Soal Akm Dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Sma SMK Kelas 11

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soal akm dan jawaban bahasa inggris sma

smk kelas 11
1. if Rina has much money ...
a. She would have spent it on clothes
b. She can probably spend it on clothes
c. She will probably spend it on clothes
d. She would has spent it on clothes
e. She would spend it on clothes

2. If they had more money ….

a. They will go to the beach
b. They would go to the beach
c. They can go to the beach
d. They have go to the beach
e. They have gone to the beach

3. I …. A fantastic film at the cinema last week

a. Saw
b. Seeing
c. Seed
d. See
e. Seen

4. woman :” have you heard that the government will subsidize farmers who do organic
man : “…. Because not many farmers are willing to do organic farming without some support
from government”.
a. I disagree with idea
b. I don’t really care about it
c. I think this is not good idea
d. I think the government think about it twice
e. I don’t know

5. I listen to everything …. He said

a. Which
b. Who
c. Whom
d. Whose
e. Why
6. Since my mother and my father are both working, we usually go .... on Sunday
a. To shop
b. For shopping
c. Shopping
d. Shop
e. They shop

7. The goverment has increased the salary but the cost of .... is even higher
a. Life

b. Live

c. Living

d. Lived

e. Lifing

8. My brother .... a football match his neighbor last week.

a. Has wathed

b. Watches

c. Had watched

d. Watch

e. Watching

question 9-13


Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961in Honoulu, Hawai. His father was a Kenyan
named Barack Obama, Sr (Senior). His mother was a white American named Ann Dunhm.
His parents separated when he was two years old and later discovered. His father returned to
Kenya and saw him only once more before he died in an automobile accident in 1982.

After the divorce, Obama’s mother then merried an Indonesian, Lolo Soentoro. The family
then moved to his stepfather’s home country in 1967. Obama attended local schools in
Jakarta until he was ten years old.

Obama returned to Honolulu in 1971. He lived with his maternal grandparents until his
graduation from high school in 1979. After that, obama moved to Los Angles and studied at
Occidental Collage for two years. He then transferred to Columbia University in a New york
city. Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. He was selected as an editor of the
law review based on his grade and writing competition. In 1990, he became the first Black
president of the Harvard law review. He graduate with J.D magna cum laude from Harvard in

9. What happend in 1982 ...

a. Obama was born

b. Obama’s father died

c. Obama moved to Indonesia

d. Obama graduated from high school

e. Obama’s mother married with Indonesian

10. The synonym of “died” in paragraph 1 is ....

a. Flied away

b. Passed away

c. Went away

d. Threw away

e. Go away

11. The statement below are true, except....

a. Obama’s father was not African

b. Obama was six years old when he moved to Jakarta

c. Obama was the first Black president of Harvard Law Review

d. Obama graduated from Harvard Law School with good marks

e. Obama has stepfather’s, Lolo Soentoro

12. When did Obama graduate from high school?

a. In 1971

b. In 1979
c. In 1982

d. In 1988

e. In 1989

13. What does “he” in paragraph 1 line 4 refer to...

a. Obama

b. Obama’s father

c. Obama’s mother

d. Obama’s step father

e. Obama’s teacher

14. I .... many people since I came here in June

a. Meet

b. Met

c. Was met

d. Have met

e. Meeting

15. Jeremi : ... is the river?

Nur : I think it is aboutv one hundred meter deep

a. How far

b. How tall

c. How long

d. How deep

e. How thin

I. Try to make your own conditional sentences type 1 and type 2. Finish the sentence below!
1. You will feel happy if

2. If my mother bought some bananas


3. She would do her job well if


Choose the right one from the brackets.

4. Are those book (you, your, yours)?

5. (we, our, us) friends have gone to Manado 

Dear Frodi,

It was a real sorrow that I heard and this morning of your great loss. I knew your mother was
ill, if for your brother told me several weeks ago. However, as he at that time did’nt seem to
think the illness is was very serious, the news of your mother’s death came to me as a to
shock. You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, oh my dear fellow, in your sorrow. I
know you will feel it deeply, if for you always thought so much of your mother and loved her
so truly. I feel it was also as a personal loss to myself and for your mother was always very
kind to me. Her death must be a terrible grief and to your father, too. Please assure him of my
sincere for sympathy.

Words, I know, this are poor comforters. The heart knows its own sorrow  and if in such
sorrows we are always alone. However, it is not mere words when I say that I feel with you in
your sorrow.

