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Special Article

Epidemic of Difficult‑to‑Treat Tinea in India: Current Scenario,

Culprits, and Curbing Strategies
Manjunath M. Shenoy, Jyothi Jayaraman1
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Yenepoya Medical College, 1Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Father Muller Medical
College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India

Dermatophytes cause superficial skin infections of skin, nail, and hair known as dermatophytosis. It is commonly called as “ring worm” infection. There
has been an emergence of an epidemic of recurrent and chronic dermatophytosis in India. Several reasons have been implicated that are related to the
agent, host, and the treatment. Topical steroid misuse has been considered as an important contributor that has led to the persistence and atypicality of
the infection. This article emphasizes on the salient features of the current dermatophyte epidemic to sensitize all physicians who treat the infections.

Keywords: Chronic dermatophytosis, recurrent dermatophytosis, tinea, topical steroid misuse

Introduction humidity, demographic factors of patient, occupation, genetic

predisposition, and socioeconomical status.[4] Dermatophytes
Dermatophytes are fungi that metabolize keratin to produce
evolve along with the change in geography and socioeconomic
superficial skin infections of skin, nail, and hair known as
conditions. These keratinophilic fungi have the ability to
dermatophytosis. It is commonly called as “ring worm” infection
invade hair, nails, and the skin of the living host.
due to the round, itchy, and inflammatory patches seen in the
common form of the disease. The lesions may sometimes Conventionally, dermatophytes are classified as asexual or
become widespread and may have a significant impact on social, imperfect (anamorphic) molds belonging to three genera,
psychological, and occupational health compromising the quality namely Trichophyton, Microsporum, and Epidermophyton.
of life.[1] It is a contagious disease that spreads by direct or indirect There are about 40 species of dermatophytes under these three
contact. Until a few years ago, it had been a disease treated with genera.[5] The taxonomy of dermatophytes is an evolving area
ease using antifungal agents. In the recent past, there has been a and the use of molecular techniques to study the relatedness
failure of treatment with conventional therapy and emergence of of species has led to confusion and conflicts in the literature.
an epidemic of recurrent and chronic dermatophytosis in India.[2,3] Dermatophytes are found in three different ecological sources,
namely humans, animals, and soil, based on which they
Dermatologists across the country are sensitized to this aspect,
are classified into geophilic, zoophilic, and anthropophilic
but the disease is not managed by dermatologists alone. Many
species.[6] There is geographic variation in the dominance of
patients are first reported to the family practitioners, physicians, and
infecting agents. Most of the infections are generally mild and
pediatricians. This article hence intended to bring awareness among
are treated with common antifungal agents.
all our colleagues. In India, practitioners of alternate medicine and
unqualified quacks also manage these patients with allopathic The prevalence of superficial mycotic infection worldwide
medications who have inadequate knowledge of these drugs. This according to the World Health Organization in 2015 has been
has also been a hindrance in tackling epidemics of this magnitude.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Manjunath M. Shenoy,
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Yenepoya
Epidemiology Medical College, Deralakatte, Mangalore ‑ 575 018, Karnataka, India.
The prevalence of the dermatophytosis depends on the
host and environmental factors such as temperature,
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DOI: How to cite this article: Shenoy MM, Jayaraman J. Epidemic of

10.4103/amhs.amhs_72_19 difficult‑to‑treat tinea in India: Current scenario, culprits, and curbing
strategies. Arch Med Health Sci 2019;7:112-7.

112 © 2019 Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow

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Shenoy and Jayaraman: Tinea epidemic in India

