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Anggota Kelompok:

Diaz Ayu Chofifah P27220020060

Dita Oktavia Purwadani P27220020061
Elina Oktafiani P27220020062
Elvana Deanovisa P27220020063
Endah Ragil Saputri P27220020064

Diaz Ayu Chofifah : Nurse 1
Dita Oktavia Purwadani : Doctor
Elina Oktafiani : Patient
Elvana Deanovisa : Receptionist
Endah Ragil Saputri : Nurse 2

It’s been two days since Mrs Elina has a fever and feels weak, headache, muscle ache, red spots
appear on her hands, then Mrs. Elina makes an apoinment with dr. Maya in Moewardi hospital,

Elvana : Good morning, in Moewardi Hospital with Elvana speaking. How can I
help you?

Elina : Good morning, I need to make an appointment with Dr. Maya.

Elvana : Yes mrs. , may I know your name?

Elina : My name is Elina

Elvana : Okay Mrs Elina , where do you live?

Elina : I live in Tegalmulyo, Mojosongo

Elvana : May I know your phone number?

Elina : My phone number is 099123

Elvana : Yes Mrs. Elina, when will you make an appointment with Dr. Maya?

Elina : May I know dr. Maya’s practice schedule at this hospital?

Elvana : Dr. Maya’s practice schedule from Monday to Wednesday at 8:00 a.m.
until 1:00 p.m

Elina : Hmm okay, can I make an appointment on Monday at 09:00 a.m.?

Elvana : Sorry Mrs, Elina, Dr. Maya’s schedule on Monday is full until 10.00 a.m.
What if about 11.00 a.m?

Elina : Okay, I’ll take that time.

Elvana : Alright ma’am. Now, what is your complaint?

Elina : I have been having a fever for 2 days. And my fever is getting worse each

Elvana : Okay Mrs Elina anything else?

Elina : I have body ache, headache, muscle ache, and red spot on my hand.

Elvana : Alright, mrs Elina’s complain had noted

Elvana : Yes mrs. Elina, thank you for contacting us.

Mrs. Elina come to the Moewardi Hospital according the appointment with dr. Maya

Elina : Good morning, I have an appointment to check with dr. Maya today.

Elvana : Good morning, may I know your name and where do you live. This is for
to check your data.
Elina : My name is Elina and I live in Tegal Mulyo, Mojosongo

Elvana : Alright ma’am I will check your data first. With Mrs. Elina and the
complaint is fever, right?

Elina : Yes alright

Elvana : The appointment with dr. Maya at 11.00 a.m, right?

Elina : Yes right

Elvana : Okay Mrs. Elina, what's the problem?

Elina : I have been having a fever for two days, and sometimes I have body ache,
headache, muscle ache, and red spot on my hand

Elvana : Sorry mrs may I know your temperature body before you come here ?

Elina : My temperature is 38 degrees of celcius

Elvana : Did you previously have a history of disease?

Elina : No I did’nt

Elvana : Is there any of your family member, who has history with fever?

Elina : I don’t think so

Elvana : Okay Mrs Elina. After this, please wait until I call your name. dr. Maya
will see you soon

Elina : Okay thank you.

After the clock showed 11.00 the receptionist called Mrs. Elina to enter the doctor's examination

Elvana : Queue number 25 Mrs Elina, please enter to dr. Maya medical examination

Elina : Yes, it’s me

Elvana : This is your file, please give it to nurse in the room. Now mrs. Elina's can enter
the medical examination room.
Elina : Yes, thank you

The patient enters the medical examination room of dr. Dita and handed over the file given from
the receptionist

Dr. Dita : Good afternoon, Mrs. Elina

Elina : Good afternoon, dr. Dita

Dr. Dita : How are you feeling now, what the matter Mrs. Elina?

Elina : I have been having a fever for two days, and sometimes I have body ache,
headache, muscle ache, and red spot on my hand. This morning I had a nosebleed

Dr. Dita : I saw red spots on your hands, when did red spots appear on mrs Elina's hands?

