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International Journal of Coal Geology 225 (2020) 103501

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International Journal of Coal Geology

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Study of a Silurian sequence of Dornes region (Central Iberian Zone, T

Portugal): The contribution of organic petrology and palynofacies

Paula Alexandra Gonçalvesa, , Sérgio Pinheirob, João Graciano Mendonça Filhoc,
Joalice Oliveira Mendonçac, Deolinda Floresa
Instituto de Ciências da Terra - Pólo da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto and Departamento de Geociências, Ambiente e Ordenamento do Território,
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua Campo Alegre 687, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra, Rua Sílvio Lima, Universidade de Coimbra - Pólo II, 3030-790 Coimbra, Portugal
Laboratório de Palinofácies & Fácies Orgânica (LAFO), Departamento de Geologia, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Av. Athos da
Silveira, 274, prédio do CCMN, sala J1020, Campus Ilha do Fundão, Cidade Universitária, CEP 21.949-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil


Keywords: A Wenlock (Silurian) sedimentary continuous sequence was sampled in the Dornes region (Central Iberian Zone,
Foz da Sertã Formation Portugal) to characterize the organic matter type using different microscopic analyses (organic petrology and
Graptolite palynofacies). Total organic carbon (TOC) was also determined. Samples are part of Foz da Sertã Formation and
Solid bitumen correspond to mudstone, punctually with sandstone, rich in organic matter (mean TOC value of 5.1%).
Graptolite reflectance
Whole rock samples showed a dominance of non-granular graptolites (lath- and blocky-shape) and solid
Solid bitumen reflectance
bitumen. Lath-shape graptolites display the characteristic segmented structure. In the blocky-shape graptolites,
the fusellar layers of the graptolite wall are well marked and are an important distinctive feature. Foz da Sertã
graptolites are optically anisotropic as well as the solid bitumen. Non-granular graptolite's maximum reflectance
varies from 1.43 to 3.94% and solid bitumen maximum reflectance oscillates between 1.09 and 2.22%. Vitrinite
reflectance equivalent was calculated using Bertrand and Malo's equation (values between 1.97 and 3.72%)
denoting a post-mature stage for the organic matter. No relation was established with confidence between
graptolite maximum reflectance and solid bitumen maximum reflectance.
The palynofacies study confirmed not only the presence of graptolite and solid bitumen but also amorphous
material derived from graptolite. Under transmitted white light, graptolite features were not noticed. To improve
the palynofacies characterization, reflected white light was used on slides, thus exposing distinctive graptolite
features. The different lights and preparation types used allowed a better characterization of the organic matter
present in Foz da Sertã Formation samples, mainly the graptolites. The use of reflected white light, in the
palynofacies study, proved to be extremely important in the description of the graptolite features.

1. Introduction the Asturian-Leonese zone (North) and the Ossa-Morena zone (South)
(Vilas and de San José, 1990). The CIZ integrates the internal orogenic
Graptolites (from Greek, grapto + lithos: writing on rock) occur as domain of the Iberian Variscan belt, which is dominated by granitoid
fragments showing complex skeletal morphology or as elongated par- rocks that intruded a succession composed of metasedimentary and
ticles called tubaria (Maletz et al., 2017; previously called rhabdo- metavolcanic sequences with ages between the Neoproterozoic and the
some). Fossil graptolites correspond to marine colonial animals that Carboniferous (Mateus and Noronha, 2010, and references therein).
emerged in the Cambrian and persisted until the Carboniferous. Grap- The Lower Paleozoic record, in the Dornes area (Fig. 1), consists of a
tolite fossils are common, especially in shales, having a worldwide sequence of alternating beds of resistant quartzite and quartz-sand-
distribution, being important tools in biostratigraphy as well as in or- stones and less resistant argillaceous formations (Cooper, 1980). The
ganic petrology studies (Goodarzi, 1984; Maletz, 2017a). most complete Silurian sequence in Portugal occurs this area (Piçarra,
In Portugal, shales are common in the Silurian of the Central Iberian 2003), and is divided into four formations from the Llandovery to the
Zone (CIZ) and contain abundant graptolite faunas (Piçarra, 2003). The Pridoli, namely, Vale da Ursa, Foz da Sertã, Vale Serrão, and Mendeira
CIZ (Fig. 1A) is located in the central part of the Iberian Massif, between formations (from the bottom to the top; Gutierrez-Marco et al., 1990;

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: paula.goncalves@fc.up.pt (P.A. Gonçalves).

