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Bepublte ofthe Blilpyiwes Gongross of the Pyilippines ‘Ais ba Feet ngs {To Rouen gn and hal a Metre Mania, on Nosday, the twentyhid “ay of July, twotrousord waive (ReruBLic ACT NO. 10354] AN AGT PROVIDING FOR A NATIONAL POLICY ON "RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Bee ensted hy the Senate end Hose of Fepreseitines of be hpi Congres esembll SeenON A, Fille. — This Act shall be known a ‘The Reoponmble Partebood and Ropeedasive Health Aot sf ‘Sev. 2, Delortion of Policy. — Tho Stata rocveninasatd henna nie ofel eis intuding teem gat fo opuaity and mondisonminason f thes ngs, the night 0 ‘usiinable human devolpment, the right & Meal wi Includes reproductive health the right to edueation ata Infraticn, and the right to owe and make decabns ‘emselves in aseordance with da elgous avira, this, citar elit andthe demande nfeypenaite pareattond 4 Parnas to thedosareiono Sia policies under Seton 12, Avtide Lathe 1987 Pitppie Conssitaton ils the dit of the Blais te protect ane atrengdaon the family aa basic “topneneunncil naisution and equally protec: hele ofthe (Roster andthe feo he sheen Brom conoeption. The State ‘Zell pstetend promote the ight to healt of were aneraly Snothers te parlor tad che peo in general nd inci [oul enecounnere among them The fmt naturel end Famamontal unt of nasty. The State shall Merwise protect and ‘nhrrcetho right offaniiee in patcnlaran thepeopleinewnera (oi talanced end hvalthfol eneionmart in aoord with the {stan and harmony of natine The Stabs sn recoerizes and [arentece the promefion and agealprtsein the woliare and Fights of chikven, tbe youth, and he unbers Moreover, the Stato rognizes and guarantees the _pramtnnn gerry, gondaroquiy womenempowerert i dguiy woe hecdnank rman sights comern ania aerial eopeniliicy The advancomont and peomaction of women's umuneightshalibe cate Uaeefodeufte Sate to address ropreductve alth cas "The Siote ongaises marriage ay en nvilable sccial Inston nd te fonda fhe amy whi in tor ie he Jounation fection Tusouan ert the State sal dof (The right of rpms to found «family in accordance with hoieraligios sonvetons and the demands efreaponsitle Dareationd 6) The right ofchiléren to esistace, inciueing omp=r ‘sroarlautiuen and apscalprtection Fom illformsaf bee, Shwe,crchy, oxplatation, andceber cantons prejuicalto ei development £9 The it of he ey ai ng wes at (ey Tae rihtot farses fit secatons to paste {ig the planning ent implementation of plies er pers ‘Tie ustelinowiss guarentee nivel ses to medica sate, ron sberlin, sflocve legl, fbrdale, and quality procucive hoalth care eve methods, davies oupalis URah db not proveat eke mmplanea in ora feted ovis a9 terninod bythe Peod ena Drag Administration PDA) and Sidceat tnformation and edveation thereon according te te Frisby neode of women, children and ofher underpriieesd TEENS fie orefeentl occa tothose enti hough the Naud Hewseholi Targeting Sytem fr Poverty Redurtion NHTSPH) and ocber gaverament measures af ulntiying Sarginalizetion, who shall be voluntary Feaeliciaries of ‘eovotuctve heal eam, services and sepefoe ee. ‘the Bate chal ratiatadiseriieatory practices, ewe sant yoleioethatlnfinge own porno ononaao of reproctve hath ng, ‘The fate shall ab eromsteopennass to life: roid ‘Thatpereats bring fern te word only thos children whom thay don ein in tl uma as ‘Ste, 2. Guiding Principle for Implemeniation. — This Acteedare thefelowing as guling pinspes () Therigtt w make fee adinforwed dacicin which iscental ty the exerose fay right sll it be waste iy rm ofccercin aed must be fally guaranteed ty the Sat, ike night tel 1b) Respecttir protection and ftelnentofspmdtion eathand eights whicn sot to pote te igen wie st (row persen partuclarly couples, aduls inves, wometand ‘Boats (©) SiuceDunaa sence in amen teprinsipal anatit thesvanny, eee enc quali reprotudivebealtncareorvion faust be gen primacy f ensure tec and ud ai the altho ths uxbora, sale delivery and bata cf heaiay care, he enund rplacement rit in line with the Skates dey to ‘Frome th ight tohenbh rotons parenthood, sos justce ‘Gat fulhamas development @ The promsion of ethical and medically sal, legal, ecole africle, noathrtacent, fective and qty retotion of peaple'sright to heslth, ampecially theos of women, ‘he poor, apd tho marginalised, and chal be ineerporseed ae ‘component of besichenthart, (© ‘TheState chell promote ond provide infrmaten and scene, wichont as, 