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The following text is for question 1 - 3

It’s our Independence day

Flag are flying High, & Fireworks light up the Sky !
Please Joint us for an Independence day picnic
Friday, August 17 th, 2019
1 :00 PM – 5:00 PM
(EASTERN Part, Near the fish pond)
RSVP to Anggun at 555-1452 or Anggunih@
Please bring your favorite dish to share

1. What is the purpose of the announcement above ?

A. For an Independence day picnic.
B. To have fun with friends.
C. To joint us for an Independence
D. Gathering with friends

2. In what city will the activities be held :

A. Malang
B. Surabaya
C. Denpasar
D. Semarang

3. “ It’s our independence day flag are flying High & Fireworks light up the sky !
The underlined word is synonymous with ....
A. Brighten
B. Beam
C. Light
D. Dark

The following text is for questions 4 and 6.

Dear Johann,

'Years of gathering
with food good friends, and fun ...
Let's get together
one more time
to watch the new house party!

Saturday, December 31"

7 p.m. until midnight
At My house
Jl. Anggrek 8


4. How long will the Party be held ?

A. Six hours
B. Seven Hours
C. Eight Hours
D. Five Hours

5. What is the party for?

A. To have good friends.

B. To watch new friends.
C. To enjoy food and drinks.
D. To welcome the new house party
6. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To invite a friend to attend the New house party.

B. To make someone happy in New house Party.
C. To remind people the coming of New house party.
D. To tell the importance of New house party.

7. Look at this Notice .... the Synonym of the word “ Monitored “ is ..

A. Seen
B. Observation
C. Snoop
D. Watch

8. What should we do after reading the notice

A. Keep the toilet clean
B. Help repair the toilet
C. Use the toilet on purpose
D. Use another toilet

The management accepts no responsibility

For any loss or damage to your property.
Please do not leave any valuables unattended

9. Where will you probably find the notice ?

A. In a building
B. On streets
C. In the park
D. At a beach

10. “Daily value not established

Suggested use : 1 a tablet after meal
This product contains no artificial colors, flavors,preservatives,milk,
Egg, sugar, chemical solvent, starch or gluten

A. To advertise a suplemen for woman

B. To describe a product for adult
C. To give detailed information about the supplement
D. To tell the value of a supplement
The following text is for questions 11 and 12.

11.How much sodium does the product contain per 100 g?

A. 45 mg
B. 148 mg
C. 565 mg
D. 709 mg

12.Look at the label .... “ the Synonym of the word “ Ingredient “ is ...
A. Component
B. Bobbin
C. Equipment
D. Iron


13. What doest it mean ?

A. You are prohibited to take down any learning
B. You are forbidden to send and receive messages in the class
C. You are not permitted to copy other students’
D. You are not allowed to interact with your classmates

The following text is for questions 14 and 16.

From : Jasmine
Aurora, I am really sorry about the broken pen.
I’m going to find a new one for you this
Afternoon and bring it to school tomorrow.

14. What is the Topic short messages

A. To apologize
B. To tell about the broken pen
C. To confirm her visit to Aurora’s house
D. To inform Aurora that she will come immediately

15. From The text we can conclude that Aurora is a

A. Teacher
B. Student
C. Principal
D. Housewife
16. What will Jasmine do ?
A. To buy pen
B. To borrow
C. To put
D. To Change

The text is for no . 17 - 19

The Forbidden City was the political and ritual center of China for over five centuries. After
its completion in 1420, the compound was home to 24 emperors, their families and servants
during the Ming (1368–1644) and the Qing (1644–1911) dynasties. The last Qing emperor left
the palace in 1924. The Palace Museum, which is famous for its dynastic art and history, is now
one of the most popular tourist attractions world-wide.

Constructed from 1406 to 1420, this largest imperial palace complex consists of 980
buildings and covers 72 hectares. Surrounding the city, a 52-meter wide moat functioned as the
first line of defense. It is enclosed by a 8-meter-high defensive wall. At each corner of the
Forbidden City, there stands a heavily-guarded watchtower.

The architecture of the compound applies the traditional Chinese geomantic practice of feng
shui. The walled complex was constructed along a central north-south line.

This line is the axis of the old Beijing City. Traditionally, it is divided into two parts. The Outer
Court was used as governmental and ceremonial spaces and the Inner Court was used as the
residence of the Emperor and his family. As the imperial compound, no one could enter or leave
the area without the emperor's permission and that is why Forbidden City is so named.

