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saling the Hi Reading A Read the list of achievements and rank them in order of Pipes semanas ene tone roecetin maou” 5 {Word Focus 9 and / or synonyms for the words B Read the article below to find out who won the ES Adventurers of the Year award. Do you think they 1 bare-bones 4 top-notch Se ee ae eee ee ea a a a O Sano Babu Sunuwar and Lakpa Tsheri Shorpa took the tte following their Ukimate Descent expedition. The pair proved they have atrue spirit of adventure by successfully completing the expecition which involved climbing Everest, paragliding back cdown and then kayaking all the way to the Indian Ocean. With borrowed © gear and a bare-bones budget, there 2 ) were no corporate sponsors nor social media ‘campaigns, just the essentials for adventure ~ vision, creativity Band friendship. The three-month quest for the Ultimate Descent began in Apri 2011 and the pair arrived at the summit of Mount Everest (8850) ‘on May 21. Wasting no time, they then launched e tandem pparaglider from the surnmit, being only the third team to do so. For the men, flying above the Khumba Glacier was the highlight of the expedition. Their 4999-metre descent lasted a remarkable 45 minutes. The final stage of their expedition was completed on June 27 when the men reached Ganga Saga in the Bay of Bengal by kayak. B Surfer Carissa Moore has not only proved herself to be a top- class surfer, but she's even managed to break the gender barrier inher sport by competing in men’s events. At the age of 18, \M.Moore finished high schoo! like most youngsters her age. However, that was also the year she was accepted onto ‘the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) Women's, World Tour. She showed fellow competitors and surfing fans what she was made of when she picked Lup first prize in two events. Moore wont on to crush the female competition in world surfings main events. ‘On the ASP's World Tour, she came first in three ‘events and snatched the overall women’s ttle. The young surfer has also competed against the world’s best male surfers on male tour events. In two short eeu eee ais Pe oe eee cela eae Cecil EON Canes Rance) Pen eaeai Ieei) ee aCe eecice C Read the Exam Close-up. Then underline the key words in the Exam Task below. For questions 1 10, choose the paraaraphs (A ~ D}. The paragraphs may be chosen more than once. In which paragraph are the following mentioned? 1 winning a competition before the Adventurers of the year award 2. alack of financial support 3. using equipment that belonged to someone else 4 an everyday activity in unusual settings 5 being ready to take a chance 6 7 OO000 ‘earning a great deal of money in @ short space of time ‘an adventurer whose upbringing prepared him/her well for his/her chosen spor? 8 afm that bocame extremely popular on the Internet 9 doing something only @ few people had done before 10 making use of abandoned buildings oo000 oO years of professional competition, Moore has pocketed a staggering §225,000 and has attracted top-notch sponsors. ‘The young surfer is now set to compete against the world’s best mele surfers on the male tour events which wil take place on her home turf in Hawaii c Ground:-breaking adventure has always made us examine the fine line between the possible and the impossible. Street trials rider Danny MacAskill is a shining example of ’ young adventurer who has forced us to reconsider what is possible, In 2011, a short film called Industral Revolutions featuring the young rider, MacAakil, became on instant sensation on YouTube. In the fm, MacAskil performs some mind- blowing stunts as he rides through abandoned Scottish factories, leaping between train cars and riding across 5 centimetre-wide beams suspended 4.6 metres above concrete, MacAskill makes Us roimagine our daily environments ashe and his bike become one. ‘Thanks to sponsorship, since 2009, he has travelled over 64,374 kilometres in Scotiand in search of the ideal location for his next perfect trick. No one is more surprised by his success than the rider himself. | never had the goal of becoming a professional ‘rider, says MacAskil ‘just wanted to ride my bike’ ‘Isitbetter to set realistic goals or ambitious goals for ourselves? ‘= Which of your achieverrents are you particularly proud of? Why? Dealing with multiple matchings Read the matching questions carefully and underline the key words in each to identify the information you need to focus on Read the article quickly to get a general Understanding, Read the text again carefully, but remember not to select an answer based con reading only one section Sometimes similar information may be included in more than one section, so pay attention to small details. D Replace the words and phrases in bold with these verbs in the corroct form. 1. The adventurers earned huge sums of money from sponsorship. 2. Although he was inexperienced, he ‘managed to take the ttle from the world's best swimmers. 3. Ifyouttrain hard, you're bound to beat the competition! 4. The gymnast’s routine was carried out perfectly. 