19 allmnetnodaof amy planning, facing ‘Hfsees natural andsodom mcthoda which have been proven ‘metal si, ofl now aborulaent andefieciveinasordsne: ‘itnecentidic nad ovidenoe based neces] reearsh staat ‘uchasthoee registred and approved by the FDA forthe pocr ‘unt marginalize as dented trough tho NHTS-PR ancolner ovement measures ct identfying marginalization: Provide, ‘That the State shall ako provide hineing eappor to promote modern safural methode of family planning, eepecaly the Biting: Ovelaian Method, concatnt wi te news afacspons i hetreligvesconvetons, The Sisto shall promote premnane that (I) enable imeivdaai and expen havethe number ofehldeen thay dese ‘ith consdareticn othe hele, pacticloey of omen, and ‘he remures available mt atbrdabie w em and in eden ith xieting laws, pubic morals andthe aligions convictions: Provided, Taino mw ell be deprived. er sooomie reasons of ‘herightsto have culdeo: (2) achieve equa aloeation ask tilsntion ef remurass (3) aneareeflsctivepartership 9m Iasienel governens, eal government unite (LOU) and ‘private oocior ia the design, implementation, eorsiraton, Intogration, montoriag and evaluation of poople-entered programs t enhance the quality ef lip and exvironnestal protection: (4) conduct studies to analvzs demographic irs Induting tomographic fivideuds from sound portation roletea \oeards sustainable haan developmect keeping with the prindplaeof gender epalty,povectmnofsnotiersand culdrea, omand unbera and the promotion aud protecicn of wean’ repreductivergats andhealt; and @) soadact suena eocies ‘oldeiermine tesafeeyand aears of alternative medisiroeand, snetins fr reproductive health caredevelopnent; @ The provisen of renredectoe Heth caro informatin sand supplies giving peerty to poor benefaries as ilenied Ghovogh de NTEPD eal tly qreronent menses of Heatlvingoarsnalication must ho thapotmaryroponaibiley ef the untoaal govemient consistent wits Us odbgation to Teapest protec and peometerhe right ts health and the ightto ite (he State shall respctindduals praforensoe and dct of fly plennig methods thatar iq ncardanoe 2h Ter religious convictions aud caltual belief taking isto ‘omideration ie Statsollgaine under acon ham gh fnsirumente, 4) Active portcipaton by nengoremment orpanactiens ‘romerrs aad peoples srguniertions, sd sede, fnuihchased organizations, the religious sector aad tonminities is crucial to enstze that reproductive hoalth and Soyulation end developmen: pois plaus, ad programs vl EMlvess the prority needa of women, the poor, ané the sargnalid 1g) While his Ac recognizes that sborton i lege and puaighable by low, th goverament sal ensure that allwonen Seeding eare for postabortive complications and all other ‘englications arising fom prognzney. labor and delivery end ‘inte ienuce shell be Gonted aad conasled i» humane, Inv ond medicated, (8) Bach fail cll bovotherightto datermineitedsal family ae: Provided, louever, That tbe Sate shall iy each facoat with the necnearysfarmation on ell aopect fly if, indding reprcuctireheattbavd responsible parental, ‘montero make that dstermination; Thera shall bo no demogrephicor population tarts snd ihe mitigation promotion adr smi Use peplaton goth ents incidental athe sdvancement of eprodacSve Pah (e) Gondor oyunlity and womua smpowermust are conti! elements of reproductive health end populates aust Soreapsnent ) Mhoresourser of ecnantey meat ne made oserve the soo population copoly dhe poor and dleatons hora mst Seadequateandifectie ovided Tob eli fe alors spd ©. Dewopment ie multitareed pesess that ell for ‘he harmoxiuaton end integration of youn plana progres sl prsjcts Chat soeleto uplift she quay off ofthe poops, ‘nore pariculaly the poo, the needy ahd the marginalized, sot 1) Tats compronensive ropecdtive health yeogeam sdtvoooe the needa of people Unroughoul tint ie yee. ‘Sec. 4. Defindien of Terms. — Foe the purpose ofthis At the following tom shall bedefinad slows () Abortfaient refers any Ara or device that induces aboruono he desruckon ca ets msds themoather's wrth ot ‘he prevention ofthe fortiizad ovum tozoschand beimplaated in ‘he mothers womb upon feverminaton othe FDA. (0) Adotescen’reterew young proplsberwoen the ageeot ‘en (0)tonineton(1) ears who arentransson fom chica ‘ondalthood. © Basic Bmergency Obatetric avd Newborn Care (HONG) rcfuratoliluavng sorvies er emergency eternal dnl uovboracoudticndomptestona Feiagproidedy ancl Jaclty or profesabmal to include ‘he following services: Adinistetion of parental onytocic drags, amination of dae ofprinteralsctocnralennta adiisierstion cf perciel parcalcnapratinrertap momen renee aah rid performance of sical vaginal dalieries,rempral freed lecenalprocusts, and maaual semoval fvetined places. IE Alco inclidse somnatal islerventions which inclade at the ‘winlmum: nowbare 1suadiston, provision of warmed, at Feferal, blood waastuson vier pale ) Comprehension Emergency Oteletrie and Nawtor: (Cars (CEMONG) sere toLisaaving services for exengeny ‘malomal ani aewtor condionafonplitaens avin Base [mergency Obstetre ans Newnom Care pit the provision if surpcl delivery (nesarian section andbuol tank eareces, and ther hidly specialized caters interventions. Talaovledes ‘energeney soon care ehiinsiudesat the makmun nto Fovatetion troatnent of naenetel sopeh infection, exes ‘topper ar antountal deinen of faterna etoile ht Urecenedpretmaswedotvar. (©) Fara planaieg refers to program which aadlee cxuplesaditaaain tna ely ae pen sree (ted opading of their chiliven ena to have te efron sa ‘aeaaoto don, ad tobaveanavstoa fl rang ene arb, feecive,ncnatoraficam: modem natura andatiseal methods ofplanningpremancy Petal and infant death roviow role ow quaasive andi depthatady ofthe cause of fetal onl inant death vit tip primary purpose ofpreventing futae death taeughsharges action to programs plats aud pols, © Conder aquality safes to the principe of equality Dbeoween neton and eas equ rghte te ojo) condita ls ‘ening to fllhuax peels concrete, and bene ‘rom the results ofdevlepment, with the State roxcpniine tha: al hunan beings ae fee ard equal in dignity and ratte, E ectaleoquality mopportaniies nthe albstionofremntroes ce Snes orn ascen to avers in furtherane af tha ight Deabh aad ouseinebie hutean develpuisst among exer illus escrito (6) Gender squty refers to the paises, iaetremonts, progeamsandacsn that oes ths dandvastaged povton Women in society by providing preferential teatnent snd (Aiemative action. I eninila fetzness aad justice inte Aistbatonofbensfesara reaponsibiiesbebveen women an -Senvandofics egultes women specie prajecta and porims to vl exiting inequalities. This concept wangnines tht was ropreuctiveealth involves women apd mentite noe etd forwonen's heath Mots ceaponatbitity raters te the involvame ‘umitment accounsabiity and respasblity of males ia ‘ress exualbealth anf zopredertive helt, aswell a he ‘care cf mproductve hnath emseene pecigevo sen Moternal death review relors to 8 qualitative and dn fet ety oftba anes tend ith te pines uupose of preventng fue cethsthmngh shangnesroner, ‘tw progr plans end yolcios (1) Moternai haath rotor the bolth of « woman of ‘ssproductiv ngs lncling but not lite io during prosaeney, slltbet andthe pospartin perind. BD Modern meihede of fanily planning refers t sale, ‘fetiro-nan abortifciantand ogal mothe, hate Batra ‘rarticil that are registred withthe FDA. glea proeeaney (2) Natura fomilyphinning maton ravety ofmthole used t alo or prevent presantc tai on onsjing the (9) Publicheatth care sersey provider afr to: ()pubhe health canton, whid dul deneod and acsreleed and devoted primorily othe meineancct and operatien of facie forboaith promotion, disease preverton dagnise, teaiment so vase of individuals wufening fem ilies, eeate ides, Saati or defermiy, or inmaed cetera or chor meee 4nd nursing carr; (2) public health care profesional, whoo oct of medicine, a nurse ce annie) putlicheald wares ncaged inde delivery of health ear setvvo; (8) Barangay htlth voor who hao undergone irining profuse tae, cowelited government and NGO ané who vountariy renders ‘primary healt care sevice in the community afar hacioy oom aoreditd to faction aa auch by the ee houlth booed ‘sssordunce with the guild jiatedy th Depainent Sfitenxh 0s), Poor refers t members of households identi ae oor throagh the NHTS-P2 th DevartmeatafSceal Welle ‘and Development DSWD) ov anyaubasquantapeta on by te ‘ational rorermentinidotajsogthe por (©) Meprodutive eats) rene to testate ofcamlate Physi, nent and soa valtbsirg sn cotmoralythe aeonce fdseuseorintirmity, inal asian elatingeaths orate systemardntsfinaiont ard prrvsns Thsienet tas pecple fe ableto have areepoeibl, cay conmannua end etn set fsa hep have the eapabiy fo cepuuce ane een te desdo whew, and low etn to doaa Tha farther imple hat ‘womea sud nen atain eqs riatcnahpe i matte elatod to ‘eran batons antrepredsctnn © Roproductive hath care zeless tat acces to {all rangi of