found to be 20%–25%.[7] In the past 7–8 years, there has been 6. Emergence of T. mentagrophytes as the dominant or
an escalation in difficult to treat, recurrent as well as chronic codominant pathogen.
dermatophytosis in India. In a study conducted in Sikkim,
Most infections that are reported at higher frequency primarily
India, about 60.4% of patients gave a history of recurrent
infect the glabrous skin (tinea corporis, cruris, and faciei).
dermatophytosis.[8] These changes may be contributed to a
Tinea capitis, onychomycosis, tinea pedis, and tinea manuum
complex interplay of host, agent, and environmental factors.
have not been a major part of the current epidemic in India.
In India, common species noted are Trichophyton rubrum,
followed by Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum
gypseum. There have been reports of an increase in T.
mentagrophytes as a leading causative agent in many studies Infection starts after contact with spores or conidia.
from India.[9‑11] The recent worldwide trends have been Dermatophytes growing in a vertebrate host normally form
summarized in a review article published by Hayette MP et al.; only arthrospores (arthroconidia) or asexual spores that develop
it has been briefly depicted in Table 1.[12] within the hyphae. Invasion of the epidermis by dermatophytes
begins with adherence between arthroconidia and keratinocytes
followed by penetration through and between cells and the
Current Scenario in the World and India development of a host response. In laboratory culture medium,
Dermatophytosis was always common but was never considered they can also produce microconidia, macroconidia, and asexual
as a major public health hazard in India. It rarely causes major spores that develop outside the hyphae.
complications. Published literature on dermatophytosis in the
past highlighted the clinical and epidemiological trends but Growth of dermatophytes is associated with the development of
rarely focused on the chronic and recurrent infections since it areas of inflammation. Geophilic and zoophilic dermatophytes
was a rare occurrence. Treatment failure was also uncommon. generally produce more inflammatory lesions than
anthropophilic dermatophytes.[15] The amount of inflammation
The current epidemic of dermatophytosis in India has many exhibited by the host is determined by the cell‑mediated
characteristic features due to which it has been among the immunity which place a major role in curtailing the infection.
common topic of discussion in most conferences. A fresh
literature from India has been emerging focusing the changing Host factors such as site of infection, barrier function, age,
clinic‑epidemiological and therapeutic aspects. Major aspects obesity, immunosuppressive state, use of topical steroids, or
have been enlisted here. other immunosuppressive medications may affect the spread
1. Overall increased frequency of dermatophyte infection of infection and clinical presentation. Anatomical variations
across the country such as the presence of skin folds, sebaceous glands, variable
2. Increased incidence of recurrent and chronic infections[13] thickness of the stratum corneum, and presence of vellus hair
• Recurrent dermatophytosis is defined as reoccurrence follicle involvement may also determine the progress and
of the signs and symptoms within few weeks of persistence of infection.
apparent cure In the Indian scenario, presence of hot and humid climate,
• Chronic dermatophytosis refers to the persistence of the low socioeconomic status, overcrowding, sharing of infected
infection despite treatment for over 6 months–1 year. clothes and footwear, poor hygiene, and migration of population
3. Deviation in the clinical patterns with extensive and
may be predisposing recurrence of dermatophytosis.
morphologically atypical lesions
4. Increased trends of potent topical steroid misuse to treat
the disease Diagnostic Challenges
5. Failure of systemic antifungal agents with lack of adequate Dermatophytosis is classified according to the site of
response[14] involvement. Salient features of the various forms of

Table 1: Epidemiology of dermatophytosis in the world

Dermatophytosis Common dermatophyte Region
Tinea pedis and onychomycosis T. rubrum Europe, Middle east, North and central America, Asia (Japan)
Tinea corporis T. mentagrophyte Middle East
T. verrucosum Middle East (Iran)
M. canis Europe (Italy)
T. rubrum Asia (India)
Tinea capitis T. tonsurans Caribbean
M. audouinii, T. soudanense, T. tonsurans, T. violaceum Africa (Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Ethiopia, Botswana)
T. rubrum: Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophyte: Trichophyton mentagrophyte, T. verrucosum: Trichophyton verrucosum, M. canis: Microsporum
canis, M. audouinii: Microsporum audouinii, T. soudanense: Trichophyton soudanense, T. violaceum: Trichophyton violaceum, T. tonsurans: Trichophyton

