Assignment: BD Knight Youth Center (We All For Others)

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BD Knight Youth Center

(We All For Others)


MS. Fairuze Chowdhury 01. Name: Rifatul Islam Siam

Department of Marketing Id: 1530592630

02. Name: Rajib Deb Nath

Id: 1531326630

03. Name: Nusrat Jahan Munia

Id: 1621073630

04. Name: Md Almas Uddin

Id: 1521187631
05. Name: Fahim Faruq
Id: 1611034630
06. Name: Mushfiqur Rahman
Id: 1610865630

07. Name: Dewan Hasibur Rahman

Id: 1231344030
Letter Of Transmittal





Sub: Letter of transmittal

Dear Miss,

With great pleasure I am submitting my final report on-BD KNIGHT YOUTH

CENTER.I have tried my best to prepare an effective and suitable report.

The report contains description about the youth center and some policies of
the center.

Here, I have gathered information from different website, consumers and

markets and from different activities.

I hope that you will find this report interesting and suitable.

I welcome you entire query and take pride to answer them.

Yours Sincerely.

My acknowledgment begins by thanking my supervisor Ms. Fairuze Chowdhury

(FCH) Madam, who has provided me with suggestions for making this internship
report and also provided me the format for preparing this report. Then I would
like to show my warm-hearted thankfulness of the department of youth centre,
which has given me with deal of information, good enough data and lastly
cooperated me for this report successfully.
Table of contents:

Executive summary


SWOT analysis

Current marketing situation

Objectives & issues

Marketing strategy

Marketing mix

Action program




Executive summary
The report explains the marketing plan of our company. In the beginning, we
explained our mission and vision. We have studied both primary and
secondary research. Through this we make our self able to attract bulk of
consumers. We have conducted SWOT analysis and have the explain the
purpose and benefits of our youth center. We also explained our STP and
marketing mix and many other activities. We have explained our youth
centers objectives, issues and benefits.

Bd knights youth club starts their journey by open a new youth club for the
young people of our country. In our club, we basically join the young members
who are very much interested in other co curricular activities after study. We
also welcome those people who are very stretched after their daily work. They
can enjoy the environment of our club and also can join the activities of our
youth club. In our youth club, we give our members many facilities as like:
gym facilities, dancing facilities, music facilities, swimming facilities, gaming
facilities etc. We serve our members as best as we can. We also have our own
brand logo where our members can easily find us. We have some well trained
trainee who are especially for our youth generation. The amount in so
reasonable to join our youth center. For this each and every youth people of
our country can join our youth center. It's also help our youth generation to
improve their skills and have a brighter future.

Our vision is to become one of the toppest youth center in our country. We
also want to build a strong relationship with our members and stay together
in a group.

We want to give our best service to our members. For this, we want to use the
best products in the market. We want to satisfy their need by giving them a
best service. We also want to stay together with our members and help our
country to gift them a brighter youth generation.

S (Strength) 1.Good quality & features

2.Favorable location
4.Loyal consumer service
5.Good relationship with consumers
W (Weakness) 1.Limited capital
2.No branch
3.Less use of technology
4.Not so much experienced worker
O (Opportunities) 1. Increasing our youth centers demand
2.Want to include experienced trainee
3.Adjusting highly improved instruments
4.Top in the market
T (Threats) 1.Untrustworthy instruments suppliers
2.Political violence
3.So many competitor in the market
4.Low quality instruments cost high
SWOT Analysis

Current Market Situation

Pest Analysis
As we are opening a new youth center and we are completely new in the market,
we have to do a lot of promotion and advertising . Before launching the product
we have to know the current market situation.

 Political Factors
The political situation of Bangladesh is unstable. For this, business are suffering
too much loss. We have to choose a quiet and stable area. We have to know the
rules and regulation and political situation to catch a good place in market.

 Economical Factors
In last 5 years business has become really supportive and profitable. GOVT
allowance is now far better than before and wages have been raised which is a
positive side for us.

 Social Factors
Our country has become more socialized than before. Peoples earning, lifestyle,
needs and demands in the society influences the business. They become so much
advanced and want the latest technology. Keeping that in mind we have to take
necessary steps to attract our consumer and to satisfy their demands and wants.

 Technological Factors
Now we have latest technologies and people need something that will make their
life comfortable. Communication system is now much developed. We have to
ensure much facilities for the consumers for their pleasure and comfort.

Marketing Strategy Of BD Knight Youth Center

Segmentation Of BD Knight Youth Center

We divide our youth center into various types of segments. Because there are
different kinds of people are using youth center. So we have to their
understand their needs, behavior, characteristics. For this we have to
segmented it by their differentiated choice.