mothode, iediten, services trl splice that sontaute to epredusive helsh ana wal beingoy addressing ‘epnaducive healb-velated prodlems It also sles setual hel, the purpose af whichis the exhenceaint of issn erulmlans Tex aooetofrenwarse athena he bre (©) Family planning information and aervioss which sallipelade asa fast pronty making worn of reproductive ‘ga fly aware cfthairrpictive cles totale them amare of when lertlizaton is highly probable ee woll as Bighly Impobshie: (G) Materaal, infest and ebild health and sition, induiingneastinedng, Prowipin of sbatiou and mesageneatofabortion syle! @ Adolementand saehropsdustnhoslth guidance end eae Proven tasting eactSafetions (la) HIV and AIDS ‘rapitateinieeuons 6T9 nt of eprctve tothor sexually (@. Flininaton of idence against women and cildven sod eta vine af sora nd genders ono () Wéweationand ennelingon eruatyand erosive beak; (©) Treatment ofboar und rpeeductiveteiet sansa nd nner gruel! onions and orders, (8) Nate veaponabiity and involvement and men's ssoroduioe hosts 10 Prevention, cestment nd management ofinfertiity and gral dysfunction, (aN) Repredcv ealh elisa rth adelspniz aml (19) Mental uabthaspectofropradcive helt care 1) Reproductive belts sare program rofara to tho yotomasicend invested provision ofeaproctive heal = fenll sien portiarg women, the poor, marginalized sud foe invulneesblearensi austin. (a) Reproductive hath rights rfors to tha igh'e of ‘nawidualsendenupos fecal) aadzespnsibly whether tr nttobave cult; tie murber apecng an toing uf Ukr ‘hiPir: to make othe ledsionscomenraing reproduction fr ‘fascination, osreb and vielmee: odaretbeinbemtion ‘Ealmoencto do ovaudtoatiain he Ngbortstandardofeerual foales and teprotuative health: Provided, however, Phat ‘profuctive alt righeedo mut inludeabostin, and weeaato sbartfascuts © Reprodustseheath nd seat sccation rofersta slloLneeemiog pvececof providing en aoquising omy late, sccuraie wn relevant ags- and develeprent-apprepriate fhformetion aod elucstonen rprodusivebeatnand soreaity ‘howl hfe skis efueation ul ecer upprosches (6) Reproductive Trt infection (RTD fers to sexlls wanted infections (Slo) and other tes of infectone ttc the reproductivonystem (Responsible parethod refers to hr wil a ability fa yam to oopond tn tnenceds anh sspzatns ofthe fly Uh2Ualiee ian x shaved pons betwen parents ‘Scena aod ashe the dened mumborfhldrwr aseng And ming of thle cen according to thei ow» ail Sf fupwalions, Liking info acsoans peveblogcel prepared, Fewlih ttn, eodoeultealaadecmoniconens conmetent With thoiereeicnseonvicnens. (9 Semuol heal ners to aotateotphgsta mental and ancl weston in teaton to sexuality. Ierequires postive i expect preach o sexuality and serial relotionsips, wells the peaibtyofhaving pleesurable sna safe aexual Ceperenee, re fom coereon, disriinatonad viene (0 Semuolly Tanamites Infection (STP) refers to an fnfoction thet may be aeghted & pasced on hough sex fetac, use af TV, intravencus drug needles, salah arc ethan 19) Shite bist ctondanceveferstoctilbith menage ‘yasbilladhealehprofssons icing theeaablinyesndions ‘cf eacosrary equipment aad support ofa functioning neal ‘Sotem, inculingtemepsr andecoral aces faretergency ‘heteicoure Skilled heath professional eerste amine, doctor cor wma who hasboon edusted and tained ia tests needed enanngenermal and complcsted preguances childbirth and (he tomediate postnatal paxod, ned in te identification, Gaaagement ard referral of esmplitins in women and powburss, G2) Sustainable human deeslopment referee laging pesph, partially the poor sod vuln, wo the center develope proces the ontal purpose which eibesreation ‘fan eraingenvionmest merhuchallcanonoy ls heal ‘nd preductve Ives, dame in ths sionaoy oat peemoiea it tights and protects the ils qpporeurstice offre genet ‘nn thensturaleombstemon which alli dopends ‘S06. 