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Learner Instructions 3

(Monitor and report on WHS performance)

Submission details

Students Name Charmaine Cresencio

Student ID TWICC8749


Assessor’s Name Umesh Pandey

Assessment Date/s Dec 10 , 2020


1. Review the simulated workplace information for Pitstop Pty Ltd. Review planning
materials you developed for Assessment Tasks 1 and 2.

2. Role play on performance monitoring and audit procedures

Role-Play I ( Meeting with the store managers on performance monitoring and audit procedures)

ME Good morning.

Store Manager Good morning. After we had follow the written

procedures, we see the huge improvement in staffs’ p
and that help increase their performance and the org

ME I’m very glad to hear that.

Store Manager Anyway, I would like to know the measurement and

requirements of the WHS plan.

ME The aim of measurement and evaluation is to establish

objectives of the WHSMS and its components are
Monitoring and evaluation applies to all aspects

Regular audits of the management system are a

determine whether the system is meeting its stated obj
the monitoring and evaluation process to be effective
WHS objectives to be established, performance
developed, relevant information collected and results a

That is, what measures are to be used, what inf

gathered when and how the information will be col
often it will be collected and who will do it.

Inspections and general monitoring need to be sch

conducted. These may take the form of inspectio
checks, tests, measurements and examinations. They in

- Routine checks must be conducted in the work are

problems such as machine guarding, housekeeping, sto

- Observation of safe work procedures

- Workplace inspections

- Examination , specific tests and testing by compet

This may include:

- tests on equipment lifting, ventilation, noise

extinguishers etc

- health surveillance of individuals

Store Manager And how about the targets and KPIs for managers and
in accordance with organizational objectives for the W

ME For the target and KPIs for manager are;

- At least 80% of planned activities completed accordin

to plans

- Daily collect the employees activities checklist

- Report the hazard and any incidents within a day

- Weekly and monthly report on any risk and incidents

- The overall risk and incidents are decreasing by 50%

Target for employees are;

- Increase employees’ commitment by 80%

- Reduce the rate of absenteeism by 80%

- Increase employees’ engagement by 75%

- The overall risk and incidents are decreasing by 50%

- 100% of employees attended the training session

understand the risk procedures by passing the test with

Store Manager How about audit and reporting process for managers?

ME All managers and workers including contractors are

complete an incident form if a hazard/injury/incident o

- Advise the Station Manager of the incident or injury o

- For recording purposes complete a Hazard/Injury/Inci


- Complete the relevant sections of the form giving d

incident. The form should be completed even when a
not occurred, that is, in the event of a near miss

- All hard copy forms should be signed by the relevant

- The Station Manager or their delegate must record al

the injury register

- Internal reporting of any hazard/injury/incident sho

separate from reporting of notifiable incidents to Co
Hazard/Injury/Incident Report form is already prepared

Store Manager Thanks for your hard work.

Consult with managers on implementation of performance monitoring and audit procedures

It has been six months since the implementation of the WHS management system across all stores at
Pitstop. The implementation has been carried out concurrently with the expansion of the business,
which will soon number 30 stores, growing from a single store two years ago. The number of
employees has grown from 20 to 160 over the course of the implementation of the WHSMS. Signs are
that the rollout has been moderately successful in about half the stores. Initial feedback from store
managers and employees was positive, however the implementation seems to have lost momentum. It is
now time for a review of the WHSMS. have been asked by senior management to provide a written
report on the performance of the system. The report should contain analysis of the data and
recommendations for improvement based on analysis
Minimize illness and injuries in the workplace
 minimize incidents
 reduce number of days of lost work.

Provide effective risk management

 establish risk management process.

Provide effective WHS management and leadership

 ensure managers implement WHS policy and WHSMS.

Build a culture of safety in the workplace

 ensure employee buy-in across the organization.

Performance Management

Performance measures to evaluate the system, procedures, programs and practices measurement are
required. When developing the programs, the measures must be planned. The measurements used may
be quantitative, qualitative, process or timeline based. They may involve short- or long-term
requirements. The measurements must be applicable to the activity being evaluated.
 Quantitative measurements include number of lost time injuries, lost time injury rate,
percentage of identified hazards that have been actioned, 100% of hazardous substances have a
MSDS, no., of accidents, no., of injured employees requiring rehabilitation, return to work rate
as a percentage of all claims, the number of employees trained etc.
 Timeline measurements and Qualitative process include: all employees are aware of the
policy; all legislative requirements are identified; purchasing procedures ensure WHS
requirements are considered; the training timetable is being met; strategies / programs
timetable implementation is being met; workplace inspections and fire drills are scheduled and
conducted; accidents are investigated within specified timeframe, maintenance requests are
acted on within a specified time and so on. All the measurements information has to be
collected. This includes what information is collected, in what format it is collected and who
does it.