There are four major parts of segmentation depends on the consumer

markets. They are given below:

 Geographic Segmentation
 Demographic Segmentation
 Psychographic Segmentation
 Behavioral Segmentation

Geographic Segmentation
We divide our youth center into many geographical unit as like : country,
region, state, city etc.

 Country: Because of we opened a international youth center, many

youth people are attending there from different countries like : America,
England, China, Japan etc.

Demographic Segmentation
We also divide our youth center based on the age & life cycle, gender, culture
etc. Some of those are given below:

 Gender: In this segmentation, we divide our youth member based on

their gender. Like: We have a separated dance room for boys & girls. For
this, they can practice properly in there.

Physiographic Segmentation
We divide our youth members based on their personality, life style, social
class etc. Some of these are describing below:
 Personality: It depends on both life style & social class. There are
different number of members in our youth center who are from
different social class. Some are from higher rich family, some are from
middle class family & some are from low class family. For this there
service also backed by their social class. Like: Some member need high
quality sports clothes for them which are from higher brand & some
need medium types of sports clothes for them.

Behavioral Segmentation
In this segmentation, we divide our youth members based on their behave,
attitudes, knowledge etc. Some of these are given below:

 Knowledge: In this part, some member have higher knowledge & some
have low. For this the member who have higher knowledge, he/she can
easily adjust with all & take all facility from the youth center. But the
member who have less knowledge, he/she can't adjust with all & can't
take all the facilities.
Market Segmentation
Segmentation Young Youth Muscle Lovers Health Music &Dance
Base Conscious Lovers
Cities Size Metropolitan Metropolitan Metropolitan Metropolitan
area area area area
Age 15-20 20-35 25-40 15-30
Gender Male & Female Male Male & Female Male & Female
Income Low to middle Middle to Middle to All income
upper upper
Occupation Student Student Service Holder All occupation
Religion All Religion All Religion All Religion All Religion
Education High School & University Graduate All people
college going going people
people &Graduate
Social Class Middle Middle & Middle & All social class
upper upper
Involvement High High Medium Medium
Occasions Frequently regular regular Frequently
Benefits Skill Health health Entertainment
User status Medium regular Medium potential
Usage Rate Medium High Medium Low to
Loyalty Medium High Medium Medium

Targeting Of BD Knight Youth Center

Segment will be less attractive if it already contains many competitors. So we
have to choose target segments wisely. That's why we are mainly targeting the
young generation people to help them to be self-aware, social and future

We select differentiated marketing for our company.

Differentiated (Segmented) Marketing

We are developing separate plans for separate segments. So focusing on the
needs, wants and satisfactions of the customers, we are offering different
offers to each segments based on their satisfaction.

For example, we are providing all kinds of gaming facilities, equipments and
opportunities to the young gamers to see their unique qualities and their
willingness to do something.

We are also helping those young talents who wants to become future leader
and social worker. we have made different social clubs and debate club and so
on to help them.

Positioning Of BD Knight Youth Center

After completed our targeting strategy, We go out and take challenges from
the competitors who are also in the better position in market place. We made
our youth center more modern & the inner environment & also the facility of
our youth center is too good. Which can take us in a bigger position & increase
our youth centre's value.

 Product differentiation:
In this era, our youth generations are so modern & stylish. They always
need better & high quality things for use. They don't like the same
things which is used by others. They need different things. For this, we
have to made our equipment & instruments different from others &
improve our youth centers facilities.
Like: Some other youth center use all gym instruments which is made in
China. But they like those instruments which is made in Japan.

 Service Differentiation:
Because of our youth generation is too modern, we have give them a
better service. We always have to check that what they need. We also
need to look after their complains & solve those problems as quick as
possible. Like: One of our sound system of dance club are working less
than before. So we have to change or repair it quickly.

 Channel Differentiation:
We can also follow our competitors to improve our youth centers
facility. It will help us to find what our youth generation need? We have
to analyze some of our competitors & have to find which are common
from all. Like: Most of our competitor are using MSI gaming pc for their
gaming club to improve their gaming club facilities. So we can also use
this for our youth center.
 People differentiation:
In this part, we can also earn a strong competitive advantage by hire or
train our trainees to give more better service to our youth members.
Like: We can hire a good gym instructor for gym, good dancer for dance
club etc.

 Image Differentiation: Because of there are many youth centers in

market, so sometime people can't take decision that which one youth
center they will join. For this, we use our youth centers logo. They can
easily find us by our logo. The logo is given below:

Value proposition 

A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered. According to it we

perform our all task This is the primary reason a prospect should buy from

BD Knight Youth Centre has a clear value proposition statement. Like:

 We explains how our service solves customers’ problems or improves
their situation.