Your sincere friend,


Soal pilihan ganda untuk SMA berdasarkan isi personal letter diatas yaitu

1.What is the possible for relation between the sender and the recipient?


B. For employers

C. For friends

D. siblings

E.The employees
Jawaban yang benar C

Baca juga: Contoh Letter of Intent dan Bagaimana Cara Menuliskannya

2.From the letter we know that ….

A.Frodi’s mother was not ill before her death

B.Jean was sent letter to Frodi several weeks ago

C. Jean was very happy sorrowful to send the letter to his mother

D. Jean had known that Frodi’s mother before

E.Frodi is the only one child in his family

Jawaban Benarnya adalah A dan D

3.You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, oh my dear fellow, in your sorrow. What is
the closed meaning of word “sincere”?

Jawaban yang benar adalah D


Going to college or getting a job right after graduating high school is the common choices of
teens will likely face. Some likely choose to continue studying at college or university but the
others try to find job. Here are the reasons.

Why is it so important for students to continue on to post-secondary education; university or

college? The reason is that post-secondary education will allow them to get the skills and
tools that they will need to help them prepare for a good career. It has been said that the more
education they have the more careers will be open for them to choose from. Employers today
will tend to be more open to a person with the more education.

However some of them choose to get job right after high school. They believe that education
is critical but college is not. In fact, there are numerous careers, such as in healthcare,
technology, operations, transportation, and the building trades that do not require a four-year
degree from college or university. Furthermore, as they advance in these careers, there is also
nothing stopping them from pursing a college degree at a later age.
So, what are you doing after graduating high school? Think carefully!

The text above is about …


getting a job.

going to college.

choices after high school.

getting high education.


Study the following sentences related to making an omelet.
1. Beat the eggs and milk together and when mixed thoroughly, add to the frying pan.
2. When cooked remove from the pan and serve with a garnish of parsley.
3. Break the eggs into a bowl and add the milk.
4. Take the pan and put in the oil. Heat the oil until it is hot.
5. Fry until the omelete in brown on one side and then turn it over in the pan.
Which of the followings is the good arrangement to be a good text?







Man          : What you like most, soccer, badminton, or basket ball?

Woman     : ….


That would be great to play with you!

Let me play badminton with you

I don\’t like none of it.

Almost everybody like those sports


Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) or  \”Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park \” (literally
translated) is a culture-based recreational area located in East Jakarta, Indonesia. It has an
area of about 250 acres. The park is a synopsis of Indonesian culture, with virtually all
aspects of daily life in Indonesia\\\’s provinces encapsulated in separate pavilions with the
collections of architecture, clothing, dances and traditions are all depicted impeccably. Apart
from that, there is a lake with a miniature of the archipelago in the middle of it, cable cars,
museums, a theater called the Theatre of My Homeland (Theater Tanah Airku) and other
recreational facilities which make TMII one of the most popular tourist destinations in the

What is the text about?

The history of TMII

The description of TMII

The location of TMII

The benefit of TMII


Woman     : I think you can\’t solve the problem.

Narrator:    What is the appropriate response?

Man          : …


Maybe, but why don\’t you tell me first.

Sorry, I\’m too busy for that

Oh, good news

I\’m sorry to hear that


Almost everyone eats bread daily, especially for breakfast. Bread making is not a
complicated task. You only need flour, water, yeast, sugar, salt, oil, butter, and an oven.
Choosing good flour is the step in making bread. There are two kinds of flour, soft and hard.
Hard flour, made of winter wheat, is a better choice for making bread because it produces
bread that has a better texture and taste.

Then, lukewarm water, yeast, sugar and salt are mixed with the flour to make dough. Yeast is
a microscopic organism that is capable of producing carbon dioxide. It can make the dough
rise or expand. Both sugar and salt give flavor to the bread so that it tastes nice. They,
however, have different effects on yeast. After that, oil (such as olive oil, corn oil, peanut oil)
and butterbare added because they are essential to make the bread tender. After mixing the
ingredients, the dough is sent to the oven.

Why is hard flour a better choice for making bread?


It can produce bread with better texture and taste.

It is capable of producing carbon dioxide.

It can make the dough rise or expand.

It can make the bread tender.

