but at least we have done
something. At least we tried, right? Opportunities will just pass around and we
should just keep on trying. I have watched your video about the guide to happiness
and it had helped me to find that happiness that I am longing for. I’ve come up with a
realization that piece of mind is everything. It brings satisfaction within ourselves.
All this time, I was looking for happiness and I realized it was within myself. It
happened that I did not chose to be happy that’s why I thought the world was cruel
and the world was filled with sorrow. About the past? I won’t allow it to destroy the
future. I would use it as my armor and it would never be a hindrance. After all the
future depends on us so we should try to work things out.But we should I would
inculcate this into my mind that peace of mind is all that I need. If you have some
time, can I ask you out for a coffee? I would like to ask more about life so that I could
be fully equipped for more challenges that will come.




Happiness is reached by keeping peace

with others and one’s self
It is not ready made but it comes from our own actions
Just try it out and you’ll find satisfaction

Piece of mind is all that we need

To defy all the evildoings that are living within
Anger should never be a solution
Remember that if we fought fire with fire
We will all get burned indeed!

Don’t you ever lose your hope

Or else you will lose your dreams
Life is just as simple as it is
Be gentle with yourself
Take it easy
Then things will just go just smoothly as you pleased

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