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Objectives Question Bank (CLO-2)

Q # 1: (CLO-2)
The main disadvantage of Synchronous detection of AM signal is:
A. Needs additional system for synchronization of carrier
B. Receiver is available at cheap prices
C. Needs less number of system as estimated for generation of carrier
D. Receiver is not complex

Q # 2: (CLO-2)
The minimum channel Bandwidth is used by which modulation technique?

Q # 3: (CLO-2)
AM broadcast station transmits modulating frequency up to 6 KHz. If transmitting frequency is
810 KHz, then maximum and lower sidebands are ________
A. 816KHz and 804KHz
B. 826KHz and 804KHz
C. 916KHz and 904KHz
D. 822KHz and 816KHz

Maximum side bands = Modulating frequency + Transmitting frequency
Maximum side bands = 810 + 6
Max Sidebands = 816 KHz

Minimum Side bands = Transmitting Frequency - Modulating frequency

Min side bands = 810 – 6
Min side bands = 804 KHz

Q # 4: (CLO-2)
Maximum power efficiency of an AM modulator is?
A. 25%
B. 33%
C. 66%
D. 100%
Q # 5: (CLO-2)
An AM signal is represented by x (t) = (30 + 2 Sin (700πt)) Cos (2πt x 10²t) V.
Carrier power of the wave is?
A. 555W
B. 450W
C. 675W
D. 780W


Ac 2


Q # 6: (CLO-2)
Envelope Detector is a/an ________
A. Coherent detector
B. Asynchronous Detector
C. Synchronous Detector
D. Product Demodulator

Q # 7: (CLO-2)
The intermediate frequency of a super heterodyne receiver is 500 KHz. What is the image
frequency at 1200 KHz?
A. 600KHz
B. 500KHz
C. 700KHz
D. 200KHz

The image frequency is an undesired input frequency which is demodulated by super heterodyne
receivers along with the desired incoming signal. This results in two stations being received at
the same time, thus producing interference. In the given problem, Image frequency is equal to
(1200 – 500) which is equal to 700KHz.
Q # 8: (CLO-2)
Given below figure shown a scheme for coherent demodulation.

The output is
A. m(t)
B. m(t)/2
C. A + m(t)/2
D. A + m(t)

Q # 9: (CLO-2)
If a 5-kHz signal modulates a 1-MHz carrier, the bandwidth of the AM signal will be:
A. 10 kHz
B. 5 kHz
C. 1005 kHz
D. 1010 kHz

Q # 10: (CLO-2)
In an AM wave, the majority of the power is in _______________
A. lower sideband
B. upper sideband
C. carrier
D. none of the above

Q # 11: (CLO-2)
What form of waveform is shown here?

A. FM waveform
B. AM waveform
C. A carrier
D. None of above
Q # 12: (CLO-2
One of the main functions of the RF amplifier in a super heterodyne receiver is to
A. provide improved tracking
B. permit better adjacent-channel rejection
C. increase the tuning range of the receiver
D. improve the rejection of the image frequency

Q # 13: (CLO-2)
What is the modulation index value if Vmax=5.9v and Vmin=1.2v?
A. 0.5
B. 0.662
C. 0.425
D. 0.14


Modulation Index =
Vmax +Vmin

Modulation∈dex =
5.9+ 1.2

Modulation∈dex =

Modulation Index=0.66197

Q # 14: (CLO-2)
In amplitude modulation frequency and phase of carrier ________
A. varies simultaneously
B. varies alternately
C. initially varies but become same after sometime
D. remains constant

Q # 15: (CLO-2)
What is the value of carrier frequency in the following equation for the FM signal? v(t)= 5
cos(6600t+ 12sin2500t)
A. 1150 Hz
B. 2500 Hz
C. 6600 Hz
D. 1050 Hz.