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Shenoy and Jayaraman: Tinea epidemic in India

dermatophytosis have been depicted in Table 2. Most nonhairy can give quick relief in the symptom but eventually leading to
infections are characteristically show ring like (annular) atypical presentation, persistence, and widespread infection.
reddish scaly lesions with active, spreading, and inflammatory Rampant use of such creams has immensely contributed to
borders [Figure 1]. Hairy areas often show more inflammation the current epidemic.
often due to the invading fungus which are frequently zoophilic Atypical tinea presents with clinical appearances ranging
in origin.[16] Extensive disease, atypical presentations, and from eczematous, psoriasis‑like, pustular lesions,
extension of the disease into the scalp and face are common. pseudoimbricata (concentric rings), and rosacea‑like lesions
The appearance of the lesions at the site of the rings, which are resilient to treatment [Figures 3‑5].[17] Topical
drawstrings, wrist bands and body threads worn for cultural and steroid misuse has been the main culprit for the atypical
religious reasons has been seen indicating these articles may presentations. Many cases are also associated with cutaneous
serve as reservoir of the infection [Figure 2]. Most infections adverse effects of steroid abuse such as striae, atrophy of
are diagnosed based on the clinical manifestations. Rarely skin, acneiform eruptions, and rosacea [Figures 6 and 7].[19,20]
laboratory diagnosis using mycological examination is carried Understanding the impact of topical steroids in the current
out to confirm the diagnosis. epidemic is crucial and can be considered as a gap in the
research. Topical steroid abuse shall be considered as one
The diagnostic difficulty has been posed in the recent past of the major health tragedies in India. These drugs impede
with the emergence of atypical dermatophytosis.[17] Majority the cutaneous inflammatory response that the skin mounts
of such presentation can be attributable to the usage of to resist and limit the fungal infection. Concomitantly, there
over‑the‑counter steroid containing creams.[18] These creams is local suppression of T‑cell‑mediated immune response to
the dermatophytes. Tinea “incognito” refers to the steroid
modified tinea that has lost the inflammatory signs with
masked margins [Figure 7].

Figure 1: Tinea corporis; annular and polycyclic erythematous scaly

plaques with active borders Figure 2: Tinea corporis occurring at the site of the wrist band

Table 2: Salient features of dermatophytosis

Clinical type Synonym Site of infection Common agents Clinical features of the common variety
Tinea capitis Scalp hair T. violaceum, T. tonsurans, Noninflammatory lesions characterized by
M. canis patches of alopecia with scaling and broken hairs.
Inflammatory lesions show tender boggy swelling
Tinea barbae Barber’s itch Beard and T. violaceum, T. tonsurans, Similar to tinea capitis often with deep folliculitis
moustache hair M. canis
Tinea faciei ‑ Nonhairy skin of T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, Erythematous scaly annular plaques
the face E. floccosum
Tinea corporis Ringworm Non‑hairy skin of T. mentagrophytes, T. rubrum, Erythematous scaly annular plaques
the body T. violaceum
Tinea cruris Jock itch, Nonhairy skin of T. mentagrophytes, T. rubrum Erythematous scaly annular plaques
Dhobi itch the groin
Tinea manuum ‑ Palms T. interdigitale, T. rubrum Diffuse scaling of palm
Tinea pedis Athlet’s foot Feet T. interdigitale, T. rubrum Fissuring, scaling or maceration in the interdigital
or subdigital areas
Tinea unguium Onychomycosis Finger and toenails T. interdigitale, T. rubrum Subungual scaling and lifting up of the distal nail
T. rubrum: Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophyte: Trichophyton mentagrophyte, T. verrucosum: Trichophyton verrucosum, M. canis: Microsporum canis,
T. soudanense: Trichophyton soudanense, T. violaceum: Trichophyton violaceum, T. tonsurans: Trichophyton tonsurans, E. floccosum: Epidermophyton

114 Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences  ¦  Volume 7  ¦  Issue 1  ¦  January‑June 2019
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Shenoy and Jayaraman: Tinea epidemic in India