17. What is the topic of the passage?

A. The attractions of the imperial compound.
B. The history of the Palace Museum.
C. The description of the city center.
D. The life of China emperors.

18. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. behind the city wall
B. around the compound.
C. along the central axis.
D. in the imperial palace.

19. What can the visitors do in the Forbidden City?

A. They meet the last emperor of imperial China.
B. They learn the Chinese modern architecture.
C. They enjoy the dynastic art and history.

The text is for no. 20-22

Once upon a time, all animals in the jungle were given orders by the lion for
preparing a war. “Elephant, you’re the largest, you’ll transport the guns and all the
supplies. You, monkey, are nimble and good at climbing trees, will act as a lookout and
spy the enemy’s movements from above. Bear, you’re strong and agile, so you’ll scale
the fortress walls and terrorize the enemy.

“ Amongst those I don’t think the donkey will make a good soldier. They say
he is easily frightened. “The lion looked at the donkey, and then he remarked: “He
brays louder than I can roar. He’ll stay at my side and be the trumpet that will rally the
troops.” Another one then said, “We should send that nervous rabbit home!” Again the
lion stood thoughtfully for a moment, then going over to the rabbit and he said: “you
always flee from your enemies, so you’ve learned that you have to be faster than the
others if you’re to survive. So, you’ll act as a messenger, and within seconds, all the
soldiers will receive my orders.”

Then, turning to the crowd, he said: “Everyone can make himself useful in a
war; everyone can help the common because at best he is able!”

20. What is the main idea of the text first paragraph?

A. Elephant, you’re the largest

B. Terrorize the enemy.
C. Spy the enemy’s movement.
D. All animals were given orders by the lion .

21. “you always flee from your enemies, so you’ve learned. The underlined word is
closest in meaning to . . .
A. Keep
B. Run away
C. Return
D Speak up

22. What the best moral value can be drawn from the story above?

A. People should be strong and agile.

B. People have their own useful role in life.
C. People should obey their leader in any kind of situation.
D. People who are stronger should protect those who are weak.

The text is for no. 23 - 26

The best surprise party happened when I was twenty eight. It was planned by my best buddy
with some of my students in Laventa Course. I was teaching seriously on September 22 nd, when
someone knocked the door of my class. I opened the door and got my student who has no
scheduled that day asked permission for bothering me.

After a while, I heard a door open. Suddenly, my best buddy and some of my students came
in with a birthday cake with some candles on it. They were singing a birthday song while one of
my students bringing some gifts for me. Because of it, all of my students in classroom said happy
birthday to me. I was taken by surprise. Then, we had a party. We enjoyed cake and soft drinks.

The experience was one of my favorite ones. My friends and all of my students were so kind
to remember y birthday.
23. “…who has no scheduled that day asked permission for bothering me”
The closest meaning of the underlined word is …

A. disturbing
B. surprising
C. annoying
D. disgusting

24 The bold word in the text can be replaced with ….

A. The writer
B. The students
C. The writer’s friend
D. The writer’s friend and students

25. What did the writer firstly think about the surprise party?

A. The writer thought it was a usual day.

B. The writer already knew her friend’s plan.
C. The writer thought she would talk with the student.
D. The writer was very surprise with her friend’s plan about her day.

26. Which of the following sentence is TRUE?

A. The writer’s students came into the classroom.

B. The writer’s friend called her from outside the classroom.
C. The writer was very suspicious with her friend’s plan in her birthday.
D. The writer’s friend and her students had a meeting to make a birthday party.

The text is for no. 27-29

How to Repair a Scratched CD

What you need :

A CD with Scratches



A piece of soft cloth

Steps :

1. Take the Scratched CD.

2. Hold the CD up.

3. Look for Scratches on the CD.

4. Put a small amount of the toothpaste on a piece of soft cloth.

5. Put the CD onto a flat and clean surface.

6. Polish the CD until the scratches disappear.

7. Clean with water and dry completely.

8. Insert it into a player and enjoy the music

27. Polish the CD until the scratches disappear. The underlined word is closest in
meaning to . . .

A. keep in touch
B. instead
C. competition
D. vanish

28. Insert it into a player and enjoy the music. The word “ it” refer to . ..

A. music
C. toothpaste
D. water

29. The writer wrote the text to give instructions on how to . . .

A. operate a Scratched CD
B. repair a Scratched CD
C. predict the CD
D. burn the CD into a player

The text is for no. 30-33


Fireflies are just name. They are actually very cool insects. And they are not even flies, they
are beetles. They have a way of sending out light single every now and then if you see them at
night on tree, you might think it is a brightly lit Christmas tree. That is the kind of light these
fireflies produce.

