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Annual Examination (2019-20)

Practice Paper
SUBJECT – Social Science
Time : 2½ hours M.M. : 80

Section A [1 x 16 = 16]
Choose the correct options:-
1. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean but the busiest ocean from the point of view of trade
is –
(a) Pacific ocean (b) Indian ocean (c) Arctic ocean (d) Atlantic ocean
2. Who among the following is responsible for maintaining land records at village level?
(a) Patwari (b) District Collector (c) Education Officer (d) Sarpanch
3. Which one of the following states receive heavy rainfall in winter?
(a) Bihar (b) Himachal Pradesh (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Assam
4. Thar Desert lies to the west of the-
(a) Aravali Hills (b) Nilgiris Hills (c) Great Northern Plains (d) Eastern Ghats
5. Who among the following is the highest police officer in a district?
(a) Station House Officer (b) Sub Inspector
(c) Superintendent of Police (d) Head Constable
6. The Retreating Monsoon Season runs from –
(a) October-November (b) June-July
(c) January-February (d) September-October
7. The Poet Harisena is said to have adorned the court of this ruler –
(a) Kumargupta (b) ChandraguptaVikramaditya
(c) Samudragupta (d) Harsha
8. The local showers that occurs along coastal regions are called-
(a) Apple shower (b) Banana shower (c) Grape shower (d) Mango shower
9. Two kinds of courts found in a district are –
(a) Civil and Criminal (c) Civil and Civic
(c) Public and Private (d) Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat
10. The only continent of the world which has the Tropic of Cancer, the
Tropic of Capricorn and the Equator passing through it is _________.
(a) North America (b) Asia (c) Africa (d) Europe
11. If there is a theft in your house you would go to the nearest police station to register your
complaint .
a) Agree b) Disagree
12. Who checked the advance of Harsha in the Deccan?
a) Pulakesin II b) Grihavarman c) Prabhakarvardhana d) Rajyavardhana
13. I am the son of Samundragupta. I assumed the title of Shakari after defeating the Sakas of
Malwa. Who am I?
a) Chandragupta I b) Chandragupta II
c) Kumargupta d) Skandgupta
14. Name the officer who is the head of Hospitals and Dispensaries at District level.
a) Superintendent of Police
b) Station House Officer
c) Chief Medical Officer
d) District Education Officer
15. Ashoka became an ardent follower of Buddhism because
a) He was tired of merry-making.
b) He was forced Upagupta to follow Buddhism.
c) He was unhappy with death and destruction in Kalinga War.
d) He wanted to travel around the world.
16. The narrow zone of contact between land, water and air where all kinds of life is
possible is called ___________.
a) Biosphere b) Atmosphere c) Hydrosphere d) Troposphere

Section B [2x 3=6] [3 x 4=12]

Answer the following questions:-
17. “The Northern Plains of India are densely populated”. Why? Give three reasons.
18. Define the following terms –
(a) Leeward side (b) Rain Shadow area (c) Monsoon
19. Discuss in three points how was the Gupta administration different from Mauryan
Discuss the progress made in the field of science, literature and architecture during the
Gupta period.
20. Mention three characteristics of the cold weather season in India.
Give three features of hot weather season in India.
21. Discuss in three points the importance of rock edicts in the reconstruction of history.
Discuss three measures adopted by Ashoka to spread his Dhamma and Buddhism.
22. “The growing population has led to reckless exploitation of natural resources.” Explain the
statement in three points.
Discuss the three types of mountains.

23. What are the problems faced by a municipality or a municipal corporation related to supply
of safe drinking water? Write in two points.
What are the two points of differences between Municipal Corporation and

Section C [4x4=16]
Read the passage and answer the following questions:-
24. India is a country having varied relief. That is why the climatic conditions vary greatly from
place to place. The interior and central parts of India experience a continental type of climate.
In these areas summers are very hot and the winters very cold because they far from the
influence of the sea. The coastal regions, e.g Mumbai and Chennai have equable climate all the
year round. They have very litle variation in the summer and winter temperatures. This is due
to the influence of sea. The southern part of India lies near the equator and so it remains hot
throughout the year. Inspite of this, India possesses climatic unity. The climate that India has
is known as the monsoon climate.
a. Why do the climatic conditions in India vary?
b. Name the city that has equable climate all the round.
c. Why does the southern part of India remain hot throughout the year?
d. The Indian climate is generally known as Monsoon Climate. Yes or No?

