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Client Management System

Field Definitions

Topics: Authors:
Companies Katalin Özvegyi
Claudio Mandiratta
Joe Huntsman
Ursula Smith

Revised by P. Walser 11/08

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Client Management System V6.1

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Structure of company data in CMS 1
2. Field Definitions per CMS screeshots 2
2.1 Company Details [Master] 2
3.1 Company Details [BGU Relationship Records] 5
4.1 Address Details - Company Master Record 7
5.1 Person/Contact 8
6.1 Job Details 9
7.1 Person Address Details 9

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Client Management System V6.1

1. Introduction

1.1 Structure of company data in CMS

Legal Entity Master Data

Business Group Unit (BGU)

BGU is one level below BG

Person Relationship
Swiss Re can have A BGU relationship can
multiple BGU relationships consist of multiple
Business Swiss
with a legal entity; person relationships
partner Activity Re
each BGU may have one
person person
relationship record

• Company master data: Details of a legal entity with which Swiss Re has a business
relationship. Only one record will exist in CMS for each legal entity*. Company master data
is jointly maintained by the BGU, which created the record, and the central clearing unit
which checks every record once a year against third party sources.

* Branches, licensed brokers, trading names currently reflected as “Legal Entities” pointing
to the “Head Office” using the internal identifier “Head Office ID”.

• BGU relationship data: Contains details of a relationship between a Swiss Re BGU and a
business partner company. Data is maintained in each BGU by a Data Editor (multiple field)
and owned by a relationship manager (single value field).

• Swiss Re BGU structure: Since the Swiss Re structure keeps changing, the CMS Business
Mgt is currently reconsidering the reflection of the structure as well as it’s maintenance.
Updates will be published under “CMS news & highlights”

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Client Management System V6.1

2. Field Definitions per CMS screeshots

2.1 Company Details [Master]

Path: Company -> Company Details -> Company Master Record

System Status (Master) The status of a company record in CMS (allocated by the system).

• New and not yet validated: The status automatically given to a company
record when a data editor enters a new company or updates an existing
company record, and it is not yet approved by the clearing unit.

• Current: The status given to a company record after the clearing unit have
approved it (it is a true legal entity, is unique/not a duplicate, and the legal
entity master data are accurate).

• Validated, but not yet current: The status given to a company record that
has been approved by the clearing unit, but is not needed (and thus
activated as current) until a set date in the future.

• Historical: The status given to a company record that has been archived
permanently because all business relationships with that company have
ceased, or the record has been replaced. Only the central clearing unit
may archive master data.

Company Legal Name * The true 'legal' name of a company as it appears in the local company register
of the location where it is incorporated.

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Country of The country in which a legal entity company is legally registered and
Incorporation * incorporated. The values will come from CATOS (Geographical Information
System). There may be cases where the company is incorporated in one
country and located in another.
State/Province of The 'State or Province' that appears in the local company register.
City of Incorporation The city that appears in the local company register. Source of values: Catos.

Main Industry Segment * The primary industry segment of a company (eg. Credit Suisse = Banking).

Company Type * Differentiates clients from Finance Division Administration partners and SR
Group companies.
• Business partner (incl. clients): Default value. Companies with whom SR
has a relationship with respect to its core business activities, either risk
transfer, risk financing or asset management. 'Business role', which
identifies the type of business partner (eg. broker, insurer, etc.) is defined
as a relationship data field (see below).
• Administration partner: Finance Division partner companies with no
active business relationship. – Currently exclusively used by Finance
Switzerland [L. Meister]
• SR Group company: A company belonging to, or affiliated with Swiss Re
Group (as defined by the Group Directory, usually more than 50% owned
by Swiss Re). More specifically:

o SR Group Branch
o SR Group Representative office
o SR Group SPV (Special purpose vehicle)
o SR Group Holding
o SR Group Other
Company Legal status
Reflects the legal status of a company as per official registration. Only
applicable for legal companies. Values:
o active
o in liquidation
o liquidated
Company Financial
Indicates the financial status set for the partner by SR GLT Team. Steers
payment authorisation in SICS’nt ONLY. Values
o solvent: no financial issues known
o financially troubled: Company is officially in financial troubles
Note: use the “Company Notes” in CMS if you want to further
specify the issue. Use the old status categories from the right
column to give further details
o financially restricted: Company is not in financial trouble, but
for other reasons must not receive any payment. Note: use
the “Company Notes” in CMS if you want to further specify
the issue. Use the old status categories from the right column
to give further details
Legal Form Officially registered legal form.
eg. limited liability company, public company, representative office

Balance Closing Date Yearly balance closing date of client (cf. the client's Annual Report, if
available). Generally 31 Dec, in some countries 30 March or 30 June.

Date Founded It is possible to insert only the year (YYYY), or the year and month (MM)
without the day.
Default Currency * Basic treaty currency. Relevant information for the accounting department
and for statistics (for more information contact Division Finance in Zurich).

Business Language One of the official Swiss Re business languages (en, fr, sp, it, dt, port).

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Comm. Language Often same as Business Language. Preferred language of communication.

Brand/Short/Alias Name The brand, alternate, or short name that is often used to identify a company,
to make it easier to find a company in CMS. Each legal entity may have
various such names.
• Alias names and aka (as known as) names
• Old names of companies with new name (mergers, takeovers)
• GIS shortname (not more than15 digits plus GIS-abbreviation)
eg. Koeln Rueck (GIS)
• Information originating from CMS data consolidation activities
eg. not historised, revoked company (15.02.03, A.Büeler)

Relationship Managers SR Unit (BGU):

/ SR Unit (BGU) A Swiss Re organisational unit one level below the Business Group.

Relationship Manager:
The lead Swiss Re interface within a business partner relationship. Normally
this is the client manager, but could be someone else (eg. for run-off

Identification Types & Company external identifiers:

Sources An identifier from one of the officially recognised company identification
sources such as DUNS, FEIN, etc.

Company internal identifiers:

Identifiers from Swiss Re legacy systems used prior to CMS (eg. GIS, Fed-ID,
SRIT-ID, SRSA-ID, SRUK-ID) and admin. identifiers (eg. Head Office ID,
Duplicate, Survivor ID).

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3.1 Company Details [BGU Relationship Records]

System Status (BGU) The status of a company record in CMS (cf. definition for company master
Differently to the company master records, new relationship records are not
manually cleared. As soon as they have been created, they receive the status
Relationship Manager * The lead Swiss Re interface within a business partner relationship. Normally
this is the client manager, but could be someone else (eg. for run-off
Data Editor * A person who creates/updates data in CMS for a specific BGU relationship.

Business Roles * Defines the business role of the company. A company can have multiple roles
in each relationship data set of a BGU.
• Insurer: An organisation chartered by a government entity to transact the
insurance business.
• Broker: An independent person or organisation which, in return for a
commission or fee, brings together buyers and sellers of insurance,
advises on insurance needs and negotiates insurance with insurers (GBT).
• Insured (risk): The insured property, person, company, or perils to which
an insurance policy is exposed.
• Retrocessionaire: The assuming reinsurer in a retrocession, where the
ceding reinsurer is known as the retrocedent.
• Competitor: A company with whom one of the BGUs competes for
• Vendor/service provider: A company to whom SR pays a fee in exchange
for non-reinsurance or non-investment services (consultants, hotels, etc.).
• Education/government/ industry association: A public institution (incl.
reinsurance industry associations, government institutions, universities,
• Managing General Agent: MGA, an 'agent of the insurer' as opposed to a
broker, who is normally an agent of the insured. They quote and bind
insurance, issue policies, collect premium, and handle claims in the name
of the insurer.
• Holding Company

Industry Segment The industry segment of the company as relevant to a specific BGU
relationship (as opposed to 'main industry segment'). Many companies
operate in several industries.

