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 NoteReflect focuses on improving the note taking and knowledge

implementation process in class.

 It is found that there is a linkage problem between the informations given in

the class and their applications made at home -aka- homeworks.

 Therefore, we aim to maximize the efficiency of the work, done outside the
class, on the subjects learnt in class.
 NoteReflect lets students
connect to the respective
dev ices of the instructors via
pin codes per class and their
student IDs.
 This connection allows students
to see realtime changes made
in most common documents,
PDF, pptx, txt etc.
 Students are allowed to keep
the documents in cloud or to
download them locally. They
can take notes below the
documents to utilize learning
process at home.
Phases of the
Product Creation
 Identify Audience

 Identify Habits

 Identify Strengths

 Identify Weaknesses

 Identify Opportunities

 Identify Threats
 Environment Analysis

 Tools Used During Classes

 Problems Faced About Focusing

 Problems Faced In-Class Applications

 Problems About Afterwards Work

 Solutions to side effects of Class Structure

 Crowded, Loud

 Materials that are not interactive

 Pace, Non-transferrable info on board

 Rewriting, calculations mistakes etc.

 Linkage problems, forgotten notes

 Attendance
Story Telling
Part 1
 Let’s assume a story to help visualize the
actual uses of the NoteReflect.
 Say an instructor walked into a class. His/her
actions are as following;
 He/She opens up the device. What is the
device? It can be a computer or a tablet.
For more efficient editing of documents,
unless teacher has a drawing tablet with
him/her, we must go with a tablet.
 Then, a lobby is created under the hierarchy
 School Name -> Faculties -> Departments ->
Class Types -> Class -> Section -> Week.
Part 2
 After lobby, students are asked to enter with
their Student IDs and the PIN code created
by the instructor.
 Upon entry, instructor can see how many
students are in lobby, who is in or out of the
or out and their details. Attendance can be
taken from the app, with mutual
 Now, students are able to see what is
happening on the document and they are
allowed to take notes. Also, questions and
homework are also taken care of.
6 Thinking Hats
White Hat

 We know that students are lazy and they tend to pass the info between lines.
 We need to know what moves them into studying.
 Surveys are helpful with that.
Red Hat

 Some of the ideas belonged to utopias.

 Some were just not possible.
 No one cares about studying.
Black Hat

 Students’ ideas are accepted.

 One of us tried implementing technology in his own way.
 We are circulating inside the system.
Yellow Hat

 Grades can be significantly increased.

 Homeworks can be more efficient
 Q&A Sessions and Attendance
Green Hat

 Should we create a hardware?

 How easy it is to download and start the app?
 Can we scale it to global size to create a ecosystem?
Blue Hat

 Are we realistic enough?

 Did we distribute the roles fairly and efficiently?
 Do we need more people, more research, more restrictions?

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