 We delivers specific benefits what we promised to them.

 We tells the ideal customer why they should take our service from us
and not from the competition .

We have presented our value proposition

More price for more benefits: We charged more price for a service and we
give more benefits our customer. This is profitable for us.

Same price for more benefits: We can attack a competitor’s value

proposition by positioning its center as offering more for same price.

Fewer prices for more benefits: We are offering our customer fewer prices
for more benefits . This is a powerful value proposition.

Marketing Mix (4ps)

We are providing gym facilities , gaming facilities , and swimming and music
facilities, for the consumer. we have latest gym facilities and other things for
gamers we have gaming computer with high resolution graphics , gaming
keyboard and mouse . we have various kinds of swimming costumes for the
swimmers besides this we are providing different services and facilities to
our club members to make them socialize and Self-aware.


We put the amount of money by thinking about consumers willing to pay we

negotiate the price with consumer offering and discount and credit terms.
We adjust the price for the current competitive and economic situation since
providing cost.

Gym facilities par month Tk1000

Gaming facilities par month Tk1500

Swimming facilities par month Tk2500

Music facilities par month Tk1000

Total cost Tk6000

Full package 4500

First 30 lucky customers 10% discount


We have to chose a place which will be politically stable quite and

comfortable for the consumers Bashundhora , Banani and Uttara are
politically stable , quite and comfortable . This places are perfect for our youth
center as most of the famous university are in this areas.

We are going to take some necessary steps to promote our youth center.

Newspaper: We are going to publish it in newspaper to gather customer

attention and welling for our Youth center

Social media : Now almost all kinds of people are connected with social
network like Facebook Google twitter etc.

We are going to promote youth center in different social networks it will help
us to gather consumers quickly and will help us to promote as possible

Billboard: We are using billboard in different areas. It will help us to get

consumers attention for our company

Other : We are also going to other ways like personal selling and individual
campaign in different university

Action Program Of BD Knight Youth Center

Action Objectives Responsibility Deadline Budget
Product launches and
- To release
January 1- Release date online and
of forms from BD Knight also people
Youth Center online can BD Knight Deadline: January 15, Low
purchase Youth Center 9:30 pm
January 15- Last date to forms from
submit the forms our
- To make
aware of February 21-22,
February 21- Cultural the club
Dance & Music
Program organized by and its Start: 5:00 pm High
Dance & Music Club activities
and get new Gate closes: 6:30 pm
- Increase
share of
March 26- Annual
market in Launch: March 26
swimming competition BD Knight Medium
young from 9:00 am to 3 pm
organized by BD Knight Youth Center
people from
Youth Center
teens to

- Increase
market Launch: April 14-16
April 14- 2nd Cultural Dance & Music
share and 4:00 pm High
Program Club
brand Deadline: 7:00 pm

Increase BD Knight Launch: May 1, 12:00

May 1- Special offer
market Youth Center am
25% off for all activities Low
share and Through Deadline: May 7,11:59
in the club.
brand look. Facebook pm
- Increase
June 8- Annual market Launch: June 8, 4:00
BD Knight
bodybuilding share and pm High
Youth Center
competition brand Deadline: 9:30 pm

- Increase
Launch: August 15
August 15- Campaign in market
BD Knight 10:00 am
different universities for share and High
Youth Center Ends: August 21, 5:00
the club brand

- Increase
October 25- 3 month market Launch: October 25 -
swimming package offer share and Social Media Deadline: December Low
in a discount of 30% brand 25
image and

Launch: Victory day at

- Encourage
9:00 am
December 16- Annual BD Knight Deadline: December
consumers High
Cultural Music Fest Youth Center 18
to join the
4:00 pm
- Increase December 31
market Starts: 11:00
share and pm High
brand Deadline: 11:30 pm
image and
December 31- New Year BD Knight
leave an
Celebration Youth Center
mark on
Budget In (Lac)

19% 24%

Dance Club
Music Club
Gaming Facilities


1.5 Dance Club
Music Club
1 Swimming

Music Club
Dance Club
Amount in Lac

Youth and communities need safe and successful places for youth to gather
and be themselves. youth centers identifies the key characteristics for creating
and sustaining a successful youth centre over time so as to improve
community life for young and old. We have tried to show the privilege and
inspiring facts which is so important and it would be so passionate for our
young generation. That is why youth center is so much beneficial for our
society. BD knight is always there for the maximum effort also provides good
service to the customers.






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