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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University
Jerico P. Allam BSAIS 2B
Activity 2
Match column A with column B and put the correct answer/letter before each number.


___J___1. The Federation Internationale De Volley-Ball (FIVB) was founded. a. 1989

____G____2. Back row attack rules were instituted. b. 1964

____B____3. Introducing volleyball in Tokyo, Japan Olympic Games c. 1934

____H____4. Recognition of U.S.V.A. as National Governing Body of U.S. d. 1922

____F____5. First volleyball game played in Springfield College. e. 1916

____E____6. Offensive style was introduced in the Philippines. f. 1896

____C____7. Recognition of National Volleyball Referees. g. 1920

____D____8. National championships held in Brooklyn, NY. wherein 27 teams h. 1937

from 11 states were represented.

____A____9. Creation of Sports Aid Program. i. 1910

____I____10. Introducing of volleyball in the Philippines. j. 1947

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