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Q4. Write a script that uses the following array and the variable.

$w[0] ='r';
$w[1] ='o';
$w[2] ='t';
$w[3] ='a';
$w[4] ='t';
$w[5] ='o';
$w[6] ='r';
$w[7] ='s';


Your script should search the character($s) and display the key(index) of that character($s).

i. with array_search predefined function

ii. with using foreach loop.

Note that when the values of $s & $w changes your script should continue to work.

$w[0] ='r';
$w[1] ='o';
$w[2] ='t';
$w[3] ='a';
$w[4] ='t';
$w[5] ='o';
$w[6] ='r';
$w[7] ='s';
foreach($w as $val) {
if(array_search($s, $val)== 0){
echo "Found";

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