Audit and reporting

Auditing is a structured approach to evaluating the OHSMS. Many auditing processes

including those developed by each state and territory legislative authority are


A review and/or audit ay be conducted internally or externally.

 Genuine consultative processes must be used so that employees consider they have
‘ownership’ of the program and their knowledge and skills are sought and used
 if employees’ opinions are not taken into account they will not report or participate, and
valuable information and insights are lost
 Staff must be sure that if they report safety problems those problems will be acted upon.
Safety issue reported by an employee, if ignored, no matter what the manager thinks about the
issue, will lead to safety problems not being reported

Targets and KPIs, procedures for performance management, audit and reporting as a result of

Proactive Performance Indicators

Performance indicators that measure the actions performed as part of the WHS management system are
proactive indicators. Proactive performance indicators are designed to measure the actions being taken
by the to prevent work related injury and illness. Proactive performance indicators that are used at the

Focus Performance Indicator Description

Training The number for training courses Monitors the number of WHS traini

delivered or coordinated by the WHS Course

Unit Monitors the number of training par

- Monitors the number of WHS attending WHS training courses



- The number of participants in


courses delivered or coordinated by


WHS Unit

Hazard and Incident The number of hazards, near misses Monitors the level of hazards (inclu
Reporting misses) and incidents being formall
incidents reported
reported by Safety Net and their com
- The number of high risk hazards,

misses and incidents reported

- Percentage of completed hazard,


miss and incident reports

Risk Assessments - The percentage of risk assessments Monitors the completion of risk

approved assessments for operational activitie

WHS risk

Safe Work Procedures - The percentage of safe work Monitors the completion of safe wo
procedures for operational activities
approve WHS risk

WHSMS Audits Average compliance of internal and - Provides an overview of implemen

Safe Work WHSMS audits the WHS management system

Outcome Indicators

Statistics which measure the successfulness of the implementation of the WHS management system’s
implementation in achieving the objectives as stated in the WHS Policy are outcome indicators.
Examples of outcome indicators that may be analysed at the Pitstop Pty Ltd include:

Focus Performance Indicator Description

Lost time injuries - Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate - Average Time Lost Rate (ATL
average time away from work per
occurrence of injury or disease
- A frequency detailing the amount of
lost time

injuries per million hours worked

Medically Treated - Medically Treated Injury Frequency A frequency detailing the amount of

Injuries Rate (MTIFR) treated injuries per million hours wo

Workers compensation - Workers compensation claims The number of workers compensati

- Percentage of injuries which require - Provides an overview of the

lost time
compensation claims received

Objective Target Implementation Indicator/ monitoring Person

To minimize injuries IR=<4 Skills assessment of Number of reported Store Manager

workers. Specific injuries and near
training on equipment misses in 6 month
and job roles. period. Data from
incident reports

To reduce number of days LTIFR=<6 Skills assessment of Number of lost days in Store Manager
of lost work workers. Specific 6 month period
training on equipment
Data from incident
and job roles

To establish risk All employees Documents developed Percentage of Store Manager

management process aware of procedure. and distributed in managers who have
All managers have policies and procedures completed process over
initiated one safety manual to all staff 6 month period. Safety
audit and audits. Project
implemented management report.

To ensure managers All managers have Training for managers Percentage of WHS Manager
implement WHS policy performed a skills on process. managers who have
and WHSMS audit and conducted performed a skills
or initiated audit. Manager’s
appropriate training report. Percentage of
for employees employees who have
completed training.
reports/training records

Role play

Role-Play (Meeting with the board of directors and senior management to review performance of WHSMS

ME Good morning.

Board of director Good morning. I would like to discuss with you about mon
audit procedure of our WHSMS.

ME Yes.

The monitoring and evaluation process should be linked

regular activities as well as to specific corrective actions bei
also requires all control measures implemented as part of
management process, emergency preparedness procedures a
investigations to be monitored for their effectiveness. General
and inspections need to be scheduled and conducted. These m
form of routine checks, inspections, tests, measure
examinations. They include:

- Routine checks in the work areas covering issues such

guarding, housekeeping, storage etc.

- Observation of safe work procedures

- Workplace inspections

- Specific tests, examination and testing by competent person

include: tests on lifting equipment, ventilation, noise
extinguishers etc.

