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Independent University, Bangladesh

Course Title: Strategic Human Resource Management

Course Code: HRM 390
Session: Summer 2020
Section: 2
Assignment Topic:
“HR planning of a business from USA to Bangladesh.”

Submitted to: MS. Bushra Sanjana

Submitted by team: NewGen Leaders

Name ID
Nafees Hasan Chowdhury 1830143
Nahiduzzaman 1720244
Azmee Arefin Chowdhury 1830480
Ayesha Siddiqua Shathi 1731547
MD. Ashiqur Rahman 1631183

Letter of Transmittal
September 22, 2020

MS. Bushra Sanjana

Lecturer, Independent University, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of the Report on HR planning of a business from USA to Bangladesh

Dear Ma’am,

It is an enormous pleasure to submit the report on HR planning of a business from USA to

Bangladesh. It was an opportunity to work on such a project which helped us to recognize to
discuss all relevant points regarding of our course international business.

We tried our best to observe this report to the emergent information. We all entirely enjoyed and
effectively attach all effort to proudly complete the report.

Therefore, we request you to accept our report and inspired us with your valuable suggestions.
We sincerely thank you for giving us the opportunity and support. We would be glad to answer
any queries that you may have in this regard.

Yours Sincerely,

Team NewGen Leaders

Executive Summary
Park.USA is a platform which is well positioned and have enough capital to grow in all of USA
alongside all other parking companies where people can rent their unused parking hours to
someone who need it most. That is how a huge amount of unused residential parking hours
could be useful for car drivers before who had no choice but street parking. It utilizes advanced
technology to help alleviate the problem of finding a secure parking space anywhere in USA.

Our product is already very well known in the USA so as a part of our grown and seeing the
opportunity they have in Bangladesh they chose Bangladesh as our first target in the vision of
being a global company.

With a platform like this they hope reduce traffic jam caused by illegal parking in the road and
at the same time giving parking owners an opportunity to be part of the change and make some
money along the way.

They will describe about all the details about the Recruitment, Selection method, Training and
development plans and Performance appraisal of our HR that will work in the foreign country
throughout the report. Park.usa makes sure that the organization is ready for a career in
employment relations, human resources, workplace change and education and training. The
research is solely based on the recruitment, selection, training & development, and performance
appraisal system of HR.

1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Background Information........................................................................................................5
1.2 Aims.......................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Mission..................................................................................................................................6
1.4 Vision.....................................................................................................................................6
1.5 Scope......................................................................................................................................6
2.0 Job analysis................................................................................................................................7
2.1 There are 3 types of job analysis that park.usa can use:........................................................7
2.2 Job description.......................................................................................................................7
2.3 Job Specification....................................................................................................................8
2.4 Job analysis methods include the following techniques for collecting job information:......9
Prior information.....................................................................................................................9
Task Questionnaire................................................................................................................10
2.5 The process of Job analysis park.usa will follow................................................................11
3.0 Compensation and Benefits.....................................................................................................11
3.1 Financial Benefits of park.usa.............................................................................................12
3.2 Non-Financial benefits of park.usa......................................................................................12
3.3 Overtime Policy of park.usa................................................................................................12
3.4 park.usa will be following the local government policy while paying the compensation to
the employees............................................................................................................................12
3.4.1 Bangladesh Labor Act 2006, as amended 2013............................................................12
3.4.2 Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 (‘FAA’)..............................................................................13
4.0 Recruitment & Selection Process............................................................................................15
4.1 Recruitment Planning..........................................................................................................15
4.2 Identifying Vacancy.............................................................................................................15
4.3 Job Analysis.........................................................................................................................15
4.4 Job Description....................................................................................................................16
4.5 Job Specification..................................................................................................................17
4.6 Job Evaluation.....................................................................................................................17
4.7 Recruitment Strategy...........................................................................................................17
4.8 Searching the Right Candidates...........................................................................................18
4.9 Screening.............................................................................................................................18
4.10 Reviewing of Resumes and Cover Letters.........................................................................18
4.11 Conducting Telephonic or Online Interview.....................................................................19
4.12 Identifying the top candidates............................................................................................19
4.13 Evaluation and Control......................................................................................................19
5.0 Training and development.......................................................................................................20
6.0 Performance Appraisal of park.usa..........................................................................................21
7.0 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................23
8.0 Recommendation.....................................................................................................................24
9.0 References................................................................................................................................25
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Information