Received 4 November 2019; Received in revised form 27 April 2020; Accepted 4 May 2020
Available online 06 May 2020
0166-5162/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P.A. Gonçalves, et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 225 (2020) 103501

Fig. 1. A - Location of the Central Iberian Zone in the regional context of the Iberian Peninsula; B -Simplified geology of the studied area and approximate location of
Foz da Sertã (FS) outcrop (adapted from the Geological Map of Portugal, scale 1:500000).

Oliveira et al., 1992). The Foz da Sertã Formation, the target of this organic petrology techniques to identify/characterize the dispersed
study, ranges from the topmost Llandovery to the Wenlock (or Lu- organic matter or its thermal evolution. Therefore, organic petrology
dlow?) and is composed by mudstones and siltstones, interbedded with and palynofacies methodologies will be used for the first time in
fine-grained sandstones (mainly restricted to the middle part) (Cooper, southern of the CIZ, applied to Foz da Sertã Formation (Dornes area) to
1980; Young, 1988). This formation has 100 to 200 m thick and yields study its organic content and its thermal maturation. Thus, the main
an abundant graptolite fauna with scarce orthoceratids, bivalves, and goals are as follows: i) characterize the organic matter present in Dornes
brachiopods (Piçarra, 2003). The graptolites assemblage documented samples; ii) present the distinctive graptolites features under trans-
for the Foz da Sertã Formation indicates ages between the Llandovery mitted and reflected white lights; iii) investigate the applicability of
and Wenlock, in which the Aeronian Demirastrites triangulatus Biozone, reflected white light in palynofacies studies; and iv) assess the thermal
Telychian Spirograptus turriculatus Biozone, Sheinwoodian Monograptus maturity of the studied sequence.
belophorus Biozone, and Homerian Gothograptus nassa Biozone are re-
cognized (Oliveira et al., 1992; Piçarra, 2003, 2007; Young, 1988).
2. Graptolites: A review
Organic petrology is a useful tool to characterize OM and allowed a
better understanding of the optical properties of graptolites (e.g.,
Graptolites were colonial marine living beings common in the Early
Goodarzi, 1984, 1985; Goodarzi and Norford, 1987). Furthermore, the
Paleozoic that, according to Zalasiewicz and Maletz (2017), are biolo-
determination of graptolite reflectance is of particular importance for
gical enigmas. Their phylogenetic relationships were for a long time
the evaluation of the thermal maturity of source rocks due to the ab-
unknown and were interpreted by Linnæus, in the 18th century, as
sence of vitrinite, as land plants do not exist in pre-Devonian succes-
inorganic marks on the rocks (Maletz, 2017b). Since Linnæus, several
sions. Graptolite studies can provide information on: 1) thermal ma-
authors (see Maletz, 2017b, and references therein) attempted to es-
turity and burial history (e.g., Bertrand, 1990; Bertrand and Héroux,
tablish the biological affinities of graptolites classifying them as ce-
1987; Buchardt and Lewan, 1990; Bustin et al., 1989; Cole, 1994;
phalopods, bryozoans or hydroids. Nowadays, graptolites are included
Goodarzi, 1984; Goodarzi and Norford, 1985, 1989; Landis and
in the Class Graptolithina, Phylum Hemichordate (Benton and Harper,
Castaño, 1995; Link et al., 1990; Obermajer et al., 1996; Petersen et al.,
2009; Maletz, 2017b), being the pterobranch Rhabdopleura the only
2013; Rantitsch, 1995; Riediger, 1993; Schoenherr et al., 2007;
representative of this Class today (Maletz, 2014). The graptolite colony
Xianming et al., 2000); 2) source rocks (e.g., Goodarzi et al., 1985;
originated from an initial specimen, the sicular zooid, being all zooids
Varol et al., 2006); and 3) correlations between the reflectance of or-
offspring of the colony (Crowther and Rickards, 1977; Mitchell et al.,
ganic particles, such as vitrinite, zooclast and solid bitumen (e.g.,
Bertrand, 1990; Bustin et al., 1989; Cole, 1994; Petersen et al., 2013;
The graptolite morphology has been described since the 1970s by
Rantitsch, 1995). Organic petrology techniques have not been widely
organic petrographers, mainly in reflected white light (e.g. Bertrand
used to study the organic matter of the CIZ. To the north of the CIZ,
and Héroux, 1987; Bustin et al., 1989; Goodarzi, 1984, 1985; Goodarzi
research was carried out applying these techniques to the study of coals
and Norford, 1985, 1987; Goodarzi et al., 1992; Kurylowicz et al., 1976;
and dispersed organic matter (Carboniferous and Permian ages), in the
Ma et al., 2016; Morga and Pawlyta, 2018; Riediger et al., 1989),
Buçaco Basin (Flores et al., 2010) and the Douro Coalfield Basin (e.g.
transmitted white light (Cole, 1994), and more recently by SEM (e.g.
Lemos de Sousa, 1983; Lemos de Sousa and Wagner, 1983; Marques
Luo et al., 2016; Ma et al., 2016; Maletz et al., 2016; Mierzejewski and
et al., 2009) to evaluate their thermal maturity. In the southern CIZ,
Kulicki, 2001). Morphologically, the tubarium comprises several tub-
which includes the Dornes area, there is no published data, using
ular structures called thecae, occupied by the zooids, which terminated