5. Can you jump from one rooftop to another? & She is widely acknowledged as the swimmer with the best technique. D ‘Snowboarder Travis Rice, whose father was 2 ski patroller, was raised to take risks in snowy mountains. His unique combination of fearlessness, acrobatics and snow and mountain sense have enabled him to reach the peaks of snowboarding, Now hailed as the best snowboarder in the world, Rice received worldwide acclaim following the release of the film The Art of Fight in wich he executes astonishing aerial tricks high up in the mountains. In the peaks, a fall could mean tumbling down a vertical face or being swept into a gaping crevasse, Although 2 lat of planning went into the film, many of the ‘ticks were spontaneous. Rice says, ‘You have to see ‘opportunity when it knocks on your doo” Ideas Focus ° the Heights Vocabulary Circle the correct words. The Millennials are here! ‘Who are they? Most likely, you're one of them. They are the (1) class / generation born approximately between 1980 and 2000, ‘What (2) ci 3 1em from their parents [known ‘as Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, and Generation X, bom between the 1960s and 1980s) is thet they have been brought up surrounded by (3) data / digital technology and mass media, Not only are they familiar with apps, iPhones and social networking, but many of them have been responsible for bringing about the communications (4) evolution / revolution ‘As successful young entrepreneurs, like Mark Zuckerberg founder of Facebook, they have not been afraid to (6) aim / reach high in their quest to (6) realise / their ambitions. Along the way these entrepreneurs have acerued (7) riches / richness beyond their wildest dreams. Well-educated and (8) industrial / industrious, they 20 no limits to what they can do and trust in technology to got them there. Complete the sentences with the correct word from each pair. Use the correct form. SEPIA USCIS 1. Nick is an excellent worker; he ‘the most difficult tasks with ease. 2. How difficult is itto — success without a university education? insist Bers 3 She 2 con speaking to the manager about her salary. 4 Ifyou in interrupting, you will be asked to leave the meeting, FERNEIEAE 5 Wehadto_________ourdiferences for the good of the team. 6 Atroubleshooter could help you to ‘the problems in the company. eevee FaIS 7 Tryas| might, couldn't change her mind and had to admit 8 Despite the benefits of a good education, Terry turned out a complete Circle the odd ones out. 1 bold fearless gutsy mediocre 2 honourable noble vain virtuous 3 merciless pitiless ruthless selfless 4 crafty cunning sly touchy 5 confident positive sentimental upbeat 6 fair impartial objective. timid 7 cautious — impetuous rash reckless 8 candid headstrong obstinate stubborn Match the opposites. 1 adaptable =] aprhenive 2 considerate = Eb conceited 3 fearless G ignorant 4 modket EL infos 5 tiumohomt = E] sesh 6 ae a unauccoutil Phrasal verbs in the correct form. 1 Kjee__— you start working or studying hard 2 Hyou something, you have a problem. 3 Ifyou something . you succeed in doing something difficult or Unexpected. 4 you something, you force yourself through something thats in your way. E Complete the definitions with these phrasal verbs F. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs from E. 1. Alter years of hard work Jenny is beginning to inher career 2. The team was down 3-0 at halftime, but won the game 6-31 How did they it 2 3 Wo wore absolutely —_ when our son was offered a scholarship to Harvard! 4 How do you expect to pass your exams if you don't ‘and revise? 5. Unfortunately, our plans and we weren't able to go on holiday. 6 The tennis player was very tired but he 5 tyes pte pomaaii ite orhayeor area —accmn wand eventually 6 Ifsomething it aie nae % canta 7 le tow os someone problema bute wes abe overcome thm a, «8 Meath be me eT eae a ie ee Prepositions G Complete the sentences with these prepositions. 1. Itsounds like a great idea, Jim; you should go 4. The position was offered to Michael as he was the —it! best candidate amile, 2 Ie gota lot my plate these 5. The manager was fire for his unpopular decisions. Luckily, everything went and the event wae a huge success, days and | rarely see my friends. 3. We had to work ‘order to meet the desdine. Collocations & Expressions H_ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs do, get and go. the clock in 6 ahitch a 1 you persevere, your herein the end ¢ 2. Ty putting tho red cable her that might a the oie 2 Hegde aoutowh te a de France, nde succeeded 4 tes very proud of my students because they ll The best 5 Oncewe thegreenlight, weg ro can start the project. F 6 Wow! Jule won Voico Idol she's deintely hac | Work with a partner. What do you think the following phrases mean? wise up dumb down box clever anctrainer streetwise aight spark Scaling the Heights Writing: a reference Understanding the purpose ofa reference * AAfriend or colleague may ask you to write a reference for them. This i a letter or statement recommending they be considered for a new job. * First, you must explain who you are and what your relationship is to the person. * Then, you must describe the person's character and skills, their previous experience, and explain why they should be selected. Your reference should present the person positively and make it clear he / she is suitable for the job. A. imagine your friend wants to apply for ajob as 2 receptionist and has asked you to provide a referen What do you think the job entails? Tick the correct boxes. 