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[1] A Stu on “ult - gnaersity in rkpla Report submitted to Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of Masters of Human
Resource Management (MHRM) by Anupam Dash [18HS61004] Under the guidance of
Dr. R. K. Pradhan Department of Humanities and Social Sciences INDIAN INSTITUTE OF
TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR May, 2020 [2] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity
to extend my sincere thanks to Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), IIT
Kharagpur for offering me a unique platform to get exposure and garner knowledge in
the fields of Strategy and Human Resources Management. I am deeply indebted to my
project guide Dr. R. K.

Pradhan, Associate Professor, IIT Kharagpur for guiding me throughout the project and
providing valuable inputs and insights. His knowledge and experience served as a
continuous source of encouragement and motivation for me. Last but not the least, I
would like to express my sincere gratitude to my classmates, for whom I have high
regard and who have supported me all along during MHRM and during this project in

This to ththe eseaRtied Multi-generational diversity in worklace” submitted by Anuapm
Dash, bearing Roll No.18HS61004 to the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, is a
record of a bona fide research work under my supervision and I consider it worthy of
consideration for the award of degree of Master of Human Resource Management
(MHRM) in accordance with the regulations of the Institute. Date: Dr. R. K.

Pradhan Professor Department of Humanities and Social Sciences IIT Kharagpur [4]
DECLARATION I, Anupam Dash, hereby certify that this report titled “ Multi-generational
diversity in worklace”. a. Is an original work and has been done by me under the
guidance of my supervisor; b. I have conformed to ethical norms and guidelines while
writing the project; and c.

Whenever, I have used materials (data, model, figures and text) from other sources, I
have given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the report, giving their
details in referanfollowing use ’ cies copyrightedmaterials, any, used in this report.
Anupam Das 18HS61004 MHRM Batch of 2018 – 2020 Department of Humanities and
Social Sciences IIT Kharagpur.

[5] APPROVAL OF THE VIVA-VOCE BOARD Cthat Rch tied Multi- gerationdinworklace”
submitted by Anupam Dash, bearing RollNo.18HS61004, to the Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur, towards the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award
of the degree Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) has been accepted by
the panel of examiners, and that the student has successfully defended the work in the
viva-voce examination held today.

Panel Member 1 Panel Member 2 Panel Member3 Panel Member 4 [6] CONTENT Sl.No.
Topics Pg No. 1 Abstract 7 2 Introduction 8 3 Literature Review 11 4 Methodology 12 5
Data Analysis 13 6 Results and Discussions 15 7 Conclusion 17 8 References 18 [7] 1.
ABSTRACT Every profit and non-profit organizations need a strong, balanced and
effective workforce to run its works.

This workforce should be assembled in such a way so that it can be efficient enough to
cater the need in different organization challenges. This should contain people good at
communication, leadership, learning aptitude, was well as rich in knowledge and
experiences. Here is the significance of Multi- generational diversity i.e a balanced
organizational workforce containing employees of different generations.

Multi- research analyses the , he difference of efficiencies among the generations, the
extent to which workforce of a generation can be replaced by a workforce of another
generation, respective ranking of different generations in these seven different key
factors(communication skill, technical skill, leadership, learning aptitude, stability, team
player & overall organizational productivity).

It is found that the other six said factors have Baby Boomers, replaced by keeping a
good balance of other three generations & workforce of Gen “Y ” has b emerged as
most effective generation among all four. [8] 2. INTRODUCTION In the present era of
globalization and worldwide industrialization, the Generational diversity has a
momentous impact on enriching and effectifying the organizational workforce. There
are four major generations i.e

Baby Boomers, While any generation is good at something, another generation excels
over others in something else. For instance, If is said that the newer generations are
smarter in handling technologies while the older are rich in working in adverse working
conditions. So the ratio of people of different generations should be maintained in such
a balance, so that the excellency of different generations can be used in maximum

What are the generations? A generation is a gathering of individuals characterized by

age limits the individuals who were conceived during a specific time. They share
comparable encounters growing up and their qualities and perspectives, especially
about business related themes, will in general be comparative, in view of their mutual
encounters during their early stages. The four major generations There are four major
generations. These are - 1.

Baby Boomers (were born between 1946 and 1964)- This age is known for having a solid
hard working attitude, putting huge significance on proficient achievements, and for
being fairly saved from a social point of view. They are frequently considered the
"obsessive worker" age. As anyone might expect, they're additionally very objective
arranged and serious.

Since they grew up making calls and composing letters, Boomers regularly incline
toward one-on-one correspondence and calls over email and texting. [9] 2. Gen (were
born between 1965 and 1980) - Since they're the least concentrated of the present ages
at work, Gen X is in some cases alluded to as the "center youngster" between the ever-
well known Boomers and Millennials. Age X is generally credited for making the idea of
work/life balance.

They're known for being incredibly autonomous and independent, esteeming

opportunity, and avoiding miniaturized scale the executives in the working environment.
While they may not be as technically knowledgeable as the more youthful ages, Gen X-
ers are very mechanically skilled. An examination uncovered that 54% of Age X pioneers
are carefully sharp — which is on pace with 56% of Millennial pioneers. 3.