P.A. Gonçalves, et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 225 (2020) 103501

in a thecal aperture. The various thecae that comprise the colony are matter) were followed in the preparation of the kerogen slides
connected through internal openings. Growth lines are observed on the (Mendonça Filho et al., 2011; Tyson, 1995). The palynofacies classifi-
thecal walls. Although uncertainties regarding the graptolite walls cation proposed by Mendonça Filho and Gonçalves (2017), Mendonça
composition, it is currently accepted to be constituted by an organic Filho et al. (2014) and Tyson (1995) were used. Observations were
substance, a collagen-like protein (e.g., Gupta et al., 2006; Towe and conducted on a Zeiss microscope under transmitted (TWL) and reflected
Urbanek, 1972; Zalasiewicz and Maletz, 2017). Two different building white lights and blue incident light.
materials can be distinguished in the graptolite wall, the fuselli and the
cortex. The fuselli is the main material of the graptolite walls and 4. Results and discussion
segregated mainly as full rings or half-rings to constitute the graptolite
tubes. The cortex corresponds to a secondary material spread on the 4.1. Geochemical data
fusellar surface to stabilize and support the colony (Maletz et al., 2017).
When observed in reflected white light, graptolites can exhibit two TOC values (Table 1) are usually higher than 2 wt%, with a mean
different types of texture, non-granular or granular. Goodarzi (1984) value of 5.09 wt%, indicating a very good to excellent organic content
stated that the non-granular surface is brittle, hard, presenting high (Peters and Cassa, 1994), except for two samples (FS5 and FS6) which
reflectance, strong anisotropy, and stronger bireflectance. On the other contain TOC values less than 1%. The insoluble residue (IR) values are
hand, granular graptolite texture shows a fine granular to reticular always high (mean value 96%) confirming the pelitic character of the
appearance and are also anisotropic. These surface textures seem to be samples. Higher values of IR (98%) correspond to samples with low
associated with the different parts of the tubarium, being the non- TOC and TS contents.
granular linked with the external wall with fusellar layers of the
graptolite and the granular to the common canal (Goodarzi, 1984; 4.2. Organic matter assemblage
Goodarzi et al., 1992). Non-granular graptolite is usually found in
shales, while granular graptolite is more common in carbonates A uniform organic matter assemblage was identified in Foz da Sertã
(Goodarzi and Norford, 1985, 1987). According to the same authors, in Formation with a predominance of well-preserved graptolites remains
the same sample, graptolites show higher anisotropy values than other (Figs. 3–7), solid bitumen and amorphous particles (Fig. 8). Rare “vi-
organic particles, such as bitumen or chitinozoans. trinite-like” particles (in RWL) were observed and, although they do not
exhibit a particular feature, are probably graptolite fragments since
3. Samples and experimental methods they present similar reflectance values. This type of assemblage is
comparable to other Paleozoic sediments such as in the Czech Republic
3.1. Samples (Suchý et al., 2002).
The fractures in the walls of graptolites (Fig. 3) are related to tec-
A total of ten samples, of Silurian age, were collected from Foz da tonic deformation, resulting in parallel faulting and intense chevron
Sertã (FS) Formation (Dornes, CIZ, Portugal; Fig. 1). The sampled site is folding that occurs in the CIZ associated with Variscan orogeny
located approximately 4 km from the place where the Foz da Sertã (Cooper, 1980).
Formation type section was defined by Cooper (1980). The outcrop
