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Did you know that tonnes of perfectly good food is thrown away every day in some countries? When
some people don't have enough food to eat it seems crazy that so much food is wasted. Watch this video
and learn about the work that Tristram Stuart is doing to try and change this situation.

A. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.

1 e a catastrophe a. safe for people to eat

2 d dumpster b. a place to leave rubbish which is then buried

3 a for human consumption c. shortage

4 H collaborating d. a very large container for rubbish

5 b a landfill site e. a disaster

6C scarcity f. forgotten

7 f neglected g. a disgrace

8 g a scandal h. working together

B. Watch the video by clicking on the link or scanning the QR code.

C. According to the video, are the sentences True or False. Correct the False statements.

1. When Tristram Stuart was a teenager he was giving food that was good enough for humans, to his pigs.

True / False _____________________________________________________________________________

2. He realised that bins full of food were being sent to the supermarkets.

True / False _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Farmers in Korea waste thousands of tonnes of good food every year.

True / False It is Kenya

4. According to Tristram Stuart, society needs to change. It needs to believe that food is far too valuable to

True / False

5. Tristram Stuart is the founder of a charity called Feedback which inspires people to take action in their
own lives.

True / False _____________________________________________________________________________

6. Tristram Stuart also says the best way to spread the global food waste revolution is to have a massive
food festival.

True / False _____________________________________________________________________________

gr6-cs-w27-ws (weekend worksheet)
7. Speaking at a food feast, Tristram Stuart says that supermarkets who used to reject stuff because it
didn't look perfect have changed their ways.

True / False _____________________________________________________________________________

8. Tristram Stuart has been a campaigner of food waste for twenty-five years.

True / False 22


rush involve waste make reduce throw away rest

charities familiar trash cans compost worth although decrease

If students have less then 30 minutes to have their lunch, they 1 rush into the canteen. Because of the rush,

they might not eat up all the food they get and more likely to 2 throw food away Have you ever considered

what happens to the 3rest of the food in their trays? As you’re all students, I’m sure this is a 4 familiar

scenario for you. As you may have already guessed, this causes tonnes of food 5 waste which is 6 worth a lot

of money.7 Although food waste is a serious global problem, many schools have attempts to 8 decrease the

amount of food that is thrown away. In some schools, students have their break before lunch . In this way,

they have a chance to 9 reduce energy and get hungry. Some schools 10involve students in their actions

against food waste and give them opportunities to 11make decisions about the food in their school. These

decisions mostly involve donating food to 12charities instead of sending the unwanted food to 13trash cans.

In some schools, students are encouraged to 14compost food to make soil healthier and grow more

produce. These are some of the most popular ways to 1S decrease canteen waste.


A. Write sentences or complete the sentences by using Type 1 or Type 2 based on the situations given.
1. She always takes too much food on her tray so most of the food is wasted.
If she takes too much food the food will be wasted.
2. I want to be a part of the actions against food waste. What should I do?
If you want to be a part of the actions, you should against food waste.
If I were you, I would be a part of the actions.
3. We have a short lunch break. Because of this, students are always in a rush.
If we had a long lunch break students wouldn’t have to rush.
4. If you donate your leftovers to charities, they will use for kids
5. If my parents cook the meal which I don’t like tomorrow, I won’t eat it.

B. Fill in the blanks with “will” or to “be going to” by also using an appropriate verb that you find.

1. I haven’t got my phone. That’s OK. I will give you mine.

2. It’s Julia’s birthday next week, so I ‘m going to give her some flowers.

3. Will you lend me some money? I promise I will give it back to you tomorrow.

4. I’m going to have a barbecue party tomorrow. It’s all planned so I hope, it will be great.

5. You are not going to watch that film. It’s frightening. Let’s choose another one.

6. Do you think they will give the presents we got for them?

C. Write example sentences about food waste using the following linkers.

1. because: We throw away lots of food because of their appearance.

2. because of: Because of the high standards of supermarkets lots of food is wasted.

3. therefore: We buy lots of food in supermarkets there for it goes rotten.

4. as a result: In lots of school lunch breaks are so short as a result of they can’t eat the lunch.

5. as a result of: Lot of students don’t finish their plate as a result of they are going to the landfills.

6. for this reason: We buy so much food in supermarkets for this reason it goes rotten
Write a cause-effect essay about the following topic:
“Why do people tend to pick beautiful food? What are the consequences of this action?”
In your essay, you should use:
 Linkers: as a result of, for this reason, because, because of, therefore
 5 new words from Unit 6
 2 new idioms from Unit 6
 will, to be going to, present perfect, since, for, If clause Type 1 and Type 2


gr6-cs-w27-ws (weekend worksheet)

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