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The Grade 12 Senior High School Research Presented to the College Education

Immaculate Conception College

Balayan, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements

For the undergraduate of

Humanities and Social Sciences

Fronda, Jan Allen G.

Avendano, Ma. Rocela Rosecha D.

Reyno, Leandro A.

Concepcion, Johnry Mark C.

Atajar, Jefrey L.

Ilagan, Janine G.

A.Y. 2017-2018

Grade 12 – Incarnation

Family problems has a great impact on the academic performances of

a student. This can cause various effects on the studies of a student.

Students have their own way and process of coping up to their problems.

The purpose of this study was to figure out how the family problem affects

the academic performance of the Grade 12 HUMSS students of the

Immaculate Conception College.

The review of related literature focused on financial problem, parent’s

separation and lack of communication. Those several conflicts is the hardest

struggle that the students encounter.

A total of 10 students of the Grade 12 Incarnation (HUMSS) were

used as the respondents of this study.

The study concludes that when family conflict are not present in the school

performance of the students it will be focused, inspired and will boost their

self –esteem, acquire a better grades as well.

The Title: The Effects of Family Problems to the Academic Performance

of the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences Students in

Immaculate Conception College

Authors: Fronda, Jan Allen G.

Avendano, Ma. Rocela Rosecha D.

Reyno, Leandro A.

Concepcion, Johnry Mark C.

Atajar, Jefrey L.

Ilagan, Janine A.

Course: Humanities and Social Sciences

Date of Completion: September 2017


The research study entitled “THE EFFECTS OF FAMILY PROBLEMS



COLLEGE” prepared and submitted by Fronda, Jan Allen G., Avendano, Ma.

Rocela Rosecha D., Reyno, Leandro A., Concepcion, Johnry Mark C., Atajar,

Jefrey L., Ilagan, Janine A. as a partial fulfillment for the Undergraduate of

Humanities and Social Sciences has been examined and revised for

acceptance and approval for oral examination.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of



Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment for the Humanities and

Social Sciences.



The Grade 12 Senior High School attached here to entitled “THE



IMMACULATE CONCEPTION COLLEGE” prepared and submitted by

Fronda, Jan Allen G., Avendano, Ma. Rocela Rosecha D., Reyno, Leandro

A., Concepcion, Johnry Mark C., Atajar, Jefrey L., Ilagan, Janine A. as a

partial fulfillment for the Undergraduate of Humanities and Social Sciences is

hereby accepted.



Accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Undergraduate Degree of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Rev. Sr. Mary Ann J. Lumactao, A.R.


The researchers would like to express their sincere appreciation to

their principal, Sr. Mary Ann J. Lumactao, A.R., their Dean Directress, Sr.

Modesta A. San Jose A.R for their constant support in allowing the

researchers to conduct their surveys. For their unwavering support and

consistent guidance and encouragement.

The researchers also like to express their sincerest gratitude to their

researcher adviser, Mr. Jowenie R. Mangarin, for the undying and untiring

understanding and help, in finishing this study.

The researchers also acknowledge their parents, relatives, friends,

colleagues in Immaculate Conception College and all their teachers for their

encouragement and support. “We meet to part, and we part to meet again.”

To Mr. Jowenie R, Mangarin whose passion for teaching set a new for

anyone, for training and developing the researchers critical thinking and

researcher making skills to his untiring and infinite understanding.

Most of all, to the researchers themselves. For the researchers’ betterment

and in improving their knowledge about this certain topic.


The researchers dedicate the study to the Almighty God, who gave

strength, knowledge, wisdom and perseverance in everyday life and

especially in finishing this study.

To the fathers and mothers of the researchers who continuously

encourage them to continue moving despite of many obstacles in life.

To the researcher’s brothers and sisters who inspire them come up

with this their topic.


Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Panel of Examiners iii

Acceptance Sheet iv

Acknowledgement v

Dedication vi

Table of Contents vii


I. The Research Problem and its Background 1


Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

Research Hypothesis

 Null Hypothesis

 Alternative Hypothesis

Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Definition of terms

II. Review of Related Literature

- Evidences that Prove that Financial Problems Affect the

Academic Performance of the Students

- Evidences that Prove that Lack of Communication Affect the

Academic Performance of the Students

- Evidences that Prove that Parent’s Separation Affect the

Academic Performance of the Students


III. Research Methods and Procedures

Research Method and Locale

Participants of the Study

Sampling Techniques

- Probability

- Simple Random Sampling

- Stratified Random Sampling

- Systematic Random Sampling

Population and Sampling

Research Instruments

Procedures and Data Gathering

Qualitative Analysis
- Open coding

- Axial coding

- Selective coding

IV. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

- Table 2. The Different Types of Family Problems that Affect

Students’ Academic Performance.

- Table 3. Family Problems affect the Academic Performance

of the Students.

- Table 4. How Family Problems Affect the Students’

Academic Performance.

- Table 5. Ways of the Students to Cope with Family


- Table 6. The Positive and Negative Effects of Family

Problems to Students’ Performance at School.

V. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings




Appendix A Bibliography

Appendix B References
Appendix C Approval Letter

Appendix D Questionnaires

Appendix E Curriculum Vitae

Appendix F Documentation



Having a problem is inevitable in human life. The problem that an

individual is experiencing now and may face in the future can be a motivation

to excel in different aspects in life but it can also be the cause of the downfall

of a person.