8, Hino Sl Haat Professionals fr Maerua Health Care and Skilled Birth Atendance. ~The LGUs shall endeavor tohirean edcauate nme uraen midwivee and other shilled health profeceionals fr eternal healthcare tnd sbifod veh attonnnos te echtove an slat okiled baal ‘risen. patontrasc takings scateraen DOT targets Provided, That people ix geegraphically isolated ot fugly ‘populated and deprestd snes salle provided the samc lee cf anos t health care: Provided, further, Phat the nationa! ‘Brant shall provide atonal and neceranry fending an tale noeneery autem Sotho effet nplomontaden ee er the purpose of this Act. midwives and nursesalbe allowed to administer lfeaving drags mucha tt not ined {, oxytocin and magneniae silat, in asoedanco with the hidaline sot hy tho DOK, nnd energy coitions aed wht there are no physicians wvailable: Provided, That they are ‘properly trained snd certified to administer thoes Mesaving ‘rape Se. 0, Health Core Facilities, ~ Bach LOU, wpe ite etermination of tho necessty based on welsupported debt provide dy lis local hvalh fica shal ence #9 etablishor “pgrade hospitals end Seales with ateqeats ard qualfid ‘Pere equipment and wapplea tobe nblatopmvlessnergerey Obstetric aud newinr care: Provided, That poeple 1m ‘cograpbioaly elated ce Highly populatséanddepeeeat arene ‘thll have the anne love! of sors aad not by veglete oy Providing other moun ouch ns home visi sr tmobue bealtheare Slinles a needed: Provided. further, Taat the national government shall provide atonal and eotseary funding and bother necesary assistance forthe effects inglomentation fis ‘Sc. Acces to Family Pasning.— All accrdi ls held Gite chal ponds flleoeseteseereel Maing nothes whch shal slecbchds neicaneeete supple and necemary ent enon oot i Tor i a ge of ed htin Ta tease that pare sealnganc creado shih is coualoiyacatle Boned trate Rena roclathanney cliente ‘in Republic Act No. 8314. — susrs will oot be alowid atten aoe ee family planning wtoatwitansemert Se toa pene fueling eceptviente ninrinaeea eto Satara Sob 6 Maiesal Death Rein and Fl and ff Pot Rete "Al Uy noma wd algraed orp ad the: public oil oocee Maternal Death Revow etl ant ined Dea hen Ste. 9, The Phitipnine Navinat Brog Formats Epson and Pamity Prasning Supplies, - Tye! istional Drag Fraley saline eraatal nicotene ee devin nfecablee nd wt ate ing mopar sfevrfamiyplaniagprofurnand nga Te pia, atonal Bras Forman Spe PADIS sadloate ee sslsting dues ining Rival a 5 ‘nduted or removed from the Besantia Drage List PDE) to sores with citing practise snd in conmllaton wih ‘pute edi amcites nie Pllpsiee Forthe pee ft Ac say product or supply ineluel ex abe ineladea in ‘he EDL mast havea cortieationfm the ‘UA tht said ardact sn sappy ate avaiable on th condition thet nottobe ‘eed sean abortifacient, ‘Turse produstsandsuppiissal alse be factuted i the gular punchace fesiertel medsins and spon national omptats: Poetded, further. Tha the resome see shall sot suretate or acquire by any means omengereyentacop tpl, Sostenial ple. artifasients cht willbe sd fv onen parce tnd theater formeoroquialont S20 10. Procurtment axd Distribution of Family Plnsine Sapplies ~ "Tao DOH shall proves ssi UGtTcond moriarthe ase of fey planing oppor tne ‘whale nant Ths DOEL shal mediate ithe cppropeate bal soneramenthedisetoplaandioplonant hi pretreent end datetution progran, Th upply ant badge alleseeetashal te based cn. among othe the currant avels ane prejeiens of the llewane: ( Nunber sf wosen sfseprdacive geand coupler who wanttonpaceorlinlt thei dldeex; (8) ContracestiveprevalennrateIy type feted ase md (©) Cestottamily planing ewppios Provided hat LOU may inpleaenliteows procureioat, iouition and menocing program sousstent wich iow ‘ori he Actaa he gute ottha DOH, Sto, 11 Integration of Rasponsitie Parenthood avd Family Plavaing Component ix AntePrceriy Prosroms, = A multidimensional approach shall be adopted tn the ‘nylenentaton opis end programe's fet pve. Towards send, he DOH shall ploment progeumeprceeag fat Scat ofpoce and marsnalind wetuanae tte touch the MEITS-PH ane ther govermaont veurs of eating ‘arginaliation fo roproducive hoalth ar, orvises predace nd programe The DOH shall provide eshmprase, abe sirportinlading epmstybuidingand monitoring ‘St AB, PAisIealth Benefite fr Serious ond Life Twesteing Reproductive Heal Couatons, ~All eeious nd ethreatoning reproscsivehoalthsodtions ack a fn AIDS, breene nepssdutnasastaaneers and abet ‘Supliesns and moropeusl and post-avarpausa!