Gen (were born between 1981 and 1994) - likewise alluded to as Twenty to thirty year
olds, was conceived somewhere in the range of 1981 and 1996. This age, which is as of
now the biggest in the workforce, will make up seventy five percent of the worldwide
workforce by 2025. Like the Age X administrators that prepared, Millennials want
work/life adjust and need adaptability in the work environment, for example,
telecommuting and easygoing dress. They expect to work more intelligent, as opposed
to harder — making them amazing at performing multiple tasks.

Notwithstanding the excitement that recent college graduates bring to the table, this
age is frequently censured for acting naturally included and excessively reliant on
innovation. They additionally require a lot of input from businesses. [10] 4. Gen ” (were
born between 1995 and 2015) - They are the youngest generation in the workforce.

They are the original to experience childhood in a world that is totally remote. As
evident advanced locals – significantly more so than that of Millennials – Age Z is
continually associated and is viewed as the most educated of these gatherings. This age
is known for being imaginative, adaptable, and independent.

While Gen Z- ers share numerous likenesses to Millennials, they're increasingly wary and
worried about vocation strength. Since they're associated consistently, Gen Z-ers are
incredible multitaskers, yet in addition effortlessly occupied. With shorter abilities to
focus at work, they require scaled down, prompt criticism from their managers.

[11] Howevelisharof organizons contain woce consists of people from all of these four
generations. But what are the differences among these generations in terms of different
dimensions of knowledge, skills, abilities and potentialities. Therefore, this paper
featured the distinctions in the authoritative responsibility among these four ages of
representatives by estimating their own characteristics, for example, work esteems,
demeanor and conduct, and relational aptitudes. The following research questions are
aimed to be answered:- 1.

Is there any difference among the four ages of workforce on efficiency? If yes, then how
much it is? 2. Is age really affecting the overall effectiveness of an employee? If it is, then
to which extent? 3. Workforce of which generation is best among all four? 4. Can any
organization make a best effective workforce without involving all the four generations?

How influencing these six factors (Communication Skill, Technical skill, Leadership skill,
As a Team Player, Stability in a single organization, Acquiring new skills) are over
organizational productivity? [12] 3. LITERATURE REVIEW In recent past especially in last
two decades the number of research works on generational diversity has been grown up

Out of these research some new approaches of studying this topic along with some new
theories have been emerged. 3.1 Different Theories of Generations Generations are
defined as cohorts of similar values and beliefs which effects the way they
communicate(Hanna,2009). A generation is defined as a large set of people, who were
born in different times of a certain era(Notter & Cagner,2005).

A generation is a group of people, who were born in different times of a same age
boundary, share experiences and social dynamics when they grow up(Dupree,2009). ars,
age, (Kupperschmidt,2000, 66). 3.2 Findings on Generational Diversity A workforce,
which is diversified in terms of age is more cooperative and, more effective in creativity
and decision making(Maddell,2015).

Generational cohorts are widely used to catch customers(Nobel & Schewe,2003) and
promotional purposes(Bradford,1993). The impacts of differences in generations are on
the hiring (Charrier, 2000; Jurkiewicz, 2000; Smith, 2008); Learning&Development (Berl,
2006; Corley, 1999; Tulgan, 1996); & Leadership Style (Losyk, 1997; Tulgan, 1996) too.

This paper presents a systematic review on the effectiveness and performance, of

employees of four different generations on six significant factors (Communication skill,
Technical skill, Leadership skill, Team work, Stability and potentiality to acquire new
skills), which have significant influence over the productivity and efficiency of the
organization. Overall Organizational Productivity makes the number of factors seven, by
being added to the above said six factors.

This research study is conducted by data inputs are provided by the people of Indian
nationality but has work experience in India and outside also. The responses of people
of different generations, backgrounds and work experiences are taken as input. A set of
questionnaire was made and responses from people (of different generations,
backgrounds and work experiences) are taken as raw data.

Then these data are analyzed towards reaching the results This questionnaire had these
seven questions following :- cale (where 1 is the minimum and 7 is the maximum) in
terms of the following factors . 1. Communication Skill 2. Technical skill 3. Leadership
skill 4. As a Team Player 5. Stability in a single organization 6. Acquiring new skills & 7.
Organizational Productivity. Out of different research works earlier, the first 3 skills are
found momentous for organizational productivity.

The potentiality of acquiring new skills enriches the learning & development part of the
company and keeps its ahead of competitors. A research by professors of Dhofar
University, named Shouvik Sanyal and Mohammed Wamique Hisam explains the impact
of teamwork. Organizational Stability usually increases integrity and maintains the pace
of production. [14] 5.