The common challenge in a person’s life is to deal with family

conflicts. Conflicts in family have branches that vary from one another. Each

of those has its own intensity and impact to a person on how he/she will act

and how terrible it can cause to a person’s life.

Nowadays, mostly teens are the ones who experience family

problems particularly the Grade 12 students who are the main focus of this

study. And this can greatly affect the different phases of their lives including

their studies.
Family problems do not always mean that parents are separated. It

includes financial, and communication problems. This conflicts lead to

students’ different approaches to their studies.

According to Wanjiku (2010), Conflict in a family therefore refers to a

situation whereby the smooth interaction and relation among members of a

family is disrupted because of one thing or another. In addition, conflict in a

family can be as a result of lack of trust, drunkenness, lack of dialogue, lack

of respect, jobless, and idleness.

Personal matters like broken families, misunderstandings, financial

instability, and many others results to students’ depression which later on

may cause lower grades or worse dropping out of students (Ferrer, Dollentas

and Reyes, 2012).

Grade 12 students are expected to perform well, not necessarily too

high grades, because they are about to enter college. Bad school

performance might affect their future tertiary education. Giving up schooling

will be a hindrance in achieving their dreams. In addition, Ferrer, Dollentas

and Reyes (2012) stated that, “Education plays as a key step to one’s
success in the future. Having good education means not only toned mind but

also honed skills.”

This study focuses on how these conflicts affect the students’

performance in school. Financial problems, parents’ separation and lack of

Communication with parents’ are the common issues of a family. Family

problem has different reasons behind it. And these reasons can greatly affect

the students’ academic performance.

Family plays an important role to every individual’s life, especially for a

student. They play in both financial and emotional. Some students seem to

be distracted in classes because of their problems at home. But some does

not look affected. These differences lead the researchers to come up with a

study. Also, the researchers themselves have family issues. The study will

help them and their fellow students on how to improve their family relation

and academic performance.

The researchers believe that education is really important and such

problems must not hold students from succeeding. The researchers chose

this study to find the relationship, if there is any, between family problems

and the students’ academic performance.

Conceptual Framework

Family Problems

Students’ Academic

Students have a good Students have a poor

academic performance. academic performance.

The graph above shows that the independent variable which is the

family problems, affect the dependent variable which is the students’

academic performance in both good and bad ways.

The arrow from the independent variable which is the family problems

is pointing down to the dependent variable which is the students’ academic

performance, this shows how the independent variable affects the dependent


The arrows from the students’ academic performance points to two

different directions, the students’ academic performance might be either

good or bad.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the effects of family problems to the

academic performance of the Grade 12 HUMSS students in Immaculate

Conception College.

1. What are the different types of family problems that affect students’

academic performance?

2. Do family problems affect the student's academic performance?

3. How do family problems affect the students’ academic


4. How do students cope with family problems?

5. What are the positive and negative effects of family problems to

students’ performance at school?

Research Hypothesis

Alternative Hypothesis

Family problems have significant effect to the academic performance

of Grade 12 HUMSS students from the Immaculate Conception College.

Null Hypothesis

Family problems have no significant effect to the academic

performance of Grade 12 HUMSS students from the Immaculate Conception

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial for people who encounter or interact with

students who are experiencing family problems. It will benefit the following:

Students. This study will help the students to be aware regarding the

negative effects of family problem to their academic performance.

Teachers. May use this study to be able to understand students with family


Administrators. For them to be able to help students with family problems.

Parents. For them to be able to understand and help in their child’s

academic performance.

Future researchers. For them to relate and support their studies especially

when it comes to the effect of family problems to the student’s academic

performance. This study may be used as their reference and additional

information about their study.

Researchers themselves. For them to come up with ways on how to

improve their academic status because they themselves also experience

family problems.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The extent of this study only covers the Immaculate Conception

College Grade 12 Incarnation students having a total of 10 respondents to

know how family problems affect their academic performance.

The study covers the effects of family problems to the academic

performance of the students. Parent’s separation, financial problems and

lack of family communication are the types of family conflicts that the study

Definition of Terms

The following were defined to avoid ambiguous matter:

Academic Performance. This is how students are being ranked. In terms of

educational achievements. (

Arguing. To cause (someone) to describe to do.


Attentiveness. Thinking about or watching something carefully.


Deprived. Suffering a verse and damaging lack of basic material and cultural

benefits. (
Disrupted. To destroy usually temporarily the normal continuance or unity

of; or by causing disturbance or problems. (

Excel. To be better than others. (

Extent. The range, distance or space that is covered of affective by

something. (

Idleness. The quality, state, or condition of being lazy, inactive, or idle.


Inevitable. Incapable of being avoided or evaded.


Family. It is a social unit made up of people related to each other by blood,

birth or marriage. (

Family problem/conflict. This refers to problems opposition or difference

that occur within the family set up. (

Fortunate. Having good luck: coming or happening because of good luck.

Hindrance. The act of making it difficult for someone to act or for something

to be done. (

Performance. Refers to degree of attainment of the required grades in

school situation. (Muthoni, 2013)

Scenario. Description of what could possible happen: a written description of

play, movie and opera. (



This chapter reflects on the influence of family conflicts on an

Individual’s academic performance, family and its relationship status affects

the student’s performance in school.