sampled is located nearby Dornes village (Central Portugal) in the N238 4.2.1. Graptolites
road, near the Vale da Ursa Bridge. It corresponds to a continuous Graptolites are rare at the bottom of the sequence, increasing in size
section with approximately 100 m and comprises mudstones, some- and quantity to the FS4 sample, and dramatically decreasing in samples
times interbedded with sandstones (Fig. 2). FS5 and FS6. To the top, graptolites are usually in small amounts and
occasionally fragmented, sometimes not presenting distinctive features.
3.2. Basic geochemical analysis Graptolites exhibit a grey to white color under RWL, and fluorescence is
absent. Whole rock block observations allowed the recognition of non-
A LECO® analyzer SC-144DR (oxygen atmosphere at a temperature granular and granular graptolites with the predominance of non-gran-
of 1350 °C) was used to quantify TOC content. The carbonated fraction ular. Non-granular fragments are common in shales (Goodarzi and
of the sediment introduced into the analyzer was previously removed Norford, 1985) and, although their affinity with the granular fragments
with HCl. The insoluble residue (sample fraction that has not been is not well known, they are likely different parts of the graptolite wall
eliminated by the acid treatment) was also determined. These analyses (Goodarzi et al., 1992).
were performed in the Palynofacies and Organic Facies Laboratory The two shapes of graptolites (blocky- and lath-shape fragments)
(LAFO) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). proposed by Riediger et al. (1989) were also recognized in Foz da Sertã
samples (Figs. 4, 5). Goodarzi et al. (1992) and Link et al. (1990) stated
3.3. Petrographic analyses that these shapes can represent different parts or tissues of the tu-
barium. Lath-shape non-granular graptolites are more abundant,
Standard procedures (ASTM D2797-11a, 2011) were followed to mainly in the upper part of the studied sequence, and were easily dis-
prepare whole rock polished blocks as well as concentrated kerogen tinguished due to their uniquely segmented structure (Fig. 4) as de-
blocks. Microscopic observations were made under reflected white scribed by Goodarzi (1984) and Goodarzi et al. (1992), and the occa-
(RWL) and incident blue lights. Graptolite and solid bitumen re- sional remains of thecae.
flectance were measured following the ASTM D7708-14 (2014) stan- Some fragments exhibit the common canal (filled by sediment), si-
dard and Hackley et al. (2015), on a Leica DM4000 microscope using a milar to those observed by Goodarzi (1984), Link et al. (1990) and
50× oil immersion objective. The microscope was calibrated with YAG Suchý et al. (2002), and the respective external walls.
and strontian‑titanium standards (0.905 and 5.38%Rr, respectively). Blocky-shape non-granular graptolite is mainly angular, with dif-
The number of reflectance measurements on each sample depended on ferent sizes, and in most of the particles is possible to observe the fu-
the availability of organic particles in each sample. The vitrinite re- sellar layers of the wall (Fig. 5). Some blocky-shape graptolites exhibit
flectance equivalent (%VReq) was calculated through the formulas small pores on the surface (Fig. 5a).
proposed by Bertrand and Malo (2012) for graptolites (% As can be seen in Fig. 6, the graptolite fragments (both lath- and
VReq = 0.9376 x %Rgrap + 0.0278) and by Jacob (1989) for solid bi- blocky-shape) are anisotropic. In the studied sequence, the anisotropy
tumen (%VReq = 0.618 x %RSB + 0.40). increases with increasing in the graptolite reflectance. According to
Palynofacies procedures (non-oxidative isolation of the organic Goodarzi and Norford (1985), graptolites developed anisotropy at a