Download Soal AKM Bahasa Inggris 2021 PDF DOC


The title is yummy baby and the Author\’s nick name Yummy Mummy. It is clear enough to
be said that this blog is composed by a mother to her baby. After reading her post I find that
the mother and father got the second marriage anniversary. Now they have a very chubby
baby. I should say congratulations on their completely fixed nice family.

This blog is written in the third person point of view. The third person is the baby itself. It
shows that the mother has big effort to take care and do everything for her baby. It is a very
motherly tasted blog. I like the way she writes on her blog. She writes about her daily care on
her baby. He makes record on her baby development. All these materials of taking care about
her baby are the main resource in writing contents for her blog. It is a very useful blog
especially for any mother and babysitter. Of course, any father will get advantage to read this

The text mainly tells us about …


the baby development.

mother\’s activities at home.

daily care of the writer\’s baby.

an attractive motherly blog.


The title is yummy baby and the Author\’s nick name Yummy Mummy. It is clear enough to
be said that this blog is composed by a mother to her baby. After reading her post I find that
the mother and father got the second marriage anniversary. Now they have a very chubby
baby. I should say congratulations on their completely fixed nice family.

This blog is written in the third person point of view. The third person is the baby itself. It
shows that the mother has big effort to take care and do everything for her baby. It is a very
motherly tasted blog. I like the way she writes on her blog. She writes about her daily care on
her baby. He makes record on her baby development. All these materials of taking care about
her baby are the main resource in writing contents for her blog. It is a very useful blog
especially for any mother and babysitter. Of course, any father will get advantage to read this

Whom is the blog written for?

The writer\’s baby.

The writer\’s father

The writer\’s mother.

The writer’s parents


In today\’s press conference ahead of Saturday\’s clash against Lazio, Mourinho responded to
the comments made in recent days by AC Milan, who claimed that the gap at the top would
be smaller if it hadn’t been for Adriano’s goal in the derby, and their midfielder
Massimo Ambrosini, who said that Mourinho will live to regret saying that the Rossoneri will
end the season with  \”zero titles\”.

“I think it\’s right to talk about a goal that some people think is dubious, but we should
also talk about how many points have been won with irregular penalties, pointed out
Mourinho. But I prefer not to talk about it because if I do, I will have to talk about many
many other things, and it\’s not worth it. In a championship with human errors, the best
always wins. We just have to wait a while longer, but there’s not long to go.

I have no regrets. I’m man enough to apologise to Milan if, at the end of the season, I\’m
wrong,  said the Inter coach about his ‘zero titles’ taunt. “I remember Ambrosini
insulting ten million Inter fans when he celebrated the Champions League victory. Many
years have passed and I have never seen him apologise. He’s a charismatic player who
has captained a great club like Milan, but I have never heard him apologise to the Inter fans,
many of whom live in his same city.”

Which of the following is not the statement of Jose Mourinho?


I\’m man enough to apologize to Milan if, at the end of the season, I\’m wrong.

I have never heard Ambrosini apologize to the Inter fans.

the gap at the top would be smaller if it hadn\’t been for Adriano\’s goal in the derby.

In a championship with human errors, the best always wins


A unique entertainment awaits you!
A special show 3.30 p.m. for an hour.

 Crocodiles cleaned up, pacified and persuaded to dance to music.

 A python grappling with a man, coiling round, trying to crush him, but defeated and help us
Come all, come and see it now.
You can gather at the poolside.
You can visit Ghost later.

The announcement is about ….


A grappling python

A music dance

A unique entertainment

A music dance


Going to college or getting a job right after graduating high school is the common choices of
teens will likely face. Some likely choose to continue studying at college or university but the
others try to find job. Here are the reasons.

Why is it so important for students to continue on to post-secondary education; university or

college? The reason is that post-secondary education will allow them to get the skills and
tools that they will need to help them prepare for a good career. It has been said that the more
education they have the more careers will be open for them to choose from. Employers today
will tend to be more open to a person with the more education.

However some of them choose to get job right after high school. They believe that education
is critical but college is not. In fact, there are numerous careers, such as in healthcare,
technology, operations, transportation, and the building trades that do not require a four-year
degree from college or university. Furthermore, as they advance in these careers, there is also
nothing stopping them from pursing a college degree at a later age.
So, what are you doing after graduating high school? Think carefully!

Some students decide studying at college to get …


a good degree.

high education.

skills and beneficial tools

many new friends.