Financial Problems

One of the major problems that the families experience is their

financial problems. And every problem has a certain effect to the ones who

experience it. Students, though they do not work yet, they often been under

stress because of this. Money is one of what they need in studying.

Past research has shown that children living in poverty perform less

well in regard to academic achievement (Ford, 2011). Poverty holds back

students in succeeding. It includes lack of nutrition that the students get due

to lack of healthy food supply. Some have to walk kilometres because there

is no transportation or money for transportation. Their energy for studying

was all consumed. Also, students cannot afford to buy learning materials,

material for projects and miscellaneous.

“Parents who have too many children and who are engrossed in the

material problems of a large family are likely to neglect them; this will

definitely affect their growth negatively” (Grugni, 2004 as cited in Wanjiku,

2010). The bigger a family is, the bigger the money that they need to sustain

and fulfil their needs. When the income turns not enough, food is what the

family prioritize in order to survive and drop the other things that are also

important. The things that the students need to have are often sacrificed so

that the family can afford to buy food. The worst scenario is, students stop


Cunningham and Stanovich (2001) found that insufficient reading

ability in childhood can have detrimental effects on future reading and

cognitive development. Insufficient reading ability might be an effect of lack

of reading materials. Not all school can provide students the materials that

will be used in reading activities, even in public school. The students have to

buy their own book or learning material in order to have something to read

and work on. When the students cannot buy their own, they will not have a

chance to read and learn.

According to Brooks-Gunn & Duncan (1997), children living below the

poverty threshold performed less well than children living in moderately

deprived environments. Additionally, poorer children were more likely to

experience learning disabilities and developmental delays than non-poor

children. Students from less fortunate families are not just students. Some

starts working, some take care of their siblings or parents. It consumes their

time for homework or their time for reviewing lessons. The said students,

unfortunately, does not have enough food to eat and money to spend. They

end up skipping meals at home or at school. It results to low immune system,

sickness and nutrition deficiency. Students might not become attentive in

class because they are tired or unhealthy.

Parents’ Separation

Parents play the most important role for students. They are the ones

that the students look up to, study for and find inspiration. They are also the
source of strength financially and emotionally. They are the ones that mold

children. It affects students when the people that they love have fights and


Research has shown that parental school involvement has a positive

influence on school-related outcomes. Parental school involvement equips

parents to assist their children in school related activities. Also, parents

become aware of schools’ expectations for behavior and homework (Ford,

2011).The researchers themselves experienced the happiness when they

feel their parents’ support towards their academic activities. Parental

involvement in a good way will motivate students to study hard. Also, they

can help their children by monitoring the students’ performance and find

solution to the subjects or activities that seems to be difficult.

According to Clemente (2013), nowadays, fifty percent of all children

born to married parents will deal with divorce before they are 18. Forty-three

percent of children grow up without fathers. Most days, divorce seems like

the answer to a marriage falling apart, but with marriages involving children,

it may affect the kids more than the parents.

There is lot of kids that shares the same situation, separated parents. The

children are the ones who are affected because the thought that can have

that happy and complete family those other students has. It affects not just

the way they act at home but also at school.

She added that high school dropout rates are twice as high with kids

from broken homes than kids with families still together. Studies also show

that kids with divorced parents have lower test scores than kids with parents

who are still together. Student cannot cope easily to the fact that their

parents are no longer together. They feel sad and hurt. They might feel that

schooling is not necessary unless their parents will be there together,

supporting them, they will also become distracted at discussion and skip

classes that lead to poorer school performance.

She stated that, “They lose the balance of school and home life can

become more important.” They will think more on how to fix their broken

family rather than their assignments and school works.

“The pressure of divorce (picking sides, listening to fights, and the

negative comments about the other parent) could create psychological

problems for the kids. Anxiety, depression, speech defects, and stress are all

common occurrence when it comes to divorce” (Clemente, 2013). All of

these will affect students’ academic performance. The students cannot

understand and accept things instantly and the process will take time.

Students, especially Filipinos, they are family oriented and they really value

family. It will hurt them if they will hear negative things about their family and

parents. It might affect their class performance.

She also stated that, “Even with divorced parents, the fighting can still

go on and even get worse.” They will start arguing what will happen to the

kids or their child. The children might hear their parents arguing on the phone

or even in person. Being away with their siblings, if there is any, will take

away one of their source of strength. They might feel that there is no one left


them. It will be hard for them to focus in school. It will affect the students’

attentiveness in class. It might lead to low grades.

Lack of Communication

Controlling parents are those who don’t trust their children enough

that they feel the need to do things their way even planning out the future of

their children. In result, their children frequently feel powerless which makes

them dependent even in adulthood (Ferrer, Dollentas and Reyes, 2012).

Controlling parents do not let their children do things in their own way. Their

ideas and thoughts about a certain activities were not appreciated because

their parents will be the one who will decide or tell them what to do. Parents

do not let their children to discuss their issues and problems about an
activity. It will affect their studies because they will be dependent to their

parents and they are not confident enough.

A parental conflict is considered a disagreement that leads to a

greater or lesser interaction of the parents (Barrthassat, J. 2014). When

parents do not have a good relationship with each other, their children are

the ones who are affected. It will be hard for them to talk to them or discuss

thoughts because it may look that they are picking side. Some student might

not share their problems to with their parents and think that their parents

have other problems to deal with. Lack of communication with parents might

lead to student’s low confidence and trust towards others. It might affect their

school performance.

