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Learning Activities

Topic: Rules and its importance

Activity 1

a. Define rules conceptually and operationally in one

sentence only.
It is a prescribed guide for conduct or action and it tells what is or is not
allowed in a particular game,, situation, etc. . It is also a procedure or conduct
for an activity. 
b. Recall a game when you were young. Tell something
about it.
When I was young, I used to play Chinese garter. These game needs you to be
physically fit for this will test your stamina, agility, and your jumping skills. It
needs a flexible body to keep up for the game. Before the game starts you will
need a rubber bands , garter or rope whichever you prefer and as to how long
the length you will be using. 

c. Specify rules to follow in playing the game.

Players are divided into two or more teams. During the game, two members of
each team shall serve as “ game posts “ as they stand opposite each other and
hold each end of the garter. The objective of the game then is to be able to
successfully jump over the garter as it is gradually held higher by gave posts. 

d. 5 importance of rules in general.

1. In human being, it helps to guide and direct their behavior, to provide order
and predictability in social relationships to make sense of and understanding of
each others action 2. To establish and protect the weaker class in the society
since they are at disadvantage if such regulations are broken. 3. To provide a
stable environment and human co-existence in a community, resulting in peace
and order 4.) Helps organized relations between individuals the society to
make it clear what is right and wrong and what happens if someone breaks the
rules. 5.) To guide acceptable behavior and ensure to create a productive
learning environment.

e. Possible consequences if there are no rules in the society.

If there are no rules in our society, the nation by definition would descend to
anarchy. Mass looting, criminality, and violence would consume communities
since there would be no legal recourse for addressing injustices and disputes.
Rules are important for a functioning society, rules make life go and go
smoother. No rules would mean no political structure and chaos would occur.
Life without rules is unbalanced ,somewhere rules is necessary so that we
don’t go to the wrong path. They help us to a make as right path. But they
shouldn’t be followed blindly. If we don’t follow the rules then we will easily
Activity 2

My Life Rules
 Always be true yourself because no one in this planet is you and never let someone
control you. I find it restricting because every time I want show who I am there’s a lot
of thoughts that comes in my mind that might affect my emotions. And it’s hard to show
what really you are when you know how people in this world watching you. I am afraid
to show the real me sometimes but I do believe in Jehovah God because I know that my
personality is pure and unique that no other human can have.
 Obey your parents always because they know what is the best for you.
 Whenever you go somewhere, always ask for permission to your parents or guardian.
 Always choose to do the best no matter how hard it is cheer up and never give up.
 If you have problems or any difficulties in lifr, remember that there is Jehovah God and
pray to him.
 Don’t ever let your emotions ruin you.

Home Rules
 Help parents in household chores to attain cleanliness at home.
 Don’t waste food because every drop counts.
 Conserve and save water and electricity.
 Love your siblings, minimize arguing with each other. Sometimes we can’t stop arguing
with siblings because there are some instances that faced some misunderstandings that
lead to argue. But I do love my siblings, after our argument we are happily talk with each
other again.
 Always follow the curfew hours.
 Love one another.

Classroom Rules
 Avoid tardiness, spread productivity.
 Always follow the classroom cleaners schedule to maintain cleanliness.
 Focus on your teacher at class hour, stop talking or chatting with your friends.
 No cellphones allowed at class hour. Sometimes we need search engine to know better
about our subject so we need to use cellphones and also to take picture of our notes and
PowerPoint presentation because there’s no time to write especially when our teachers
are in hurry.
 We are family, respect your teachers and your classmates.
Community Rules
 “Tapat ko, linis ko” rules for every citizen.
 Always wear you mask every time you go somewhere.
 Below 21 years of age should stay at home strictly.⏩ I may not be able to go to computer
shop to have a photocopy of my modules which made my study harder. And it is hard
when you need to go urgently to some important matters. But I know it is for my own
safety so I choose to respect and follow it.
 Follow the 1-meter social distancing and avoid physical contact with others.
 Always follow rules and regulations in the community.

Relationship Rules
 You promise to be faithful to him/her.
 Continue knowing each other by talking him if necessary.
 Respect each other’s opinion and perspective.
 Be comfortable with each other and share your thoughts with each other. Have openness.
Even how you love someone of course you also need time to tell all your thoughts to your
love ones. It’s not that easy to share something especially when no one knows about it.
Even if you’re in relationship you’re not really sure if you’ll be together and forever.
 Be humble with each other and always say sorry if you need to.

My Own Rules
 My life would be fake. No real happiness and my life is just depending on others opinion
and I don’t want to be like that.
 If I am free to do whatever I want my life either be in good or bad. But most of the time
children who never obey their parents faced struggles and go to the wrong path.
 It can risk my life and might suffer big trouble.
 I may be failed as a daughter and as a student who aims to be a future educator who
wants to touch lives of others using my own voice in the near future.
 I will be ruin by my emotions and have a big possibility to end my life sooner

House Rules
 Our house will be dirty and there’s a lot possibility to get some diseases
 We’ll face lack of food and it weakens our immune system and destroy our body health.
 Water and power shortage that might interrupt our day to be productive.
 No peace at all
 There is a chance to be in danger.
Classroom Rules
 We know nothing and we can’t attain the profession we want to be in the future.
 Dirty environment and uncomfortable area of studying.
 Whole class will be noisy and no one can benefit.
 All students will focus only on their phones instead of listening to their teachers which is
 No unity and peaceful living

Community Rules

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