A standard FM signal is represented by
v(t)= Ac cos(2πfct+ kfsin2πfmt)
Ac = carrier amplitude
fc= carrier frequency
kf= modulation index
fm = modulating frequency
kf = frequency deviation/modulating frequency



Q # 16: (CLO-2)
FM bandwidth can be approximated by:
A. Armstrong’s Rule
B. Bessel’s Rule
C. Carson’s Rule
D. none of the above

Q # 17: (CLO-2)
In FM, the frequency deviation is:
A. Constant
B. Zero
C. Proportional to modulating frequency
D. Proportional to amplitude of modulating signal

Q # 18: (CLO-2)
Consider an angle modulation signal (𝑡) = 6𝑐𝑜𝑠[2𝜋 × 103 + 2 sin(8000𝜋𝑡) + 4 cos(8000𝜋𝑡)]𝑉.
The average power of 𝑥 (𝑡) is
A. 10W
B. 18W
C. 20W
D. 28W


The average power of an angle modulated signal is

Ac 2 6 2
= =18 W
2 2
Q # 19: (CLO-2)
A 10 MHz carrier is frequency modulated by a sinusoidal signal of 500 Hz, the maximum
frequency deviation being 50 KHz. The bandwidth required. as given by the Carson’s rule is
A. 101 KHz
B. 201 KHz
C. 420 KHz
D. 240 KHz

By carson’s rule
BW =2 ( ∆ f + fm )
BW =2 ( 50+0.5 )
BW =101 KHz

Q # 20: (CLO-2)
Consider the frequency modulated signal 10[cos 2𝜋 × 105 𝑡 + 5 sin(2𝜋 × 1500𝑡) + 7.5 sin(2𝜋 ×
1000𝑡)] with carrier frequency of 105 Hz. The modulation index is
A. 12.5
B. 10
C. 7.5
D. 5

Q # 21: (CLO-2)
An angle-modulation signal is given by 𝑠(𝑡) = cos(2𝜋 × 2 × 106 𝑡 + 2𝜋 × 30 sin 150𝑡 + 2𝜋 × 40
cos 150𝑡) The maximum frequency and phase deviations of s(t) are
A. 10.5 KHz, 140π rad
B. 6 KHz, 80π rad
C. 10.5 KHz, 100π rad
D. 7.5 KHz, 100π rad

Q # 22: (CLO-2)
Determine the Bandwidth of a FM wave when the maximum deviation allowed is 75KHz and the
modulating signal has a frequency of 10KHz.
A. 170 KHz
B. 100 KHz
C. 200 KHz
D. 1070 KHz

Modulating frequency fm = 10 KHz
Frequency deviation Δf = 75 KHz
According to Carson s rule, BW = 2(Δf + fm)
= 2 (75 + 10)
= 170 KHz
Q # 23: (CLO-2)
What is the carrier frequency in an AM wave when its highest frequency component is 850Hz
and the bandwidth of the signal is 50Hz?
A. 80 Hz
B. 695 Hz
C. 900 Hz
D. 825 Hz

Q # 24: (CLO-2)
What is the carrier frequency in an AM wave when its highest frequency component is 850Hz
and the bandwidth of the signal is 50Hz?
A. 80 Hz.
B. 695 Hz.
C. 625 Hz.
D. 825 Hz.

Q # 25: (CLO-2)
The advantages of using an RF amplifier are
A. Better sensitivity
B. Improved signal to noise ratio
C. Better selectivity
D. All of the above

Q # 26: (CLO-2)
If modulation index is greater than 1
A. The baseband signal is not preserved in the envelope of the AM signal
B. The recovered signal is distorted
C. It is called over modulation
D. All of the above

Q # 27: (CLO-2)
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) is
A. Have same bandwidth used for two DSB-SC signals
B. Is also known as Bandwidth Conservation scheme
C. Is used in color television
D. All of the above

Q # 28: (CLO-2)
What is the maximum transmission efficiency of an AM signal?
A. 64.44%
B. 33.33%
C. 56.66%
D. 75.55%

Q # 29: (CLO-2)
AM wave may be represented as E(t) cos ωct where E(t) is
A. Envelope of the AM wave
B. Carrier signal
C. Amplitude of modulating signal
D. None of the above

