Performance Analysis of Shell and Tube As Preheater Fuel For Biodiesel

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1, (2015) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 1

Performance Analysis of Shell and Tube as

Preheater Fuel for Biodiesel
Hafid Rafi Noviantoro, Semin, dan Irfan Syarif Arief
Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Marine Technology,
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim, Surabaya 60111 Indonesia

Abstract— Diesel engines are widely used by ships because of In the time of engine run through sources of waste heat such
great torque, high combustion efficiency, and high durability. as exhaust gas, cooling water, lube oil, and turbocharger. Heat
Although diesel engine efficiently consuming fuel, the fuel that has best quality is the value not only about amount of the
reserves from fossil are decreasing. Therefore, alternative fuel is
heat [4]. In the moment engine run, there are four waste heats
needed. Biodiesel is one solution to solve insufficient fuel in the
future. Biodiesel may come from vegetable or animal. Most from the angina e such as exhaust gas, cooling water, lube oil
common biodiesel come from vegetable such as, palm oil, and turbocharger. Temperatures of cooling water not only the
jatropha oil, soybean oil, etc. In this research biodiesel preheated one that important to waste heat, but also mass flow rate of
before enters the engine due to high viscosity. Instead using cooling water [5]. In the diesel engine can produce
electric heater, waste heat from cooling water engine used to heat temperature of high temperature freshwater reaches 70-80°C.
the fuel until 70ºC. Diesel engine used in this research is
As seen in the figure 1, heat loss in diesel engine for cooling
Mitsubishi 4D30. The heat from cooling water transferred using
shell and tube heat exchanger. This research manually water is 25%-35% of total heat loss [6].
calculating to find size. The result obtained with size of tube Waste heat is energy, which is generated in a process by
outside diameter 0.375-inch, shell outside diameter 2.25 inch and way of fuel combustion or chemical reaction, and then
length of heat exchanger is 270 mm, show that heat from cooling “dumped” into the environment in the time of engine run
water engine able to heat biodiesel from 30 ºC until 70 ºC. through sources of waste heat such as exhaust gas, cooling
water, lube oil, and turbocharger. Quality of heat is not about
Keywords— Biodiesel, Heat Exchanger, Shell and Tube,
Waste Heat Recovery the amount but about its value. The idea to recover the heat
from the engine are depends on the temperature of waste heat
gases and the economics involved [4].
I. INTRODUCTION Device that use to recover waste heat which is heat
exchanger. Heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat
F uel engine has huge roll consumed more than 60% of
fossil fuel. Fossil fuel resources is very limited, because
based on theory not more than 30 years fossil fuel can be used
from one fluid into another fluids. The fluids can be single or
two phase and, depending on the exchanger type. Heat
[1], it makes energy management must be carried out exchanger may be separated or in direct contact. There are
optimally to ensure stability energy for now as well as for the four basic flow configurations such as counter flow,
future. But in fact, management energy had not done concurrent flow, crossflow and hybrids. One of energy sources
optimally. Things that can be done to manage energy of heat exchanger is heat from cooling water that can be used
optimally such as using alternative energy like electric vehicle as preheated bio diesel [7].
instead of internal combustion engine. Besides using Bio diesel is an alternative fuel obtained from varies sources
alternative energy, savings and optimizing energy such as of vegetables oils, animal fat, or waste frying oil to give the
utilize waste heat from engine and conversion to biofuels. The corresponding fatty acid methyl ester. The potential for
major consumer of fossil fuel was internal combustion engine, biodiesel oil production in Indonesia from 6 types of biodiesel
however only 30% - 40% energy of combustion engine in the raw materials includes jatropha curcas, 557842 thousand
engine chamber was transformed into useful mechanical work barrels of biodiesel oil. Followed by oil palm 438876, algae
[2]. The rest of energy was released as a heat to the 258867 thousand barrels, coconut 238455 thousand barrels,
environmental through exhaust gas and cooling water were used cooking oil 45515 thousand barrels, and rubber 3989.7
approximately 25% - 35%. Recovering and utilizing waste thousand barrels. With biodiesel supplements, Indonesia will
heat not only reduced the toxic pollution but also increase the be able to overcome the energy crisis until 210 [8]. Bio diesel
heat efficiency of internal combustion engines by using present some physicochemical or properties differences with
technology such as using turbocharger and variable valve diesel oil such as higher density, viscosity, water content, acid
timing or other advance combustion chamber [3]. value and lower of flash point that can give effect to the
An engine produced waste energy while running by performance and condition of engine such as atomization of
combustion process, which wasted in vain into environment. combustion, injector chocking, filter gumming, stuck in piston
JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 4, No. 1, (2015) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 2