Positive and Negative Effect

There are both positive and negative effects that the family conflicts

have. Different students have different way of coping up to things. They

share different approaches, different problems and different personalities. It

is not always the negative side because there are also some positive things

about it. As what Barthassat (2014) stated, “A more differentiated approach

to the topic is adapted, which compasses both positive and negative effects

of parental conflict behaviours on the child’s condition and behaviour.

Positive Effect

“Many of the survival behaviours you developed are your best assets.

For example, people who grow up in dysfunctional families often have finely

tuned empathy for others; they are often very achievement-oriented and

highly successful in some areas of their lives; they are often resilient to

stress and adaptive to change” (Ferrer, Dollentas and Reyes, 2014).

They already experienced one of the hardest struggles that a student

might encounter. They are studying, have their family to take care of and

helping solving some of their family conflicts. All of what they are doing

contributed to stress and with it, they learn how to handle it and survive with

it. With this characteristic they can manage other form of stress easily. This

trait will help them see school in a less stressful way.

According to (McIntyre, Heron, McIntyre, Burton, & Engler, 2003 as

cited in Grubb & Long, 2014), Teens who have experienced divorce after

getting accepted to college show advanced signs of coping strategies in

dealing with stress, more so than an individual raised in an intact family.

They managed dealing with stress and not just an ordinary kind of stress but
the kind that involves family and how family affects their studies. They do not

have someone to lean on unlike students with a healthy family that develops

dependency. They are independent and strong enough to find ways to cope

to stress. It is a good trait that will truly help their school performance.

According to Grych & Fincham (1990), Older children have more

realistic estimates and expectations as well as better skills to solve conflicts.

They cannot just manage stress but find ways to solve the problems that

they experience. It can help their academic performance.

Negative Effects

Cummings and Davies (2002) stated that, Parental conflicts can lead

to children’s maladjustment, which in turn results in negative effects on

social, cognitive, educational and psycho-biological functions. When the

person did

not able to find solution to his problem it can lead to poor performance and

an often just leave problem as it is.

They added that, “The child perceives a parental conflict as a

stressor.” Stress makes their lives hard. Children might give up and might let

it just happen without finding ways to deal with it. If they find it as a stress
and not a challenge, it might lead to their poor skill in adapting to school


Attributions and responsibility and guilt trigger different emotions and

change with age. For instance, younger children increasingly tend to blame

themselves and therefore feel negative emotion (Grych and Filcham, 1990).

Family conflicts not just affect students’ behaviour but also their academic

status. Students that developed negative traits or feel bad with themselves

might perform poorer compared to other students.


Financial problem is one of the common factors that affect a family,

especially its members who are still studying. In order to acquire a better
education, we all need to invest (money). And this has become the cause of

neglecting one’s studies. Because we cannot have what we need without

money, as a student, aside from paying for using the facilities of the school,

paying for the tuition fee, we also need to buy materials for educational

purposes, such as books. Most of the books are too expensive. That some of

the students, the ones who experience financial insufficiency, chose to

disregard their needs as a student because they prioritize their family first.

And this results to a poor academic performance. Suffering financially has

other effects; this can also lead to a poor nutrition that can be a failure

academically, because not all students are able to eat three times a day.

Sometimes, they skip meals just to save money and this greatly affects the

student’s performance in class. It is stated that the non-poor children

appears to excel more in academic performance than the poor ones.

Parent’s Separation

The best inspiration that an individual can have is their family. It is

much easier to succeed in academics if a person has his/her parents

together, to support him/her throughout his journey in school. A student who

is a product of a broken home is highly prone to failing grades. Because this

kind of a problem targets the person’s emotions. If one becomes emotional

and depressed about what is happening to his/her surroundings specifically

in their house, it may lead to a bad performance in their studies. Unlike those

students whose parents are still together, they can perform well in class. The

stronger family ties, the better outcome it is for a student.

Positive and Negative Effect

Family problems is definitely a burden to those who encounter it, but it

also has a good side. It can be a motivation to work hard in different aspects

in life, in this case, academic performance. The people’s difference to each

other is being able to cope up positively or negatively to the conflicts that

they face.

Positive Effect

Conflicts in a family became the training ground of some students.

Those students who often experience family conflicts gain the ability to
handle stress very well. They became stronger and flexible in adapting to

changes, and use those struggles as a motivation onwards to excellence in

their academic performance.

Negative Effect

Family problems trigger a negative emotion that leads us to

depression, anxiety, etc. This is common in academics. There are others who

just cannot take the weight of a problem which causes a failure in studies. It

is natural for a student to feel the negativity, and that is what needs to be



This chapter discusses the methods that are used by the researchers

in gathering data. This chapter includes the research methods and locale,

participants of the study, population and sampling, research instrument,

procedures and data gathering.

Research Method and Locale

The method used in this study is a survey, by providing questionnaires

for the effects of family problem to the academic performance of the student.

The researchers also used a qualitative research, the venue of the study is

conducted at the Immaculate Conception College, Plaza Mabini, Balayan,

Batangas, Academic Year 2017-2018.