park.usa began as young entrepreneurs’ founders were looking around for a problem that could
be solved with help of technology and make the city life experience better, years of accumulated
frustration with car parking led to a very unique concept for the solution of a daily life problem.
That concept was park.usa, a platform where people can rent their unused parking hours to
someone who need it most. That is how a huge amount of unused residential parking hours could
be useful for cat drivers before who had no choice but street parking. Currently, the company is
in a very good stage within the USA.
The company wanted to give the same service as they provide in the USA as they saw the
problems that occur within Bangladesh and the opportunities within Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a
developing country so there is not any application-based service which is of this caliber as
Park.usa works in collaboration with Google map as it is a satellite-based service Google has a
very good service regarding this sector as seen in the Google maps.
From our survey report they found that people in Bangladesh have to go through a lot of trouble
to find a good parking spot with proper safety they are here to make a difference by:
Facilitate access to the nearest car park
Reduce traffic congestion due to improper parking
Reduce accidents due to inappropriate parking
Save time for the users
Gain a profit for the car parking providers
Satisfy the customers with all the necessary benefits
1.2 Aims
Our Aims are to make the best use of the available parking space that is not in use. Make car
parking as ethics that if one park the others are not disturbed by that. Provide appropriate parking
where the customer needs it. Reduce traffic in Bangladesh that is caused due to the cars parked in
the roads and last but not the least to develop the future parking sites in Bangladesh.

1.3 Mission
park.usa is committed to create value for our end users- the car owners and the parking lot
owners. By making parking simpler, more profitable, and more convenient, our technology
enables our customers to avail increased security and convenient space for their car.
Simultaneously, allows parking lot owners to charge a premium for their parking and
save money on personnel and maintenance, thus increasing their bottom line significantly.

1.4 Vision
Our vision is to reduce the traffic jam caused by illegal street parking city wide, making life
easier for the car owners and creating economical value for the parking owners simultaneously.

1.5 Scope
As there are not fully developed and with a fully satellite service as ours parking application they
believe there is a huge market in Bangladesh they can grab.
2.0 Job analysis

Before any job is recruited for or advertised, it is essential to identify what the need is what kind
of skills and behaviors are required for an individual to be successful in the role. Job Analysis is
a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the
relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job Analysis is a process where judgments are
made about data collected on a job.

2.1 There are 3 types of job analysis that park.usa can use:
Job requirements - Which says collecting information on activities performed on the job and use
this information to assess needed KSAOs (Knowledge Skill Ability Other Characteristics) for
each job. Therefore, for park.usa if they want to make a job analysis based on job requirements
then with the right KSAO of the employees they have to provide a proper job description and the
required job specifications.
Job Competency- Is collecting information on company strategy and use this information to
determine KASOs and capabilities needed across the organization. Therefore, if park.usa wants
to make a job analysis based on job competency then with the right company strategy they have
to provide a. For example, if they may have a pay first system with proper KASOs.
Job Rewards- Which is collecting information from employees on preferences and the outcomes
of jobs and combine with preferences identified in the labor market as a whole. Therefore, if
park.usa wants to make job analysis based on job rewards then with proper compensation or
rewards they have to provide the job descriptions and the required job specifications. For
example, they may provide low price parking in off-peak hours for car owners.

"Job analysis" is a blend of both a Job Description and a Person Specification or outline of the
type of person who would fit the role.

2.2 Job description

Job description includes information such as job title, job location, reporting to and of
employees, job summary, nature and objectives of a job, tasks and duties to be performed,
working conditions, machines, tools and equipment to be used by a prospective worker and
hazards involved in it.

The job description of the technical team should include the following:
- Excellent working knowledge of the different platforms, both for smartphones and tablets.
- Exceptionally adept at the use of computers running under the various operating systems,
Windows and Mac included.
- Good in IT programming and has an in-depth knowledge of the different computer languages
such as C++, Java, HTML, MySQL, PHP, Objective-C, and Wireless Networks.
- Have proper connections with computer analysts and engineers in applying the various
languages for creating and developing the mobile apps.

