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Nurse : Marsi Sekar Ningrum

Narator : Marsi Sekar Ningrum

Patient : Serlina Puspita Sari
Pharmacist : Serlina Puspita Sari

One day, at Kususma's hospital, in nine's room, a nurses look like to give a medical procedure.

Nurse : Good morning ma'am. Im Nurse Ningrum, who will take care of you for this morning.
may I check your condition first ma'am?
Patient : Yes, Sure nurse
Nurse : okay, thank you ma'am. After I checked your condition, thats all clear. How do you fell
Patient : um, honestly, I fell a liitle itchy on my skin
nurse : okay, just it ma'am?
Patient : and, I can't sleep well because I don't know why but I fell my heartbeat punding so
nurse : oaky ma'am, I get it. I want to check your medicine list first. Oke, I see that last night
that a nurse wo have a shift give you a new medicine because your old medicine
already run out. For this time, I will ask about your new medicine to pharmacist.
Patient : okay, thank you nurse
nurse : your welcome ma'am. Wish you have a nice day

After that, nurse Ningrum go away and she come to pharmacist

Pharmacist : hallo nurse ningrum, what's make you here?
Nurse : oh, hai. I want to ask abaout my patient madicine. Can I ?
pharmacist : oh, of course. What's matter?
Nurse : okay, my patient fell itchy and her heartebeat pounding more fast. Here the medicine
that other nurse give to her lasr night
pharmacist : okey, let me check this medicine.
Nurse : ah, and my patient have an allergic with some medicine
Pharamcist : I get it. Your patient shouldn't consumed this medicine. This is amoxcilin, and I'm sure
that your patient get some of allergic effect because she consumed this medicine
Nurse : o may god, my bad.
Pharmacist : oh dear, i'm sure that the nurse of last night get wrong to take medicine.
Nurse : so, what medicine that should I give to her?
Pharmacist : no problem nurse ningrum. You can replace this amoxcilin with another antibiotc. Like
this medicine. This is ciproflaxin. Your patient must consume this ciproflaxin after she
get food. Please give to her three time everyday. This medicine that she should
consumed until this medicine already finished. That's all I think. And about your patient
reaction of his allergic, don't worries, it will gone after she get this siproflaxin.
Nurse : oh my god. Thank you so much, dear. I will report and discuss with her docter too.
Thanks a lot
Pharmacist : okay, take it easy, nurse.

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