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Make the difference


The principal aim of this report is to present an innovative way of raising money during Christmas time
involving young offenders. As preparation for this report some of these young offenders were followed and
interviwed during the day.


 To donate to the pediatric ward of the local hospital

 To encurage people to partecipate in charity events demostrating that a simple act can
made the difference
 To involve young offenders in social events to rehabilitate them in social life


Methods consist in organising Christmas jumble sales where people could buy their gift and have them
wrapped by young offenders, highlighting the fact that the paper used to wrap them is eco-friendly.


1. The total amount raised exceeded expectations,reaching a figure of 2000£

2. Young offenders worked extremely hard to achive the aim probably showing the original meaning
of Christmas and trasmiting high values.


To summarise, this approach was really appreciated by community because people perceived the
importance of charity as well as the collaboration of young offenders. The most welcomed has been the
slogan community: ‘’This year your children ‘s present can be a present for the whole communit,thank
you’’. This project was a total success, hoping to see more charity events as soon as it could be possible.

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