- lated ‘Shine aka be given tho masimium boas seahuling Se ‘rurson ond etrevir Nosema (AVa) a8 proidadisthe fulleline oe by ths Phlippine Hoalta insaranes Corporatica PHO) Be 10; Maid Health Care Service ~ Th nana vt ‘botocl government tay provide each vind Sy, mnie {aud atc hoop’ weh able eal Cane derrice(NECS) {2 hefoem ofan on stherasean of araporation opmrspraie ‘bis rerein taking ints consideration thobealuearenceds of ch LG, Toe MHCSabal dalivrteltheor gud sed erin {S's eonethene; sare peril tothe poor and mde ‘Vole dimoninate nov edge ani ibrnstiononseprocuccve ‘al, The MEGS sallb¢ porated by dot bella provers satoqustdyoqaigprd witha vice eget sae abr ‘information Seonintion devisoard egeipmsnt, dhe Later {tiling bat not inte to » tlio at for anova rreeatations AIMHCS shalite sport by LEU peemne She highly wbanioed sits ‘810.14, Age-aad Davlopment-Anprosiat Reproductive Health Edscation. ~The Stets shall provide tess atd decolopmentappropeste oprstuctive halth eéweatian “9 ‘sldovcentowiies call aught byadecustay sainodecachoa ‘in bral an aoafurnal eucatinaleyeten sad inegrated relevant ence such sa, bt wo! lint vee ormetio, Incwlegge end ails selfprocecton agaist divcrsianio; sesual abuse end lass egsine womernadhlcrenanl che Sonu t gece violence ton pregatiy phyicl ovil {nd emoucnel changer in sioleesente wamons neh and Shildeen’svigts; responsible teenage tabaci: gander and doralopnent: and temensita yasvachooks Prowides, That Aocibilty nthe formulation andadeptionotayproprinie nee fonteat scope ad metiodslogy ia tach educations leel oF srewp shall be ollewad only afte sonmultationa with parece ‘srcloreonsmuniy mencatons schol cas and cer aerst sreupe The Departmact of Bducation DepED shall fate fusrieuhum watch chal bs ane by pubis whose rt sey be dapiad by privatesctonkn ‘See. 30, Centfecteof Compliance ~ Nomariege lense stulbeosuedty theLocal inl Rogstear less tha enpisate presents Cotcate of Compliance aaed for re by thelocs) Family Panag Offs ceiving tat they ad duly reefs ‘sdecainnsteationsard infermeton oneeqpnetleperentaond ‘heh planning bretbeling and nduat stron, [S00 10, Ogpaity Bulla of Baraens Health Workirs (Bil ~The DOM shal be responsible fer esomnating ‘nfirnatioand poviding taining ogra tthe LGUs Tae LGUs, with the tached! aasitenee of the DOE, shal be ‘eaponsitle for the taining of BHs and ceser barangay yotustoorson she prtotin of reproductive health. Tho DOH, shellprovida the LGUs wien mediel supplier and equipnent seedsd by BEWa to carry cut tacit functions ofitiray reviled furter, That We matonal goverinent shall previ deitonsl and necessary fnting asd thor noneayeonstaree forthe ffttion implemantation this prvi iecaig tae romilleprovinon of aeiconalliaurara be OEMs, |Bt0, 17. PoBino SerieonforIeigons Women — Pate eng nongovernmantreprotuciveholeh cars serie pavers including, but act lente, yaccniogiase an oben, ae ‘sreoeeaged 1 puovae a leet freight (8) ourvanmuaiyot seproductive health services, ranging trom provadisg information ant edacatintorendering medial evevise feo! ‘hacgs to indgen’andlew-income patintaaeidertied much the NHTS-ER ant other government saarurer of denying marpibzation esocallyo pregnant adloeonts ‘The frtyreight (48) hours annual pro dona service shall be finciuded azn pronequite in the accreciaton ander the Pulte ‘BBE. 18 Samual and Reproductive Hoth Prgraes fr Persone with Disabilities (PWD4). ~ The cities end ‘mancipalites shall ondeaver ta sareratoreprodactis beth ‘orion fir PUDearschlicrted ty the allowing (Proving yhoo acass andeoaiingraaporation sual proxy sues vo cic, hespitls aod paces Where ‘public heaihedacaton is provided, cunteacopves are old Aictnbuted rather places where sepoditive health services fare provid: @) Allopting exassintion tnbies snl other laboratory prvcedares ae needeandecnaitora sf? @ Treating acess toinformation snd communication smatenaleon strual sudvoprfvctive health in bral Ieper finple language sgt language ead pesos, @ Providing continuing elueatin sd incovon eights ‘of PWMie none hetthsars provider tai © Underating aivitinstorsse awareness adtnet ‘migomoeptions among the general pulin the stig and hit nck of knowledev onthe sexual and reproductive beth nes snd ghtecfPWDe SUC. 19, Dusies ond Reeponsibituiee. — (0) Pureuan t» the rein dened pic, ha DOH hall ar the ed agen forthe implementation of this Ast and shall ntgraie thot (Fully ond ofcenty implemare the reprucve ealth core programs @ Snwure people's access to madically paxsborufcent, legal, quality tnd afbrlale wopredactee health goods and eevic and © Pestora suche funetonsnteeseary to attain she resprosef thie ae, {® The DOR, in soedination wi he PHO, ax nay be ealicale, shall Strengthen the capaiienof nalts mpulatory agence ‘Renta sale igh qual. sane and affordable predicts etlth services ant commodities wis tue coucanent ‘s8enrthoning ard eaferemoat of regultery mandatee asd Iechtnioms: © Foclitatoths involroment and pertciption of M108 andthe private sector in productive athosrosertnn anegy and it the protutia, ditcibudaa sed delivery of