ring and engine deposit. To avoid this happening some some useful and economic purpose, in this study waste heat
improvement should be taking such as preheat. Therefore, in from the cooling water will be used to preheat fuel. The
this study will utilize waste heat from water cooling using heat amount of heat is not significant quality otherwise is its value.
exchanger to preheat bio diesel [9]. The way to recover the heat is relay on the temperature of the
waste heat [4].
Technology of heat recovery could be reducing the
operating cost while increasing energy productivity. This
A. Biodiesel Characteristics technology also many are already good and proven developed.
Waste heat can be recovered either directly (without using a
Diesel engines have different ignition, emission and
heat exchanger-e.g., recirculation) or, more commonly,
injection characteristic; therefore, the use of biodiesel is
indirectly (using heat exchanger). Direct heat recovery is often
restricted. The treatment of biodiesel is needed to make
the cheaper option, but its use is limited by location and
biodiesel usable for diesel engine [10]. The high viscosity,
combination considerations. In indirect heat recovery, the two
density of vegetable oil interferes with injection process and
fluid streams are separated by a heat transfer surface, which
leads poor fuel atomization. The viscosity of fuels has
can be categorized as either a passive or active heat exchanger.
important effects on fuel droplet formation, atomization,
Passive heat exchanger requires no external energy input,
evaporation and fuel-air mixing process, thus influencing the
while active heat exchanger do [13].
exhaust emission and performance parameters of the engine
Palm oil biodiesel has a better efficient than biodiesel C. Heat Transfer
produced from another vegetable oils. The lower of energy Heat transfer is a process transfer of heat due to difference
content of biodiesel make diesel engine consumed more fuel of temperature. Heat will be move from high temperature to
then regular diesel oil. The lowering of power can be to 5- the lower temperature. These objects could be two solids, a
10%, it depends on type of biodiesel, engine speeds and loads solid with gas or liquid. There are three process of heat can
[11]. Semin in 2018 has done research about performance transfer such as: [14]
biodiesel using cotton seed oil with mixture B20 and B30 with
the result performance increase compared to regular diesel oil.
However, the consumption is higher [17]. Preheating process
is needed for the vegetable oils. It will make viscosity reduce
and making the biodiesel more likely to petroleum diesel. By
reducing Viscosity make the biodiesel suitable for diesel
engine because high viscosity causing fuel flow and ignition
problems [12].
The bio diesel is B20 which contain 80% diesel fuel and
20% CPO. The more contain of CPO then makes the density
and the kinematic viscosity of the biodiesel getting high. High
viscosity will make results in reduced flow rates for equal
injection pressure and reduced atomization. In other condition, Figure 1 Heat Transfer Process
fuels with high viscosity has larger droplets on injection which
can make poor combustion, increased exhaust smoke and 1) Conduction
emissions [10]. Preheating process involves heating of Conduction is heat transfer processes that occur in a solid or
biodiesel before injection it into combustion cylinder. fluid because there is different temperature between one
Biodiesel can be preheated at different temperature of 27.5°C, surface with another surface.
40°C, 50°C, and 60°C. Heat exchanger can be used to preheat 2) Convection
the biodiesel. The movement of heat between solid surface which move or
flow and involving conduction.
3) Radiation
B. Waste Heat Recovery The movement of heat between solid surface which move or
In Intake Waste heat is heat which is produced due to flow and also involving conduction.
chemical reaction or fuel combustion which expelled into the
environmental. This heat could still be reused for some useful
D. Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
and economic purpose, in this study waste heat from the
cooling water will be used to preheat fuel. The amount of heat Shell and tube is used to transfer the heat from one liquid
is not significant quality otherwise is its value. The way to into another. This type of heat exchanger has flexibility for
recover the heat is relay on the temperature of the waste heat. any requirements, reliable for many services and can be
In Intake Waste heat is heat which is produced due to worked in high pressures. Standards used for selection shell
chemical reaction or fuel combustion which expelled into the and tube is TEMA (Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers
environmental. This heat could still be reused for Association). There’s are some that must be considered in the
JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 4, No. 1, (2015) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 3