P.A. Gonçalves, et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 225 (2020) 103501

Fig. 2. Simplified stratigraphic log of Foz da Sertã Formation in Dornes region and sampling distribution.

maximum reflectance value lower than vitrinite. The same authors re- the graptolite features, kerogen slides were also observed under re-
ported that this alteration was due to changes in the molecular structure flected white light using an oil immersion objective. In RWL, graptolite
of the organic particles. had a grey color, and smooth to a rough surface (Fig. 7b, d, f). They are,
Kerogen slides observation (in TWL) showed a dominance of par- sometimes, well preserved, having a tubular shape (Fig. 7) where it was
ticles with a dark brown to black color, and no fluorescence under in- possible to observe some apertures on the graptolite wall and wrinkled
cident blue light. These particles showed different shapes, from equant, lines around it.
lath to sharp and appear flattened without specific features on the Although in this work there are no doubts regarding the identifi-
surface (Fig. 7a, c, e). Optically, they are very similar to phytoclast cation of graptolites, in samples younger than Upper Silurian (until
(particles derived from higher plants) however, this type of organic Carboniferous), in which graptolite fragments and phytoclast particles
matter had not yet existed in Wenlock (Silurian). Given the age of the can coexist, the use of RWL in studies of palynofacies will differentiate
samples and the features observed in the WR blocks, the particles were these two types of organic particles.
classified as zooclasts, namely fragments of graptolites. To recognize

P.A. Gonçalves, et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 225 (2020) 103501

Table 1
Total Organic Carbon and reflectance values Foz da Sertã (Dornes) samples.
Sample TOC Lath-shape Graptolite Blocky-shape Graptolite Lath + blocky-shape Graptolite VReq-grap Solid Bitumen VReq-bit
Rmax Stdev Rr Stdev Rmax Stdev Rr Stdev Rmax Stdev Rr Stdev % Rmax Stdev (n) Rr Stdev %
(%) (n) (%) (n) (%) (n) (%) (n) (%) (n) (%) (n) (%) (%) (n)

FS1⁎ 9.14 1.98 0.35 1.72 0.34 1.35 0.01 1.22 0.02 1.92 0.38 1.67 0.36 2.02 0.21 1.61 0.32
(30) (30) (3) (3) (33) (33) (4) (4)
FS2 9.19 3.04 0.31 2.61 0.32 3.12 0.30 2.72 0.27 3.08 0.31 2.67 0.30 2.91
(22) (22) (22) (22) (44) (44)