2.3 Job Specification

Job Specification is a written statement of educational qualifications, specific qualities, level of

experience, physical, emotional, technical and communication skills required to perform a job,
responsibilities involved in a job and other unusual sensory demands. It also includes general
health, mental health, intelligence, aptitude, memory, judgment, leadership skills, emotional
ability, adaptability, flexibility, values and ethics, manners, and creativity, etc.

For example, the position of a technical team would include:

- Programming languages such as C#, Java, Objective-C
- Strong organizational skills
- Mathematical aptitude
- Drive to keep up to date with developments and trends in the tech and modern media world
- The ability to learn quickly
- The ability to interpret and follow technical plans
- Problem-solving skills
- Strong communication skills
2.4 Job analysis methods include the following techniques for collecting job

Prior information
Prior information is always available for any job and this information should be continuously
searched for. It is the starting point of the job analysis. For example, current job descriptions,
job-specific policies or procedures, or job information from other employers. There are also
sample job descriptions online. The job analyst can also use the existing ratings as a benchmark
to compare with. Hence will preparing job analysis park.usa will use the existing information of
employees to prepare a job analysis.

Observation is most appropriate for jobs with physical components and relatively short job
cycles. The method may involve a lot of time and costs. The ability of the observer to do a
thorough and accurate analysis is questionable. The method will require coordination with and
approval from many people the incumbents being observed may distort their behavior during
observation in self-serving ways.
Interviewing job incumbents and others respect the interviewee’s vast source of information
about the job. The interview format allows the interviewer to explain the purpose of the job
analysis and how the results will be used. There are limitations to this method. Time-consuming
and costly which can lead to jeopardizing the reliability and validity. It may lead to suspicion and
distrust when not providing anonymity. The skill of the interviewer influences the quality of the
information. The success of the interview also depends on the skills and abilities of the
interviewee like formulating skills.

Task Questionnaire
This is a list of task statements that cut across many different job titles and is administered to
incumbents in these job titles. The incumbent can answer on a rating scale. PAQ is a very
popular method, which distinguishes six major divisions: information input, mental processes,
work output, interpersonal activities, work situation and job context, miscellaneous aspects.

There are different advantages:

- They are standardized in content and format
- They can obtain considerable information from many people
- They are economical to administer and score, and the availability of scores creates the
opportunity for subsequent statistical analysis.
- The questionnaires should be completely anonymous, thus enhancing respondent participation,
honesty, and acceptance.
2.5 The process of Job analysis park.usa will follow

3.0 Compensation and Benefits

Employee compensation in park.usa refers to all form of pay or rewards going to the employee
and arising from their employment and it has two main components, namely direct financial
payment and others is a non-financial payment to increments of time and performance. Time-
based payment is still more popular. Employee benefits & services were formerly known as
fringe benefits and these benefits were primarily the in-kind payments employees receive in
addition to payments in the form of money. In addition to paying employees fairly and
adequately for their contributions to the performance of their jobs. Protection in case of health &
accident Income upon retirement & terminations. These benefits are components that contribute
to the welfare of the employee by filling some kind of demand. Incentives are very much helpful
for motivating employees. Incentives add to base pay. It controls costs because the employee is
being paid for his/her extra effort and the benefits brought to the organization.

3.1 Financial Benefits of park.usa

- Salary - paid to high-level employees
- Bonus - paid to both high and low-level employees
- Pensions - paid to both high and low-level employees
- Wage rate - paid to low level employees

3.2 Non-Financial benefits of park.usa

- Flexible Working hours
- Flexible Working condition
- Holidays which includes annual leave, maternity leave, festival leave
- Employee participation
- Job security
- Providing 2-time meals
- Providing Employee Restroom & Prayer room

3.3 Overtime Policy of park.usa

The overtime payment of park.usa will is consist of time rate system.
According to the time rate system is that system of wage payment in which the workers are paid
based on time spent by them in the factory. Under this system, the workers and employees are
paid wages/salary based on the time they have worked rather than the volume of output they
have produced. Hence, according to this system, wages/salary are paid on an hourly, weekly, or
monthly basis. Therefore, while adapting time rate system for overtime wages park.usa will pay
additional payment per hour.