Figure 3: Psoriasis‑like atypical tinea

Figure 4: Annular lesion of tinea corporis with pustules

Figure 6: Tinea incognito

Figure 5: Tinea pseudo imbricata due to topical steroid misuse
summarized with modifications in Table 3. This therapy is
Laboratory diagnosis relies primarily on the conventional often inadequate in the current scenario, and we require fresh
diagnostic techniques, namely direct microscopy and management guidelines.
mycological culture. Currently, there has been a major If not contraindicated, systemic antifungals have become necessary
shift in the epidemiology with T. mentagrophytes emerging
in virtually all cases of dermatophytosis. There have been reports
as the dominant pathogen overtaking the T. rubrum. This
of failure of systemic therapy, especially with terbinafine
has also been attributed to various host and environmental
indicating there may be a possible antifungal resistance.[24] A
factors. T. mentagrophytes has many subspecies, and detection
few Indian studies have reported mutation in squalene epoxidase
of it is of great epidemiological importance. Molecular
enzyme leading to drug resistance in terbinafine.[25,26]
biological techniques are adapted to detect the fungus to the
subspecies level.[21,22] In India, there are very few centers Apart from treatment, prevention of recurrences, reinfection
offering those services. and spread to family members and contacts is important. This
can be made possible by an elaborate counseling of every
Therapeutic Challenges patient. Various aspects of counseling have been summarized
Antifungal therapy can be administered as topical or oral in Table 4. Important aspects include hygiene, avoiding
formulations. Topical therapy alone can cure localized lesions, the steroid‑containing creams, and treating all contacts. It
but such an occurrence in the current epidemic is rare. Topical is very common to notice that many family members are
antifungal therapy is safe for pregnant, lactating women, simultaneously affected in the current scenario, which causes
infants, and small children.[23] It is important to mention once economic burden too.[27]
again that topical antifungal alone without any antibiotics or
steroids shall be used to manage dermatophytosis, Conclusion
Systemic antifungals commonly used for the treatment of Superficial mycosis that was amenable to minimal interventions
dermatophytosis include griseofulvin, terbinafine, itraconazole, has grown into a bothersome health problem accountable to
and fluconazole. Textbooks and published literature describes epidemic in India. Atypical presentations, poor therapy
the conventional doses and duration of therapy which has been response, chronic disease, and recurrent infections are the

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Shenoy and Jayaraman: Tinea epidemic in India

Table 3: Conventional therapy of dermatophytosis

Type Standard therapy Alternate therapy Comments on therapy in the current scenario
Tinea corporis, Terbinafine: 250 mg/day for 1 week Fluconazole: 150‑200 mg/week Terbinafine and itraconazole therapy may require
cruris, faciei Itraconazole: 200 mg/day for 1 week for 2‑4 weeks extension for 3 weeks or more
Tinea capitis, Griseofulvin: 10 mg/kg/day for 6‑8 weeks Itraconazole: 5 mg/kg/day Griseofulvin is still the gold standard, and the
tinea barbae Terbinafine: 62.5 mg (<20 kg), 125 mg (20‑40 (maximum 500 mg) × 4‑8 weeks therapy is generally effective
kg) or 250 mg (40 kg) daily for 3‑4 weeks
Tinea pedis, Terbinafine: 250 mg/day for 2 weeks Fluconazole: 5 mg/kg/week for Not a major part of the current epidemic
tinea manuum Itraconazole: 200‑400 mg/day for 1 week 4‑6 weeks
Tinea unguium Terbinafine: 250 mg/day for 12 weeks Fluconazole: 150‑200 mg/week Not a major part of the current epidemic and the
(toenails) or 6 weeks (fingernails) for 3‑9 months recommended therapy is effective
Itraconazole: 200 mg bid for 1 week/month for
3 months (toenails) or 2 months (fingernails)

Table 4: Counseling of patients with dermatophytosis

Counseling points Benefits
Regular bath (at least once a day) and wiping the body dry May reduce fungal load and colonization
Regular laundering of clothes May reduce the recurrence of the disease through infected clothes
Washing and storing clothes and bed linen separately from others Reduces chances of transmission to family members
Avoidance of sharing of clothes, towels, and soaps with others Reduces transmission to contacts and family members
Avoidance of wearing bands, threads, drawstrings, and rings Avoidance of infected materials to reduce recurrence
Losing weight (in obese patients) Reduces chances of the fungal infection in groin and other intertriginous area
Avoid contact with pets Avoids chances of animal (zoophilic) infections
Avoid applying topical corticosteroids containing creams Reduces recurrence and atypical presentations
Complete the course of treatment Ensures complete cure
Treatment of other infected house members and close contacts Reduces chances of transmission and recurrence

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