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Whereabouts Місцезнаходження the place where

somebody/something is
Paddle Весло a short pole with a flat wide part
at one or both ends, that you
hold in both hands and use for
moving a small boat, especially a
canoe, through water
Of little/no avail Мaло або зовсім не корисний of little or no use
To little/no avail З невеликим або зовсім без with little or no success
Coroner Коронер an official whose job is to
discover the cause of any
sudden, violent or suspicious
death by holding an inquest
Elation Піднесений настрій a feeling of great happiness and
To be tanned Засмаглий having a brown skin colour as a
result of being in the sun
Fraud Шахрайство the crime of cheating somebody
in order to get money or goods
Ill-gained assets Незаконні активи
Scam Шахрайство a clever and dishonest plan for
making money
Search to no avail Безрезультатний пошук to no avail: without success
Search in vain Даремний пошук in vain: without success or result
Search frantically Шукати несамовито in a frantic manner: in a
nervously hurried, desperate, or
panic-stricken way
Search extensively Розширений пошук Look far and wide for sth
To set off the alarm Спрацював будильник set off: cause to begin
To sound the alarm Подати сигнал тривоги to warn people
To raise the alarm Підняти тривогу to warn people
To trigger the alarm Вимкнути сигнал тривоги Set off the warning noise
Presumed rightly Передбачений правильно
Presumed wrongly Передбачений погано
Presumed dead Вважати мертвим
Presumed innocent Вважати невинним
Suffer from asthma Страждати астмою
Suffer from migraines Страждати від мігрені
Suffer from amnesia Страждати амнезією Have an illness where you lose
your memory
Suffer from hay fever Страждати від алергії
Launch an investigation Розпочати розслідування Start the process of trying to find
out facts about sth
(be) the subject of an (бути) предмет розслідування
Pursue an investigation Провести розслідування
Lead an investigation Провести розслідування
Day/night shift Денна/нічна зміна a shift of workers who work
during daylight hours
a period of time during the night
(such as from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.)
in which a person is scheduled to
Early/late shift Рання/пізня зміна
Split shift Розділена зміна (?) a shift of working hours divided
into two or more working
periods at times (such as
morning and evening) separated
by more than normal periods of
time off (as for lunch or rest)
10-hour shift 10-годинна зміна
Harassment Домагання the act of annoying or worrying
sb by putting pressure on them
or saying or doing unpleasant
things to them
Edible Їстівний fit or suitable to be eaten; not
Evasive Ухилятися not willing to give clear answers
to a question
Сomprehensive Всебічний іncluding all, or almost all, the
items, details, facts, information,
etc., that may be involved
Take time out from (sth) Мати перерву Have a month off
Have a breather Відпочити Take a rest
Take my mind off (sth) Відпочити Forget about sth for a while
Switch off Відключитися Stop focusing on work
Let your hair down Розслабитися Go wild for a bit
Unwind Розслабитися Relax
Exorbitant Дуже дорогий Very expensive
Senility Старечість the condition of being senile (=
behaving in a confused or
strange way, and being unable to
remember things, because you
are old)
Frivolous Несерйозний (of people or their behaviour)
silly or funny, especially when
such behaviour is not suitable
Frivolity Легковажність behaviour that is silly or funny,
especially when this is not
Chauvinist Шовініст a man who believes men are
more important, intelligent, etc.
than women
Chauvinistic Шовіністичний believing that men are more
important, intelligent, etc. than
To burn the candle at both ends To do too much late at night and
early in the morning
To while away Relax
To hang out Spend time (with friends)
To chill out Relax
To work all hours Stay up late to work
To burn the midnight oil Stay up late to work
Jaded Виснажений tired and bored, usually because
you have had too much of
Deliberately Навмисно On purpose
Unsupervised Без нагляду without being watched; without
somebody responsible for
ensuring that things are safe and
Encourage independence Заохочувати незалежність
Over-protectiveness State of keeping someone away
from danger too much
Risk-averse Не схильний до ризику Not wanting to take any chances
Deal with danger Стикнутися з небезпекою
Take reasonable risks Йти на розумний ризик
Mollycoddle Балувати to protect somebody too much
and make their life too
comfortable and safe
Expose Виставляти to show something that is
usually hidden
Unnecessary danger Зайва небезпека
Take care of Доглядати Look after
Taken to Починати подобатися Start to like
Take them on board Прийняти Accept them
Take time out Зупинитися і відпочити Stop and rest
Taken on Прийнятий Agreed to do
Take it from me Вірити/довіряти Believe me
Take your time Не поспішати Don’t rush
Take note of Звернути увагу Pay attention
Take things personally Брати близько до серця Be easily offended by criticism
Take your mind off Перестати думати Stop you thinking about
Take the initiative Взяти ініціативу Be the first person to do sth
Take the easy way out Робити найлегшу роботу Do the thing that requires the
least work
Take effect Мати вплив Have an impact
Take a risk Ризикнути Sth that could have an
unpleasant result
Hesitation Вагання Pause
Troublesome Проблематичний Annoying, problematic
Remission Полегшення Time when an illness becomes
less severe
Anxious Схвильований Worried
Regimented Організований Controlled, organised
People a voice  Speak on behalf of people who
are unable do it for themselves
Oppressed Treated unfairly/not given the
same rights as others
Switched Changed
Peace Corps  US volunteer programme in
underprivileged countries
Splendid Дуже красивий Very impressive
Very beautiful
Inherent (in sb/sth) Властивий, невід’ємний, That is a basic or permanent part
природжений of sb/sth and that cannot be
Sustainable Стійкий Involving the use of natural
products and energy in a way
that doesn’t harm the
Vehicle Засіб пересування A thing that is used for
transporting people or goods
from one place to another, such
as a car or lorry
Be struck by/on/with sth/sb Бути враженим, зацікавленим To be impressed or interested by
To like sth/sb very much
Abide Залишатися To stay or live in a place
Rigorous Ретельний Done carefully and with a lot of
attention to detail
Practitioner Практикуючий A person who works in a
profession, especially medicine
or law
Sacred Священний Connected with God or a god;
considered to the holly
Bliss Блаженство Extreme happiness
Strenuous Потребувати сил/енергії Needing great effort and energy
Off the beaten track У глухому місці, яке рідко In a remote place rarely visited
відвідують люди by people
Acclimatise Акліматизуватися To get used to a new place,
situation or climate
Play it by ear Робити без підготовки To do sth without special

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