1. Supers clerical staf Q 5 Provide secrets sipport Qo 2. Aneweralllnoming ale o 6 Greet and atet peopla Oo a Rodda wordprocmingngsn: Cl] 7. Fie all correspondence Qo 4 lntriew idew r sal o What sort of person would be @ good receptionist? Look at the duties you chose in A and make a list of the qualities required to carry them out in your notebook B Look at the skills. Which ones do you think would be required for the position of receptionist? Read the writing task below and answer the questions. | You have been asked to provide a reference for a friend | of yours who has applied for a job as a receptionist in 2 college for international students, The successful candidate willbe good at dealing with people and will have excellent ‘organisational skills. ‘You should include information about your friend's character, their skils, their previous relevant experience and reasons why they should be considered for this job. 1. Underline the key words in the tas. 2 What personality traits and skills will you tale about? 3. How many main paragraphs should the reference contain? What will they cover? 4 What style will you write the reference in? D Read the example reference and look at the key words you underlined in C. Has the writer dealt with every point and developed it to its fullest? Do you think Sarah is a good candidate for the job? ‘Towhom itmay concern Tam writin to recommend Sarah Crocker forthe position of receptionist at English Now College. Sarah has lived in Newbury aller life and Thave known her since she was a child. Thave found Sarah to be dependable, courteous, hard-working and helpful. Her commitment tothe local that che has given up most of her free time to help with activities for under-privileged youth in our ares, - Hor communication skills, both written and verbal, are excellent, as are her computer and organisational skis For this reason, Serah is responsible for maintaining the Youth clubs web ste. Ttisa very demanding roe, but Sarah is capable of handling 2 ‘number of tasks simultaneously with great ease. rai eet working od out aswel as aro pat-ime sae and serie industry postions have lowe Sarah to develop a high level o interpersonal skills which enable her to deal effetively with the general public, For these reasons, Sarah would be ideal for any position where friendly, helpful manner combined with a high level of ‘organisational skills are valued. Tr-oummary Tbelieve Sarah would bea tremendous asset to any organisation and T recommend her without reservation. ‘Yours faithfully Miriam Idle youth club is such 1“ E Look at the four main paragraphs in the example reference agai their friend and supported his / her opinion? Writ 1 =! How has the writer made a case for your answers below. 2 3 4 F Look at the two underlined set phrases in the reference. Why does the writer use these phrases? G Road the Exam Close-up. Then complete the Exam Task. Use the paragraph plan and the Useful Expressions to help you write your reference. ‘You have been asked to provide a reference for a friend of yours who has applied for a job as a student services assistant in an English-language college. The person appointed will be personable, a good mult-tasker, and will have excellent computer and organisational skills You should include information about your friend's character and personal qualities and skil, their previous relevant experience and reasons why they should be considered for this job. ‘Write your referenes in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. Greeting: Introduction: ‘Main paragraph 1: Use appropriate set phrace. Explain who you are and how you know the person. Describe your friend's character and personal qualities. Describe your trends skis. Discuss your frienc's previous relevant experience. Give reasons why your friend should be selected. Reinforce your belief in your friend and repeat your recommendation, Use appropriate set phrase. Main paragraph 2: Main paragraph 3: ‘Main paragraph 4: Conclusion: Sign off. ‘Writing a formal letter ‘+ Read the exam question carefully and make sure you understand who you are writing to and why. Underline al the necessary information you need to include. Remember to use paragraphs and link your ideas clearly. Try to use descriptive language and an appropriately formal tone. Winch | -! Useful - Expressions opening To whom it mey concer, ear Sir/ Madam Dear Me Mrs Ms Introduction Jam writing to recommend... "have been asked by my fiend Thave known . for/ since Iestmet..in/ when Supporting your opinion asisevidenced/shownby thefact that... fisher. such that Forthiseason, | Discussing attributes = tsa sled. ~ proficient in. ishighly isan accomplished .. has talent / flair / gift for ... “has the necessary. skis “has excelent... sls ‘These qualities enable shows great Recommending Ihighly recommend Ihave nohestationn recommending. lam confident that ending Yours faithfully, ‘Yours sincerely, to 5

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