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Keiko Watanabe

47 E.
Tremper Road

Tremper, AZ


June 10, 2018

Tomas L. Jones

Personnel Director

Resources Exploration

350 S. Madison Ave.

Bellevue, WA 98004

Dear Personnel Director,

I am writing to you because the job title "General Cartography Mineral Research" seemed to
be the kind of job for I am looking for. And your company is the type of place I'm looking for to
improve my skills in cartography.

I am currently I am recent college graduated in Geology Engineering from the University

Espol's department of Earth Science. However, since it seems you are more interested in a
candidate's personality than education, let me tell you a little bit about myself. While I was at
college, I led field trips to the Chimborazo and Tungurahua volcanos to study the rock
formations. Adding the study of water-bearing in the communa Manglaralto for supporting to
people without water.
In short, I am eager to learn more about asteroid mining and how I can fit into the
organization. I know about your studies to find a strategic location for extract gold in the
mines, I would like to support with several ideas to do less occupational hazard, have a
sustainable growth, and have a beneficial relationship with new companies care about the


Keiko Watanabe

1. Telecommunications technicians play integral roles in delivering Internet, phone, and digital
services to customers. Students who major in telecommunication as part of a bachelor's
degree program can consider jobs in broadcasting, marketing, research, and media

2. Some disadvantages of being freelancer are following: working from home can be isolated,
they work lack of benefits, freelancing in the legal industry carries unique practical and ethical
implications, which include an unauthorized practice of law, client disclosure and consent,
confidentiality and data security issues and the need to perform thorough conflict checks.

3. My mom is an accountant, but I don't like this career. I prefered to study Geology at Espol
University. I like to know about the environment, water and Earth.

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