Detailed Lesson - CANAPE

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Detailed lesson plan in culinary arts


I. objectives

At the end of 60-minute period with 70% proficiency level the students will be able to:

Identify the different three parts of canapés;

Enumerate the different ingredients of canapé;

Demonstrate the step-by-step procedure in making canapé.

II .Subject matter

Topic: Canapé

Reference: culinary art book

Materials: PowerPoint presentation

Method: discussion and demonstration

III Procedure

Teachers activity

A Preliminary activities


Good afternoon class!

Checking of attendance

Who is absent for today?

Why do you think it’s important to attend our class every day?

Setting of classroom standards

What are we going to do if someone talking here in front?

How about when you want to speak?

And when you want to go out?

Can I expect all that from you?

d. Passing and checking of assignments

Pass your assignments to the center

at the count of 5 and pass it forward.

e. Review

Last meeting we have defined appetizers

Now let’s see who can still

remember the following terms.

What is appetizer?

What are the 7 classifications of appetizers?

B. Lesson Proper

a. Motivation

Class would you like to play a short game?

We will play the game fun ways to think.

(The teacher will show different pictures that tells about canapé.)

b. Developmental activities

I have here the procedure in making canapé what you will do is to arrange them in order. understand?

(the teacher will assist their work)

c. Discussion

(the teacher will start the discussion)

What is canapé?

Canapé- small piece of bread or crackers that has cheese, meat, fish etc. on top of it and that is often
served at party.

What are three parts of canapés?

3 parts of canapés
Base – may be made from several different items.

Examples: bread cutouts, crackers, thin crisp toast.

Spread – may be as simple as butter or softened cream cheese, but it is better to use a more highly
flavored spread, because sharp or spicy flavors are better for stimulating the appetite.

What do you mean by garnish class?

Garnish – any food items or combination of items placed on top of spread. It may be a major part of
canapés such as a slice of ham or cheese.

Did you understand class?

Do you have any question?

Now, let’s proceed to the ingredients and procedure of canapés.

Class, what are the different ingredients in making canapés?

Egg and ham canapés


3 hard-cooked eggs- peeled

3 slices whole wheat or white toast

¼ cup low-fat mayonnaise

½ tsp. Dijon mustard

1tsp chopped fresh herbs

Dash hot sauce

Pinch freshly ground pepper

2 slices cooked bacon, cut into bite-sized pieces.

Procedure :

Using egg slicer or sharp knife, slice hard-cooked eggs crosswise into ¼ inch slices.

Using 2 inch circle cookie or biscuit cutter, cut rounds out of toast to make 12 circles.

In small bowl, combine mayonnaise with mustard, herbs, hot sauce and pepper.

To assemble: top toast with 1sliced egg, 1/4 tsp., dollop of mayonnaise, a piece of bacon and garnish
with herbs

Students activity

Good afternoon ma’am!

Yes sir/none ma’am.

It is important so that we will not miss any topic and discussions.

Keep quiet and listen.

We should raise our hand and wait to be called.

We should raise our hands and wait to be excused.

Yes sir/No sir.

(The students will perform.)

The assorted delicacies served in bite-size portions.

These are typical assortment of delicacies, attractively presented and served in small or bite-size

The 7 classifications of appetizers are the fruit appetizers, canapés, grilled or over-the-coal appetizers,
party breads and pastries, vegetables hors d’oeuvres, tasty tidbits, beverages.

Yes sir/No ma’am.

(The students will guess until they will get the correct answer).
Yes sir/No sir.

(The students will perform the activity).

Canapé- these are usually small pieces of bread, toast, or crackers spread or topped with highly
seasoned food mixture.

( the students will response)

The three parts of canapés are base, spread, and garnish.

Garnish is added to the food that serve as decoration.

Yes/no ma’am!

None ma’am!

(The students will response.)


Name again the different ingredients in making egg and ham canapés.

IV Evaluation:

(The teacher will call 3 students, demonstrate how to make egg and ham canapés.)

(The students will answer the following questions.)

These are usually small pieces of bread, toast, or crackers spread or topped with highly seasoned food
These may be made from several different items like toast bread?

These may be as simple as butter or softened cream cheese?

Are any food items or combination of items placed on top of spread?

What you will use to slice the bread?

V Assignment:

Agreement: The assigned group will bring their ingredients of canapés including their complete cooking

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:


Head Teacher- III Practice Teaching Coordinator

Approved by:


Principal III

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