Population and Sampling

The research study requires 10 respondents to suffice the needed

information. The researchers used the Probability Sampling Procedure to

look for respondents systematically. The researchers had chosen the Grade

12 – Incarnation composed of 9 Males and 33 Females a total of 42


Table 1. Distribution of the Participants

The Grade 12 students from Number of Participants

Humanities and Social Sciences

Incarnation 10
Boys 3
Girls 7
Total: 10

Population and Sampling

Probability methods were utilized by the researchers to identify the


1. Simple Random

This step enable the researchers to see the percentage of the

total population that will undergo the said survey.

Formula: n – total percentage of the population

n= ×100

n=0.2380 ×100


2. Stratified Random Sampling

In this step, the researchers will be able to determine how many

male and female they should pick in accordance with the percentage from

the total population.

Where in the said section had 9 males and 33 females and the

researchers are looking for 10 respondents.

Formula: n – number of respondents by gender

no . of respondents∈stratum
n= × no . of samples required
total number of population

n= ×10

n=0.2142× 10

n=2.14∨2 males

n= ×10

n=0.7257 ×10

n=7.86∨8 females
3. Systematic Random Sampling

In this step, the researchers will find the Interval to be able to

determine systematically on who will be their respondents according to the
given list of names from Grade 11 – Our Mother of Perpetual Help.

Formula: k – Interval



k =4.2∨4

Research Instrument

The researchers gathered the data by distributing questionnaires to

the participants of the study.

Procedures and Data Gathering

The different research studies like library research as well as internet

journals was done to gather information about Family Problems. The

questionnaires are distributed by the researchers among the participants.

After collecting the questionnaires answered by the respondents, the

researchers have to analyze the data in order to come up with the results
which will be then showed by the use of percentage and tabulations and

interpreted to come up with the conclusion.

Finally, the researchers will conduct the interview to the teachers who

observed the presentation of the study.

Qualitative Analysis

To analyze the gathered information the researchers used the three

phases of qualitative research which are follows:

Open (free) Coding - open coding is the first organization of the data try to

make some sense.

Axial Coding - axial coding is a way interconnecting the categories.

Selective Coding - selective coding is the building of the story that connects

the categories.


This chapter focuses on the presentation, analysis and interpretation

of the gathered data through questionnaires. The table below shows the

statements of the participants to the questionnaires given by the researchers

in connection to our research topic. Furthermore, the presented data were

gathered and analyzed in order to form a significant synthesis.

Table 2. The Different Types of Family Problems that Affect Students’

Academic Performance.


Case 1: Siblings Rivalry, temporary The participant experienced lack of

and don’t last a day, applicable for communication towards siblings and

certain family issues. Parent and parents. His/her performance in

sibling misunderstanding. school might be being compared with

his/her siblings.
Case 2: Financial problem and The participant experienced financial

quarrels among parents. problems and lack of communication

towards parents. It is difficult for an

individual, especially for a student to

experience problem in financial

matters, because it causes terrible

chaos between his/her parents.

Case 3: Long distance relationship The participant experienced lack of

with family Financial problem and family time, lack of communication

Lack of family bonding. and family problems. Because

teenagers nowadays seek for

attention, which cannot always be

given by the parents because of their

busy schedule.
Case 4: Financial problems The participant experienced financial

Relationship problems. problems and lack of communication

towards family. Because

communication really is important.

And its absence can cause serious

changes between the relationship of

the student and the family.

Case 5: Financial The participant experienced financial

Misunderstanding. problems and lack of family

communication. Because if an

individual is having a difficulty

financially, he/she might have had a

misunderstanding with the parents.
Case 6: Financial Problems. The participant experienced financial

Security. problems and issues with security.

Financial problem is a very common

issue, not only to the students, but

also to the parents.

Case 7: Parents Arguing Instability The participant experienced financial

of finances. problems and parents were arguing.

The root of the parents’ problem

might be financial instability, that’s

why they are arguing.

Case 8: Parents Arguing The participant experienced financial

Instability of finances. problems and parents were arguing.

The root of the parents’ problem

might be financial instability, that’s

why they are arguing.

Case 9: Financial problems The participant experienced financial

Relationship problem. problem and family relationship

problems that falls under lack of

family communication. . Because

communication really is important.

And its absence can cause serious

changes between the relationship of

the student and the family.
Case 10: Financial problems and The participant experienced financial

personal family problem problem and lack of family

(relationship). communication. Because having

relationship conflict greatly affect the

whole family. It creates a gap within

the circle of the family.

The Table above shows that the participants experience financial

problems, lack of family communication, unhealthy relationship of parents

and security issues.

The participants did not specify the kinds of financial instability that

they were experiencing. Lack of family time, being away from family

members, misunderstandings and personal issues with it falls under the lack

of communication. Siblings misunderstanding and competition, quarrel

among parents, lack of family time and issues with relationship towards

family. Unhealthy relationship of parents are the continuous argumentation

and misunderstandings.
TABLE 3. Family Problems affect the Academic Performance of the


Case 1: I exclude family issues from Family problems did not affect the

my academic performance. I participant’s academic performance.

disseminate accordingly the problems Because the participant prioritizes

I encounter and put priorities from the academics rather than being affected

top although family problems has less by the problems that he/she

effect on my school performance. encountered at home.

Case 2: Yes, because having yourself Family problems caused loss of focus

over thinking about your family that affect the participant’s academic

problems would make you lose your performance. The participant loses

focus on your studies because you try focus on academic matters, because

hard to solve your own problems first. he/she is trying to solve the problems

that he/she have encountered. While

the participant is busy finding a

solution to end the problem,

academics are being neglected.