Elina : I get it 2 days after fever.

Dr. Dita : Now, please lying in bed. Ners Diaz will help Mrs. Elina's take the temperature
and we wiil take your blood sample to find out whether Mrs. Elina has dengue hemorrhagic
fever. May I do it now?

Elina: Yes dr. Dita, I am ready

The patient goes to the examination bed

Nurse 1 : Excuse me, Mrs. Elina, I will check your temperature . And then I will put this
thermometer in your armpit. Please wait until you hear a beep.

Elina : Yes alright


Nurse 1 : Your temperature is 39 degrees of Celsius, it’s high. Then I will take your blood
sample. Can I do it now?

Ellina : Yes,nurs please

Nurse 1 : Relax your hand,and now I will take your blood. Take a breath please. Yes it is.
Thank you.

The nurse has taken a blood sample and brought it to the laboratory and then the results of the
blood sample given to dr. Dita

Dr. Dita : Alright mrs elina's , so here it the result. The results showed that the platelet
count of mrs. Elina's was decreased, and in the IgG serology test, Mrs. Elina's was positive for
dengue hemorrhagic fever. For this reason, I suggest mrs. Elina's to be be hospitalized in this
hospital for to gets intensive care.

Patient : yes doctor, thank you.

Dr. Dita : After this the nurse Diaz will escort mrs Elina to the Melati’s room to fill out
the inpatient appointment.

The nurse takes the patient to the inpatient room for further action

Nurse 2 : Alright, mrs Elina's, please lie down here, I will take an intravenous device first

Elina : Yes nurs, please

Nurse 2 : Excuse me mrs elina's here I will put the infusion first

Elina : Alright nurs

Nurse 2 : After this I will give medicine to mrs Elina, you can eat first then immediately
drink it and rest

Patient : Yes, the medicine is taken several times a day?

Nurse 2 : There are those that are 3 times a day after meals and some are 2 times a day

Patient : Yes, I will take the medicine regularly

Nurse 2 : Well mrs elina's can rest already, right, every day i will check mrs elina's

Patient : Yes nurs, if there is anything I can call where is it?

Nurse 2 : In the nurse's office, can you press the button for help later I will come

Patient : Yes, thanks

Nurse 2 : With the same ma'am, I will excuse you first

Patient : Yes ners

The next day the patient pressed the help button to call the nurse

Patient :  Nurs, I have a headache

Nurse 1 :  Yes, are you okay? Do you need me to call the doctor

Patient :  It’s just felt so dizzy and I barely can’t see it clear since everything circle

Nurse 1 :  Did you take your medicine yet? 

Patient :  Not yet. I just finished eating

Nurse 1 :  Here, let me help you. Take the medicine first, and I’ll call the doctor

Patient :  Thanks nurs. I think I need a rest, could you help me please I wanna lie? 

Nurse 1 :  Yes, here let me help you. Do you feel comfortable now? 
Patient :  Yes, it’s much much better. The headache slowly getting better.  

Nurse 1 :  Okay mrs Elina’s. Don’t hesitate to push the buzzer whenever you need me
okay? I’ll be here in no time. Now take a rest and get well soon. 

Patient :  Thanks a lot nurs

After a few weeks Mrs Elina's health condition began to improve and the doctor said Mrs Elina
'was able to go home

Dr. Dita : Good morning mrs elina's

Patient : Morning doc, how is my condition getting better?
Dr. Dita : Alhamdulillah, Mrs. Elina's condition has improved and can come home at noon
Patient : Wow, thank God doc, do I need to take more medicine?
Dr. Dita : I will give you some vitamins so that Mrs. Elina's body is in shape again
Patient : Yes doc, thank you
Dr. Dita : Yes mrs elina's so excuse me first, hopefully mrs elina's health condition will
recover quickly and be able to do activities as usual
Patient : Ok dok, thank you

Finally, Mrs. Elina's was able to go home, and the nurse helped clean up Mrs. Elina's room and
said goodbye.

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