Read the passage and answer the following questions:-

25. The Municipal Corporation consists of members elected by the registered voters of the city.
Those who are 21 years of age or above may stand for election. For Municipal Elections the city is
divided into small areas called wards, each ward elects one representative usually called the
Councillor. Some seats are reserved for the scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward
classes and women. Some distinguished residents of the city are appointed as members, they are
called Alderman. The members of the corporation elect a presiding officer called the mayor. Municipal
Corporation are formed gets money from Taxes, fees and government grants.

a. Who can stand for the elections of Municipal Corporation?

b. Who is a Councillor?
c. Who is an Alderman?
d. Which officer is appointed by state government in Municipal Corporation to look after
the function of the corporation?

Read the passage and answer the following questions:-

26. Fa-Hein was a great scholar. He left China in 399 A.D. His purpose was to visit the holy
places of the Buddha. From Fa-Hein’s account we come to know about the Gupta period in
India. He praised the Gupta administration which was mild and liberal and never interfered in
the day-to-day life of the people. The punishments were also mild yet there were no crimes.
Roads were safe. Land revenue which was ¼ of the produce, was the main source of income.
The government officials were honest. The empire was divided into provinces ruled by the
governors, who were advised and assisted by members chosen from all districts. Manusmriti
was followed to give justice.
a. Who was Fa-Hein?
b. What type punishments were given during Gupta period?
c. What was the main source of income during Gupta period?
d. _____________ was followed to give justice.

Read the passage and answer the following questions:-

27. Most of our knowledge about the Mauryan administration is derived from the accounts
recorded by Greek ambassador Meghasthanese in his book India. Under Mauryan
administration the king was the highest authority of the state. He was assisted by a council of
ministers or a Mantri Parishad. The ministers were wise and loyal to the king. The whole
empire ministers or a Mantri Parishad. The whole empire was divided into four provinces of
Magadha, Taxila , Ujjain and Swaranagiri. The administration of the district was looked after
by Sthanaks and that of the village by the village headmen, called Gramikas or Graminis.
Meghasthanese also tells that Patliputra, the capital of the Mauryas was a beautiful city
surrounded by a deep moat and high walls.
a. Who wrote Indika?
b. Name any one province of the Mauryan Empire.
c. What was the capital of Mauryas?
d. The capital of Mauryas was surrounded by _____________.

Section D [5x5=25]
28. Name the following: [3+1+1]
a) Three plains in the world-
b) The highest plateau in the world-
c) One example of fold mountains in India-
29. Discuss the importance of atmosphere in five points.
Discuss the importance of oceans in five points.
30. Help Rohan to categorise the compulsory and voluntary functions of Municipal
Corporation and fill in the given table.
a) Vaccination and inoculation against diseases.
b) Develop a zoo, museum and some picnic resorts.
c) Construct and maintain orphanages.
d) Maintain quality of goods and check food adulteration.
e) Open schools for small children.
Compulsory Functions Voluntary Functions
1. 1.
2. 2.

31. a) “Edicts are an important source to recreate the history of Mauryan Empire”. Justify in
three points.
b) Estimate Ashoka’s place in history in two points. [3+2]

32. ‘Nalanda was the most renowned University during Harsha’s reign.’ Discuss its five

Section E [2+3=5]
33. a) Name the winds originating in Mediterranean Sea. In which part of India do these
winds bring rainfall during winter season. [1x2=2]
b). Identify and label the following cities of Gupta and Harshvardhan’s empire. [1x3=3]

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