- health surveillance of individuals e.g. hearing tests.

Board of director And how about the performance measure?

ME Performance measures to evaluate the system, programs, pro

practices measurement are required. The measures should
when developing the programs. The measurements use
quantitative, qualitative, process or timeline based. They m
short- or long-term requirements. The measurements should b
to the activity being evaluated.

Quantitative measurements include lost time injury rate, num

time injuries, percentage of identified hazards that have bee
100% of hazardous substances have a MSDS, number o
number of injured employees requiring rehabilitation, return
as a percentage of all claims, the number of employees trained

Qualitative, process and timeline measurements include: all

are aware of the policy; all legislative requirements are
purchasing procedures ensure WHS requirements are con
training timetable is being met; the timetable for implem
strategies / programs is being met; workplace inspections an
are scheduled and conducted; accidents are investigated with
timeframe, maintenance requests are acted on within a specifi
so on. Information on all the measurements being used
collected. This involves what information is collected, in wha
collected and who does it. Performance summaries/matrixes,
and target will be send to you.

Senior management Great. I need them.

How about the Audit, do you have any plan about that?
ME Reviewing and improving the management system is essentia
management should be involved in the review process. The
review of the system leads naturally to continual improve
occupational health and safety management system.

Auditing is a structured approach to evaluating the WHSMS

many auditing processes including those developed by eac
territory legislative authority. A review and/or audit ay be
internally or externally.

The review should consider the health and safety policy, th

and targets, the adequacy of resources, any results fr
investigations, and any changed conditions that are impac
workplace. The information obtained should be evaluated
identify where targets and objectives are not being met.

Recommendations should be generated to improve the system

actions and improvements to the system should then be im
This process is often referred to as ‘continuous improvement’

Senior management That is such a good plan. Thanks so much for you high effort.

Recommendations for improvement of the WHS management system.

Review and improvement Reviewing and improving the management system is essential, and senior
management should be involved in the review process. The continuing review of the system leads
naturally to continual improvement of the occupational health and safety management system.

A review of OHS management systems should be conducted at scheduled intervals. The

review process may also occur after analyze of performance indicators (as above), an investigation into
an incident or due to changed or new legislative requirements.

The review should consider the health and safety policy, the objectives and targets, the adequacy of
resources, any results from audits, investigations, and any changed conditions that are impacting on the
workplace. The information obtained should be evaluated. It should identify where targets and
objectives are not being met. Recommendations should be generated to improve the system. Corrective
actions and improvements to the system should then be implemented. This process is often referred to
as ‘continuous improvement’. It is a helpful way of summarizing progress over the year as well as
highlighting areas for improvement.)

Continuously review to monitor and improve control measures and find safer ways of doing things.

Documentation for Risk Assessment

The documentation required for a WHS risk assessment will depend on the operation or activity being
assessed. The appropriate WHS Risk Assessment Form must be used when undertaking a risk
assessment of the various activities of the

The WHS Risk Register

The risk assessment data collected from identifying, assessing and controlling risks should be
documented on a centralized risk register for. The risk register holds a list of key risks that need to be
monitored and managed. The risk register is to be managed by the Station Manager who should be
notified if new hazards are identified and controls implemented so that the risk register can be

The Station Manager is responsible for overseeing the Risk Register, and for ensuring that effective
control measures are implemented and that risks are monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.


I think we should consider and aware of training because this will help increase employees’
performance and the organizational productivity.

Training is committed to providing appropriate training to ensure workers have the skills and
knowledge necessary to fulfil their WHS obligations. WHS training is a fundamental requirement for to
achieve a safe workplace. The WHS training needs for will be determined in consultation with
managers and workers, as well as through review of the WHS Risk Register, however it can be
generally categorized into three kinds:
 Generic WHS Training—skills and knowledge which is commonly required, e.g. induction
training, WHS risk management training, evacuation procedures.
 Risk Specific WHS Training—training required for those persons conducting activities with a
specific risk to health and safety or a verification activity, e.g. first aid training, hazardous
substances training, manual handling training, confined spaces training, working from heights.
 Task Specific WHS Training—skills and licensing which are required depending on the
specific hazards and risk, e.g. any farm equipment operation, high risk work licenses such as
for driving forklifts, cranes.

Documentation for Training

Training records shall be maintained as evidence of training delivery and assessment of competence.

WHS Induction

All new managers and workers are required to be provided with WHS information regarding the
workplace as part of their overall induction and introduction. A thorough WHS induction process
assists new staff to feel welcome, become integrated into the organization and ensure that they are able
to work safely.

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