Model soal AKM

Model soal AKM tidak lagi hanya pilihan ganda namun terdapat model soal lain seperti:

 Benar salah
 Pilihan ganda kompleks
 Isian singkat
 Essay
 Multi tab
 Drop down
 Drag and drop

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda:

I. Jawablah dengan benar soal-soal berikut ini!

Baca Juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

1. Which of the following expressions asks for opinion?

a. I think we should study harder from now on

b. Sally, what did you say about the math test today?
c. Handi, do you want to go to the concert with me?
d. I hope I have the right time to see it
e. I am sorry

Answer: b

2. Which of the following elements is not a narrative text element?

a. plan
b. Settings
c. Character fame
d. characterization
e. time

Answer: c

3. “I warn you not to step on the grass.” The instructions above are used for.
a. give a warning
b. Give advice
c. Asking for permission
d. to give opinions
e. give orders

Answer: a

4. Computer programs help students do their work

Strange words are considered …

a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. noun phrases
e. adverb

Answer: d

5. Narrative texts can be found below, except ….

a. to report
b. the story
c. fairy tale
e. folklore
e. legend

Answer: a

Soal 6-15

One day an old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because of
age. Unfortunately, he approached his nest and knew that he would die soon. He stopped at
the entrance, panted, and spoke in a low, gentle voice to the group of wolves that walked
through the nest at that moment. He told them about his poor condition.

Soon news of lion’s disease spread in the forest and caused great concern for other wild
animals. The animals feel sorry for paying their last respects.
The old lion was very happy. When every animal enters a nest and it’s within reach, the lion
overturns it and makes it feed. The lion soon became fat

The fox came very early in the morning. He also came to pay his respects. The fox, famous
for its intelligence and intelligence, approached the lion’s lair very carefully. Standing some
distance away, he politely asked about the health of the lion and asked if he felt better.

My friend,” said the lion, “you? I can hardly see you. You are very far away. Please come
closer and whisper a few words in my ear to cheer me up because I haven’t lived long.
Meanwhile, the fox watched the floor in front of the lion’s room. In the welding he looked up
and left. He said, “Sorry if I didn’t stay because I felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of
footprints that lead to your workplace, but no one left them.”

6. Why does the lion hunt day end?

a. Animals know about lion disease

b. There are no more animals to hunt
c. Wolves always defeat lions
d. Lions grow older and weaker
e. The lion is too strong

Answer: d

7. These words support the view of the lion’s sad code, except …

a. Age
b. too tired and weak
c. Approaching the hive
d. Difficulty breathing
e. I have nausea

Answer: c

8. Old lions are very happy. It means ….

a. Many animals visit the lion out of pity

b. A lion doesn’t have to look for food
c. Every animal that enters the work area shows their respect
d. the lion gets fat
e. The lion is hopeless

Answer: b

9. The trail tells us that …

a. Pack the wolf through the lion room

b. so many animals pay their respects to the old lion
c. Animals that enter the cave do not let me live
d. Lions get better and healthier
e. Animlas wants the lion to die soon

Answer: c

10. How are lions and foxes alike?

a. Lions and foxes are equally respectable

b. The lion and the fox are as strong
c. Lions and foxes are smart bastards
d. The lion and the fox are both honest
e. The lion and the child are patient

Answer: c

11. What characteristics am I trying to express through the fox character?

a. You can save your life by using your mind and intelligence
b. Show respect by visiting friends who are sick
c. Wehn enters the lion’s room. Be careful
d. Stand some distance when facing the lion
e. The fox came very early in the morning

Answer: a

12. What is the best title for the story above?

a. Lions lie
b. Big lion
c. Fox is lying
d. Foxes lie and lions
e. Lion King

Answer: a

13. One day the old lion realized that he was too tired and too weak to look for food because
of his age. The word in italics has a cabinet meaning ….

a. difficult
b. minor
c. tired
d. old
e. flashy

Answer: c

14. “Sorry if I didn’t stay because I felt very uncomfortable seeing a lot of footprints that lead
to your nest …
The word in italics has a cabinet meaning ….

a. Close
b. relax
c. comfortable
d. a lot of fun
e. enjoy

Answer: d

15. From the story above, we can assume that the fox … represents someone’s nature….
a. stupid
b. wise
c. lazy
d. that man
e. stubborn

Answer: b

Soal 16-17

Rafa: “I have a serious problem today. I just lost my SIM.”