3.4 park.usa will be following the local government policy while paying the
compensation to the employees

3.4.1 Bangladesh Labor Act 2006, as amended 2013

Under the Bangladesh Labor Act 2006, as amended 2013, (‘BLA’) the maximum amount of
compensation which may be awarded in cases of workplace deaths to the dependents of a
deceased worker is Taka 1,00,000 (one lakh). In case of death, the employer must deposit the
sum in the Labor Court. In such cases, the payouts are relatively speedy and may be realized
within a year or so by the bereaved family members of the deceased worker. In case a worker
suffers permanent disablement as a result of a workplace injury, the amount of compensation
provided will be Taka 1,25,000 (one lakh twenty-five thousand). In the case of workers who
suffer temporary disablement, compensation may be assessed for the period of their disablement
or one year whichever is less. Thus the amount of compensation payable for the first two months
will be the entire monthly wage, the amount of compensation for the next two months will be
two thirds of the monthly wages and for the remaining months, it will be half of the monthly
3.4.2 Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 (‘FAA’)
In respect of deaths or injuries occurring as a result of any wrongful act, any person directly
aggrieved (the injured person, or in cases of death, members of the bereaved family) may file a
case for causing death by wrongful act, neglect or default under S. 1 of the FAA, 1855. The Civil
Court has the discretion to award such compensation, as it deems commensurate to the loss
resulting s from such death (S. 1 of the FAA 1855) and in doing so, it may add to the damages
any pecuniary loss that was caused to the estate of the deceased after his/her death.

3.5 The Pay model structure

Since park.usa is operating in the service industry while providing a effective parking solution
and their main objective is efficiency, fairness, compliance. Efficiency that can be stated in
improving performance, increasing quality, delighting customers and control labor costs.
Fairness objective calls for fair treatment for all employees by recognizing both employee
contributions and employee needs. Compliance as a pay objective means conforming to
Government compensating laws and regulations. Now in order to achieve these objectives
park.usa will be using four different polices. To developed internal structure, the first policy,
alignment is the best policy since they can use techniques like work analysis, descriptions,
evaluation/certificate. Internal alignment refers to comparisons among jobs or skill level inside a
single organization. Park.usa can compare jobs and people's skill in terms of their relative
contributions to the park.usa business objectives. This policy is being use in order to achieve
fairness, efficiency, and compliance. The second policy is competitiveness and with the objective
of efficiency, fairness, and compliance, park.usa can use market definition, surveys, and policy
line to develop pay structure by following these techniques. The third policy is contribution and
in order to achieve fairness, efficiency, and compliance park.usa can use seniority based,
performance based, merit guidelines to develop incentives programs by following these
techniques. The fourth policy is management and with the objective of efficiency, fairness, and
compliance park.usa can use cost, communication and change in order to develop evaluation by
these techniques.
4.0 Recruitment & Selection Process
Recruitment and selection are the process of identifying the need for a job, defining the
requirements of the position and the job holder, advertising the position, and choosing the most
appropriate person for the job.

To increase the efficiency of hiring, it is recommended that the HR team of park.usa follow the
five best practices. These five practices ensure successful recruitment without any interruptions.
In addition, these practices also ensure consistency and compliance in the recruitment process.
The five practices are discussed below:

4.1 Recruitment Planning

Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment process, where the vacant positions are
analyzed and described. It includes job specifications and its nature, experience, qualifications,
and skills required for the job, etc. A structured recruitment plan is mandatory to attract potential
candidates from a pool of candidates. The potential candidates should be qualified, experienced
with a capability to take the responsibilities required to achieve the objectives of the

4.2 Identifying Vacancy

The first and foremost process of recruitment plan is identifying the vacancy. This process
begins with receiving the requisition for recruitments from different department of the
organization to the HR Department, which contains:
 Number of posts to be filled
 Number of positions
 Duties and responsibilities to be performed
 Qualification and experience required
When a vacancy is identified, it is the responsibility of the sourcing manager to ascertain whether
the position is required or not, permanent, or temporary, full-time, or part-time, etc.