FS3 2.69 1.70 0.27 1.41 0.23 1.55 0.24 1.30 0.20 1.64 0.27 1.37 0.22 1.15 0.15 1.08 0.13
(77) (77) (47) (47) (124) (124) (15) (15)
FS4 8.97 3.87 0.43 2.93 0.34 3.94 0.37 3.13 0.32 3.94 0.40 3.06 0.33 3.72 2.22 0.31 2.10 0.30 1.77
(18) (18) (43) (43) (61) (61) (6) (6)
FS5 0.81 2.53 - 2.08 - 2.47 0.52 2.12 0.37 2.47 0.50 2.12 0.36 2.34 1.43 0.21 1.33 0.22 1.28
(1) (1) (22) (22) (23) (23) (6) (6)
FS6⁎ 0.85 1.80 0.19 1.65 0.23 1.76 0.26 1.61 0.24 1.77 0.24 1.63 0.23
(13) (13) (24) (24) (37) (37)
FS7 2.82 2.05 0.17 1.96 0.17 2.13 0.16 2.06 0.17 2.07 0.17 1.98 0.17 1.97 1.92 0.17 1.83 0.14 1.59
(29) (29) (9) (9) (38) (38) (8) (8)
FS8⁎ 7.95 1.83 0.26 1.56 0.18 1.77 0.18 1.61 0.20 1.81 0.24 1.57 0.18 1.54 0.26 1.44 0.20
(23) (23) (9) (9) (32) (32) (5) (5)
FS9 3.72 2.21 0.25 2.06 0.21 2.20 0.29 2.02 0.26 2.21 0.27 2.04 0.23 2.10 1.50 0.32 1.45 0.32 1.33
(36) (36) (33) (33) (69) (69) (3) (3)

FS10 4.73 1.46 0.17 1.23 0.22 1.42 0.16 1.16 0.19 1.44 0.17 1.20 0.21 1.09 - 0.85 -
(28) (28) (26) (26) (54) (54) (1) (1)

TOC: Total Organic Carbon (wt%); Rmax: maximum reflectance; Stdev: standard derivation; n: number of particles measured; Rr: Random reflectance; VReq-grap:
vitrinite reflectance equivalent calculated from graptolite maximum reflectance (using Bertrand and Malo's equation); VReq_bit: vitrinite reflectance equivalent
calculated from bitumen maximum reflectance (using Jacob's equation).

Samples with slight signs of weathering.

4.2.2. Other organic particles

The whole rock analysis revealed the presence of solid bitumen in
the majority of the samples (see Table 1). Two groups of solid bitumen
were identified based on optical characteristics. One has a grey color,
easy polishing, smooth surface, mosaic structure (Fig. 8a, c–d), and is
optically anisotropic, named solid bitumen A; and the other (solid bi-
tumen B) has a brittle aspect, very small with an irregular surface
(Fig. 8b). Due to its size and surface, it was not possible to determine
whether solid bitumen B is anisotropic. They appear filling the inter-
mineral spaces and dispersed in the mineral matrix. Compared to
graptolite, solid bitumen presents lower anisotropy. This trend was also
described by Goodarzi et al. (1985) and Goodarzi and Norford (1987) in
samples from Canada. Solid bitumen was also identified in the kerogen
slides, presenting a brown to black color (in TWL), without fluorescence
(under incident blue light), and smooth surface, occasionally with
cracks (Fig. 9e–h).
Amorphous particles (Fig. 9a–d) cannot be distinguished in the
whole rock blocks yet their presence was confirmed in kerogen con-
centrated blocks. These particles were identified in all the samples
observed under TWL, decreasing from the bottom up to the FS9 sample
and increasing in the FS10 sample. They have a brown to dark brown
color (in TWL) and do not exhibit fluorescence color (under incident
blue light). Amorphous particles are mostly homogeneous with an un-
structured aspect, and often have pyrite inclusions and remains of
graptolites. This material shows different amorphization stages and can
result from microbial rework of graptolite, that according to Hoffknecht
(1991) usually occurred after the death of the animal or very early after
burial. In some particles is still possible to observe graptolite remains
partially amorphized (Fig. 9d), and in other cases, although graptolite is
completely amorphized, the amorphous material keeps the original
shape (mainly in sample FS1; Fig. 9a, b).
In some samples, solid bitumen and amorphous particles present
similar features under transmitted white light (Fig. 9c, g). To distin-
guish these two types of organic particles, kerogen slides were observed
Fig. 3. A well-preserved graptolite fragment (sample FS4) under RWL.
under RWL, with solid bitumen having a flatter surface with a concrete
aspect than amorphous particles (Fig. 9).