gual Teproductive hoaith ond fasaly planaiag sipbiien oo emnditcs to minke them somanbe ad afordable dines (2) Eaenge the seven ska and yrficences ofexperis in natural family planning vbo shell frovide the neeseery ‘taining fn all Do, © Supervise ard provide acistanse to LGUs in the liver cfrepradustivelathearemevcesand i he cbs ‘ffanily penning goods ond supplies and ‘plaice on current sti and reocascee relating fly slanting, responsible paroalicod, brensteding and tafe eee (©) The PDA shal isue atric exdalinoe with ceapecs te ‘hes cf contraction tskingin caederetion thei aes or charharmfulafsctaof thes eas (@ Corpora chin shall eaxesopmudeedinedverting itn pects er visuhrsugh tl forme otmecla, eopeealge, ‘alters relating oserualiy, furbetaing na oneer Gn Se nfueooson chlldmand te youth ‘SEC.20. Public Auorencn, ~ The DOH and dhe Late ‘hull inate and sustain shiehiencdvatonmle maltose ‘ampaign train the velafpublic rare th poten sm prometionofreproducive Raith ad rights nating bee ‘ot limited materealiealth and natsiton, fail losaioe sadneaporateparenhcod infrmation and services, acboooes andyauthrepalucivehvalh gidanor aad counecling ond cee ements ofrproductivehasithcareuador Seon fe [Baucaton end tafrmation msterisletobe dovolpedand deseninatad fr tsp rpm shall bareiewed regula ene ‘er etectvensscandeaevanty $80.21, Reporting Roquiemens, Before the end ef Ape each year, the DOH shall ub io the Present ofthe Pailipsines and Gyrgrss an anavaleensliated report shiek stall provides definitive and comprehamsise aseasvontot ‘implementation ofits rogramand thoes fcr gorcrccere _afences and instunarsaltas and reossnend fottig fe ‘The anoual report shall svaluste the consent implementation, and impact af all pellicy related te ‘eprductive heath and faaily planning eussre that otek eice promot, protec an al ont epreducdve aaah aed gh, S26 22 Congraacional Oversight Commisier on Reproductive Health Act. - There is hereby seeatoc Cengreosional Oreraight Conmities (CDC) ompumdoftiet ‘memberseach fm the Senate an th HowsootReprecsntnvon ‘The members fom the Sonate al ths Hovasot Represotance shal be appoints by the Sate Prosident anche Spacer, ‘spectively, with at oust one (1) momber representing ‘The COC shal te headed by tho reanetive Chaiseof the aitiee on Healthard Demography af he Bonste dt Comtntie on Poptiaina and Fray iaonaot te Messer Raprsoniative. hs Sccrwivat the COCstall come dear ‘gimleg Secrotrat personel of ths Serala ai the esos Ruprsenistives ome diee coated. esau anda conduc vie of set ovacy five Oyears rom te abectiity. The COC oka erfrm uch thar dues and funciona nay be maces ts lads du objeccves of hs ee [St0.28. Prohibited Acta. — The towing arte are rch (©) Any health cre stevioe provider, whethor pebicor ove who shall () Heoviasly withbold information or restrict the mination theret, andor intantonally provi incest {afeenation rogarding programs and sersces on roproductin: hath inchudig the ih infored shoo und taoes oe fl ‘ange flonase decane fany Dianne meth (2) Rose to perform uoal and madly steropesdtin pesith procedures tn ary prson of legal eg on the caren ot [sskofconsontarauthoieaton of he fallow peering 0 Seevsalcensrt in asa of marin’ persons: Provided, ‘eats care of dsagrermrs, the detsonofhe me uatorig the procedure shall prevlland 6 Parental convent oe that of he perso exorane teeta ect bund wi part ‘Seaeed or conicadporptttr a cared by WS eee Seowcutnl ocr cf threo Inthe ase inary the rien “mut ef parents legal purdlanor intel sbeebs feroas ‘tc parental aur or ere halite roqaed oa 4s lective conical prerdares ad inne case shall onset Ts ‘egeze in etergoncy cx serious cone us efined in apube Ato 34 aad 1) Rotuos os eaten giliy health cae wePvcee and {nfysation on secant ef the persone marta status, ponder religious convicts, personal renstances oe fated work: Provided, Tht the emasensiousabjertion fs hoses areservice provider basi an hho this elgioca belie hall be fespeetoi; however, the consscniour sleet ata lnemaciataly sf the pero secking uh are and servaes svotherIealdscace serve provider within the same fatite gue which ie conveniently acceasitle: Provided. futher, ‘Thatthe porenis nc in an EMENRENEY Condon seri cos 8 dofined in epuble Act No. 8342, which penalize the ofuealofhoepitalv ad medi oni aloiichr appropiate ‘nel media treatment and support in eairgeng) ad Selous ) Any public ocr elected or appsinted,epecifoelly ‘harsed withthe duty simpleton, th provenance