4.3 Job Analysis

In job analysis, Park.usa will identify, analyze, and determine the duties, responsibilities, skills,
abilities, and work environment of a specific job. These factors help in identifying what a job
demands and what an employee must possess in performing a job productively. Job analysis
helps in understanding what tasks are important and how to perform them. Its purpose is to
establish and document the job relatedness of employment procedures such as selection, training,
compensation, and performance appraisal.
Park.usa will follow the following steps in analyzing a job:
 Recording and collecting job information
 Accuracy in checking the job information
 Generating job description based on the information
 Determining the skills, knowledge, and skills, which are required for the job
The immediate products of job analysis are job descriptions and job specifications.

4.4 Job Description

In this portion, park.usa will describe the job responsibility. This data will give the employer and
the organization a clear idea of what an employee must do to meet the requirement of his/her job
responsibilities. Job description is generated for fulfilling the following processes:
 Classification and ranking of jobs
 Placing and orientation of new resources
 Promotions and transfers
 Describing the career path
 Future development of work standards
In job description, the following information will also be provided:
 Job Title / Job Identification / Organization Position
 Job Location
 Summary of Job
 Job Duties
 Machines, Materials and Equipment
 Process of Supervision
 Working Conditions
 Health Hazards
4.5 Job Specification
During job specification, we focus on the specifications of the candidate, whom the HR team is
going to hire. The first step in job specification is preparing the list of all jobs in the organization
and its locations. The second step is to generate the information of each job.
A job specification document provides information on the following elements:
 Qualification
 Experiences
 Training and development
 Work responsibilities
 Skills requirements

4.6 Job Evaluation

Job evaluation is a comparative process of analyzing, assessing, and determining the relative
value/worth of a job in relation to the other jobs in an organization. The main objective of job
evaluation is to analyze and determine which job commands how much pay. Through this
process, we specify several methods such as job grading, job classifications, job ranking, etc.,
which are involved in job evaluation. Salary and wage negotiations are also formed through this

4.7 Recruitment Strategy

Recruitment strategy will be the second step of our recruitment process, where a strategy is
prepared for hiring the resources. After completing the preparation of job descriptions and job
specifications, the next step will be to decide which strategy to adopt for recruiting the potential
candidates. While preparing a recruitment strategy, the HR team will consider the following
 Make or buy employees
 Types of recruitment
 Geographical area
 Recruitment sources
 Setting the recruitment strategy
4.8 Searching the Right Candidates
Searching is the process of recruitment where the resources are sourced depending upon the
requirement of the job. After the recruitment strategy is done, the searching of candidates will be
initialized. We do this process in two steps:
 Source activation: Once the line manager verifies and permits the existence of the vacancy,
the search for candidates starts.
Selling: Here, the organization selects the media through which the communication of
vacancies reaches the prospective candidates.
Searching involves attracting the job seekers to the vacancies. The sources are broadly divided
into two categories: Internal Sources and External Sources.
Internal Sources: Internal sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees within the
organization through:
 Promotions
 Transfers
 Former Employees
 Internal Advertisements (Job Posting)
 Employee Referrals
 Previous Applicants
External Sources: External sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees outside the
organization through:
 Direct Recruitment
 Employment Exchanges
 Employment Agencies
 Advertisements
 Professional Associations
 Campus Recruitment
 Word of Mouth

4.9 Screening
Screening starts after completion of the process of sourcing the candidates. Screening is the
process of filtering the applications of the candidates for further selection process. Screening is
an integral part of recruitment process that helps us in removing unqualified or irrelevant
candidates, which were received through sourcing. The screening process of recruitment consists
of three steps:
4.10 Reviewing of Resumes and Cover Letters
Reviewing is the first step of screening candidates. In this process, the resumes of the candidates
are reviewed and checked for the candidates’ education, work experience, and overall
background matching the requirement of the job. While reviewing the resumes, an HR executive
must keep the following points in mind, to ensure better screening of the potential candidates:
 Reason for change of job
 Longevity with each organization
 Long gaps in employment
 Job-hopping
 Lack of career progression

4.11 Conducting Telephonic or Online Interview

Conducting telephonic or online interviews is the second step of screening candidates. In this
process, after the resumes are screened, the candidates are contacted through phone or video by
the hiring manager. This screening process has two outcomes:
 It helps in verifying the candidates, whether they are active and available.
 It also helps in giving a quick insight about the candidate’s attitude, ability to answer
interview questions, and communication skills.