Case 3: No, because I manage to The participant separated family

separate my family problems with problems from studies so these do

school stuffs. not have any negative effect to

student’s academic performance.

Case 4: Sometimes, I cannot focus on Family problems caused loss of focus
my studies and my responsibilities. that affects the participant’s

academic performance. Because

instead of studying, the participant’s

mind will be occupied by the

Case 5: Yes, you do not able to focus Family problems affect the

on your academic performance participant’s academic performance

because you are overthinking about due to over thinking and loss of

the problem. focus. And that greatly affect the

participant’s performance in

Case 6: No, because I am more focus The family problems did not affect the

on my academic performances. participant’s academic performance

due to focus on studies. And also

because of the strong mindset of the

participant of staying focused in

his/her studies.
Case 7: No, because I have my Family problems did not affect the

passion in achieving my goals through participant’s passion and focus in

focusing on my education and study education, instead, academics diverts

serves as my diversion from attention away from problems.

Case 8: No, because I don’t let this Family problems did not affect the
affect my academic performance. participant’s academic performance

because the participant did not let it

to. The participant is eager to

conquer his/her problems.

Case 9: Sometimes Family problems affected the

participant’s academic performance.

The participant do not always

experience family problems. But

there is also times when the

participant will face problems that will

test his/her abilities.

Case 10: Yes, because of then I tried Family problems affected the

a hard time in focusing on my studies participant’s performance due to a

hard time focusing in studies. The

participant looses focus in studies

because of he/she is not trying

The Table above shows that the family problems affect students’

academic performance due to loss of focus towards studies and do not affect

students in some manner due to resiliency and focus.

Students experienced over thinking and loss of focus that affects them

negatively. On the other hand, there are students that do not let family

problems affect them negatively. They separate family problems from

studies, used passion in studying. They also looked at studying as a good

way of diverting attention.

There are students that exclude family problems from academic

performance. There are students that maintains focus and have dedication in

achieving goals. Family issues did not affect them negatively.

There are students that proved that there are cases that family

problems made them overthink that lead to loss of focus, affecting them

TABLE 4. How Family Problems Affect the Students’ Academic


Case 1: Having certain family Family problems affected the

problems cause distraction from participant’s academic performance in

school and academic performance. the manner that these cause

Due to discernment, less time for destruction and takes time from

academic performance is offered. academic performance.

Case 2: Sometimes, I absent in Family problems affected the

class because my mom or my dad participant’s academic performance to

told me to do so, so I miss lesson the manner that these leads skipping

from the class. My grades declined classes and thinking about how to

because I was thinking about how solve the family issue, rather than

can I make my parents okay again. study.

Case 3: It does not necessarily Family problems did not affect the

affects my academic performance. participant’s academic performance

Case 4: Getting a low grade on Family problems affected the

exam. participant’s academic performance in

the manner that these causes low

grades on examination and being

Case 5: Unable to focus on studies. Family problems affect the participant’s

Not enough time to your studies. academic performance in the way that
these causes not being able to focus

on studies and not having enough time

for studying.
Case 6: Poor performance, and lack Family problems affect the participant’s

of knowledge. academic performance in the manner

that these causes poor performance

and lack of knowledge towards studies.

Case 7: I tend to just focus more on Family problems affect the participant’s

my studies to direct myself from academic performance in the manner

problems even just for a while. that these caused the participant to

focus more on studies and use studies

to divert attention.
Case 8: I don’t let this affect my Family problems affect the participant’s

academic performance. academic performance in the manner

that the participant does not let it affect

the studies.
Case 9: Lack of confidence Family problems affect the participant’s

Lonely academic performance in the manner

that these causes lack of confidence

and feeling lonely.

Case 10: Cannot focus on studies. Family problems affect the

Being less active on classroom respondent’s academic performance in

performance the manner that these causes lack of

focus on studies and being less active

on classroom performance.

The Table shows that Family problems affect the students’ academic

performance because it leads to distraction, skipping of classes, lower

grades and feeling lonely.

Family problems leaded distraction and smaller time for studies.

These also forced some students not to attend class, leaded to poor

academic performance including low grades, being less attentive in class

and loss of focus. Some students are not affected, negatively.

Family problems cause distraction and loss of focus. These problems

lead students to have lesser time to study, skipping class, poor academic

performance and lower grades, lower shelf-esteem and unhappiness. But

there are students that do not let these affect them.

TABLE 5. Ways of the Students to Cope with Family Problems.


Case 1: I set priorities that is more The respondent coped with family

valuable than my problem, these problems through setting priorities and

priorities are my goals. focuses on goals and priorities.

Problems are inevitable, I focus on

my goals and priorities.

Case 2: I became a working student The respondent coped with family

to support my studies. And I tried problems by working to support studies

hard to make my parents not to and finding solutions for parent’s

quarrel again. misunderstanding.

Case 3: We spent time together The respondent coped with family

when we are complete. problems by spending time with family

We help each other. and helping each other.

Case 4: Browsing Facebook The respondent coped with family

Go to church problems by diverting attention through

Eating browsing Facebook, going to church

and eating.
Case 5: Time in thinking what to do. The respondent coped with family

Praying problems by finding solutions and

Case 6: Understanding the The respondent coped with family

problems. problems by understanding the

Talk to your parents. problem and establishing

communication towards parents.