selection of shell and tube such as, shell type, tube transfer coefficient. This causes considerable turbulence even
arrangement, baffle spacing and flow direction. only small quantity of liquid flows through the shell.
Theres are variety type of baffle as shown in figure. The
1) Shell Types most common type used is single segmental and double
There’s are various type for shell based on TEMA standard segmental. The baffle spacing need to consider properly. The
as shown in figure. The most common used for shell type is E- baffle spacing is usually somewhere 0.4 and 0.6 of the shell
shell. This type of shell has simplicity at design and low cost. diameters and for segmental baffle cut of are generally 75% of
There is only one inlet and on outlet on other side of shell, it is the inside diameter of shell [14].
also known as single pass [14].
E. Calculation
Calculation stage has purpose to determine size of shell and
tube heat exchanger. To get the right size of shell and tube
there’s are several steps to calculate, such as preliminary
design and rating the shell and tube. Method used in this
calculation is Kern Method.

1) Heat Duty
Calculate how much heat of cooling water from engine
absorbed by biodiesel in the heat exchanger. This heat transfer
rat determined by
Figure 2 Shell Types by TEMA
A pure counterflow can increase effective temperature
difference. The type of shell that can achieved is F-shell. 2) Log Mean Temperature Difference
Different with E-shell, in this type of shell has two passes with Counter current flow in heat exchanger is needed to
longitudinal baffle. The pressure drop in this type is much calculate LMTD from given four inlet/outlet temperatures.
higher than E-shell.

2) Tube Arrangement
Tubes are fabricated from variety of material such as,
aluminum bronze, steel, copper, brass, muntz metal, and (2)
stainless steel. Size of outside diameter of tube is the actual
outside diameter in inches. The thickness for tube is very strict 3) Individual Heat Transfer Coefficient
tolerance. BWG (Brimingham Wire Gage) is provide wall Shell side heat transfer coefficient can determine by
thickness of the tube [15].
Arrangement of tube cannot drill too close. It will make the
structure of tube is weak. There must be a clearance or (3)
ligament. The pitch of tube has two type which, square pattern
and triangular pattern as shown in figure. The square pitch has Tube side heat transfer coefficient can be calculated as
advantages easy to clean than triangular pitch and lower of
pressure drop. In this final project square pitch is chosen due
to characteristics of liquid flow in shell side. Tube pitch, Pt, is
usually chosen with pitch ratio, Pt/do, between 1.25 and 1.5. (4)

4) Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

The overall heat transfer coefficient can be determined
using equation below

Figure 3 Tube Layout Variation

3) Baffle Types and Geometry

Baffle in shell and tube heat exchanger has two main (5)
functions which include, to support the tubes to make
structure rigid and make heat transfer is high (Kakac, 2012). 5) Heat Transfer Area
Baffle will maintain turbulent flow to make higher heat Determine the heat transfer area can be known by following
JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 4, No. 1, (2015) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 4

heat transfer rate equation. B. Preliminary Design

Preliminary design estimate of the heat exchanger is
tentative. The design can be changed to get the reasonable
dimensional. Shell and tube dimension as shown in table and
table obtained after rating of the design already finish. The
rating of design discussed in the chapter IV. Parameters in
III. METHODOLOGY rating such as thermal performance and pressure drops.

