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Strenghts of the Book

After reviewing this book found its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages namely :

 In terms of language, the language used in this book is easy to understand, because the
language is not too formal and not too free in today's books.

 In addition, the discussion in this book is also complete, and does not use long-winded
language, making it easy for readers to understand.

 In addition, the material presented is explained in important points that make it easier for
readers to read and understand its content.

 An attractive book cover design with a soft color, which makes people want to read it.

 The book design is also very complex and simple and the book cover looks attractive and
matches the book title.

Weaknesses of the Book

Besides the strengths of the books that are already listed above, this book also has weaknesses to
correct/fix. Disadvantages namely :

 This correction is intended to improve the production of future school books.

 The shortcomings or weaknesses of this book are the use of color in the book that seems
monotonous, so that it gives a slightly less attractive impression when looking into the
book and the size of the writing is too small so it hurts the eyes when reading it.
Discussion about topic “Stereotyping in TESOL Materials”

In this book, Jane and Michael Clarke explain the topic of stereotyping in a very complete
and detailed also accompanied by examples in each explanation, making it easier for readers to
understand. Starting from The Nature of the Stereotyping Process, Stereotyping and Cultural
Context in ESOL Material, Racial Stereotyping, Gender Stereotyping, Class and Regional

Jane and Michael Clarke finish their book by considering the broader implications of their
focus on stereotypes. Although they acknowledge that individuals undergoing complex situations
inevitably have stereotypes, they ask us to pay attention to their effects. The harm they cause is
not limited to those who come face to face and extend to the life of the stigmatized population in
general. Not only do people face the burden of being stopped on suspicion of committing a
crime, to choose just one example, but stereotypes also cause individuals to respond in ways that
are branched out through their daily interactions. For example, someone suggests that a
stigmatized population can adopt a counter-stereotypical behavior, 'Vivaldi's whistling' to break
away from the stereotype. A further difficulty that the stereotype poses is that it tempts the
holder to believe that it is not a mental construct, but represents the essential characteristics and
intrinsic nature of those to which it is concerned.

Besides the strengths of the topic, this topic also has weaknesses, namely the language is too
wordy, it should be shortened again so that readers don't get bored of reading it.

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