P.A. Gonçalves, et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 225 (2020) 103501

Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of Foz da Sertã lath-shape graptolites under RWL (whole rock).

Fig. 5. Photomicrographs of Foz da Sertã blocky-shape graptolites under RWL (whole rock).

P.A. Gonçalves, et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 225 (2020) 103501

Fig. 6. Photomicrographs of the graptolite wall (under RWL), showed marked anisotropy (a and c rotated 90° to b and d, respectively).

4.3. Graptolite and solid bitumen reflectance reflectance (Rgrap) was measured to determine the organic maturity of
Foz da Sertã samples. Despite the presence of granular and non-gran-
Due to the lack of vitrinite in Dornes samples, the graptolite ular graptolites fragments, only the reflectance of non-granular

Fig. 7. Photomicrographs of graptolites taken under TWL (a, c, e) and RWL (b, d, f) (kerogen slide).

P.A. Gonçalves, et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 225 (2020) 103501

Fig. 8. Photomicrographs of Foz da Sertã solid bitumen (white arrow) taken under RWL (whole rock).

graptolites was measured due to the limited amount available of in the samples with lower reflectance values (both in graptolites and
granular graptolites and its poor surface quality. Lath- and blocky-shape solid bitumen). According to some authors (Bustin et al., 1983; Link
graptolite reflectance was measured. Reflectance values are presented et al., 1990; Taylor et al., 1998), oxidized coals from outcrops show a
in Table 1. decrease in vitrinite reflectance values that can be related to the che-
Lath-shape non-granular graptolites have a maximum reflectance in mical alteration resulting in changes of their physical properties. Since
a range of 1.45–3.86% and random reflectance values between 1.23 graptolites exhibit vitrinite-like behavior, the suppression of graptolite
and 2.91%. Relatively to the blocky-shape non-granular graptolite, the reflectance can be related to this fact. Given this fact, only samples
reflectance values varied between 1.35 and 3.97% and 1.16–3.15% without weathering evidence were used to determine the maturity of
(maximum and random, respectively). Since graptolites exhibit a strong the sequence. As referred above, the vitrinite reflectance equivalent was
anisotropy, maximum reflectance (%Rmax) is used to study the thermal calculated through the formula proposed by Bertrand and Malo (2012)
maturity of Foz da Sertã samples, as suggested by Goodarzi (1984). and show values that range from 1.97 to 3.71% (Table 1). These data
There are slight differences between the maximum reflectance of lath- suggest that the organic matter of Foz da Sertã samples is post-mature
and blocky-shape graptolite mainly at the bottom of the sequence in terms of hydrocarbon generation. Despite the high TOC values still
where reflectance values are higher. However, the correlation present in some samples, they represent inert or “died” carbon, which
(Fig. 10a) between lath-shape and blocky-shape non-granular grapto- implies that no longer has the potential to produce hydrocarbons.
lites is robust, demonstrating a correlation coefficient of r2 = 0.95. This Maximum and random reflectance values measured on solid bi-
indicates that these two shapes correspond to different parts of the same tumen A display a wide range of values, ranging from 1.09 to 2.22%
specimen, as already mentioned by Goodarzi et al. (1992) and Link and 0.85 to 2.10%, respectively (see Table 1). Solid bitumen B re-
et al. (1990), presenting similar thermal evolution. Since lath-shape and flectance was not measured due to its irregular surface and the very low
blocky-shape fragments are different parts of the graptolite's reflectance number of particles. In the samples, where graptolites and solid bi-
values were merged (Table 1). Maximum graptolite (lath + blocky) tumen coexist, graptolite reflectance values are always higher than
reflectance values varied between 1.43 and 3.94%, while random re- those of solid bitumen (Table 1). This trend has also been reported by
flectance oscillates from 1.20 to 3.08% (Table 1). Reflectance values Goodarzi et al. (1985) and Riediger et al. (1989) for samples from
reveal a bimodal distribution, and this trend is probably associated with Canada. As can be seen in Fig. 10b, statistically, there is not a sig-
the increase of the burial temperature that leads to an increase of the nificant correlation (r2 = 0.38) between the maximum graptolite re-
bireflectance (Goodarzi and Norford, 1987) and/or with the weathering flectance (lath plus blocky) and maximum solid bitumen reflectance.
effects. Just as graptolite reflectance values, solid bitumen reflectance va-
The graptolite reflectance variation does not show a discernible lues do not display a linear maturity trend with depth. As referred by
pattern (Table 1) along the sequence. Goodarzi et al. (1992 and refer- Gentzis and Goodarzi (1990), autochthonous solid bitumen reflectance
ences therein) refereed that exist several factors that can modify the should increase with increasing depth, a behavior not observed in these
graptolite reflectance, such as, temperature, the rock matrix, the sup- samples (Table 1). Plotting the equivalent vitrinite reflectance calcu-
pression of reflectance, the weathering, and thermal perturbations. In lated from graptolite versus equivalent vitrinite reflectance calculated
the case of Foz da Sertã samples, it is possible to observe some slight from bitumen (Fig. 10c) of the samples without weathering evidence, it
signs of weathering (oxidized pyrite and graptolite wall microfractures) is possible to verify that there is no statistical significance (r2 = 0.48).

