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Nama : Febi Vatika Sari

Nim : 2007110742

Teknik Lingkungan B

Selasa, 06 April 2021

Current Event
1. Describe the Issue

 Who is involved : Indonesian badminton team

 When did it happen : March 18, 2021
 Where did occur : Birmingham, England. And published on social media
(Instagram, Twitter)
 What exactly happened : the Indonesian badminton team was pushed back in the
All England 2021 event because they were on a plane
with covid-19 passengers when leaving for
Birmingham, England
 Why did it become an issue: This condition made athletes and supporters of the
Indonesian badminton team disappointed by this
sudden decision

2.Explain the Popular Issue

 Indonesian badminton team represents Indonesia in the 2021 All England tournament
 Netizens are disappointed that the Indonesian badminton team was forced to resign
 Prestigious badminton championship in the world

3.Give your Opinion

 Basic opinion on the issue : Disappointed, sad, angry

 Main reason for my opinion : the tournament organizers treated the Indonesian
badminton team very unfairly. They gave the
decision for Indonesia to withdraw from All
England in 2021, while the women's singles
Player from Turkey who is also an airplane with
passengers affected by Covid-19 will continue to
appear in All England 2021, that is very unfair
 Summary : Organizers must be wiser in making decisions
Indonesia is forced to resign from All England 2021
On March 18, social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and news were shocked by the news

that the Indonesian badminton team was forced to resign by the organizers of the All England

2021 tournament because the Indonesian badminton team was one plane with passengers

affected by Covid-19. the Indonesian badminton team was instructed by the NHS (National

Health Service) for isolation. and what the Indonesian badminton team and the supporters

could not accept was that the women's singles player from Turkey continued to appear in All

England even though she was also on the same plane with Covid-19 passengers. The

Indonesian badminton team and supporters feel very disappointed and saddened by the

decision given by the organizers of All England 2021 and this is very unfair. the organizers

should be wise in conducting matches and making decisions. Even though the Indonesian

badminton team failed in the All England 2021 competition, they are still champions in the

hearts of Indonesia.

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