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On a dark quiet night, it was almost 12 and the moon was hidden
from sight. We were driving back from Bukit Tunku, three lifelong
friends in a beat up Kembara. Adam was drunk, slung across the front
seat half asleep. Alia was humming to herself at the back, humming
her favourite song of the moment, First Love and I was looking ahead
to the long winded path that stretched in front of me. As we drove by
an abandoned bus stop, there i saw the most beautiful woman with
long silky black hair, fair and clear skin and the perfect shining kilowatt
smile sitting demurely at the bus stop looking straight at me. Adam
and Alia suddenly sprung to life and gazed longingly at the bus stop
that we just passed. I heard the hand brake went up and felt the car
drift and skid off the road into the surrounding forests. Once the car
stops, Adam rushes out and walks towards the bus stop.

I was stunt until I suddenly realized that Adam was about to

reach the beautiful woman. Quickly I opened the car door and proceed
to joint Adam and pull his hand to break away from the woman.
Suddenly the woman waste no time and quickly asked question “can
you send me to Bukit Kiara? I need to see my uncle. He is very ill. I was
lost and I need to see him tonight”. With full of sympathy I said to
Adam “we need to help her, she is alone and no where to go. Suddenly
Adam raised his voice and replied to me “are sure you want to take her
to Bukit Kiara? Adam continued further “I feel something is not right.
Don’t you think so?” I replied “Its alright, we cannot leave her alone

During our conversation suddenly Alia came out from the car and
joint our conversation. After we explained to her she agreed that we
should help and send her to Bukit Kiara. Hurriedly we board to the car
and asked the woman to sit at the back with Alia.

Inside the car the woman was very quite and didn’t say a word. Thirty
minutes later we arrived in Bukit Kiara and Adam asked her “where do
you us to drop you? The woman replied “can you drive further down
another 100 meters and you drop me immediately after the corner”
she said. Immediately after the corner I pulled aside and stop the car.
All three of us got out from the car and followed by the woman. Once
outside she said “thank”.

We didn’t realised until Alia prompted us that the place where we

dropped her was Bukit Kiara Muslim Cemetery. Suddenly my leg
became weak and noticeably shaken and I saw Adam was shivering
and the same for Alia. Quickly I asked Adam and Alia to get inside the
car and at the same time my mind was already thinking that the
woman was really a human or something else. Once Alia got inside the
car she screamed at the top of her voice and said “gravestone!!!” I
turned back and yes, I saw a gravestone wrapped in a white cloth on
the back sit beside Alia. In a split second Adam got out from the car
and opened the door and threw the gravestone away. The moment
Adam threw the gravestone by the road side all three of them heard
the voice of woman crying in the middle of the night. The scene was so
scary relates Adam to me and instantaneously we all got into the car
and drove away. While driving away from the cemetery we pray that
nothing would happened to us. Except for Adam both Alia and I fell sick
for more than a week.

We learned a good lesson that never to take any alien passenger

in the middle of the night. You never know you might be fool to believe
that it was a real woman but it turned out to be not.
Its time to tell all of you about myself. TRue story about me. my name is dayana azhar,
call me dena but never suka-suka to call me yana or ana. I despise that names. I prefer
Dayana most so you better call me with my full name, coz' full name reflects one's true
intelligence. i was born to this mortal world on the 3rd June 1992. I am a geminian, so
my personality keep changing according to my mood. I have a dual-personality,
sometimes I can be extraverted and sometimes introverted. Actually I am an INTP.
Whats the heck is that!!???....INTP refers to someone who has an introverted personality,
a thinker and an engineer. It is most happened to males and just 1& in females. Guess I
am a lucky girl to have such an honoured personality. my family is average, just like
yours (probably).

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