Fireflies have transparent abdomen. There are cells of crystals or chemical substances inside
it which get broken down by enzymes. Some energy is released in the form of light. However the
light they send out does not have heat. The light is cold.

The fireflies send out light signals at fixed intervals. And the purpose behind it is to attract
beetles for mating. But one firefly ‘s signal is different from another’s, depending on its sex and
the type of family it belongs to. If a firefly sends a signal at a fixed interval but gets a response
either too soon or too late, it will ignore the signal. It is like a perfect dance sequence. If you are
faster or slower than your partner, the dance fails.

30. What is the topic of the text?

A Fireflies are very cool insects.

B. Fireflies have fire when they fly
C. Fireflies send out light signal at Christmas tree
D. Fireflies are perfect dancer

31. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The purpose behind it is to attract beetles for mating.

B. Some energy is released in the form of fire.
C. Fireflies are very easy to get broken down by enzymes.
D. However, the light they send out does not have heat, the light is cold.

32. The word “They “ They have a way of sending out light single every now…. (first
paragraph) refer to ?
A. Light out signals
B. Fireflies
C. beetles
D. Tree

33. And the purpose behind it is to attract ….. (third paragraph). The underlined word can
be replaced by . . .
A. watch
B. run after
C. aim
D. turn around

The text is for no. 34 - 36

The Shard is an 87 storey skyscraper, which sits in the heart of London. It is known as the
shard of glass. Construction began in 2009 and has completed three years later in 2012, making it
Western European’s tallest building.

Designed by architect Renzo Piano. The Shard is the second tallest free standing structure in the
UK. Its exterior boasts 11,000 glass panels-that equivalent in area to eight football pitches or
two-and-a half Trafalgar Square.

The building was develop to have multiple uses, describes on the website as a “vertical city
where people can live, work and relax“. This motto was clearly taken on board that was found on
the 72nd floor towards the end of construction.

34. What probably makes people interested to stay in the Shard?

A. It is located in the heart of London.

B. It was built by famous architect.
C. It is the tallest building in UK.
D. It has multiple uses.

35. In Europe, the Shard gains popularity on its ….

A. location
B. function
C. height
D. age

36. What is the main idea of paragraph1?

A. The building named the Shard

B. The construction of the Shard.
C. The designer of the Shard.
D. The motto of the Shard.

The text is for no. 37-39

A long time ago, there lived an old man in the Penanggungan Mountain. His
name was Kiai Gede Penanggungan. He had supernatural power. Kiai Gede Penanggungan had a
beautiful daughter named Dewi Walangangin who was not married yet. Kiai Gede
Penanggungan prayed days and nights for her daughter to have a husband. One day, a young
handsome man came to his place. The name of the man was Jaka Pandelengan. He
wanted to be Kiai Gede Penanggungan's student. Kiai Gede agreed to have Jaka as his student
with one condition that he would marry her daughter. Jaka Pandelengan and Dewi Walangangin
soon got married.. Kiai Gede Penanggungan taught Jaka many things.

After several years, now it was time for the couple to live separately from Kiai
Gede Penanggungan. They would move to another village. Kiai Gede gave some seeds of pari or
paddy to the couple. He asked the couple to plant the seeds. He also warned the couple not to be
arrogant when they were rich. He wanted the couple to help poor people. The couple started a
new life. They planted the seed. Soon, the seeds grew and became a lot of rice. Now the couple
became very rich. The poor neighbors came to the couple to ask for some paddy seeds, but the
couple refused to help them.

Kiai Gede heard about the couple's bad behavior. Soon he visited the couple. He
met them when the couple was working in the field. Kiai Gede talked to the couple. He reminded
the couple not to be arrogant, but

the couple ignored him. They said nothing to Kiai Gede. Kiai Gede got very angry. Then he
said, "You two are

like temples. You do not listen to me". Right after he said those words, an incredible thing
happened. Slowly, Jaka and Dewi turned into temples. Because the temples stood among the
pari, people then named them as Pari Temples.

37. What did Jaka Pandelengan and his wife do to be rich?

A. Helped poor people.

B. Had a great power.
C. Planted pari seeds
D. Built a temple.

38. “ … but the couple refused to help them."

The underlined word refers to ....