Q # 30: (CLO-2)
For over modulation, the value of modulation index m is
A. m < 1
B. m = 1
C. m > 1
D. Not predetermined

Q # 31: (CLO-2)
The function of multiplexing is
A. To reduce the bandwidth of the signal to be transmitted
B. To combine multiple data streams over a single data channel
C. To allow multiple data streams over multiple channels in a prescribed format
D. To match the frequencies of the signal at the transmitter as well as the receiver

Q # 32: (CLO-2)
Mathematically, AM involves multiplication of the carrier by the information signal.
A. True
B. False

Q # 33: (CLO-2)
The upper sideband contains the same information as the lower sideband.
A. True
B. False

Q # 34: (CLO-2)
In AM, the lower baseband frequencies are in the LSB and the higher baseband frequencies are
in the USB.
A. True
B. False
Q # 35: (CLO-2)
The ratio between the modulating signal voltage and the carrier voltage is called Modulation
A. True
B. False

Q # 36: (CLO-2)
If the frequency of a wave is 20 Hz, its time period is 20 msec.
A. True
B. False

Objectives Question Bank (CLO-3)

Q # 1: (CLO-3)
The signals which are obtained by encoding each quantized signal into a digital word is called as
A. PAM signal
B. PCM signal
C. FM signal
D. Sampling and quantization

Q # 2: (CLO-3)
Quantization noise can be reduced by ________ the number of levels.
A. Decreasing
B. Increasing
C. Doubling
D. Squaring

Q # 3: (CLO-3)
In PCM encoding, quantization level varies as a function of ________
A. Frequency
B. Amplitude
C. Square of frequency
D. Square of amplitude

Q # 4: (CLO-3)
Choosing a discrete value that is near but not exactly at the analog signal level leads to
a) PCM error
b) Quantization error
c) PAM error
d) Sampling error

Q # 5: (CLO-3)
In PCM the samples are dependent on ________
a) Time
b) Frequency
c) Quantization level
d) Interval between quantization level
Q # 6: (CLO-3)
DPCM encodes the PCM values based on
A. Quantization level
B. Difference between the current and predicted value
C. Interval between levels
D. None of the mentioned

Q # 7: (CLO-3)
Delta modulation uses _____ bits per sample.
A. One
B. Two
C. Four
D. Eight

Q # 8: (CLO-3)
A special PCM system uses 16 channels of data, one whose purpose is an identification (ID) and
synchronization. The sampling rate is 3.5 kHz. The word length is 6 bits. Find the serial data
A. 451kHz
B. 326kHz
C. 152kHz
D. 336kHz

Q # 9: (CLO-3)
In a PCM system, if the code word length is increased from 6 to 8 bits, the signal to quantization
noise ratio improves by the factor
A. 6
B. 12
C. 16
D. 8

Q # 10: (CLO-3)
If the number bits per sample in a PCM system is increased from and n to (n+1), the
improvement is signal to quantization nose ratio will be
A. 3 dB
B. 6 dB
C. 2 n dB
D. n dB

Q # 11: (CLO-3)
A signal (𝑡) = 100 cos(24𝜋 × 103 ) 𝑡 is ideally sampled with a sampling period of 50 μsec and
then passed through an ideal low pass filter with cutoff frequency of 15 KHz. Which of the
following frequency is/are per present at the filter output?
A. 12 KHz only
B. 8 KHz only
C. 12 KHz and 9 KHz
D. 12 KHz and 8 KHz

Q # 12: (CLO-3)
In Delta modulation,
A. One bit per sample is transmitted
B. All the coded bits used for sampling are transmitted
C. The step size is fixed
D. Both a) and c) are correct

Q # 13: (CLO-3)
In delta modulation, the slope overload distortion can be reduced by
A. decreasing the step size
B. decreasing the granular noise
C. decreasing the sampling noise
D. increasing the step size

Q # 14: (CLO-3)
In the output of a DM speech encoder, the consecutive pulses are of opposite polarity during
time interval 𝑡1 ≤ 𝑡 ≤ 𝑡2. This indicates that during this interval
A. the input to the modulator is essentially constant
B. the modulator is going through slope overload
C. the accumulator is in saturation
D. the speech signal is being sampled at the Nyquist rate