Case 7: I just pray to God. The respondent coped with family

Try to balance everything and family problems by praying to God and

problems balancing studies and family problems.

Case 8: Through prayer and through The respondent coped with family
friends. problems by praying and with the help

of friends.
Case 9: By being a positive thinker. The respondent coped with family

problems by being optimistic and

Case 10: Talk with family members. The respondent coped with family

Maintain a positive thoughts. problems by establishing family

communication and being optimistic.

The Table above shows that the students cope with family problems

through diverting their attention, strengthening faith, establishing relationship

with family, being optimistic and finding solution to the problems.

Students try to cope up with family problems in their own way like

setting goals and maintaining focus, establishing family support and having

more time to spend with them, diverting attention to social media sites,

eating, praying, finding support from friends and giving importance to family


TABLE 6. The Positive and Negative Effects of Family Problems to

Students’ Performance at School.


Case 1: Problems make me a better Family problems made the

person and helps me establish respondent a better person and to

stronger personality and on the have stronger personality.

negative side, problems, if not well

managed causes downfall to a

Case 2: For me, there is no positive Family problems only affect the

effects. The negative effects are respondents negatively and it leads

declining grades and having difficulty to declining grades and difficulty

in coping up with the lesson. coping up with lessons.

Case 3: I used my family problems as Family problems are used by the

my strength. On the other side, it does respondent as a strength.

not necessarily affects me in negative

Case 4: Motivation Family problems are the motivation of

the respondents.
Case 5: You will be motivated and Family problems lead to a motivated

determined to solve the problems. and determined student and these

Learn how to accept and face the help the respondent to accept and

problems. Unable to focus on studies. face the problems. Also, family

Have not enough to your studies problems lead to loss of focus and

not having enough time for studies.

Case 6: The positive effect are, it Family problems provided moral
makes relationship strong and it gives learning but also lead to lack of

learnings. And the negatives effects knowledge and poor academic

are, lack of knowledge and poor performance.


Case 7: Positive- I get to focus more The respondent became more

on studies and this problems will focused and stronger. Also, family

make me stronger to go on to school. problems takes time from studying

Negative- It may delay me sometimes and leads to stress.

on studying and may cause stress.

Case 8: Through this problem I Family problems served as

become stronger and become eager motivation and made the respondent

to excel my academic performance. stronger.

And there are no negative effects to


Case 9: The positive are it motivates Family problems served as

me and made me feel strong. motivation and made the respondent

The negative are I’m having a poor stronger. Also, these lead to poor

performance and poor relationship academic performance and poor

with my classmates. relationship towards classmates.

Case 10: Stronger family relationship. Family problems lead to a stronger
Wiser in making decisions. family relationship and made the

participant wiser in making decisions.

The Table above shows that family problems lead to students’

stronger personality and stronger family relationship while in the other hand;

these also lead to stress and poor academic performance.

Students, in the positive way, looked at family problems as motivation

and leaded to a positive personality improvement. While students, in the

negative way, these hindered them from better academic performance.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter.

Summary of Findings

This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the effects of

family problems to the academic status of Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS) students. The qualitative type of research was utilized and the

normative survey technique was used for gathering data. The questionnaire

served as the instrument for gathering data. 10 students from the Grade 12
HUMSS are the participants of the study. The inquiry was conducted during

the school year 2016-2017.

1. The Different Types of Family Problems that Affect Students’

Academic Performance.
Majority of the Participants experienced financial problems, lack of

family communication, and unhealthy relationship of parents due to

the status of life of the students, misunderstandings among the

members of the family, which in turn causes lack in communication.

2. Family Problems affect the Academic Performance of the


The participants are affected by family problems in two different

ways. First, it leads to loss of focus in their academics but it also leads

them to resiliency and focus. Some of the participants gets motivated

to strive harder to get not only good grades, but higher grades.

3. How Family Problems Affect the Students’ Academic


The participant’s academic performance is affected due to

distraction, having lower grades, and sadness. These causes the

participants to lose focus on their performance in academics. Instead

of just paying attention in their studies, they tend to look for a solution

for their problem, and because of this, they neglect their studies.

4. Ways of the Students to Cope with Family Problems.

The Participants cope with family problems through diverting

their attention, strengthening their faith, establishing better family

relationship, being optimistic and finding solution to their problems.

These turned out to be an effective way of getting through the family

conflicts that they encounter.

5. The Positive and Negative Effects of Family Problems to

Students’ Performance at School.

Some of the participants stated that family problems do have

some positive effects. They say that it leads them to stronger family

relationship and said to strengthen also their personality.

Other participants also stated that family conflicts can really affect

their academic performance. Some of the negative effects are: it leads

to stress and poor academic status. Having a family problem is the

time when students are vulnerable.


The conclusion that can be drawn from the findings in No. 1 under the

summary of findings is this: The financial instability, communication towards

family and parents’ personal issues are the family problems that students


The conclusion that can be drawn from the findings in No. 2 under the

summary of findings is this: Some students experience failure of keeping

focus towards students due to family problems while others were not.
The conclusion that can be drawn from the findings in No. 3 under the

summary of findings is this: Family problems caused the students’ loss of

focus, poor grades and unhappiness.

The conclusion that can be drawn from the findings in No. 4 under the

summary of findings is this: Students cope through diversion from family

problems, strengthening family relationship and faith and having positive

approach problems.