4.12 Identifying the top candidates

Identifying the top candidates is the final step of screening the resumes/candidates. In this
process, the cream/top layer of resumes are shortlisted, which makes it easy for the hiring
manager to take a decision. This process has the following three outcomes:
 Shortlisting 5 to 10 resumes for review by the hiring managers
 Providing insights and recommendations to the hiring manager
 Helps the hiring managers to take a decision in hiring the right candidate

4.13 Evaluation and Control

Evaluation and control are the last stage in the process of recruitment. In this process, the
effectiveness and the validity of the process and methods are assessed. Recruitment is a costly
process; hence it is important that the performance of the recruitment process is thoroughly
evaluated. The costs incurred in the recruitment process are to be evaluated and controlled
effectively. These include the following:
 Salaries to the Recruiters
 Advertisements cost and other costs incurred in recruitment methods, i.e., agency fees.
 Administrative expenses and Recruitment overheads
 Overtime and Outstanding costs, while the vacancies remain unfilled
 Cost incurred in recruiting suitable candidates for the final selection process
 Time spent by the Management and the Professionals in preparing job description, job
specifications, and conducting interviews.

5.0 Training and development

Park.usa has recently decided to expand its operations into subsidiary countries. The changing
business requirements may need hiring employees from the subsidiary country i.e. from the host
country nationals. Employing a global workforce will be requiring adaptation of global training
and development strategies to be an integral part of the business.

The company first needs to conduct the needs assessment process on three levels. These are

1. Organizational Analysis: It analyzes the effectiveness of the organization as a whole and

identifies any discrepancies. This analysis will uncover the competencies, knowledge and
skills that are needed by the company to sustain in the market. It also considers the
external factors such as the economy, environmental policies, technological advances and
changing workforce demographics. This assessment will help the company determine
where training is needed, how it will be conducted and when
2. Person/ Individual Analysis: The individual assessment focuses on a particular employee
to discover how well they are performing, their existing skills and competencies, their
learning style, motivation to learn, self-efficacy, conscientiousness, capacity to learn and
adopt for new work. It identifies who within the organization requires training and what
kind of training is needed. The company can conduct a 360-degree evaluation process as
it helps identify the employee’s strengths and areas for improvement in regard to
competencies, skills and behaviors. It will help the company form the basis for the
creation of a customized training and development plan for the employee.
3. Task Analysis: The task assessment identifies the key tasks, competencies and skills
required to perform the job at the most efficient level. It uses job descriptions, skill
analysis and job inventory questionnaires to discover specific training needs. As our
company is moving in a new direction of going global and its undergoing reconstruction,
this analysis will come particularly handy on deciding required employee competencies
to improve company performance.

After conduction the needs assessment, our company will decide on the training aspects and
the methods of training to develop our employees coming from the parent country nationals
and the subsidiaries i.e. the host country nationals. In most cases, the same strategy to train
the parent country employees and the host country employees will not be successful because
of the differences in their culture, structure, international business strategy, policy, and
managerial structure. Based on these factors the employees and expatriates need to be
provide with adequate training.

 Pre departure Training: Pre-departure training for expatriates will brief our soon to be
expatriates on what to expect when living and working abroad. It will allow them to
personalize the learnings from the training to anticipate and plan for challenges they
and their family may face when on duty abroad. It will include -
 Cultural training: Cultural training equips expatriates on the culture of the
subsidiary country .The aspects of the culture are necessary in training that
comprise of history, politics, culture, economy, social, religion, business
practices, housing and sensitivity training for flexible attitudes. The company
will provide cross-cultural training for probation that employees are sent to
overseas subsidiaries as it affects the professional effectiveness in business
responsibilities of expatriate’s goal achievement.
 Practical Training: Practical training will be provided to the expatriates and
their family to help them adapt successfully at the workplace and the country.
Expatriates are quick integration with workmate. This training teaches about
the best workplace practices globally in the standard manner.
 Language Training: Prior assignment the expatriate will receive training on the
basics of the host country’s language .An expatriate having good host country
language skills will have improved access to information once they move
abroad and it will help them build connections, which is an essential element
of expat success.
 Diversity Training: Diversity training in our company will address all the
unique things about employees; their race, color, ethnicity, language,
nationality, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age,
and physical and mental ability – and the manner in which we collaborate at
the workplace.
 Repatriation training: This training will be provided to our employees after
completing of the international assignment in order to adjust back to previous
culture, work and role so that employee can adapt well with totally different
culture and prevent them culture shock.

