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12/12/2020 11:27 PM

Answer all the questions

Read the Questions carefully
Mention your class and name
Total marks: 25

Q1. Describe the main events relating to the first migration ( Hijrah) of Muslims to Abyssinia. (10)

Ans) The hardships and the sufferings of the Muslims increased and some Muslims were persecuted to
death eg sumayya and her husband yasir. Quraish targeted the slaves and poor Muslims like Hazrat Bilal.
Their persecutions were increasing day by day. Meanwhile a divine relation encouraged migration in
these words,
“Those who migrate in the cause of Allah after having been wronged, we will surely give them a better
place in this world…”
Therefore Holy Prophet PBUH gave permission to a group of Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia. Holy
Prophet PBUH knew Najashi the ruler of Abyssinia was a fair and just person. Accordingly on the fifth
year of prophethood, 615 AD a group of twelve men and four women secretly left for Abyssinia. They
included Hazrat Usman and his wife Ruqayya, Hazrat Sawdah and her husband, abdur rehman bin auf
etc. The prophet PBUH on this occasion remarked
“They are the first people to migrate in the cause of God after Ibrahim and Lot”
The emigrants found a safe place in Abyssinia under the rule of Najashi. In the same year Prophet PBUH
received verses and he recited them before a huge crowd by the Kaba. All the pagans were moved by
the tone of these verses, and they bowed down along with Prophet. The rumor of their conversation
reached Abyssinia and the emigrants came back and were once again targeted by the Makkans.
After that another group of 83 men and 19 women including Hazrat Jafar who was the son of Abu Talib.
They were also treated with kindness and respect by the Christian King Of Abyssinia Najashi. After seeing
this the Quraish got worried about Islam’s spread And they sent a deputation of two men, Amr bin Aas
and Abdullah bin Ruqqaya,with some gifts to the king to request him to hand over the emigrants
Najashi was a just man. He said in reply that he cannot return the Muslims unless he found out the
truth of their religion. He called the Muslims to his court. Hazrat Jafar bin Abu Talib represented the
Muslims and said:
“O king! We were ignorant people and we lived like wild animals. The strong among us lived by preying
upon the weak. We obeyed no law and we acknowledged no authority save that of brute force. We
worshipped idols made of stone or wood, and we knew nothing of human dignity. And than God,in his
mercy, sent to us his Messenger who was himself one of us.
We knew about his truthfulness and his integrity. His character was exemplary, and he was the well-
born of the Arabs. He invited us toward the worship of One Hod, and he forbade us to worship idols. He
exhorted us to tell the truth, and to protect the weak,the poor, the humble, the widows and the
orphans. He ordered us to show respect to woman, and never to slander them. We obeyed him and
followed his teachings. Most of the people in our country are still polytheists and they resented our
conversion to the new faith which is called Islam. They began to persecute us and it was in order to
escape from persecution by them that we sought sanctuary in your kingdom.” According the the
tradition , Najashi asked Hazrat Jafar to recite some verses from the Quran. He very wisely recited t
“And make mention of Mary in the Book, when she withdraw from her people into a place towards the
east, and secluded herself from them and We sent unto her Our spirit. He said I am only a messenger
from your Lord, that I may give you the news of a holy son”
After hearing the verses of Surah Maryam Najashi said
“By God and Gospel are the lights of one candle”.
Thereafter he refused the leaders of Quraish and returned their gifts. Quraish failed their mission and
returned disappointed.

Q2. A. Write a detailed account of the social boycott imposed on the Banu Hashim from 616 AD and 619
AD. (10)

Ans) In the seventh year of Prophethood, the Quraish mounted pressure on Abu Talib, the chief of the
clan of Banu Hashim that he should Abandon his nephew and surrender him to their custody. But when
he refused to do so, they decided to boycott Banu Hashim. They were also raged by the acceptance of
Islam by Hamza, the Prophet PBUH’s uncle and Umar.
After deciding to boycott the Banu Hashim tribe they agreed that no one would hold conversation with
any member of the Prophets PBUH tribe or send them any food or help or trade with them. The
agreement was duly written and hung on Kabah. They decided to continue the boycott until Banh
hashim abandoned its support for Holy Prophet PBUH
The prophet PHUB and his tribe and relatives shifted to the gorge of Abu Talib. This gena. The three
years of hardship for Prophet PBUH and his relative. Abu Jahl kept an eye on them to block any aid or
help but was not successful as Hazrat Khadijas nephew Hakim would often supply wheat and other
items of food as she belonged to another tribe and was not banned.
Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Usman also secretly supplied food sometimes. Although some times they
did not have food and they had to feed on leaves or plantain. The pagans were happy when they heard
the cries of hunger and thurst of the children of Banu Hashim. There was relaxation in the ban during
the four sacred months, during these months The tribe could freely move and Prophet would visit the
Kabah for preaching. During the boycott Prophet PBUH received the verses of Surah Lahab which
affirmed that Abu Lahab was destined hell.
Abu Lahab asked his sons Uthba and Utaina to divorce the daughters of Prophet PBUH, Hazrat ruqayya
and Umm Kulthum after hearing this.
Soon the Makkans began to review their decision to imposing the ban. One day the grandson of Abu
Muttalib persuaded Them to lift the ban. Both went Mutim bin Adi and were supported by Al Bakhtari,
ibn Hashim and Zama bin al-Aswad. Next day all six of them entered the Haram and and began to urge
all those present to lift the Boycott of the Banu Hashim. Abu Jahl hesitated and thus his document was
torn by Mutin ibn Adi. Adi bin Qais,Zuhair and others went to fetch out the Banu Hashim. The ban was
then revoked in 619 AD due to the pity felt by some Good Makkans. However after the ban the Prophet
lost his wife Hazrat Khadija RA and his uncle Abu Talib in the same year. Prophet PBUH was so sad for his
loss that he declared the year as “the year of sorrow”. Death of Abu Talib meant the loss of the tribe.

B. Explain how this event affected the mission of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). (5)

Ans) The boycott was a lesson and a turning point for the Holt Prophet Pbuh. He realised that
further preaching in his hometown would not be fruitful or growth for them. Losing his wife
Hazrat Khadija RA affected him a lot and gave him emotion and moral support. Likewise death lf
Abu talib was a great loss of the Prophet PBUH and he was deprived of tribal support due to that.
He could see the evil minds of his enemies and what they could do by this boycott. Prophet PBUH
also knew that he and his followers would be tested as long as god wished so because of his
special relation with Him. As a rule, Gods messengers and their followers were always tested, the
Quran refers to this in these words,” Be sure We will test you with something of fear and hunger,
some loss in goods or lives or the fruits ( of your toil) but give glad tidings to those who patiently
preserve”. He would now be looking for other venues spread the message of Islam. He was
divinely consoled through the journey of Isra and Mairaj. He decided to visit the neighbouring
town Taif. He hoped that the Taif would treat nicely but they treated Prophet PBUH harshly, yet
Prophet did not give up and started to address the piligrims coming from Yathrib. Boycott was a
part of the event that led Prophet PBUHs migration to Madina.

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