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Your assignment must be written in Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing with a limit of 5000

Report Writing Format

Title Page: Include all details described in the guide provided.

Letter of Transmittal: This page may be in single line spacing, if you choose.

Executive Summary: This should be a maximum of 1 page in length, size 12 font, 3cm margins, single
line spacing.

Table of Contents: This should be automatically formatted using your word processor. In Microsoft
Word, you should use styles formatting to make this easier. This page may be in single line spacing, if
you choose.

Lists of Tables and Figures: If required. This page may be in single line spacing, if you choose.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Information
1.2 Aims
1.3 Scope
2.0 [You should choose your headings and subheadings for this section]
Note: section 2 should use citations from at least ten (10) scholarly/peer-
reviewed journal articles and academic textbooks. At least seven (7) of these
citations should be from scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles. You should not
use sources such as,, or other non-academic
3.0 Conclusion
4.0 Recommendations
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
[You may include additional Appendices as required.]
You are the newly appointed International Human Resource Project Team for a company, presently only
operating in The US. The company is fun, fresh, energetic but professional! You should consider this in
the design and development of your presentation! Your team needs to create the name of the company
and select the industry it is involved in. Please use an imaginary company, not an existing one. Your
company have recently decided to expand into [host country to be allocated by your instructor], by
creating a new subsidiary. Your instructor will allocate you the host country for your assignment
presentation, when you have identified the name of the company and the industry in which it is involved.


Your task is to develop a general guideline for policies and practices regarding; Recruitment, Selection
method, Training and development plans and Performance appraisal for the new subsidiary.

Your assignment should demonstrate:
· An ability to construct logical, rational arguments to support your propositions, assertions or opinions.
· A wide variety of reading in the topic area.
· An ability to use the theory and other references to support your argument.

When marking your assignment, I will be looking for:

· An understanding of the material and concepts.
· Submission of work in the appropriate format.
· A capacity to discuss the topic within the word limits set.
· Adherence to the Report style presentation in the Guide for Students, including correct grammar,
spelling and punctuation.

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