A. the seeds
B. the couple
C. the temples
D. the neighbors.

39. What can we learn from the story?

A. We should live separately from our parents.

B. We have to listen to our parent's advice.
C. We have to prepare a good paddy field.
D. We should refuse other people's help.

The text is for no. 40 - 42

. I was on a tour bus with my classmates. We were on our way back to school after a long
day visiting museums and an amusement park. No wonder we left very thirsty. So we gave a big
hurrah when two of our friends distributed soft drinks. Soon the bus was noisy with gulping

Everyone was enjoying his/her own drink. Everyone? Well, no…I found the taste of the
soft drink kind of funny. It was sour. I felt suspicious and quickly looked for the expiry date
printed on the back of the cartoon. May 20! Gosh…that was nearly two months ago. I stood up,
cleared my throat and said, “Stop drinking! These soft drinks are already expired. The expiry
date is last May”.

“At once almost everyone stop drinking. Some of my friends even threw their half empty
drinks into the garbage bins along the bus aisle. Then I heard a voice shouting, “You fool, that’s
May next year, not May this year!” Now everybody gave me a dark look. I felt terrible because I
knew that we are still thirsty. I found out later that the drinks tasted sour because they had a new
lime flavor.

40. The writer thought the soft drink has been expired because of its …

A. size
B. taste
C. colour
D. texture

41. After the incident above, the writer may …

A. be hated by his friends.

B. be careful in consuming soft drink.
C. check the truth before saying something.
D. not check the expired date of the soft drink anymore.

42. “Now everybody gave me a dark look”

This sentence means that the writer’s friends are… with him.

A. sad
B. upset
C. relieve
D. unfriendly

The text is for no. 43 - 45

Zebra Cactus

This incredibly slow – growing plant is often compared to aloe. Its contrasting white
striations against dark green leaves makes it a popular houseplant and trendy way to decorate
your home or even office desk .It is easy to maintain, but keep it away from direct sunlight or
deep shade. It only needs watering about once a month, and if you‘re lucky, the Zebra cactus will
flower during the summer if given the proper living condition throughout the year.

43.How do you maintain the Zebra cactus to decorate your home or office ?

A. keep it away from deep shade.

B. keep it away from light
C. make the houseplant popular
D. make you’re lucky

44. “…and trendy way to decorate your home”

. What is the closest meaning of the underlined word ?
A. adorn
B. prepare
C. receive
D. relate

45. How much water does Zebra cactus need?

A. much water in month

B. a lot of water in month
C. a little of water in month
D. plenty of water in month

The text is for no. 46 - 48

Once upon a time, there was a poor woman who had lost her husband and had a son named
Malin Kundang. One day, Malin Kundang went sailing to other place. Ever since Malin
Kundang’s leaving, his mother went to the shore every day, waiting for Malin Kundang to return.

After years, her waiting come to an end when a luxurious ship docked at the shore. A young
couple in extravagant dress stepped down from the ship. Malin’s mother was sure that the young
man was her son. She tried to embrace him, but he threw her away. He didn’t admit the woman
as his mother.

Being denied and humiliated, Malin’s mother cursed her son. After a moment, the luxurious ship
was attacked by a hurricane. Malin Kundang was hurled to the shore and turned to be a rock.
46. The writer tells us the story about … .

A. The legend of a curse.

B. The legend of a ship.
C. A poor woman
D. A disloyal son.

.47. ‘… a luxurious ship docked at the shore”.

The closest meaning of the underlined word is …

A. came
B. arrived
C. repaired
D. anchored.

48. What is the moral value of the story?

A. Do not speak with strangers.

B. We must respect our parents.
C. We must not leave our hometown.
D. Do not go sailing when the weather is bad.

The text is for no. 49 - 50

Vanessa Mae Vanakom Nicholson is a musician.

She is only nineteen years old, but she is the world famous violinist. When she plays classical
violin concertos on her electric violin, the world listens.

Vanessa Mae is a Thai-Chinese. Her mother is Chinese and her father is Thai. She is from
Singapore, but she now lives in London with her mother and her stepfather. She’s got cousins,
aunts, uncle and grandparents in Thailand, Singapore, China and England.

49. From the text we know that people … .

A. In the world are interested in all violinists.

B. Like to listen to Vanessa’s playing violin.
C. Are eager to play violin with Vanessa.
D. Play the violin very well in the concert

50. By reading the text we know that Vanessa Mae’s relatives live in … .

A. China
B. China and Thailand
C. Thailand, China and Singapore
D. Thailand, Singapore, China and England

Good luck

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