Our company will adopt the following training methods to train and develop its workforce:

1. Technology-Based Learning
2. Simulators: Simulators are used in our company to imitate real work experiences to give
the employees a real idea of the task to be performed.
3. On-The-Job Training: The Company will go for this training method for selective
employees to let them gather knowledge on how to perform the job by doing it
practically. Employees will learn more efficiently if they learn hands-on, rather than
listening to an instructor.
4. Coaching/Mentoring: Coaching/mentoring will give our employees a chance to receive
training one-on-one from an experienced professional.
5. Group Discussions & Tutorials: This method will allow employees to discuss issues
concerning task assigned and will also give them a platform to voice their opinions and
ideas to and help build a collaborative and cooperative workplace.

6.0 Performance Appraisal of park.usa

The performance appraisal part is very essential for every company in order to increase
employee productivity and for the improvement of the results. It is a process where an
employee’s performance and productivity are evaluated using a predetermined set of objectives.
Some methods of performance appraisals are:
1. Management by objectives: it means that the performances will be rated against the
achievements of the objectives set by the management of park.usa. This method is new and has
gained popularity among other organizations.
 Goals are established or set for each employee.
 Performance standards will be set.
 There will be a clear comparison between the goals set and the goals attained by the
This method is ideal for measuring the output of senior post holders like managers and directors.
2. 360-degree feedback: this is one kind of review where all kinds of feedbacks are received
from the managers, the employees and even from other team members.
This method has some important components like:
 Self appraisals- this helps the employees to look back at their performances and gives them a
scope to improve their weaknesses and work with their strengths.
 Managerial reviews-this is a common traditional way of appraisals done by the managers of
the company. The reviews will include individual employee ratings monitored by the
 Customer reviews: these reviews help to evaluate the output of an employee better.
These appraisals are helpful to measure the inter-personal skills, customer satisfaction and team
building skills.
3. Psychological appraisals: these appraisals are used to see the hidden talents or potentials of the
employees. By focusing and analyzing the employee’s future performances rather than the past
ones. To assess the employees effectively, in-depth interviews, psychological tests, and
discussion with supervisors and review of other evaluations are done. It is deeply focused on
employees emotional, intellectual, and motivational and other personal characteristics which can
affect his or her performance.
4. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS): it compares employee performance with
specific behavioral examples that are anchored to numerical ratings. Using BARS, the
management can generate critical incidents that depict typical workplace behavior. The
statements help to measure an individual’s performance against predetermined standards that are
applicable to their role and job level. This method helps to eliminate biases and ensure fairness
throughout the process.
5. Assessment Centre Method: this helps the employees to see a clear picture of how they are
being observed by others and how it has an effect on their job performances. The employees are
told to participate in informal discussions, decision making problems, fact finding exercises and
other exercises to make sure they are successful in their roles. This method is very useful to see
the insight of the employee’s personality like ethics, personality, patience at work, adaptability
6. Critical incident method: here the employees will be evaluated based on certain events or
situations where they will either succeed or fail badly in the process. Throughout the process, the
evaluator maintains a digital or physical journal in which they store the information from the
different incidents. 
7. Human resource cost accounting method: here the analysis of the employee’s performance is
determined by the monetary benefits they earn for the company.
7.0 Conclusion

Park.usa reduces traffic congestion due to improper parking and reduces accidents due to
inappropriate parking. For a company, it’s very important to have proper system in every
department. Human resource department is one of the most vital department for a company and
this department should maintain the actual process like recruiting, selecting, performance
appraisal, etc. Park.usa will maintain these guidelines so that the employee doesn’t lose their
mindset of working. We will try to ensure all the benefits which will motivate them to work
more dedicatedly. A company must ensure the quality and process of recruitment, training and
development, performance, selection, etc. Without the proper set of guideline, a company can’t
sustain. They will collapse within a short time.
8.0 Recommendation
9.0 References

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