GR Ramma Ar Unit: Is Julia No, She Playing The P e Isn't. She's Piano This Mo Singing. Orning?

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ar Unitt 5
1 Ben
B is on holiday with hish friends. Ben’s
B mum 3 Write quesstions and sshort answeers. Write the
alls him. Co
omplete the phone conv versation correct afffirmative seentences wh
hen necessa ary.
w the verb bs in the pre
esent contin
nuous. (play the piano this morning) (sing)
buy caall do have
e (x3) make
e play Is Julia playing the ppiano this mo orning?
sshine sing sleep take
e No, she e isn’t. She’s singing.
H Hello,, can I speakk to Ben, plea ase? 1 (you annd Freda / chhat online) ()
A Who (1) ________ _________, please? ______ ______________________ __________ _?
H It’s Heelen, his mum m. ______ ______________________ __________ _
A OK. B Ben, it’s yourr mum. 2 (Dan / take photos) () (use the binoculars)
B Hi mu um. ______ ______________________ __________ __?
H Hi darling. How arre you? Wha at ______ ______________________ __________ __
(2) _____________ _____ you 3 (you / come to classs) () (stay ata home)
_____ __________ ___? ______ ______________________ __________ __?
B Well, Ida (3) ____ ___________ ___ breakfasst ______ ______________________ __________ __
for Aiddan and me.. We 4 (Kieran and Ella / sttudy Maths to oday) ()
(4) _____________ _____ games at the table e. ______ ______________________ __________ __?
Sean (5) _______ __________ a shower, ______ ______________________ __________ __
Angie e (6) _______ __________ _ some milk aat 5 your fatther / drive too Soria) () (travel
( by traiin)
the loocal shop and d Joe ______ ______________________ __________ _?
(7) _____________ _____. ______ ______________________ __________ __
H But Jo oe usually geets up early! 6 (you / have lunch att the moment) () (do myy
B Yes, h he does, butt today he’s still
s in bed. homework)
H How iis the weathe er? ______ ______________________ _________? ?
B It’s re
eally good. Thhe sun ______ ______________________ _________
(8) _____________ _____ and th he birds
(9) _____________ _____. 4 Complete the sentencces with a verb in the
correct forrm of the prresent simple or presen
H So, yo ou (10) _______________ ___ fun! continuouus.
B Yes, w we (11) ____ ___________ ___ a
ot work sail sit
fly have listen livee not fly no
fantasstic holiday and
a I
ay teach viisit watch (x
x2) work
(12) ____________ ______ lots of
o photos so
you can see later.. My name iss Ingrid Kesssler. I’m a pillot. I
H That’ss great. Take e care, all of you. (1) ______
____ planes eevery day, butb I’m on holliday
at the mom
ment. I (2) __________ a plane,
p I
(3) ______
____ a boat. I (4) ______ ____ a very
enjoyable holiday.

2 Write
W ons to the answers.
questio I’m Raj Jayyaraman. I (55) ________ __ in a cinema. I
usually (6) _________ lots of films. But today, I
Where are e they going? ?
(7) __________ in my faavourite armc chair. I
They’re go oing home.
(8) __________ in the c inema – it’s the
t weekend d. My
1 ________ __________ ___________ ___________
wife and I (9)
( __________ our favou urite TV show
Yes, I’m feeeling fine, th
2 ________ __________ ___________ ___________
No, it isn’t raining.
My name is s Yumi Wataanabe. I’m a teacher. I
3 ________ __________ ___________ ___________
(10) _____ _____ Frenchh and English to teenage ers. I
I’m smilingg because I’m m happy.
(11) _____ _____ in a bigg city, but I (12)
( __________
4 ________ __________ ___________ ___________
in a small village
v at thee moment because I (13)
Yes, you’re e speaking good
g English.
_________ _ my sister. WWe (14) ____ ______ to so
5 ________ __________ ___________ ___________
jazz right now.
I’m listenin
ng to classicaal music.

1 1
ocabulary Unit 5
1 Complete
C the
e text with th
he correct continuous
c 3 Read the clues
c and co
omplete the
e crossword
orm of ten o
of the action
n verbs. 1

e draw fly hold jump

build carryy climb dive p 2
open practtise sail sitt

T a look aat these pictu
ures. I’m really young in
his photo. I’m
m (1) ______ ____ a house e with toy 4

bricks. And thhat’s my moth her. She’s (2

2) _________ _ 5
m sister in he er arms. She e’s (3) _____
_____ the
6 7
w I rem
member that was
w a very hoth room.
T ed nine. I’m (4) ________
is a photto of me, age __
a tree. And unnder the tree
e, that’s my mum.
m She’s
5) ___________ my sister’ss hand. Yes, that’s my
sister, aged th
hree. 9

A here’s a photo of my dad. In this one,

And o he’s
6) ___________ a plane! He isn’t really, it’s a flight 10

simulator! Butt in this one he’s (7) ____ ______ a

boat, and thatt’s real. It’s a picture of our family
1 Make foood hot and rready to eat.. (4)
holiday in Corrnwall. That’ss mum (8) __ ________ intto
3 Style off music from New Orlean ns, USA (4)
he water, fee
et first. And thhere’s my bro other
4 You do this when yoou feel happy. (5)
9) ___________ into the wa ater, head first. He’s a veery
6 Machine to make foood hot. (6)
good swimme er.
8 Organizzation that heelps people. (7)
O here’s an nother picture
e of me. I’m
10) ___________ a picture of a castle. I’m
I quite a 9 (7
good artist! 10 When you
y are awayy from friends s or family, you
___ the
em. (4)
2 Write
W the adv
venture equipment. Down
1 Style off music compposed by Mo ozart, etc. (9))
You wear it: 2 Move your hand, to say goodbye. (4)
5 You do it when you sleep. (5)
a backpack 7 The roo om where yo u make mea als (7)
(1) a w_____
___ j_______
__________ 8 Go to thhe other sidee of the stree
et. (5)

You sleep in
n it: 4 Write a po
olite phone cconversation in full.
(2) a s_____
__ b_______
_ A Can I speak to MaMaria, please?
(3) a t_____
__ 1 (not herre at the mom
B ________________ ___________ ___________
You use it tto navigate: 2 (who arre you?)
B ________________ ___________ ___________
___ ?
(4) a c_____
__ 3 (Manue el)
(5) a m____
___ A ____ ___________ ___________ ___________
4 (message?)
You use it / them to see
e: B ________________ ___________ ___________
___ ?
5 (yes, ca
all me)
(6) b______
_ A ________________ ___________ ___________
(7) a t_____
__ 6 (urgent)
A ________________ ___________ ___________
7 (OK, byye)
B ________________ ___________ ___________

1 2

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