Q # 15: (CLO-3)
The minimum step-size required for a Delta-Modulation operating at 32K samples/sec to track
the signal (here u(t) is the unit-step function) 𝑥(𝑡) = 125𝑡{𝑢(𝑡) − 𝑢(𝑡 − 1)} + (250 − 125𝑡){𝑢(𝑡 −
1) − 𝑢(𝑡 − 2)} so that slope-overload is avoided would be
A. 2 −10
B. 2 −8
C. 2 −6
D. 2 −4
Simplify the following expressions
a. (1𝑗𝜔+2) 𝛿 (𝜔+3)

b. ∫(𝑥−1)∞−∞cos𝜋2(𝑥−5) 𝛿 (𝑥−3) 𝑑𝑥
(ii) Consider a system which performs time differentiation. Discuss why this system is linear
time-invariant. Sketch the amplitude spectrum of the system frequency response.

In this problem we consider a modified version of the DSB-SC scheme. We assume that the
message signal has zero DC; a specific diagram for the spectrum of the message signal is shown
in figure (a). When transmitting the DSB-SC modulated signal, we also insert a small amount of
pilot carrier into the signal; i.e., (𝑡)=𝐴𝑐𝑚(𝑡)cos(2𝜋𝑓𝑐𝑡)+𝐴𝑐′cos(2𝜋𝑓𝑐𝑡)
where 𝐴𝑐′cos(2𝜋𝑓𝑐𝑡) is the inserted pilot carrier signal. The spectrum of the resulting modulated
signal is shown in figure (b). Note that this scheme is not AM; in particular the pilot amplitude ,
𝐴𝑐′ can take any positive value. At the receiver, we assume that we do not have a phase-
synchronous local oscillator. Instead we use the system in figure (c) to perform demodulation.
Discuss why the system in figure (c) would work. In the system, the narrowband-pass filter has a
passband of [𝑓𝑐−𝑓𝑎,𝑐+𝑓𝑎], the narrowband-stop filter has a stopband of [𝑓𝑐−𝑓𝑎,𝑓𝑐+𝑓𝑎], and the
lowpass filter has its cut-off frequency at 𝑓𝑏

A single sideband modulation system is shown below:
Sketch the Fourier transform of 𝑠1(𝑡),𝑠2(𝑡),𝑠3(𝑡),𝑠4(𝑡),𝑠5(𝑡),𝑠6(𝑡)and 𝑦(𝑡), thus showing that
𝑦(𝑡)is 𝑥(𝑡) SSB modulation on the carrier 𝜔𝑐. The Fourier transforms (𝜔)and 𝐻(𝜔) are shown

Given (𝑡)=𝐴𝑐cos[𝜔𝑐𝑡+5sin(2𝜋×104𝑡)]
(i) If it is FM modulated wave and 𝐾𝑓=15𝐾𝐻𝑧., determine
a. Δ𝑓
b. Δ𝜑
c. Carson’s Bandwidth
(ii) If it is PM modulated wave and 𝐾𝑝=15 𝐾𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠𝑒𝑐,determine
a. Δ𝑓
b. Δ𝜑
c. Carson’s Bandwidth

Consider a PCM system with an accuracy of ±0.1. The analog signal has a maximum frequency
of 100 Hz and amplitude of -5V to +5V.
(i) Determine the maximum required sampling rate.
(ii) Determine the maximum number of bits required to represent each PCM word.
(iii) Determine the minimum bit rate required for the PCM signal.
(iv) Determine the minimum theoretical bandwidth required for the transmission of PCM signal.
A delta modulation system is designed to operate at sampling frequency of 6 KHz and step size
of 350mV.
(i) Determine the maximum amplitude of a 1 KHz input sinusoidal signal for which the DM does
not show the slope overload.
(ii) Determine the output SNR.

Online Viva of individual student on CLO2=5 marks

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