A. Data Collection Table 4 Tube Preliminary Dimension

Data that will be used in this research are engine Tube Side
specification, engine operating data, and fuel characteristic. In Parameter Notation Dimension Unit
this study, biodiesel was heated by using cooling water from a Outside diameter do 0,375 in.
small diesel engine. Engine that will be used in this study is Inside diameter di 0,319 in.
Mitsubishi 4D30. The technical parameters were briefly
featured as Table And dimensional data of shell side can be seen in the table 5.

Table 1 Mitsubishi 4D30 Specification Table 5 Shell Preliminary Dimension

Description Unit Parameter Shell Side
Power, Nc PS 90 Parameter Notation Dimension Unit
Revolution, n rpm 3500 Outside diameter Do 2,25 in.
Bore, D mm 100
Stroke, S mm 105
Displacement cc 3298

Another data will support this research is operating data of Based on the results of calculations and simulation that have
the engine as boundary condition such as water-cooling and been done by the author related to the performance analysis.
B20 temperature, mass flow rate of B20 and water cooling and The result of calculation can be seen in the table 6.
amount of cooling water and biodiesel tobe analyzed from
Pertamina were briefly featured as table 2 and table 3. Table 6 Performance Results
Parameter Result Unit
Table 2 Boundary Condition
Heat Duty 35.97 W
Description Unit Parameter
LMTD 24.82 °C
Temperature of B20 °C 30
Shell-side heat transfer coefficient 21.24 W/m².K
Temperature of Water °C 83
Tube-side heat transfer coefficient 426.0 W/m².K
B20 Mass Flow Rate Kg/h 1.5
Water Mass Flow Rate Kg/h 5 Overall heat transfer coefficient 20.06 W/m².K
Heat transfer area 0.072 m²
Table 3 Fluid Properties
Water From calculation obtained size of heat exchanger
accordance with desire design which heat up the biodiesel
Specific heat Cp 4181 J/kg.K until 70°C. The dimensional data of tube shown in the table
Viscosity µ 0.00095 Kg/ms
Thermal Conductivity k 0.6065 W/mK Table 7 Tube Dimension
Tube Side
Density ρ 997 kg/m3
Parameter Notation Dimension Unit
Prandtl Pr 6.548969 Outside diameter do 0,375 in.
Biodiesel Inside diameter di 0,319 in.
Flow area a´ 0,0731 in.²
Specific heat Cp 2141 kJ/kg.K
Number of tubes Nt 9
Viscosity µ 0.00163 Kg/ms
Thermal Conductivity k 0.3 W/mK
Density ρ 815 kg/m3 And dimensional data of shell side can be seen in the table
Prandtl Pr 11.63277
JURNAL TEKNIK ITS Vol. 4, No. 1, (2015) ISSN: 2337-3539 (2301-9271 Print) 5

Table 8 Shell Dimension

∆p total pressure drop, Pa
Shell Side
∆Tm log mean temperature differences, °C
Parameter Notation Dimension Unit
µ dynamic viscosity, kg/ms
Pitch Pt 0,593701 in.
ρ fluid density, kg/m³
Clearence C 0,271654 in.
Baffle spacing B 2,65748 in.
Outside diameter Do 2,25 in.
H.R. Writer would like to thank the Department Marine
Engineering providing laboratory and engine to finish this
V. CONCLUSION research. Author much obliged for research supervisor´s help
Based on the results of calculations that have been done by until this reserah is completed.
the author related to the performance analysis
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