DATA ANALYSIS From the survey the following data are collected – No of participants –
78 Youngest Participant – 18 years old Oldest Participant – 69 years old. No of Male
Participants : No of Female Participants = 10 : 7 Total no of responses collected = 7
questions * 4 responses per question * 78 participants = 2184 A summery of this data is
given in the table below – Generations Factors Baby Boomers (56-76 years) Gen “ (41-55
years) Gen “ (26-40 years) Gen “ (26-40 years) Technological Skills 3.11 3.66 3.95 3.39
Communication Skill 3.55 3.76 3.71 3.24 Leadership Skills 3.76 4.00 3.55 2.68 Team
Player 3.00 3.42 3.82 3.32 Acquiring New Skills 2.49 2.97 3.97 3.89 Stability in a single
organization 4.03 3.89 3.03 2.42 Organizational Productivity 2.68 3.34 3.89 3.29 .Table 2:
Average values of all individual responses Calculations :- responses altogether with
minimum 1out of 7 to maximum 5 out of 7.

Then the average is calculated by the following formula. Addition of all 78 responses /
78 = 3.11, which is the average rating of Similarly, the average rating of . Similarly, the
average rating of different factors of the other age groups are calculated. 15
Correlation :- To find out trgaonal Pvithe other six factors this following correlation is
done ORGANIZATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY Baby Boomers 1.As a "Team Player" 0.6840
0.8510 0.8881 0.6461 2. In terms of "Communication Skill" 0.3784 0.7339 0.8776 0.5943
3. In terms of "Technological Skills". 0.5828 0.7589 0.8940 0.5673 4. Potentiality of
"Acquir 0.6902 0.7095 0.8328 0.5813 5.In terms of "Stability in a single organization"
0.1629 0.7309 0.5718 0.4698 6.

In terms of "Leadership Skills" 0.3218 0.6310 0.7878 0.4938 Table 2: Average values of all
individual responses We can get a clear understanding about the impact of these said
six factors on overall “Organizonal roductiy”. his proves that performance on these six
factors will directly influence the productivity thus profit of the company. • For Baby
Boomers, the values go above 0.5

for three factors(Technical skill, acquiring new skills & being a team player) i.e these
three factors have strong influence on overall organizational productivity. • For en ” & “,
the values of all six factors go beyond 0.6. This indicates that all factors have significance
impact over organizational productivity. • For “ Z ”, the values go above 0.5 for
four(technical skill, communication skill, acquiring new skills & being a team player) out
of six factors i.e

these three factors have strong influence on overall organizational productivity 16 6.

RESULT & DISCUSSION The summery of the result is presented in the form of a bar
diagram below :- .Figure 1: Average values of all individual responses • The diagram
shows that, the “Boomers” is bhers in term stability in a singlon. Which indicates they
don’t switr frequy.

• The Gen “cels ove others in “Comcatikilrshkil • The Gen “es at tp at otfactors.
Bgnificantl” comes best in not even one of these factors. Now we’ll dihe quons
witroduced the arch k, one by one – 17 1. We found notable difference among
generations in stability and acquiring new skills. But in overall organizational pro ductiy
Gen “Y” is towed ‘’X” “Z” and Boomers lag a lile behind. 2. Yes. Age is definitely an
affecting factor.

But it is not making any wide difference. 3. WorkforGen “xcellers amon these seven
factors along with overall organizational productiy. Though in te fan “Y” couldn’t be
best, is close to t Se Y” is t st among all four. 4. We found that allee gons, exen “ become
the bn at lst one factor “Y emerged as the most effective workforce.

So we can say that an organization can make its best effective workforce, even without
involhe Gen “Zcompensng it place by a right balance of other three generations. 5. As
discussed in “Data nalysi for ” & Gen “Y six factors, “Z” fouctors Baby Boomers three
factors have momentous impact on organizational productivity 18 7.CONCLUSION This
re earof Mult -generational diversity in workplac e” elpeus find the relative ectif trcfour
difenerons (Baby oomers, Gen Gen Gen ”).

also that – communication skill, technical skill, leadership skill, potentiality of acquiring
new skills, stability and team performance, these six factors have signiimon
atiprodvitThe “Y” s best ve workforce among all four of these. We can re workforof “with
balanc combination of people of other three generations. This research helps us getting
an idea about the relative effectiveness of the people of these four generations.

It also helps us to understand which generation is best in which factors. This

understanding will give the organizations a widespread advantage in their manpower
planning, succession planning and many other dimensions of Human Resource and
Business area. 19 Yet to be written. 8.

REFERENCES • Shouvik Sanyal & Mohammed Wamique Hisam, Dhofar University, 2018,
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN:
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De Nicholas, 2019. Generational Diversity in the Workplace: Psychological Empowerment
and Flexibility in Spanish Companies. • Kindrick Patterson, 2007.

Generational Diversity — The Impact of Generational Diversity in the Workplace • Ian C.

Woodward, Pisitta Vongswasdi, Elizabeth A. More, 2015. Generational Diversity at Work:
A Systematic Review of the Research • Gita Stcke, 2016. Managing generational diversity
in the organization. • Vasanthi Srinivasan, 2012. Multi generations in the workforce:
Building collaboration. • Elaine C. Hollensbe, Gail T. Fairhurst, 2017.

Differences in Understanding Generation in the Workforce. • MatthewLegas, Cynthia

Howard Sims, 2012. Leveraging generational diversity in te. • JS Jones, SR Murray, SR
Tapp, 2018. Generational differences in the workplace. • SL Jackso, 2012. Leveraging
intergenerational diversity to meet business goals.

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