P.A. Gonçalves, et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 225 (2020) 103501

Fig. 9. Photomicrographs of Dornes organic matter (bitumen and amorphous particles) taken under TWL (a, c, e, g) and RWL (b, d, f, h) in kerogen slides.

These data demonstrate that solid bitumen suffered a different thermal 5. Conclusion
evolution from that of graptolite, indicating that this is an allochtho-
nous/migrated bitumen. Solid bitumen reflectance is usually used as a A combination of organic microscopy (reflected and transmitted
maturity parameter in samples devoid of vitrinite, however, in Foz da white lights) and basic organic geochemistry technique was used to
Sertã samples it cannot be used. improve the knowledge of the organic matter of Foz da Sertã Formation

P.A. Gonçalves, et al. International Journal of Coal Geology 225 (2020) 103501

Fig. 10. a - Plot between lath-shape and blocky shape non-granular graptolites reflectance; b - Plot between graptolites (lath + blocky) reflectance and solid bitumen
reflectance; c - Plot equivalent vitrinite reflectance calculated from graptolite maximum reflectance (VReq-grap) and equivalent vitrinite reflectance calculated from
bitumen maximum reflectance (VReq-bit).

(Dornes, Portugal), with emphasis on graptolites morphology. The fol- Declaration of Competing Interest
lowing conclusions were drawn:
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
1) Dornes assemblage consists of excellent well-preserved graptolite interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
fragments, amorphous particles and solid bitumen; ence the work reported in this paper.
2) regarding graptolites fragments, non-granular graptolites prevail
over granular and exhibit different shapes (lath and blocky). The Acknowledgments
morphological features of graptolites, including the fusellar layers,
are very well visible in reflected white light; Paula Alexandra Gonçalves is grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e
3) the observation of kerogen slides, under transmitted white light, Tecnologia (FCT) for the financial support (SFRH/BPD/114696/2016).
showed that some organic particles have similar features, which This work was co-financed by the European Union through the
may lead to misunderstandings in the identification and conse- European Regional Development Fund, framed in COMPETE 2020
quently in the interpretation of the data. Using reflected white light, (Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization),
in this type of preparation, it turned out an important tool to dis- through the project ICT (UIDB/04683/2020) with reference POCI-01-
tinguish the morphologic features of graptolites and to discern solid 0145-FEDER-007690. The authors are grateful to three anonymous
bitumen and amorphous particles in the Foz da Sertã samples. reviewers for their insightful reviews.
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