og Bezwnsll or though & eaboedinat, prosbite or testes the olivery of gal and mosialy-safereprodacivebeahth care sorvios including amily pfanaingor ees, costes or indies sy parson to use such Bees or refuse locate. sprnoveor rolrave any budget fr reproductive health tam service, oe to ‘ppert reproductive heal programa; or call do tay sckcbat les the fllimplomentaton fa spredacve al povraas sewandated by the dot (©, Any eaplose: vio shall sssget require, unduly ex eto any appear fr enpltanatceansaphis aime hmsteraf Noeacy nders nt ffl slansiog or nae such weicisvenseei ‘oyont cent mploymentermatonoanrros ofemploymont benef. Puther, prpuency oF the suaaber of ‘aldeen shallot boa groan or nmuringor rato oat ‘eapopmene @ Any penonwhoshall latya Crtietsc€ Complies ssarequiredin Seciea IB of hs Act sud @ Any pharnaeutial conpary, whetber domestic cr ‘multinational, or ise agents o Srtnbitrs, which directs oe indimcly colldes wih govermant efile whether aepritad raleisd, in che ditrbution, procurement endfor eal by the Autional govcenmert and LGUs of mocero fasnly planting ‘ples, produce device SH0.24 Penalties — Any vislation of thie Mot ce connisionche fom itl so hl penis by ‘cpnsconentingig em one) month tix onthe ‘nef Ten thousand pese(P16 0000 o Om hone att ‘etc (so 000 00) orbeth sch aw ane impivonment ate Glssetonotthecompetrs out Froid, Tat ftheotentt ‘se pulicaoer, sett or sopointd hele sll ato ser Sepa osetia yn orem and frets often banat doponding on tu ary a ‘ieoffanseierdue aoc and esting teopprpsins body the offenders juridical pense, tha ponaly zal! Imyoued upon the prods or any teopnaile fice An aferder ‘who ip an clicn chal, afer servise of eunieacy, be depored Jmmediately yutout uuther procodings by the Bureau cf Timmigniion, tbe ofender i's pharmecedtia! company, ste ‘gent ancioe distribater, their Leenie or permis fo aperte ot cont businessin the Phiiopins skal bs perp eva, fis fine tiple the anountinolve nthe Vlaion shal bs 'SHC.25. Appropriations. — Th smovntsepproprintd in the current anual General Apprepristions et (GAA) for roprofuctive health and natural and artical family glancing ant rapontble parenthood undee the DOH and other concnraed ‘gender shall beallocatedand ule foe the inpleaensaion (his Aet Sach atatinnal sus necesmary 19 provid for the peralingfteice nowaine neat BENONG and CEMONC ERIS the cing al depleontf seed halt preter ‘taal ard ariteut fami planning comnodiyrequsesesto ‘sulind a Section 1, end for ather productive bal and apcoaible parenthood serves, sell be included in tie ‘Bisequent gous! general apprageistions. ‘The Geader aad Berebpmon: (GAD) finieof LGU and national agencismmay ie ‘unt ung nthe tmplomentation ofthis At. ‘Sec. 26, Implemining Rul and Regulotions (IRR) — Wisin sity (60) dass fom she offeeevay ofthis Act the DOH Semmotar orhihes dnugaatnd roprotetstiveas Chiraessn, the authored repeonatatvee of DopD. DSWD, Phiinpine ‘Comalmion on Wenner, PHTC, Depart ofthe Inter aod ‘otal Government, National Beononie and Develepneat Aschorty, League of rovers, Lexguet ies, and Lengueot ‘Menten tether with NCOs, i based oreaniatons, peomb= wanna ynmenirgle® ercarizatons chalets remulgate the Pulse and regulations for the effective Iinolemoclation f tha et. At loet Fur (9 marabore ofthe TRE rating commtie, to be slectad by the DOM Secretary, obal ‘onefrom NGOs. ‘800.27, Interpretation Clauae. ~ This Act shell be praly suet connate provision dalivery amd sce to Jopreductve heals save servcen wed te promote, protec nd ‘RE women protustive eh aad eights. ‘Sec. 08, Seperability Clause. — It any part or proviaiom of thin het bold ined o> snsonatitionl, the Sher peorslnance afte two sal eanain in fre sod ck See. 9, Repealing Cae — Baca fe prevailing les sgxiatsherin aay lip, poeeial dacren orients [Sve cede ne tcc ataoitiveolo, a Srregustn cay rs noasien withthe pense {oder ncuing Repti ct No 70, tere kaos tio Miner Asia heey mpl, died or ane cone. ‘Seu, 20, Byfectviay. ~ Tate Act shall take effect ‘teen (19) days after ite publicatien ix at lout two (2) evepapersot general orcalatnn. Aaprvret, FELICIANO| ate, ORCA SIE Spoor of the Howe Presiden of te te Repro "Tis Ast wih Howse Bill No. 244 von finally passed bythe Senate an te Hous ofRepreseatatives a Decwber 1, 2012 Mrscctaea, eee — aerate ao corselidstion eFScuatsBillNo, 25 and Approved: WEE 21 VN Me sea wait m President of ho Pllippinee ai fait FNOYOESES °

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