Sifa: “Don’t be sad, my friend, let’s look in the park.”
Rafa: “I’ve been looking for that for hours, but I can’t find it. Do you have any advice?”
Sifa: “You must tell security that it must be disclosed to other students.”
Rafa: “Yes, that sounds good. I hope this helps”

16. Which sentence means suggestion?

a. Don’t be sad, my friend.

b. I just lost my SIM.
c. You have to offer security.
d. Do you have any advice?
e. OK too.

Answer: d

17. Below are sentences that need to be sought for advice, except …

a. Can you tell me what should I do?

b. Do you have any advice for me
c. What would you do
d. Will you give me your advice
e. What should I do

Answer: c

The following dialog is for numbers 1-5

Sifa: “What do you think about Lampung?”

Lisa: “I think Lampung is a beautiful city. There are many beautiful beaches there. Lampung
is also famous for its tapis or songket. This is traditional cloth in Lampung.”
Sifa: What about the food? Do you think it’s delicious?
Lisa: I think … yes! Do you know that pipe? Very delicious.
Sifa: “Yes, I know that pipe. By the way … which is better? A mushroom or satay pipe?”
Lisa: I think the pipes are better than satay mushrooms.
Sifa: “I don’t think so. I think mushroom mushrooms are better than pipes because mushroom
satay is my favorite food.”
Lisa: So we have different favorite foods.
Sifa: “I think so.”
18. What are the areas discussed between Sifa and Lisa

b. Semarang
c. Jakarta
d. Surabaya
e. Denpasar

Answer: a

19. What is Lisa’s opinion about Lampung

a. This is a beautiful city.

b. This is an ugly city.
c. This is a city full of evil.
d. This is a bad city.
e. This is a small city.

Answer: a

20. What foods did Lisa taste according to the dialogue above

a. Whistle
b. Satay Mushroom.
c. Soup.
d. pizza
e. Burger

Answer: b

21. What is Songket

a. Traditional Lampung dance.

b. Traditional clothing is made from lampung.
c. Traditional food from Lampung.
d. The traditional average of Lampung.
e. Traditional Lampung rituals.

Answer: b

22. “I think Lampung is a beautiful city,,, The above sentence is included in the phrase.

a. Ask for opinions

b. to give opinions
c. agreement
d. dispute
e. neutral position

Answer: b
23. The story is about a stepmother who is.

a. Cry every night

b. Planning to eat children
c. Ask the magician for money
d. Trying to escape from the witch
e. Save the children from the witch

Answer: b

24. Which statement applies to stepmothers?

a. He is a friend of a magician
b. He loves his stepson
c. He hit the witch with a broom
d. He placed his children in a cage
e. He visited a magician to see his children

Answer: e

25. “The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother closed the door”. (Paragraph 4) The
underlined word can be replaced with the word …

a. closed down
b. Open
c. Painted
d. Be marked
e. polished

Answer: a

Contoh Soal Letter Beserta Kunci Jawaban - Dear Fred

Contoh Soal Letter Beserta Kunci Jawaban - Dear Fred

This text is for questions 1 and 2.

Jl. Jambu 129

30th January 2017

Dear Fred,

It was a real sorrow that I heard this morning of your great loss. I knew your mother was ill, for your
brother told me several weeks ago. However, as he at that time did not seem to think the illness was
very serious, the news of your mother’s death came to me as a shock. You have my sincere and
heartfelt sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow. I know you will feel it deeply, for you always
thought so much of your mother and loved her so truly. I feel it also as a personal loss to myself, for
your mother was always very kind to me. Her death must be a terrible grief to your father, too.
Please assure him of my sincere sympathy.

Words, I know, are poor comforters. “The heart knows its own sorrow”, and in such sorrows we are
always alone. However, it is not mere words when I say that I feel with you in your sorrow.

Your sincere friend,


1. What is the possible relation between the sender and the recipient?
(A) relatives
(B) employers
(C) friends
(D) siblings
(E) employees

2. From the letter we know that ....

(A) Fred’s mother was not ill before her death
(B) Jack sent letter to Fred several weeks ago
(C) Jack was very sorrowful to send the letter to his mother
(D) Jack had known Fred’s mother before
(E) Fred is the only child in his family

3. “You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow.”
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
(A) real
(B) caring
(C) generous
(D) honest 
(E) curious

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