The conclusion that can be drawn from the findings in No. 5 under the

summary of findings is this: Family problems have two different effects It lead

to a positive effect which is it established stronger personality of students

and stronger family. It also lead to a negative effect which is it caused stress

and poor academic performance.


The researchers would like to recommend this research to the following:

Students. The students should be aware to the negative effects of family

problems so that they will be able to easily know how to cope with this. And

to get through this kind of problems.

Teachers: The teachers should understand the situation of their students.

This study can help them to develop a better communication with their

students in dealing with such conflicts in a family.

School: The school administrators should use this research as their guide to

know the possible reasons behind the negligence of the students on their

studies. This study can help them to distinguish the actions of the students.

Parents: The parents should give more attention to their children and

support them by motivating them and giving their necessities. Parents should

also understand the struggles of their child inside their home and in school.

This can help them to have an open relationship with their child.

Future researchers: The future researchers should use this study so this

can be a guide for them to have a good research problem and adopt other

literatures. They must apply the findings of this study regarding their


Any aspect of a research work must be empowered with dedication,

courage and team effort. But in all forms, problems and different

circumstances are always involved that serves as the stepping stone in

accomplishing and as a molder for the finishing touch which is the product.

Those things include time management, presence of the other members, and

the like.
Time Management

Before this research done, researchers faced some difficulties. There

were times that the reseachers were not able to balance their time to help

with this study due to their other obligations in school.

The Cooperation and the Presence of all the Members

Upon doing research study, there were instances that the researchers

found hard to be physically present due to personal excuses.


Working with is an expensive one. Researchers need to provide and

contribute fund for the printed materials such as the questionnaires and all

the other expenses.

Compilation of the Data

Researchers found hard to give and collect questionnaires due to the

busy schedule of the selected teachers.

Research study would be a challenging work which gives different

chances to go beyond of what one can do. Through the help of God, the

fulfilment and memorable experience by the researchers upon doing

research study would be a lifetime.



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and Neighborhood Poverty as Mediating Variables

Ferrer, J., Dollentas, D. & Reyes, R. (2012). How Do Family Problems

Affects College Student’s Performance?

Grugni, A. (2004) as cited in Wanjiku, M. (2010). Impact of Family Conflicts

on the Academic Performance and Interpersonal Relationships of Pupils in

Public Primary Schools in Nakuru Municipality: Egerton University.

Ford, F. (2011). The Effect of Family Poverty on Children’s Academic

Achievement: Parental Discussion and Neighborhood Poverty as Mediating


Wanjiku, M. (2010). Impact of Family Conflicts on the Academic Performance

and Interpersonal Relationships of Pupils in Public Primary Schools in

Nakuru Municipality: Egerton University.









Brgy. Quisumbing, Calaca, Batangas

ELEMENTARY Calaca Elementary School 2006-2012

Admana St. Poblacion 2, Calaca, Batangas

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Dacanlao G. Agoncillo National High School


Dacanlao, Calaca, Batangas

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Immaculate Conception College


Plaza Mabini, Balayan, Batangas


Date of Birth : August 30 1999

Place of Birth : Poblacion 1, Calaca, Batangas

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Iglesia Ni Cristo

Parents : Salvic Atajar

Vincente Atajar


Salong, Calaca, Batangas


ELEMENTARY Salong Elementary School 2006-2012

Salong, Calaca, Batangas

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Dacanlao G. Agoncillo National High School

Dacanlao, Calaca, Batangas

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Immaculate Conception College


Plaza Mabini, Balayan, Batangas


Date of Birth : July 13, 1999

Place of Birth : Lemery, Batangas

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parents : Purita Avendano

Rogelio Avendano

Seminar Workshop for Film making and Script Writing in Immaculate

Conception College 2017

Leadership Training in Immaculate Conception College 2016

Journalism Seminar and Workshop 2012-2016



250, Lucban, Balayan, Batangas 4213


ELEMENTARY Lucban Elementary School

Lucban, Balayan, Batangas

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Lucban National High School


Lucban, Balayan, Batangas

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Immaculate Conception College


Plaza Mabini, Balayan, Batangas


Date of Birth : October 24, 1999

Place of Birth : Balayan, Batangas

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parents : Nestor Concepcion

Gina Concepcion

Leadership Training

Film Making and Script Writing Workshop



Durungao, Balayan, Batangas


ELEMENTARY Immaculate Conception College


Plaza Mabini, Balayan, Batangas

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Immaculate Conception College

Plaza Mabini, Balayan, Batangas

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Immaculate Conception College


Plaza Mabini, Balayan, Batangas


Date of Birth : April 13, 2000

Place of Birth : Balayan, Batangas

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parents : Regina G. Fronda

Ruel Lito T. Fronda


ARSC Provincial Congress 2016

Leadership Training 2016

Seminar Workshop for Film making and Script Writing in Immaculate

Conception College 2017



051 Sambat, Balayan, Batangas


ELEMENTARY Caloocan Elementary School


Caloocan, Balayan, Batangas

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Balayan National High School

103 Paz St., Balayan, Batangas

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Immaculate Conception College


Plaza Mabini, Balayan, Batangas


Date of Birth : August 11, 1999

Pla\ce of Birth : Mayantoc Sambat, Balayan, Batangas

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parents : Felix Ilagan

Lorna Ilagan

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