Business Status * The status of business relationship between a BGU and a Business Partner

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• Prospect: A company with whom a SR BGU is seeking to do business.
• Active: Default value. A company with whom a SR BGU has an active,
contractual business relationship.
• Run-off: A company with whom a SR BGU is no longer underwriting new
business, but continues to meet its liabilities under existing contracts.
• Inactive: A company with whom a SR BGU had an active relationship that
has been terminated.

Addition to Name Provides ability to add a division of a company specific to the BGU

Do not insert any parts of the officially registered name in this field.

Preferred Brokers The broker through whom a business partner prefers to place their business
with a SR BGU. (CMS Id)

Preferred Visiting BGU Relationship Record address that has been marked as 'Preferred' on the
Address Address/Phone screen of that BGU.

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4.1 Address Details - Company Master Record

Address Type All company addresses are stored in an Address Pool created with the
company master record and 'attached' to a BGU Relationship Record when a
data editor is creating a new relationship record.

When creating a new company master record, the Legal Address is

automatically copied for the Main and Main Postal Address. These addresses
can all be modified if required.

The Central Clearing Unit checks the master record Legal Address against an
agreed third party source. They also clear the Main (Visiting) Address, and the
(Main) Postal Address.

Other address types are not cleared.

Street Insert the street name and house number.

Additional Lines Used for names of buildings, floors, and any other additional information
(Note: If this field contains information, very often the label must be modified
P.O.Box Insert words and numbers.
eg. Postfach 110, Boite Postale 110, P.O.Box 110
Postal Code Insert the postal code.

City * cf. the information about the Address Types above. Free text field.

State/Province * Keyword lists provide the values for US and Canadian addresses. Source of
values: CATOS.

Country * cf. the information about the Address Types above. Source of values: CATOS.

Location Description Free text field. L&H UK requirement. Comment filled in to indicate if the
company is Head Office or Branch Office.
Identification Type Used for
• Backfeed information for the GIS legacy system: GIS-Address numbers
001 (Main Address) and 002 (Main Postal Address),
• Postal Addresses in reference to facultative acceptances (GIS-ADR
Number > 03 and < 019).

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5.1 Person/Contact
Path: Contacts -> Person -> Person Details

Salutation * Country-specific terms. Printed on serial letters and labels. Client Managers
or Data Editors decide which language should be used.
eg. Mr, Ms, Mrs, Herr, Frau, Señor, Mme, Sig.ra

Middle Name Appears on labels.

Gender * Check local data protection law before inserting a person's gender.

Academic Degree Professional qualification from a university or polytechnic institution.

eg. Professor, Dr., Ing., Ingeniero

Nick Name eg. Becky for the name Rebecca

Honorary Title Aristocratic or sovereign title, form of address.

eg. Durchlaucht, Sir

Business Language One of the official Swiss Re business languages (en, fr, sp, it, dt, port.).

Native Language Mother tongue of person.

Date of Birth Check local data protection law before inserting a person's date of birth.

Occupation Free text field.

Other Occupations Insert a different occupation from that above.

Data Ownership, ID Types Fields that currently do not need to be filled in.

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6.1 Job Details

Job Title Specifies the contact's hierarchical position within the company. Printed on
serial letters and labels and the discussion notes written in the CMS
Discussion Note system.
Functional Role Specifies the contact' s management function as defined by the client.
Job Status Client-based definition.
eg. internal, external, pensioner, ex-employee
Job Function Explanation, or additional information to the Job Title. Swiss Re keyword
Seniority Swiss Re keyword list.
eg. executive, staff, senior management
Business Area eg. Engineering, Aviation, Property, Special Lines

7.1 Person Address Details

Job Address A contact's job address derives from the company address pool. Cf. chapter
2.1.2 for field definitions.
Private Address A person's private address screen displays the same fields as a company
address screen.
Address Information There are different functions available to maintain addresses:
Address Details - view selected address
Edit Address - modify the selected address
Private Address - add a private address to a person
Labels - Define Label layout and if necessary make changes in
the manually defined label format

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