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Planning Worksheet, Data Summary, and Data Analysis Sheet

Teacher Candidate: Kay Solderitch Course/Section:
Cooperating Teacher/Grade Level: Courtney Reichert/Kindergarten Total Students 26
Supervisor: Dr. Varano Semester/Year: Spring 2021, Senior Year
Unit Topic: Dental Health

1. List (bulleted) the content and/or process standards you’ll be assessing.

 Dental Health
o Dental tools for home
o Dental tools used by the dentist
o Healthy foods for strong teeth
o The function of teeth
 Standards
o Standard 10.2.K.A1: Identify fundamental practices for good health.
o Standard 10.5.K.C1: Use tools with control and skill to perform tasks.
o Standard 10.1.K.C1: Identify foods that keep our bodies healthy.
o Standard 10.1.K.B1: Identify and describe functions of basic body parts and
2. Design a pre-test/preliminary post-test that are both aligned to these content standards.
Check the district objectives (based on the district’s curriculum framework).
 The pre and post-test unit is included on a separate document, as well as the pre and
post-test results.
3. Describe how you think your pre-test is aligned to your proposed unit standards and
objectives. If not aligned, what do you need to change for your post-test?
 I think my pre-test is aligned to the unit standards and objectives. I reviewed the
standards and objectives and implemented questions based on the overall content of
the dental health unit. I made sure to incorporate questions from each specific dental
health unit lesson. The questions will allow me to determine if the students developed
an overall understanding of the dental health unit.

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4. Prior to administering the pre-test, set your proficiency levels.
For instance, what will constitute “Target”, “Acceptable” and “Unacceptable”? These
levels should remain consistent on your post-test. Please list proficiency levels below. (Ex:
Target will = 90% - 100%; Acceptable = 70% - 90%; Unacceptable = Below 70%).
 Target = 8-10/10
 Acceptable = 6-7/10
 Unacceptable = 0-5/10
5. Administer the Pre-Test and assess its results. Record your results below.
Target Acceptable Unacceptable Total
26 6 8 12 26
23% 31% 46% 100%
% of students

6. Given the pre-test data, please analyze the following:

 Student Strengths: Almost all students correctly circled the picture of the vegetables
when asked “Which food keeps our teeth healthy and strong?” Additionally, most
students answered this question correctly: “Who do we go to see when we get our
teeth cleaned?” I was also surprised with the students’ true or false answers. A lot of
the students answered the true or false questions correctly.
 Areas of student struggle: The students struggled the most with the dental tool
questions and the questions involving numbers (How many times a day should we
brush our teeth? How many times a year should we go to the dentist?)
 Error patterns: Many students marked down that people should brush their teeth
once a day. Additionally, many students put that they should go to the dentist once or
12 times a year. When administering the pre-test, I noticed that many students start
circling their answers before reviewing all the answer choices.
7. How does your analysis of student struggle and error patterns influence the planning,
implementation, and assessment of your unit?
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For example, based on student strengths, who may need extra challenge in your planned
accommodations? How might you do this? Based on areas of struggle, who may need
adaptations/modifications in your planned accommodations? How might you do this?
Based on error patterns, what might you need to emphasize in your lessons?
 Based on the students’ strengths, I will need to make the dental health unit lesson 3
a little more challenging. Therefore, the students will be participating in a
performance-based assessment. They will search for healthy versus unhealthy
foods in various food flyers and paste them to the healthy versus unhealthy tooth.
They must have 10-12 good versus bad foods for teeth on each tooth. This is more
challenging because the students must find their own foods. It will be stated in
class that they should include vegetables, fruits, and dairy products on the healthy
 I need to put more emphasis on visits to the dentist and how often we should
brush, floss, etc. at our homes. Additionally, the students need to focus on the
dental tools used by the dentist. I have a Google Slides and review game in place
for this topic.
 I have several engaging, educational videos on dental health that address the error
patterns. I also would like to address the importance of looking at all the answer
choices before coming to a decision.
8. Re-design your post-test/summative assessment, if necessary.
9. After teaching your planned unit, administer the post-test.
10. Collect the post-test data. Record it below:
Target Acceptable Unacceptable Total
Number 19 6 1 26
students 73% 23% 4% 100%
% of students

11. Given the post-test data, please analyze the following:

Weiler 2016
 Student Strengths: The students were able to recognize all home tools used to take
care of teeth. They also did a good job of recognizing the dental tools used by the
dentist along with foods that are healthy for teeth versus foods that are not healthy for
teeth. Additionally, many students did a lot better with the questions: How many times
a day should we brush our teeth? How many times a year should we go to the dentist?
Overall, every single student who took the pre-test did better on their post-tests!
 Areas of student struggle: The students who fell on the “acceptable level” struggled
with some true or false questions and the question: “How many times a year should we
go to the dentist?” Many more students struggled with this question during the pre-
test, but these students answered either once or 12 times per year.
 Error patterns: These students really struggled answering that we should go to the
dentist twice a year. We went over this concept a couple times in lessons one and two.
12. How does your post-test data compare to your pre-test data?
 Each student improved from the pre-test! Most students improved by two or
three points. This is huge because the test was out of ten points. Some students
even improved by four points. Each question is worth one point. Therefore, the
students got two-four more questions correct from the pre-test.
13. Can you make a case that your instruction has influenced student learning? Why or
why not?
 I believe that the visuals, educational videos, and hands-on activities allowed
the students to have a better understanding of this material. The students in Mrs.
Reichert’s classroom work well with visuals and kinesthetic materials. It is
important to implement hands-on and visual materials to enhance the students’
learning experience.
14. After reviewing the data, please describe your remediation plan for students who
demonstrated an unacceptable level of achievement. If all students achieved at the
acceptable level or above, please write a hypothetical remediation plan in which
you both anticipate what skills/concepts students MIGHT have difficulties
accomplishing/understanding and how you’d go about remediating. This might
include re-teaching (with different methodology of course!), adapting the materials,
adapting/revising the assessment, etc.

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 All students met at the target or acceptable score. One student received an
unacceptable score due to incompletion. As mentioned in the reflection section
on the dental health unit lesson five, she is an all-virtual student who usually
does the work without watching the live sessions, so it is hard for me to connect
with her face to face. The summative assessment is uploaded onto Google
Classroom for her to complete on the site. She can also print the exam, scan it,
and submit it virtually.
 I planned to meet with the students who received an acceptable score, only
because this means they received a 6/10 or 7/10 on the summative assessment.
This is not an unacceptable score; however, I noticed that there were a couple
concepts we could review for them to develop a better understanding of the
 For a remediation plan, I would have the students participate in a hands-on
activity, pretending that they are visiting the dentist. As mentioned in reflection
five, I would ask the students specific questions relating to the dentist and
dental tools. I would use the mouth model and the dental tool props when
asking the questions. Afterwards, the students will participate in a Kahoot!
session that has specific questions on the dentist, dental tools, and the functions
of teeth.

Weiler 2016

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